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单词 Endeavour
1 I will endeavour to arrange it.
2 We must constantly endeavour if we are to succeed.
3 Please make every endeavour to arrive punctually.
4 We will make every endeavour to obtain sufficient supplies.
5 Governments should endeavour to mitigate distress.
6 We must always endeavour to improve our work.
7 They made every endeavour to find the two boys.
8 You must endeavour to improve your work.
9 We wish her every success in this endeavour.
10 I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible.
11 You should key up your endeavour to achieve sucess.
12 Please make every endeavour to arrive on time.
13 You must make an endeavour to work harder.
14 Enthusiasm is a vital ingredient in all human endeavour.
15 We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas.
16 In an endeavour to improve the service, they introduced free parking.
17 We will endeavour to sell your items for you.
18 For them pollution control work is a scientific endeavour.
19 However, Mosley only had limited success in this endeavour.
20 In this endeavour, we can ask for guidance within.
21 We must endeavour to rise above, Wilson.
22 Have you faced his challenges to great endeavour?
23 Endeavour to maintain a humid atmosphere.
24 They would be the outcome of human endeavour, and subject to human control.
25 She made a 1:5 scale replica of Captain Cook's ship,'The Endeavour '.
26 Learning a foreign language well can be a lifelong endeavour.
27 Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.
28 The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over.
29 He has the ability to achieve success in whatever field of endeavour he should choose.
30 The public bombarded the company with complaints in an endeavour to have the price increases revoked.
1 I will endeavour to arrange it.
2 We must constantly endeavour if we are to succeed.
3 She made a 1:5 scale replica of Captain Cook's ship,'The Endeavour '.
4 Learning a foreign language well can be a lifelong endeavour.
5 Governments should endeavour to mitigate distress.
6 We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas.
31 For most of the century Mount Everest had been the ultimate symbol of human endeavour.
32 Nineteenth-century philanthropic endeavour, if inadequate and ill-coordinated, was nevertheless conducted on a large scale.
33 It was no accident that this was a major area of feminist endeavour.
34 If there are other specific requests please let us know and we shall endeavour to satisfy them.
35 We always endeavour to provide our customers with the highest standards of service.
36 The first event of 1993 is again fortunate to have secured three leading figures from very different fields of endeavour.
37 It is very important that the two partners endeavour to: Agree on discipline.
38 Those likely to suffer most from this loss of collaborative endeavour will be the most vulnerable members of the community.
39 We will endeavour to arrive in Scheffau before the shops close!
40 The authors endeavour to obtain specimens from as varied sources as possible.
41 Rather it makes embarking on action research seem a worthwhile endeavour!
42 Attitudes were formed as much in shared leisure as by individual endeavour.
43 This is your day and we will endeavour to organise it in a way that reflects your needs and requirements.
44 National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineers touted an experiment aboard Endeavour called the shuttle laser altimeter.
45 The reader should endeavour to keep up to date with oil market developments because of their impact upon the international economy and financial system.
46 Inputs are thus of great practical importance, but they are only the means, not the ends, of competitive endeavour.
47 But I have never heard him confess his unworthiness in this field of human endeavour.
48 In retrospect it is quite evident that this was a doomed endeavour.
49 A small explosive device used in the booster-separation system failed to fire when Endeavour launched on 30 November last year.
50 It is a one-fifth scale model of Endeavour, built using traditional methods, but also allowing for modern safety requirements.
51 Any form of scientific endeavour must attempt to transcend its time and place to sustain an independent, doubting stance.
52 If you wish to telephone us, we will endeavour to confirm your booking immediately.
53 Pool simply coasted along, and Darlington, for all of their honest endeavour, played with the confidence of condemned men.
54 There were plenty of supporting arguments in the works of Marx and Engels for such an endeavour.
55 Despite this major problem, banks must endeavour to monitor the external debt position of countries.
56 Proposals for resource allocation according to quality of teaching as well as research endeavour are undoubtedly overdue.
