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单词 Circulation
1. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.
2. His father has a bad circulation.
3. The paper's circulation has slumped to 90 000.
4. I've had poor circulation.
5. Exercise improves the circulation.
6. The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.
7. This newspaper has a circulation of 100, 000 per year.
8. This magazine has a circulation of over 1000000.
9. There is a large circulation in the musical public.
10. The newspaper's circulation has trebled since last year.
11. Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation.
12. The coins were taken out of circulation.
13. The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation.
14. Poor air circulation can cause condensation.
15. He has a bad circulation.
16. A number of forged tickets are in circulation.
17. Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation.
18. His book has been taken out of circulation.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. Bad circulation can cause various symptoms such as tiredness.
20. The paper's circulation continues to climb.
21. Exercise helps to improve circulation.
22. Very few old 5p coins are still in circulation.
23. The ideas have been in circulation for some time.
24. Sandy's out of circulation until after her exams.
25. The paper has a circulation of 150 000.
26. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 20,000.
27. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 55,000.
28. The book was taken out of circulation.
29. Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
30. It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.
1. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.
2. His father has a bad circulation.
3. The paper's circulation has slumped to 90 000.
4. I've had poor circulation.
5. Exercise improves the circulation.
6. The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.
7. It is impossible to measure the total supply of money in circulation.
8. This newspaper has a circulation of 100, 000 per year.
9. There is a large circulation in the musical public.
10. The ideas have been in circulation for some time.
11. This magazine has a large circulation.
12. Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
13. After a year in the hospital, he's back in circulation.
31. This magazine has a large circulation.
32. Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
33. The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar.
34. The new banknotes will go into general circulation next year.
35. Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.
36. The paper has proved unable to maintain its circulation figures.
37. The circulation of the magazine has been bumping along for some time at around 30, 000.
38. While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend.
39. Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.
40. Under her leadership, the magazine's circulation doubled in less than a year.
41. The Treasury Department plans to remove older coins from circulation and replace them with new ones.
42. Police believe there are thousands of illegal guns in circulation.
43. After a year in the hospital, he's back in circulation.
44. Doctors had to remove her leg because of bad circulation.
45. A cool shower wakes up the body and boosts circulation.
46. Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands.
47. Let's open the windows and get some circulation in here.
48. If circulation is impaired, the body cannot lose excess heat.
48. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
49. The north pole is warmer than the south and the circulation of air around it is less well contained.
50. Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes in circulation.
51. I was out of circulation for months after the baby was born.
52. Restricted circulation of the report will reduce the risk of leaks outside the ministry.
53. Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.
54. Anne has been ill but now she's back in circulation.
55. The local newspaper has a circulation of around 16,000.
56. Coldness or sweating, flushing, poor circulation, fatigue, fainting.
57. Town Talk has daily circulation of 40, 400.
58. In each case the lower circulation title went under.
59. More money would be put into circulation.
60. Circulation is international with subscribers in 80-plus countries.
61. It helps muscular relaxation and improves circulation.
62. Their total circulation was 37 million.
63. There is also a risk of gangrene due to poor circulation, plus cataracts and possible kidney failure.
64. Make sure there is sufficient room around the machine for adequate air circulation.
65. In ocean dynamics studies, important topics are heat storage, circulation and the role of sea ice.
66. In five companies this is achieved by the circulation of planning guidelines at the start of the planning process.
67. The coins, therefore, should give a good indication of examples in circulation at the very end of the fourth century.
68. Always wear the right clothing for the activity you choose - clothing worn too tight can hinder circulation.
69. The paper started on a shoestring, but soon had a circulation of over 100,000 readers.
70. The Wall Street Journal boasts the largest daily paper circulation, a little less than two million.
71. They cut off circulation, made it harder to breathe during altitude changes, and wreaked havoc on varicose veins.
72. Do not put the bandage on too tight or you may find your fingers or toes going blue through lack of circulation.
73. As parietal cells release acid into the lumen of the stomach, they release bicarbonate into the systemic circulation.
74. It also greatly improved blood circulation which in turn helps to induce peaceful, deep, relaxing sleep.
75. The paper has almost no advertising, but its circulation climbed during elections last November.
76. Circulation problems, arthritis, other medical conditions or a poor appetite can add to this.
77. It was the combination of large circulation share and a large number of titles that gave concentration its distinctive character in 1990.
78. Face packs are designed to balance skin secretions, to stimulate the circulation and to moisturise and tighten the skin.
