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单词 Advance
1. He who does not advance falls backward. 
2. They are in the vanguard of technological advance.
3. The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines.
4. An advance on wages was made.
5. The trip calls for careful advance planning.
6. He who does not advance loses ground.
7. The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.
8. He will bear me out in what I advance.
9. Silk is on the advance.
10. You must pay for the ticket in advance.
11. Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
12. They retreated before the advance of the enemy.
13. She walked 2 yards in advance of her husband.
14. Much advance publicity was given to the talks.
15. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera.
16. She was in advance throughout the race.
17. Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to dropback.
18. People pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who cannot afford a warm beverage.
19. Do you want to go ahead with the advance party,() or would you rather be in the second group of climbers?
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow.
21. The advance must be repaid to the publisher if the work is not completed on time.
22. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.
23. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
24. I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.
25. Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.
26. The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.
27. I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance.
28. You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance.
29. We had had the forethought to book places in advance.
30. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
1. They are in the vanguard of technological advance.
2. The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines.
3. An advance on wages was made.
4. The trip calls for careful advance planning.
5. The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.
6. He will bear me out in what I advance.
7. Silk is on the advance.
8. You must pay for the ticket in advance.
9. Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
10. They retreated before the advance of the enemy.
11. She walked 2 yards in advance of her husband.
12. Much advance publicity was given to the talks.
13. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera.
14. She was in advance throughout the race.
15. Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance.
16. Do you want to go ahead with the advance party, or would you rather be in the second group of climbers?
17. The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.
18. We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow.
19. I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The advance must be repaid to the publisher if the work is not completed on time.
21. Tickets must be bought seven days in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.
22. You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions in advance.
23. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
24. We had had the forethought to book places in advance.
25. I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.
26. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
27. Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.
28. I should warn you in advance that I'm not a very good dancer.
29. Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam.
30. The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.
31. Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance.
32. I should warn you in advance that I'm not a very good dancer.
33. Unless we can supply our forward units, the advance is in danger of running out of steam.
34. Please ensure that you purchase your ticket in advance.
35. It is essential to book in advance.
36. Football games often sell out well in advance.
37. The rent must be paid in advance.
38. The rent is payable in advance .
39. We received no advance warning of the storm.
40. The commander ordered his men to advance.
41. We need advance notice of the numbers involved.
42. This could be an advance on the present situation.
43. She was hired to advance for a best-selling author.
44. You must pay for the book in advance.
45. Nothing could stop the advance of the flood waters.
46. The rent is due one month in advance.
47. It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.
48. Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?
49. We live in an age of rapid technological advance.
50. You need to book well in advance for Christmas.
51. No advance booking is necessary.
52. They worked together to advance the cause of democracy.
53. Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition.
54. The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.
55. He was paid £5000as an advance on royalties.
56. Many thanks, in advance(), for your help.
57. The advance guards of the regiment were called in.
58. The officer directed his men to advance slowly.
59. Additional beauty treatments can be booked in advance.
60. In the expansive 1960s bright graduates could advance rapidly.
31. The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.
32. More and more people are deciding that political power must be the backbone of every new advance.
61. The bank gave/made her an advance of 500.
62. A 10% deposit is payable in advance.
63. Such conduct is unlikely to advance your interests.
64. Three years later he matriculated for advance study.
65. All seats are bookable in advance.
66. We are willing to advance the money to you.
67. The airline suggests booking tickets 21 days in advance.
68. I like to make plans well in advance.
69. She asked for an advance on her salary.
70. It's impossible to know in advance what will happen.
71. Send your luggage on in advance.
72. The general ordered an advance to the front line.
73. The publishers have paid me an advance.
74. Property values continue to advance rapidly.
75. Everything was fixed in advance.
76. Press fast forward to advance the tape.
77. They queered their Three-Year Plan by their premature advance.
78. We sent out an advance party of soldiers.
79. The general gave the order to advance.
79. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
80. They have got advance information of the storm's approach.
81. There's a service charge for advance tickets.
82. No advance booking is necessary on most departures.
83. We got no advance warning/notice of the changes.
84. No one can halt the advance of history.
85. Our bombers worked over the enemy advance positions.
86. We disputed an advance of the enemy troops.
87. The officer directed them to advance.
88. The prices are on the advance.
89. The general commanded his men to advance.
90. She arrived in advance of everyone else.
91. Employers must provide advance warning of office closures.
92. She demanded payment in advance .
93. He had had the forethought to book in advance.
94. I booked up for the course months in advance.
95. Is it possible to buy tickets in advance?
96. The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.
97. The troops were finally given the order to advance.
98. We will advance you the money.
99. Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.
100. The hostel requires full payment in advance.
101. Passengers should tell the airline in advance if they have any special dietary needs.
102. Will they advance you some money until your get your first paycheck?
103. I like to map out the whole week in advance.
104. The 20-strong advance party will be followed by another 600 soldiers as part of UN relief efforts.
105. It seems so easy to get a $100 cash advance every few days at a local ATM machine.
106. He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.
107. Only by overcoming our weaknesses can we advance without any encumbrance; only by uniting ourselves in our struggle can we be invincible.