57 Each year we endeavour to be represented in helping in one of their fund-raising ventures.
58 From a slightly more elevated plane of cinematic endeavour comes news to warm the heart of Woody Allen.
59 Endeavour also will carry a Satellite Test Unit to try out a new laser-based attitude system for positioning spacecraft.
60 The organization becomes a drag-net for the worst excesses of commercial endeavour.
61 And they were eventually rewarded for their endeavour and spirit with a cracking goal.
62 Pride of place in this endeavour was given to systematic and properly grounded empirical investigation.
63 In the case of a major delay on your homeward journey, we shall endeavour to delay your departure from your hotel.
64 Yet here is a dark continent on our own doorstep, crying out for missionary endeavour.
65 His cockney friends would have called it honest endeavour in a dishonest world.
66 They also endeavour to increase the participation of local organizations in educational planning.
67 In all fields of human endeavour there are opportunities for this seeing of great visions.
68 The tenant should endeavour to ensure that all reasonable and normal risks are covered by the landlord's insurance.
69 In the endeavour to minimize the contributions work environments make to avoidable fatalities, state officials also play a significant part.
70 The whole endeavour was set in an international context, the Commission being charged with acquainting itself with modern penal practice abroad.
71 In all humanities disciplines the computer is used in an endeavour to replace intuition with quantification.
72 She preferred laughter and skylarks to solid endeavour and while she could be noisy she shied away from being the centre of attention.
73 Employers in all fields of endeavour were crying out for them, offering generous salaries along with an array of enticing perks.
74 All our emotions are harnessed in our endeavour to find true love.
75 The steam and sweat of the scrum - the source of all endeavour!
76 In 1881 he moved to London in an unsuccessful endeavour to enter journalism.
77 The Endeavour astronauts prepared to return to Earth on Friday after a successful nine-day satellite retrieval mission.
78 Lines distinguishing different groups and generations could not be completely erased by the building of a sense of common commitment and endeavour.
79 The management control process should endeavour to measure whether predetermined goals are being achieved.
80 But the records of this branch of scientific endeavour date back 7000 years.
81 They suspected they would gain little from this particular endeavour, but anything that supplemented their income was worthwhile.
82 A university is a society - a society of those engaged in similar endeavour and for similar reasons.
83 Network wishes Andy every success in this endeavour and will, of course, keep you advised of his progress.
84 Then I launched into the apology, the explanation and finally, by dint of superhuman endeavour, the jokes.
85 Orlan's artistic endeavour has won the approval of the contemporary art centre in Dijon.
86 We will endeavour to provide helpful advice on finding partners and submitting proposals.
87 Whatever our endeavour, we need a measure of luck, the kiss of the capricious lady fortune.
88 Summary With the aid of these economic, political and social indicators banks endeavour to assess country risk.
89 Always endeavour, Slick, to keep a fix on the addiction industries: you can't lose.
90 It includes every kind of artistic endeavour - from conventional watercolours to a pink hippopotamus made out of an old car.
91 They will endeavour to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
92 Nobody doubts the honest endeavour on the field, but will that be undermined by off-field shenanigans?
93 I commend the report of this research study to any nurse interested in promoting or developing nursing as a therapeutic endeavour.
94 Secondly, this form of research endeavour can all too easily produce a state of alienation in those conducting the research.
95 He may endeavour to deserve her.
96 The same applies to every other field of endeavour.
97 Please make every endeavour to be ready.
98 It is often an ungainly, comic endeavour.
99 Endeavour and effortlessness are combined in a harmonious union.
100 He a virtuoso at every endeavour.
101 It was a needless endeavour.
102 The scientific endeavour itself is founded on values which natural selection would have seemed unlikely to foist on a bunch of violent(), gregarious upright apes.
103 In a unique photo op, the departing crew will photograph Endeavour parked at the space station.
104 The main objective of the Endeavour mission is to deliver the third and final segment of the Japanese Kibo science laboratory.
105 Endeavour is scheduled to undock from the space station on Monday night and land back at Kennedy Space Center on Wednesday night.