79. Angling the powerhead towards the heater will ensure good circulation around it.
80. C., with a daily circulation of 18, 846 and a Sunday circulation of 21, 307.
81. In spite of important differences in culture among species, good air circulation is an indispensable requirement for success with all cacti.
82. Servetus is remembered for his description of the lesser, pulmonary, circulation of the blood.
83. In addition, the opposition will be allowed to publish a daily newspaper with a circulation of 500,000.
84. Circulation space for vehicles should be reduced in favour of pedestrians and cyclists, with public transport benefiting from this and other favourable measures.
85. The Library relies on data from the student management system to create borrower file records within its automated circulation control system.
86. The offeror must then publicise this intention in a mass circulation newspaper or by some other means approved by the supervisory authority.
87. Pieces which have proved to be of enduring worth have passed from special conference song books into collections with a wider circulation.
88. He spent extravagant sums for blockbuster articles by and about celebrities, and launched a circulation war against Life and Look.
89. Taking moderate exercise will stimulate your circulation and release the natural chemicals which make you feel relaxed and invigorated.
90. They became a worldwide phenomenon and are still in circulation.
91. A worse fate has befallen the general interest, mass circulation magazines, once the dominant national media.
92. They then migrate into the lymphoid tissue and eventually return to the blood circulation.
93. In case of public tender, the invitation must be published in at least two daily newspapers with national circulation.
94. They are embodied in unpublished theses, research reports of limited circulation or in monographs and journals which are not widely distributed.
95. It has proved a simple, cheap and-so far-effective means of maintaining good circulation in my legs.
96. The popular penny press displaced the small circulation partisan press as the model of the daily newspaper.
97. After two years of explosive circulation growth, Soviet newspapers are being deserted by their subscribers in droves.
98. And it is known that the greater the heart-brain distance the greater is the systemic pressure of the blood circulation needed.
99. The elderly or disabled are particularly vulnerable, although some younger people with poor circulation can also suffer from the condition.
100. Mild exercise may help a little by increasing blood circulation and thus flushing lactic acid from the muscles.
101. Government subsidies in the form of legal notices shrank while circulation and advertising income rose dramatically.
102. In Holly's ear Feldstein whispered of the circulation of the samizdat writings.
103. However, you also need to give yourself a flying start by stimulating the circulation through massage and natural herbal extracts.
104. Others could be informed by the circulation of a regular newsletter.
105. By now you will have stimulated the circulation enough to move on to the next stage, which is kneading.
106. The very fact they are bought and read daily by millions of people gives mass circulation newspapers an undeniable political role.
107. Moreover, theories of atmospheric circulation on Jupiter yield winds rather than waves.
108. Five papers are now in circulation, two from consumer groups, one from managers[ ], and two from medical organisations.
109. There are positive signs; there is more money in circulation and some of it is being spent.
110. One means suggested for transfer of moisture into the interior of Pangaea has been monsoonal circulation created by the Permian continental configuration.
111. For similar reasons bad posture can be to blame for congestion and erratic circulation in the lower part of the body.
112. It is a specialist journal with a relatively small circulation.
113. Circulation of blood around the body is comparatively slow when we are just going about our normal daily tasks.
114. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution expects to increase its circulation so much that its presses will roll round the clock.
115. The thermal input from hydrothermal springs along submarine spreading centers may drive major patterns of deepwater circulation.
116. This suggests a major drop in popularity, and it would be interesting to look at the circulation figures.
117. The conditions which will influence these decisions include the site, time lapse before treatment, contamination and state of the circulation.
118. Its daily circulation in the 1960s stood at well over 1.3 million copies.
119. The straps can be slackened to allow greater air circulation between the back and the sack if sweating becomes a problem.
120. The list was given wider circulation by the monthly art newspaper Kunstavisen in its January/February 1992 number.
121. The rocking also helps with blood circulation and bowel movement and with preventing calcium deposits and stones.
122. The Treaty of Rome meanwhile guarantees free circulation of goods.
123. This plant, he explained, cured stomach pains and promoted circulation of the blood.
124. If the hepatic capacity to eliminate portal endotoxins is exceeded, spillover into the systemic circulation will occur.
125. I hope that that campaign, which continues until 19 January, succeeds in taking substantial numbers of weapons out of circulation.
126. Evening and weekly papers faced the stiffest competition at the fringes of their circulation areas.
127. Its circulation soared above 100,000 a day, outstripping the state-owned Herald, which has become a government mouthpiece.
