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单词 Dove
1. He who makes himself a dove is eaten by the hawk. 
2. She dove straight into the pool.
3. The dove is an emblem of peace.
4. The dove represents peace.
5. The dove is a symbol of peace.
6. The dove is a universal symbol of peace.
7. The dove is symbolic of peace.
8. The boxer dove in the fifth.
9. She watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. The submarine dove quickly as the destroyer searched for it.
11. A dove is often used as a symbol of peace.
12. A dove cooed softly.
13. The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.
14. He dove straight into the new book and read all night.
15. Her outstretched finger pointed to the window behind Dove.
16. It was a calm day, Mr Dove.
17. Outside, a wood dove burbled on my sill.
18. He filled his lungs and dove.
19. She kicked Blue Dove out of the office, too.
20. The salvagers even dove up the sluggish conch.
21. The little child, the wood dove, was going under.
22. Walls are painted white drifting to dove gray.
23. Everyone stumbled away, Dove and the onlookers.
24. Leslie Everett Dove had watched and listened closely.
25. She laughed as she watched the dove soar above the chestnut trees, which were already showing the first flecks of green.
26. It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove
27. May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.
28. In an instant, the magician had conjured a white dove from his hat.
29. Although a vicious hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.
30. He waved his hand over the empty box and - poof! - a dove appeared.
1. She dove straight into the pool.
2. The dove represents peace.
3. Although a vicious hunter, the lioness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.
31. Generally darker than Collared Dove, with chestnut upperparts, and black and white patch on either side of neck.
32. Dove stood by, ready to bolt for the lifeboat at the slightest glance from Jenkins.
33. Dove would not move his eyes off the ridge of white wash.
34. Our room was an ark, and I had no wish for the dove to bring home a green leaf.
35. Will dove breeding survive the inevitable changes in occupations and lifestyles of the local villagers that industrialisation will cause?
36. The wild Rock Dove is the ancestor of the Domestic Pigeon, with its varied plumages.
37. His cousin David Hicks had decorated the room in dove grey and gold.
38. Dove rose beside him with the sobbing boy clutched in his arms.
39. Seeing the video, she tried to crawl into the television set, then dove, hysterical, under the bed.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. Janir slipped off his shirt and pants and dove under the sheets.
41. And there are still preserved among Christians traces of that Holy Spirit which appeared in the form of a dove.
42. Stunned schoolboy Simon Dove ended up with the blame after the real culprit gave a false name and address.
43. Little boys dove in to grab the brass shell casings.
44. The first birds are singing: I heard a mourning dove and a purple finch near the cabin this morning.
45. As I looked down a tube as empty as Outer Space, I pushed away from my board and dove for the bottom.
46. Dove destroyed him for what happened out there with those dories.
47. She mumbled something and Dove asked her to speak up.
48. Dove stumbled around the office, leafing through stacks of paper; digging into a pile of envelopes.
49. Quickly, he stripped naked and filled his lungs and dove to the bottom where Kathy was.
50. One incident that has always stuck in my mind was when I dove for my foxhole at the opening mortar round.
51. The myrtle was her tree; the dove her bird-sometimes, too, the sparrow and the swan.
52. But Dove published a whole book based on a few scraps of wood.
53. Dove slid down the rope, his feet skipping over the craggy face of the bluff toward the boy.
54. But if the dove were crushed, they must turn back and give up all hope of the Golden.
55. Black wing-tips and lack of pale or white rump are best distinctions from Rock Dove.
56. In the middle at the top was the Pease family crest: A dove rising with a pea stalk in its beak.
57. Proudly perched on top is a huge sculpture of a caged dove.
58. Jennifer White Dove smiled at him again, almost soliciting his interest.
59. Dove sprang away from the cliff-face with one last triumphant shove.
60. He was like a swimmer who did not scrutinize the water but dove in instantaneously.
61. Somehow, I made it to the dike, dove over the dike, and there was my whole squad.
62. I was hoping to hit him, but he dove clear at the last moment.
63. Scrapbooks and bottles of paste and cutout articles of the young Dove braving gales in canoes, performing heroic acts.
64. Mrs Phipps stood there, quiet, plain, dressed in dove grey, with a handkerchief clutched in her hand.
65. The pigeons, descendants of the wild Eurasian rock dove, also present a sanitation problem.
66. Only Jennifer White Dove replied to his greeting, with a tight smile.
67. I will be both the tiger in your back garden and the dove of your green jungle.
68. One mourning dove coos up the power line.
69. " No modest, matronly dove grays and lilacs tonight.
70. Susie: The Dove chocolate bar was delicious.
71. Elsewhere, the mourning dove is a symbol of peace.
72. Il bigliettaio lo guard ? ? e poi guard ? ? attorno nel piazzale dove non c'era nemmeno un'automobile .
73. From their colony at Java they sent out a small vessel, the Duyfhen, or Dove, which sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria, and passed half-way down along its eastern side.
74. However, for all there finer qualities, the mourning dove is so common many people simply take them for granted; ignore them even.
75. Rose-Red ran screaming towards her mother. Snow-White hid behind her mother's chair. The lamb began to bleat and the dove woke up fluttering.
76. I-Dosing is actually a variation on the phenomenon - "binaural beats" - found by German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839.
77. In China, Unilever has built brands which are knownliked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall's.
78. The Rev. Terry Jones faces reporters' questions Friday at the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.
79. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs and the noise the Dove take wing.
80. Among the critically endangered species are the western lowland gorilla and the bactrian camel. The golden-headed lion tamarin is listed as endangered and the socorro dove is extinct in the wild.
