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单词 Blowing
1. A cold breeze was blowing hard .
2. The gas is blowing back.
3. You're not blowing hard enough!
4. The wind was blowing in gusts.Sentencedict
5. The leaves are blowing about.
6. A light breeze was blowing.
7. The northwest wind is blowing.
8. There was a strong wind blowing.
9. A gale was blowing from the east.
10. It was blowing a gale outside.
11. A slight breeze was blowing.
12. Which way is the wind blowing?
13. The gas is blowing off.
14. The wind is blowing from the east.
15. The wind is blowing from the northwest.
16. A keen north wind was blowing.
17. The wind is blowing from the south.
18. A chock full pool of water, after blowing off silence.
19. The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees.
20. The wind is blowing.
21. Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.
22. We saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air.
23. Far behind us, puffing and blowing, came Matt.
24. The horse was blowing heavily.
25. The wind was blowing northerly.
26. A guard was blowing his whistle.
27. As the trumpets were blowing the queen approached.
28. A northeast wind is blowing strongly.
29. First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.
30. The family is the rain, take irritable, leaving Qingliang; affection is the wind, blowing the sorrow, stay happy; the family is the sun, taking away the darkness, leaving the light. The family is the most great, no matter you are happy, frustration, pain, loss, it will gently on your way, quietly with your life.
1. A cold breeze was blowing hard .
2. The gas is blowing back.
3. You're not blowing hard enough!
4. The wind was blowing in gusts.
5. The leaves are blowing about.
6. A light breeze was blowing.
7. The northwest wind is blowing.
8. There was a strong wind blowing.
9. A gale was blowing from the east.
10. It was blowing a gale outside.
11. A slight breeze was blowing.
12. Which way is the wind blowing?
13. The gas is blowing off.
14. The wind is blowing from the east.
15. The wind is blowing from the northwest.
16. A keen north wind was blowing.
17. The wind is blowing from the south.
18. First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.
19. The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees.
20. The wind is blowing.
21. Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.
22. We saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air.
23. A northeast wind is blowing strongly.
24. The wind was blowing northwest.
25. A northwest wind is blowing.
26. He is blowing a trumpet.
27. The hurricane is blowing broken glass about in the city streets.
28. I'm not blowing my own trumpet; I can do all jobs.
29. The fan was blowing.
30. Blowing its whistle, the train moved out, slowly at first.
31. A storm was blowing up.
32. Bud got into trouble for blowing off the meeting.
33. A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy.
34. It's blowing a gale out there!
34. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
35. From which quarter is the wind blowing?
36. Her hair was blowing in the breeze.
37. We woke to find a gale blowing outside.
38. Dave spent the whole evening blowing his own trumpet.
39. There was a west wind blowing.
40. This tyre's a bit flat; it needs blowing up.
41. The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind.
42. Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles.
43. It was blowing a gale .
44. It's blowing a gale outside .
45. Blowing on fire intensifies the heat.
46. It looks as if there's a storm blowing up.
47. She kept blowing about her medals.
48. She keeps blowing hot and cold about the wedding.
49. The kids were blowing bubbles in the backyard.
50. A little breeze is blowing in from the window.
51. The blowing sand stung his cheeks.
52. Trouble is blowing up again in....
53. A gentle breeze was blowing.
54. A strong wind was blowing across the lake.
55. By 9.15 a bitter north-east wind was blowing.
56. The wind was blowing offshore.
57. It was blowing an angry storm.
58. The wind was blowing northwest.
59. A northwest wind is blowing.
60. The leaves are blowing away.
61. The winds of change are blowing across the country.
62. Outside, the weather was blowing a gale .
63. It was blowing from an easterly direction.
64. A severe gale was blowing along the coast.
65. The wind was blowing harder every minute.
66. He is blowing a trumpet.
67. The dust was blowing in the streets.
68. There was a light wind blowing.
69. There was a stiff wind blowing.
70. The tyres on my bike need blowing up.
71. Leaves were blowing about in the light wind.
72. The dead leaves were blowing about.
73. A strong wind was blowing right in my face.
74. A light wind was blowing.
75. The wind was blowing hard, and the ship was forced to lay to.
76. Lobell drove on and on through the dense and blowing snow.
77. I think I'll see which way the wind is blowing before I vote at the board meeting.
78. The hurricane is blowing broken glass about in the city streets.
79. They sat on appropriation plans until they were certain which way winds were blowing.
80. A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up.
81. She was blowing bubbles in her milk with a straw.
82. The media may be blowing it up out of proportion.
83. The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.
84. The wind was blowing dust and leaves up from the ground.
85. I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face.
86. He's been blowing hot and cold about the trip to Holland ever since I first suggested it.
87. The wind suddenly changed and began blowing from the north.
88. I'm not blowing my own trumpet; I can do all jobs.
89. Try blowing your nose.
90. Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn't done any car maintenance.