108. The experience had aged him in advance of his years.
109. There has been no advance in the price of rice for many years.
109. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110. His advance was slow.
111. She's the youngest player ever to get through to/advance to a semi-final.
112. Advance copies of the book were sent out to reviewers.
113. The show had already taken £4 million in advance bookings.
114. There have been months of advance publicity for the show.
115. There is no reason that you shouldn't tell them in advance when you are going.
116. The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer.
117. The soldiers pushed their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
118. Delivery is free if goods are paid for in advance.
119. A coward considers difficulties as a heavy burden on his back,but a valiant fighter turns difficulties into a stepping-stone for his advance.
120. To get tickets, you have to book in advance .
121. The troops will not advance until ordered to do so .
122. These meals can be prepared in advance, and served at your convenience.
123. If you warn me in advance, I will have your order ready for you.
124. A new advance has been made in the control of malaria.
125. It is wrong to assume that technological advance brings a higher quality of life.
126. The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand.
127. Places on the course are limited and advance booking is essential.
128. As long as you've paid in advance we won't charge you for delivery.
129. This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.
130. He says he wants cash in advance before he'll do the job.
131. If they're going to charge people a fee, they ought to at least have the decency to tell them in advance.
132. Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar.
133. The troops quickly established a beachhead and were preparing to advance.
134. Is his promotion evidence of the minorities' advance, or mere tokenism?
135. Users advance through the program by answering a series of questions.
136. More and more people are deciding that political power must be the backbone of every new advance.
137. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to inspect.
138. It would be nice if you could let us know in advance.
139. After we have mopped up the last few groups of the enemy, we can advance to our next position.
140. Do you think it's worth the trouble of booking seats in advance?
141. I need advance warning of how many people to cater for.
142. She signaled the advance.
143. The rider galloped through the town, warning the people of the enemy's advance.
144. Galileo's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
145. The darkness increases the further we advance into the forest.
146. Jameson agreed to the deal in an effort to advance his political career.
147. The general has ordered an advance / that the army should advance.
148. Many suspected that the deal had been fixed in advance.
149. The factory gave me an advance so that I could get my necessities.
150. British Summer Time is one hour in advance of Greenwich Mean Time.
151. The medical profession's eagerness for scientific advance had impaled it on the horns of a dilemma, forcing an unnatural choice between science and morality.
152. If you're going to come, please let me know in advance.
153. People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane.
154. You could have spared yourself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance.
155. Use the coupon below to reserve advance tickets for the exhibition.
156. This treatment represents a significant advance in the field of cancer research.
157. It is a good idea to place your order well in advance.
158. Could you distribute copies well in advance of the meeting?
159. We took the trouble to plan our route in advance.
160. Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.
161. Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.
162. There are few places on the course, so it is essential to book in advance.
163. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.
164. The westward advance of the road repairs is being held up by protesters.
165. Their aircraft were in advance of those used by the US.
166. He asked his employer to advance him a month's salary.
167. The bank will give you an advance of 95% of the purchase price.
168. The strength and success of the German advance had surprised everybody.
169. Krebs decided to ask for an advance on his salary.
170. In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
171. We ask for one month's rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.
172. We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world.
173. You will need to plan your shopping carefully in advance.
174. The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.
175. Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.
176. When you're on the mailing list, you'll receive advance notice of upcoming events.
177. Prepare food in advance to ensure you don't miss out on the fun!
178. You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum.
179. The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance.
180. Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.
181. I like to map out the whole month in advance.
182. The advance party for a winter ascent of Mount Everest has arrived in Nepal.
183. You don't have to pay for the tickets in advance.
184. Please give us advance warning of any changes to the schedule.
185. The advance troops established a bridgehead early in the fighting.
186. The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
187. Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process.
188. You'll have to book well in advance if you want to see an excellent floor show.
189. Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
190. Copernicus' ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
191. She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels.
192. They offered an advance of £4 000 after the signing of the contract.
193. There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film.
194. Lying is a way of life- – lying is inevitable in everyday life. Lying is a conscious attempt of the mind to protect ourselves, or to advance our self- interest, by distorting the truth or telling deceptive falsehoods. Dr T.P.Chia 
195. The absence of mathematics eliminates any advance treatment, but it could serve as an introduction text and as a source document.
196. The Cinema has limited wheelchair access, and people with disabilities should contact the House Manager in advance.
197. Everything changes except death. Life changes, time changes, weather changes, ocean changes. And people change in order to survive and advance in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
198. The great advantage of life is the opportunity to learn, to mature, to advance and to succeed. Dr T.P.Chia 
199. To have provided such an advance on existing theories is no mean achievement.
200. Training is a process of preparation towards the achievement of a range of outcomes which are specified in advance.
201. Work is the essence of life - everyone works to survive, to make a living, to accomplish,() to advance and to secure a good life. No one goes through life without being a worker. Life is dead without work. Dr T.P.Chia 
202. Estimates can be quite accurate once two days in advance are concerned.
203. In Bellingham's case, there is the added pressure of impressive advance billing from his ex-clubmate Lineen.
204. The price of success must be paid in full, in advance. Brian Tracy 
205. The second advance was the training of nurses to administer the drugs.
206. The advance has proved highly accurate in recognising continuously spoken airborne reconnaissance reports for the Royal Air Force.