128. This contact creates a pumping action which stimulates correct blood circulation in the foot.
129. There may be a trade-off between price maximisation and restricting the circulation of the information memorandum.
130. Mainstream publishers complain that good circulation databases of black names are hard to come by.
131. In quest of mass circulation and advertising support, the major city newspapers gradually developed a tradition of political and journalistic independence.
132. The improved blood circulation enables practitioners to perform tasks in a more vigorous and healthy manner.
133. A possible list of management information, showing frequency and circulation, is given overleaf.
134. As a result circulation has fallen by half, and big advertisers have drifted away.
135. Crime we know about and talk about and deplore, but sin as a subject for discussion has gone out of circulation.
136. Its circulation is about 500, 000, and the average age of its readers is 30. 5.
137. This mechanism might facilitate bile salt absorption into the enterohepatic circulation by slowing intestinal transit time.
138. Of the dailies, Today's circulation has registered the worst seasonal drop, falling to 466,631 from 513[ ],673.
139. Combined, Patuxent publications have an average circulation of more than 250, 000 a week.
140. They have been allowed, however, to publish their own newsletters and bulletins, but their circulation has been strictly limited.
141. With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s, small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability.
142. Consumer goods occupy a much more contradictory place in the circulation and realisation of capital than do fixed assets.
143. Most readers won't realise just how wide a circulation Environmental Issues has.
144. But the second Annales generation added nothing essential to the lot of ideas put into circulation by the first.
145. Nevertheless it was felt that the papers deserved a wider circulation because of their intrinsic interest to a larger audience.
146. When it won its next large majority in 1966, the circulation gap had narrowed to 13 points.
147. Unlike the mornings, the number of titles remained much the same, but total circulation fell.
148. The Sun switched back to the Tories in 1979, and the circulation gap doubled.
149. Dry body brushing stimulates circulation and shifts pollutants to the kidneys for elimination.
150. But giving up will immediately reduce the risk of heart disease, and circulation problems can improve within just weeks.
151. It surely could have been the day Montana got his jersey number pulled from circulation.
152. If not - and those papers had less than a quarter of the total circulation - it was broadsheet.
153. The circulation continues to climb: in 1990 it was up to 1.1m on weekdays and 1.7m on Sundays.
154. As an identity, the quantity theory is no more than a way of calculating the velocity of circulation.
155. All of this information can be discovered by checking with those who work at the circulation desk and those who shelve books.
156. Once you have improved the circulation, you can begin to knead the fleshy areas of your body such as thighs and calves.
157. Readership duplication and the extremes of circulation size add a surprising twist to these class divisions.
158. The Linotype machine and high-capacity rotary press produced mass circulation newspapers, which-until radio and television came along-largely replaced personal-encounter politics.
159. For them, census statistics on local circulation areas play an increasingly important role in supporting their advertisement selling.
160. She needed to move and restore circulation to her frozen limbs.
161. The careful selection of the most logical buyers in order to reduce circulation size can therefore be a wasted effort.
162. That in turn caused the car rental companies to keep their vehicles in circulation longer.
163. Whether the continued global warming and associated changes in atmospheric circulation will occur steadily is unknown.
164. By the end of the Jackson presidency in 1837[], the New York Sun alone had a circulation of fifteen thousand.
165. It was further suggested that the principal value of the new statement might be for reference purposes rather than for wide circulation.
166. These old colonial buildings with their splendid wide windows allow free circulation of air.
167. Go for a run Before the flight, a jog or a swim will improve circulation.
168. Extra heating may also be required to offset pain,[] discomfort or poor circulation.
169. The circulation of Good Housekeeping keeps going up and up, which gives us all a great buzz.
170. An extra water pump in the form of an internal power sponge filter will be necessary for good water circulation.
171. Each year it gets longer, and this year went into wide circulation.
172. And Books for Giving will be inserted in the November issue of a high circulation women's magazine.
173. The publishers withdrew the book from circulation and removed the offending passages.
174. A steady circulation of 300,000 should make a healthy profit, even at a cover price of 35p.
175. Such obstruction to the flow of bile will cause the conjugated bilirubin to be regurgitated into the sinusoids and the general circulation.
176. Budapest Week is now locked in a circulation battle with the new weekly broadsheet, the Budapest Post.
177. A 500 rouble note would come into circulation in the near future.
178. I shall discuss circulation at greater depths in section 9.3.3.
179. Therefore the wider circulation of such policy statements needs to be a priority in order to correct that misconception.