81. Then he dove suddenly and the old man saw flying fish spurt out of the water and sail desperately over the surface.
82. It'sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.
83. He nose dove & sold nada & so the soap opera.
84. Upward forever on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Thee.
85. The Dusk dove toward the twilight demarcation line of the planet.
86. The fluffy, peachy -beige breast feather immediately suggested a mourning dove.
87. The famine caused by the besiegement. Even the unclean donkey's head and dove droppings were at a higher price.
88. But the dove saw no resting-place for her foot , and came back to the ark, for the waters were still over all the earth; and he put out his hand , and took her into the ark.
89. Another common species, the European turtle dove, has fallen 65 percent in the past 25 years.
90. Then be dove suddenly and the old man saw flying fish spurt out of the water and sail desperately over the surface.
91. In pain, the bird-catcher threw down his trap, and the noise made the Dove take wing.
92. Guizhouis the last home to some ancient plant species that survived the last ice age, such as the Chinese dove tree, spinulose tree ferns and Taiwania Flousiana Gaussen.
93. Now, with DOVE, the security graphic artist has the same opportunity.
94. Flocks of seagulls scour for food on a piece of wetland in the Dove Nest Park of Beidaihe in northern China's Hebei Province.
95. It was brownish-grey, with a small head and a large body - not too large, for it was a dove.
96. The sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.
97. Her bosom was as a bird's, soft and slight, slight and soft as the breast of some dark- 7)plumaged dove.
98. In addition, the name is " MSB of grey dove mutation " virus this week is particularly notable.
99. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs,(http:///dove.html) and the noise made the Dove take wing.
100. Never, even among animals, does the creature born to be a dove change into an osprey.
101. The Moravian star, dove and birdcage charms are signature decorative elements that evoke Taylor's whimsical flair.
102. One day he was walking and saw a cat, and Mousey almost got captured by the cat, but Mousey dove into the stack of hey.
103. Economic development has spurred deforestation and pollution in surrounding provinces in central China, endangering at least 57 plant species, including the Chinese dove tree and the dawn redwood.
104. Who mourner? I , said the Dove, I mourn for my love, I mourner.
105. In China, Unilever has built brs which are known liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline , Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall's.
106. DOVE also has other stone replacement products , please see our multicolor and Flyers.
107. Bought a metallicbookmark with a big leaf ofspicy camphor tree andpeace dove.
108. And at springtime, when the apple - blossoms brush the burnished bosom of the dove.
109. Trichomonad of dove is a kind of parasite contagious disease of dove.
110. The stolen works include Picasso's "Dove with Green Peas" and Matisse's "Pastorale".
111. Elazar Granot, a certified dove who is a former left-wing Knesset member and ambassador to the new South Africa, says as much.
112. He dove under the on - coming train and somehow escaped with nary a scratch.
113. In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese co umers, such as Lux , Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall's.
114. A small, slender European dove ( Streptopelia turtle ) having a white - edged tail and a soft, purring voice.
115. Therefore, the dove and olive branch are both emblem of peace.
116. Therefore, when we think of the mourning dove we must remember that they are considered to be the traditional bird of peace and a beloved backyard songbird.
117. He is neither a dove nor a hawk, but betwixt and between.
118. But hunters in 41 other states — including Wisconsin, where the bird is the officially designated symbol of peace — have made the mourning dove the most popular game bird in the United States.
119. The milk and the bread are all in Tricolor Dove Nutrition Paradise!
120. Roddick pioneered ethical beauty long before it was fashionable, long before Dove campaigns and Stella McCartney.
121. That is precisely what happened - Dove created a real live unicorn.
122. I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtle dove, and am still on their trail.
123. "Tell me the weight of a snowflake, "a titmouse asked a wild dove.
124. My heart is sad like a mourning dove that's lost its mate in flight.
125. DOVE Sugar Free delivers the total chocolate experience without compromising taste!
126. In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr , Wall's.
127. It hasn't hurt sales, either. Dove has gained share in the past year in four of its five major categories: personal wash (body wash and bar soap), hair care, deodorant and hand-and-body lotion.
128. Many drugstore brands—Dove, Secret, Degree—have released “clinical strength” antiperspirant formulas, but if these don’t work for you, consider talking to your doctor about a prescription version.
129. They are drawn to a wide range of seed types like many North American birds but the mourning dove has a real fondness for corn, millet, safflower, and sunflower seeds.
130. They moved on to the next schmoe who flows. He nose dove and sold nada.
131. A caricatured lady might have heart - shaped eyes and Cupid's bow lips, or a dove nesting in an outlandish hat.
132. Amusing facts about the mourning dove like all birds, are unable to sweat, so to stay cool during the hot months of the year they pant just like a dog.
133. The dove, fully exhausted of the do-or-die journey, fell asleep, feeling sorrow and somehow calm.
134. The title is a pun on Hatoyama's name, the first half of which is written with an ideograph meaning "dove" and which sounds like the Japanese pronunciation of "heart".
135. In the burning village I was visible to everyone and as soon as I dove into one of the trenches, the shell exploded on the breastwork .
136. In China, Unilever has built brs which are known liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline , Pond's, Omo, Comft, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knr, Wall's.
137. Polidor and Dove — the F-15 crew — recently were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
138. "I did not moult from a hawk into a dove, " says Mr Gates.
139. The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace.
140. Shakespeare early time creation ' s Crowning Work, is the long poem "Venus and Adonis", "Phoenix and the Turtle Dove" With 154 sonnet in overwhelming majorities.
141. The next morning, an old nursemaid came to feed the dove on behalf of the Princess.
142. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over.
143. The male and female red turtle dove had different attendance behavior.
144. It'sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.




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