91. They sealed up the cracks in the window to stop the icy wind from blowing in.
92. In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.
93. They very nearly succeeded in blowing up the parliament building.
94. A wind of change was blowing through the banking world.
95. We had to hold the tent down with rocks to stop it blowing away.
96. The fan was blowing.
97. Today he became the second candidate to declare himself——thus blowing the leadership race wide open.
98. Close the door,[] please.The wind is blowing dead against me.
99. There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore.
100. They pelted down the hill because it began blowing hard.
101. The boys will get tired of Ann's blowing hot and cold.
102. The winds of change are blowing through the entire organization.
103. At that moment there was a squeal of brakes and the angry blowing of a car horn.
104. A force 10 wind is capable of blowing the roofs off houses.
105. Blowing its whistle, the train moved out, slowly at first.
106. It was blowing hard.
107. Talk about blowing the cobwebs away!
108. It was still blowing hard north-west.
109. The wind is blowing, blowing over the grass.
110. It's a really awful night, blowing heavens hard.
111. The wind is always blowing there.
112. A storm is blowing up.
113. A warm breeze was blowing from the south.
114. It was open, the curtain wet and blowing.
115. Grandma was blowing bubbles with us in the backyard.
116. Honest, how do they keep themselves from blowing away?
117. The wind is blowing southwesterly.
118. For too long we Christians have heard the modern world blowing its own trumpet.
119. When we raised our heads above the desk there were clouds of smoke blowing across the chemistry laboratory.
120. I've even known him switch on a light without blowing all the fuses.
121. Why not something else equally apparently arbitrary, such as blowing bubbles, or dropping pebbles?
122. The craft of glass blowing is vital to science, especially when researchers design experiments for which no containers are available.
123. Between the moon and my see-through roof a purple storm was blowing the dust of some previous war into the waste spaces.
124. Training for the University boat race must be one of the most backbreaking, brain blowing experiences in sport.
125. At Jalame crucibles must have been necessary to allow the gathering of glass on a blowing iron.
126. He directed them in blowing out the candles and cutting the cake.
127. They want to use a customised version to help their overseas operatives communicate home and browse without blowing their cover.
128. Political leaders claim to be fed up with big-budget bloodbaths, but market forces are blowing the other way.
129. The playing throughout the evening was truly superb, every instrumentalist bowing and blowing and thumping as though for dear life.
130. It begins churning ahead, blowing huge clouds of spray from its spout, and generating great foam in its wake.
131. It is miserable work as the snow is now falling thickly, the wind blowing hard.
132. An hour later I was back, blowing hard and running with sweat, but feeling virtuous and much more relaxed.
133. For some, the chill wind of competition is again blowing through their offices.
134. The next day was bright and cold, with a stiff breeze blowing straight down the field.
135. Early that January a bitter wind blowing off the far Urals seized East Anglia in a grip of ice.
136. She's lying on the bed, blowing smoke at the ceiling.
137. I had a terrible cold and spent much of the time blowing my nose.
138. Wind whipping across sandbar on opposite shore, sand blowing across water.
139. Then all three of the traders laughed together and sounded like a fleet of tugboats blowing their horns.
140. A strong wind was now blowing and there was a loud crack of thunder.
141. It had me rolling on the floor to see Schmeichel blowing his top at the scum defence.
142. You do not become smarter by blowing your own horn. You become smarter by being humble. Dr T.P.Chia 
143. The refrigerant carries the heat to the outside coil where the fan cools it, blowing the heat into the outside air.
144. High winds were becoming a problem, blowing snow into drifts 3 to 5 feet high in places.
145. The winds of neo-liberalism are blowing a gale through Prague.
146. She almost choked on the stench of damp grain blowing up the hill.
147. Their only real danger, aside from their guns blowing up, was being overrun.
148. The most difficult thing afoot is to keep our problem child from blowing it in one fell swoop.
149. I can't tell what he wants - he keeps blowing hot and cold.
150. Winds blowing over lakes pick up a tremendous amount of moisture which is then precipitated downwind of the lakes.
151. Reading my dreams felt like a cool breeze blowing through my brain.
152. People had been blowing cigarette smoke on to them for years.
153. Winnie whips out a stogie and starts puffing away, blowing smoke over to your table.
154. Outside the wind was blowing strongly again, wailing around the block of flats.
155. What would the position be if there was an exceptionally strong gale blowing at the time of the original road accident?