180. One of the most important factors for maintaining beautiful skin and a glowing complexion is good circulation.
181. In another recap, Martha Stewart Living was judged the best performer in magazine circulation last year.
182. Faulty circulation is thought to be the root cause of the disorder.
183. Body beautiful A home massage will tone and improve circulation and help to relieve aching limbs.
184. We can corroborate our timescale of the circulation by looking at the changes in density surface of the salinity minimum.
185. Rumours were soon in circulation about the surrender, and a few days later it was announced that 47,000 wounded had been saved.
186. During the years of our research, numerous other publications were already in circulation, helping to create a favourable climate.
187. The quantity of cash in circulation could drop by half.
188. Where there is only a small number in circulation the gilt may be difficult to sell.
189. Second, the method makes no allowance for the loss of coinage from circulation.
190. So much money had been put into circulation because of the presidential campaign that inflation was rampant.
191. San Francisco Focus' circulation plateaued at 174, 697 readers in 1992.
192. A cycle ride, walk or swim at least three times a week will boost your circulation and help maintain a healthy bloom.
193. Precision dating of mineral deposits Many mineral deposits are the result of large-scale circulation of hydrothermal fluid in the upper crust.
194. A stagnant, slow moving and bad circulation of air is a direct encouragement to disease spores to settle and take hold.
195. Massage, particularly aromatherapy, stimulates circulation in much the same way.
196. I wish to produce the brochure in time for its issue to have maximum circulation and impact to ensure a successful centenary.
197. Is it in the most influential publications for your market or is it in small publications with a limited circulation?
198. If food is stacked in such a way that the air circulation is impeded,[/circulation.html] performance will suffer.
199. The result: more coins snuck into circulation, driving up the prices of goods.
200. Thus the amount of notes in circulation is always more at Christmas time.
201. A large number of wells are then sunk into the hot water deposits, thus allowing circulation.
202. Later on, of course, there were even more of these unofficial bronzes in circulation.
203. The new magazine's circulation of 210,000 outstrips that of all of its closest competitors.
204. T3 and diffuse into the circulation where they are bound to proteins. 353.
205. Trunks have electrical outlets, telephone hookups and vents for air circulation.
206. By 1830 the country had 650 weeklies and 65 dailies with an average circulation of twelve hundred copies.
207. Critics say that while a certain amount of medical misinformation has always been in circulation, the Internet has amplified the problem.
208. The bandage is too tight - it's cutting off my circulation.
209. Sadly, commentators and writers in the mass circulation dailies sometimes lack the ability to discriminate.
210. They are designed to stimulate the circulation which in turn helps to eliminate the toxins and fatty particles.
211. The paper was rocky, as circulation, distribution, legal fees, arguments were building up.
212. In 1920, the circulation of the provincial morning and evening papers was still one-third greater than the national dailies.
213. He closed it a few months after Maxwell's paper folded - with a circulation of only about 100,000.
214. Ryker knelt beside her, shook her, rubbed her arms as if trying to restore the circulation.
215. Tight boots lead to good control of your skis but poor circulation to the toes.
216. Can you think of a better way to boost circulation?
217. Trading standards warn that the law will be vigorously enforced to keep illegal and obscene material out of circulation.
218. The only game in town was mass circulation, and that was to be achieved by NoS becoming an aggressively popular tabloid.
219. Last year, delinquent debt overshadowed the total currency in circulation almost 5 to 1, Imaz says.
220. Seven years ago, because of bad circulation, she had her leg amputated.
221. In the eyes of geophysicists, hydrothermal circulation is inextricably intertwined with the pulsing bank of heat inside the planet.
222. Kept in a cool, dark, dry place with good air circulation, dry onions will keep for months.
223. Unfortunately, no record of circulation figures for Zuhra can now be found.
224. A wide circulation or advertising the sale does not seem appropriate - at least not in the first instance.
225. Avoid clothing that constricts the blood circulation in your legs.
226. Social mobility and elite circulation might increase, and the ruling group might become more heterogeneous, but government must remain oligarchic.
227. The citation order now gives precedence to processes, such as circulation control and cataloguing, rather than to types of libraries. 6.
228. Gates argues that a framework of green corridors and wildlife circulation networks should be introduced to augment the protected sites.