207. To think is to act, to change and to advance in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
208. To get out of the comfort zone is to grow, learn and advance for a better future. Dr T.P.Chia 
209. There three cars made a pari passu advance.
210. He sought to advance within the company's power structure.
211. That zigzag route will slow their advance.
212. Premarital check - ups of advance guard result!
213. The rate of interest has been established advance.
214. Advance to next unread message in XX?
215. Advance development to must innovate development train of thought.
216. They plotted oat a plan of action in advance.
217. Liberty and law advance pari passu.
218. Our tern be always cash In advance.
219. Advance payment and prepay next month.
220. Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes.
221. Roadblocks were set up to obstruct the advance of the demonstrators.
222. His resignation was such a well-kept secret that only Leavis knew about it in advance.
223. Advance pasturage industrialization process energetically, the radiate that strengthens pasturage bibcock business drives capacity.
224. In present paper, the advance of spectrophotometric analysis of terbium is described.
225. The new progress of rheumatoid arthritis on proteome achieved a great advance recently.
226. The latest technical advance of 1, 3 - propanediol for PTT raw materials production technique were introduced emphatically.
227. The Rancher is easy to start, thanks to its full transistor ignition with electronic advance.
228. A liability for unearned revenue arises when a customer pays in advance.
229. How about 20 % advance by TT and the balance against faxed documents?Sentence dictionary
230. Few people would attain their predestined ending could they see it in advance.
231. However, can furtIt'scientific advance help the globe solve the problem of future nutriment supplies?
232. The DeSOx mechanism and research advance on sulfur transfer agent are generally introduced in the article.
233. No questions asked or do they third degree? Thanks in advance!
234. Despite this advance, one should still avoid Yersinia pestis like, well, the plague.
235. The order came back to quicken up the pace of advance.
236. Waterway maintenance is an efficient way to advance the ability of navigation.
237. The People's Liberation Army will soon advance south of the Yangtse River.
238. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.
239. Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advance their causes.
240. The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies was established to advance research and education in the neurosciences.
241. This paper describes the advance, preparation and application of Low - methoxyl pectin in detail.
242. At last, we advance some unfathomed problem and prospect foreground of cast - in - place piles.
243. Network IP telephone system, through the DLL is loaded in advance to achieve a good director.
244. With the advance of the reform of basic education, teacher processional development become attracting much attention.
245. Despite this advance, one should still Yersinia pestis like , well, the plague.
246. Thule's appearance helped advance the story, and it also added a new squad to our team.
247. The Communist advance reached the Long Thieng area, the last stronghold before the capital of Vientiane.
248. China's parliamentary session is generally pro forma passage of laws and regulations decided well in advance.
249. No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the people.
250. All international vaccines must be ordered in advance at our pharmacy.
251. The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies was established to advance research and education the neurosciences.
252. The possible use of outlier tests should be determined in advance.
253. ESD must inform the Distributor 30 days in advance with written document an adjustment of price.
254. There appears to be no real advantage in going for a treble phase advance network.
255. To mount the scaffolds . To advance to the muzzles of guns wit perfect nonchalance.
256. Starting from Chinese phonetics,() follow in order and advance step by step.
257. After the halt I will advance with my whole strength on Pescara and Ancona.
258. Advance pasturage industrialization, be helpful for rural economics development and social stability.
259. The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles.
260. You can find payday advance loans do not have a checking account.
261. Terminate agreement in advance(sentence dictionary), charge 80 % of the unfulfilled rental rate.
262. Recent advance in research on unsymmetric squarine is reviewed , including their synthetic methods, properties and applications.
263. He had not submitted in advance for the approval of his comrades in the Party Presidium.
264. Objective Through experiment on animals to explore the existence of larva trichinella spiralistrichinella spiralis in advance.
265. USDA lawyers are split on whether there is current authority for such advance payouts.
266. No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the Chinese people.
267. Advance Step is a dedicated podiatry X - ray system which provides imaging performance for podiatry radiology.
268. If we did not advance when the masses demand advance, that would be Right opportunism.
269. He believes a saw - toothed advance will characterize a recovery this autumn.
270. In the highway construction, urbanized construction machinery definitely is advance.
271. Polls in advance of the vote put Labour an underdog.
272. And we're more technologic advance technologically advanced than ever before, he says.
273. So WTC Mumbai and China should cooperate more to advance the economic development.
274. To theorize in advance of the facts biases one's judgment.
275. Trabecular metal implants are a relatively recent advance, and are showing great promise.
276. The concert wasn't given much advance publicity, so many tickets remained unsold.
277. The eighth one is to advance information moral of normal school students by different means.
278. Advance a new dynamic simulated method on the oleo - pneumatic shock absorber filling parameter tried process.




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