156. Staff members have little interest in blowing the whistle on this situation.
157. An angel hovered over their heads, blowing a yellow trumpet.
158. I am the last leaf on the tree, and the wind is blowing. Gordon B. Hinckley 
159. She responded(), not laughing but sucking in her cheeks like a man blowing on to his hands in cold weather.
160. When she pushes it open, and switches on the light, she finds the breeze blowing through broken windows.
161. A brisk wind was blowing up from the Tail of the Bank.
162. By blowing over the top of the paper, you made the air above the slow moving air strip move faster.
163. The wind was blowing over the top of Jinny's head, fluttering the loose, short hairs round her forehead.
164. Blowing out the candle, Tilly crept to the kitchen door and gingerly opened it.
165. Gordy started blowing on the trumpet in rhythm with her cries.
166. Hunting rabbits with hawks is surely better than blowing their brains out with shotguns.
167. It doesn't cost much to be happy if the currency of your heart is the blowing of the breeze and the swaying of the trees. RVM 
168. The heraldry of day-to-day: a cat couchant on bricks; a baby in a push-chair blowing a trumpet very loudly.
169. We appreciated the current wind of democratic change blowing over the continent.
170. I sat down at the keyboard blowing my mind with Puccini.
171. You wouldn't know it was autumn except for the odd dry leaf blowing down the road from the cemetery.
172. He was distracted by what sounded like the roof blowing off.
173. Vanessa Nygaard is a cult figure waiting to happen, a gale-force personality blowing through Maples Pavilion.
174. Despite a unique record of achievement is recent years, he can never be accused of blowing his own trumpet.
175. Her black hair was blowing in the breeze as she waved goodbye to me.
176. When the wind is blowing, you can smell those fragile, fragrant flowers all across Benton and Yakima counties.
177. Uncertain which way to go, Benny gradually became aware of a gentle breeze blowing from the right.
178. We're a bigoted, racist group of ox-cart reactionaries who don't know which way the wind's blowing.
179. If you use a powder supplement, damp the feed to prevent the horse from blowing it away!
180. On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale, the fog descended like a shroud.
181. The spring sunshine was almost warm and a soft breeze was blowing in from the sea.
182. The novelty was in the clean and smiling way he said them, blowing out gray smoke rings at the same time.
183. Dole is no fresh breeze blowing in from the hinterland to shake things up.
184. Suddenly, all over Illinois, train whistles began blowing in the middle of the night.
185. Or was it the east wind blowing in through the open bell tower with renewed force?
186. They are blowing trumpets singing up a storm and waving as they walk past us.
187. But there are two ways of blowing up a balloon.
188. Dawn saw the north wind still blowing strongly, and a chaotic sea right to the horizon.
189. This will help prevent freezing air blowing up the open ends of the waste pipes.
190. Then he saw himself tripping over the gun and blowing his head off.
191. Steady offshore winds keep blowing the water westward where it becomes heated.
192. When we reached our house[Sentence dictionary], the wind was blowing hard in our faces.
193. The wind was blowing free, and if there were any fences they must have been beyond the distant horizon.
194. For contrast we went to the glass blowing factory for a demonstration of their skills.
195. Over the valley, a full moon was rising, and a chill wind was blowing down from the distant mountains.
196. From a climbing, diving and industrial archaeological view, blowing up anything in this area would be a major disaster.
197. We tried to light a fire but the wind kept blowing it out.
198. By the end of the evening she was puffing her cigarette and blowing the smoke at Miss Poole in the darkness.
199. No wonder the scribblers on the hustings have so much stale garbage blowing around their brains.
200. Anger can kill, even a feather gently blowing in the wind. Anthony Liccione 
201. Stu was worried that he was responsible for me needing Kleenex, blowing my nose.
202. He then shuffled around the room cupping his hand around the chimneys and blowing out one lamp after another.
203. The bullet took him right between the eyes, blowing his brains out through the back of his head.
204. Even in bright daylight the pictures kept blowing through his head.
205. They know the way that the wind is blowing, and would be only too pleased to be redeployed into another trade.
206. There was not a breath of wind blowing, and not a leaf or blade of grass stirred.
207. A southeast wind was blowing.
208. When they saw the elephant blowing the mouth organ , the children roared with laughter.
209. There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore, variable, but quite strong.




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