229. Peristaltic tights will appeal to sufferers from poor circulation and varicose veins, and those whose hearts need a bit of extra help.
230. He later became associate director of circulation planning and vice president and business manager.
231. Some insects are able to improve the circulation of air by inflating and deflating their abdomens with a muscular pumping action.
232. Squeezing To boost circulation in the thighs and calves, place your hands on the skin, fingers pointing away from you.
233. They had witnessed a steady growth in circulation and were well satisfied with their achievements, even hopeful that things would improve.
234. Perhaps a government subsidy, sourced from entertainment tax, should have been applied in the interests of mass circulation.
235. In other words, they take part in the endless circulation of images that is a distinguishing feature of postmodernism.
236. Poor circulation in the hands and feet is usually caused by a narrowing of the very tiny blood capillaries.
237. Assisting the anaesthetist to monitor the patient during anaesthetic and recovery to prevent complications to breathing and circulation.
238. Fortunately, this can be accomplished to a degree in an isolated aquarium without necessitating the circulation of fresh water.
239. And if everyone else is rebelling in a similar fashion, we might get some decent hot hatchbacks back into circulation.
240. A year ago the magazine had a circulation of 150,000, but since then that figure has shot up to an astonishing 2 million.
241. Platelets are removed from the circulation in the spleen and liver.
242. The arm seemed to be made of lead, but the circulation slowly came back.
243. In a sense, phosphate is taken out of circulation in the Ecosphere, diminishing the prospects of more life.
244. This impairs the circulation which then means that the body can not lose excess heat.
245. It is intended that such a timetable should be updated and agreed for circulation to staff each April.
246. Changes in the tropospheric circulation will affect planetary wave propagation and hence the temperature variability of the lower stratosphere.
247. The vortices merge in pairs to form more diffuse vortices with larger overall circulation.
248. Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
249. Nine Anne made a good recovery from her illness and three weeks later was back in circulation.
250. As long as those trousers were still in circulation, I felt sure there was nothing to worry about.
251. It was rumoured that banknotes were never withdrawn from circulation but simply frayed away.
252. Resuscitation restored the circulation, but the patient required artificial ventilation and inotropic support thereafter.
253. A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise.
254. In 1947 it had an average daily circulation of 2, 134,000 copies but in 1961 it only sold 1,394,000 copies.
255. But for the small producers: their involvement in the organisational apparatus is primarily made possible through the sphere of circulation.
256. Forbes leads Fortune in circulation and ad revenue, a status that has developed only since Steve Forbes took over.
257. Another range of measures based upon circulation data are designed to predict future use from past use.
258. The circulation of absorbing and emitting light can be repeated indefinitely.
258. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
259. How to identify and describe low and non-effective circulation layers is one of important challenges of high efficient oilfield development in ultra-high water cut stage.
260. At high gas velocities the circulation of solids becomes appreciable.
261. Objective:To investigate the feasibility of pterion approach with microsurgery treatment of the anterior circulation aneurysm.
262. The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.
263. A brief analysis is given of the vertical radiant curing oven drying system with oil-heated air circulation and water-cooled air curtain used for manufacturing impregnated glassfibre fabrics.
264. Political trials were being used to keep prominent activists out of circulation.
265. Circulation of commodities had brought unprecedented opportunities to the expansion of the size of the cities.
266. There will be 3 vertical cooling water pump set in circulation water pump workshop, with 3 cooling water heat-exchangers for the system.
267. Internation Circulation: Professor Zhang, you'll be about the FEVER trial.
268. We must actively develop industry and agriculture and promote the circulation of commodities.
269. Peaceful circulation has been interrupted by barbed wire and concrete blocks.
270. More serious is the price higher than the value of the excess profit most of them fall to circulation, producers, consumers didn't take much didn't spend less, wine production as well as to sell wine.
271. Paper gives a brief description of the design features and operation experience of the first 300MW natural circulation boiler manufactured in China.
272. Naupathia and vomiting could induce complication of digestive system, circulation system and respiration system.
273. The effect of catalyst circulation rate on operation was also discussed.
274. The trickling filter and activated sludge efficiencies cited required primary sedimentation and effluent circulation.
275. If the circulation vanishes at one instant of time, it must vanish for all times.
276. Sitting on the ground is close to the posture of a baby sitting in mother's womb; therefore our blood circulation should be easier.
277. We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.
278. As the disease progresses, blood clots may develop and plug up the artery, blocking circulation completely.




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