106 But that is more like a professional endeavour, that's not as a music lover.
107 Who destroy the poverty, thirstiness and angry, and can endeavour in the moral practice, concentrate his mind and understand the truth, certainly is happiest.
108 They are actually in Wales, and they poured some champagne over a life boat, and named it the "Hereford Endeavour".
109 Actually no, but it was almost the case in November 2006, when a launch pad technician forgot to secure a door in the White Room leading to the space shuttle Endeavour just before launch.sentence dictionary
110 The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour.
111 The shuttle program is ending and Endeavour is making the next-to-last flight, so it won't happen again.
112 Space Shuttle Endeavour has launched on an ambitious mission to deliver a new science laboratory and robotic system to the International Space Station.
113 Japan has an increasingly ambitious space programme and last month began to set up its first space laboratory, which was blasted off on the US space shuttle Endeavour.
114 The seven Endeavour astronauts and three space station crew members enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, cornbread stuffing and green beans.
115 The southern lights are viewed from the space shuttle Endeavour in 1994.
116 This was Mr. Cruncher's conclusion after a protracted but vain endeavour to find a better one.
117 Friday's glitch started with an errant heater in one of the three auxiliary power units (APUs) in Endeavour - all of which must be in perfect working order for a launch to be allowed to proceed.
118 The Endeavour was not a warship but an old merchant ship.
119 We must endeavour to make a success of the conferences of people from all circles so that people from every walk of life can unite in a common effort.
120 I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection.
121 The topography is based on radar data collected during the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, which flew onboard Space Shuttle Endeavour in mid-February 2002.
122 NASA was worried the door, which is attached to the gantry structure of the launch pad, might swing wildly during liftoff and damage Endeavour as it blasted off.
123 Spectators watch the space shuttle Endeavour launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
124 We will endeavour to do our duty by her, and she will, at least, have the advantage of companions of her own age, and of a regular instructress.
125 Entering a foreign market is an expensive endeavour, he points out, even before firms encounter the tariffs or transport costs that preoccupy most trade models.
126 On account of your health, you must endeavour to shift off the care of your children.
127 On the contrary, every particular relative to his sister was meant to be kept as much as possible to myself; and if I endeavour to undeceive people as to the rest of his conduct, who will believe me?
128 The authers endeavour to enumerate the recognition classification of screw and screw cap and draw up a recognition program.
129 A joint enterprise shall improve cost control and endeavour to reduce costs to enhance its competitiveness.
130 In 1770, Englishman Lieutenant James Cook charted the Australian east coast in his ship HM Barque Endeavour.
131 But that is more like a professional endeavour, that's not a music lover.
132 She told him she would endeavour to procure it for him.
133 The final member of Expedition 16, Garrett Reisman, 39, is scheduled to launch on shuttle Endeavour February 14, 2008.
134 The Maritime Arbitration Commission may endeavour to settle by conciliation any dispute of which it has taken cognizance.
135 NASA is cutting short the spacewalk today for Endeavour astronauts.
136 Even the absentee members would endeavour to return home in time for it.
137 The climbing of Mount Everest was an best example of human endeavour.
138 NASA's Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.
139 The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble.
140 Craniology, phrenology and eugenics, once-respectable fields of endeavour that are now regarded with a shudder, may shriek from time to time, but few sane people pay attention to them.
141 They, therefore, endeavour that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms.
142 They used every human reason the flesh could muster in their endeavour to weaken his influence on the lives of men and women.
143 That problem short space walk last week. Space Shuttle Endeavour will leave the space station tomorrow.
144 If the address is incomplete or incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its part, endeavour to as certain the proper address.
145 For this reason, I oftensuffer and endeavour to reexamine myself.
146 We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher.
147 Although we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the information on this web site, no express or implied warranty is given by us as to its accuracy.
148 The settlement of the wilderness was a worthy endeavour. Honour is important , and courage and justice.
149 Space shuttle Endeavour is set to launch on a mission to the International Space Station, after a series of weather delays.




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