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单词 Outrage
(1) They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.
(2) Media reports generated moral outrage.
(3) I felt disbelief first of all, then outrage.
(4) The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.
(5) British newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.
(6) There is widespread public outrage over the massacre.
(7) She alternated between outrage and sympathy.
(8) He let out a strangulated squeak of outrage.
(9) Campaigners have expressed outrage at the decision.
(10) The news was greeted with outrage.
(11) His comments were met with howls of outrage.
(12) Shopkeepers voiced their outrage at the new tax.
(13) The judge's remarks caused public outrage.
(14) Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.
(15) Surprise was swiftly followed by outrage.
(16) The case generated public outrage.
(17) He leapt up and down in sheer outrage.
(18) She was trembling with outrage.
(19) Much of the outrage was directed at foreign nationals.
(20) The guests all shouted in outrage.
(21) The announcement provoked howls of outrage.
(22) There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure.
(23) This is another outrage catalogue of terrorist inhumanity.
(24) The police response sparked outrage in the community.
(25) Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage.
(26) She was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage.
(27) Her behaviour was a positive outrage.
(28) The scandal has stoked public outrage.
(29) The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.
(30) When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.
(1) They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.
(2) Media reports generated moral outrage.
(3) I felt disbelief first of all, then outrage.
(4) The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders.
(5) The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.
(6) British newspapers were full of moral outrage at the weakness of other countries.
(7) When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.
(8) This is another outrage catalogue of terrorist inhumanity.
(9) The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity.
(31) Her speech caused outrage among the gay community.
(32) The Government has been dilatory in condemning the outrage.
(33) Environmentalists have expressed outrage at the ruling.
(34) These murders have provoked outrage across the country.
(35) When the truth came out, there was public outrage.
(36) The whole affair is an outrage and the authorities have done nothing to prevent it.
(37) Radio talk shows have been besieged with callers expressing outrage on the subject.
(38) The videotape of the attack caused outrage when it was screened on the news.
(39) The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
(40) No one has yet claimed responsibility for this latest bomb outrage.
(41) All[Sentence dictionary], right - minded ` people will be surely shocked by this outrage.
(42) The use of H - bombs would be an outrage against humanity.
(43) This is an outrage!
(44) The new law on pensions is an outrage against the elderly.
(45) The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups.
(46) Many politicians and members of the public expressed outrage at the verdict.
(47) The latest outrage was to have been a co-ordinated gun and bomb attack on the station.
(48) I am well aware that in saying this I shall outrage a few susceptibilities.
(49) Media coverage generates public outrage, if incomplete understanding.
(50) Her emotions alternated between outrage and sympathy.
(51) They have written to John Major expressing their outrage.
(52) Sometimes public outrage expresses itself in extreme ways.
(53) The collapsing of these genres, however, caused outrage.
(54) You really must bring this outrage to an end.
(55) Why do Latins profess outrage against poison?
(56) I suggest his outrage is misdirected.
(57) Where does the fault lie that produces that outrage?
(58) Prominent Republicans have expressed outrage at the decision.
(59) Our helplessness, outrage and fear were not collateral damage.
(60) But it caused a national outrage.
(61) I felt a sort of outrage.
(62) The prices they charge are an outrage!
(63) This will cause outrage among the anti-censorship crew.
(64) At last, I recognize my latest outrage.
(65) But the outrage was based on supposition and hearsay.
(66) I felt pain, outrage, more pain, hot anger.
(67) Outrage at the injustices erupted in violent acts.
(68) The plans brought cries of outrage from residents.
(69) It has also provoked outrage overseas.
(70) Her deep sense of outrage helped her to self-control.
(70) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(71) Ignoring his shrieks of outrage, I wrapped him in wet towels until his temperature dropped to 102.
(72) An amateur photographer on the shore captured last week's clash on videotape and its revelations aroused outrage.
(73) Back in the United States the reaction to the press conference ranged from disbelief to outrage.
(74) The terrorist attack, in which two innocent tourists were murdered, is the third outrage of its kind this year.
(75) One might well conclude the dismissal was a feint, a hollow gesture to allay perceived public outrage.
(76) A minimal requirement for outrage about the misuse of scholarship is to recognize different types of scholarship.
(77) Mrs Lambertson weighed under one hundred pounds, and the murders of the defenseless couple sparked outrage throughout the state.
(78) She responded to this outrage with her customary fortitude, refusing medical aid.
(79) But it was her vocal anti-meat stance that turned the country establishment's down-home snub into redneck outrage.
(80) Yet not one outrage has brought peace an inch nearer.
(81) His death provokes an outrage and a police investigation into the shooting.
(82) That would outrage the Tories, who would lose their last hereditary peers.
(83) Is there no sense of outrage left in this country?
(84) This latest act of outrage reminds us of one of the great burdens of the modern world.
(85) Why, this is an outrage... an outrage at every bowl.
(86) The drive back to Earl's Court was wretchedly uncomfortable, not even his new-found outrage managing to warm him.
(87) As Mr Clarke was interviewed, his answers were greeted with cries of outrage.
(88) Some of his expressions of outrage were a little overdone.
(89) Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of "outing" senior public figures.
(90) Media reports of child abuse cases often express this sense of moral outrage.
(91) The dancehall foundations are shaking and there's outrage in the ragga ranks.
(92) The outrage had been overshadowed by the greater tragedy of world events.
(93) Tears of outrage stung his eyes, and something deeper than humiliation sank like a stone into the pit of his stomach.
(94) News of the deal caused outrage in Britain, and Flintshire social services placed the girls with foster parents.
(95) This provoked an almost universal howl of outrage in Britain.
(96) One could hear the cries of outrage from the likes of Mrs Whitehouse and Mrs Thatcher.
(97) Lee saw Anthea's eyes glittering blackly in the dancing candlelight, her chin drawn up in defiance or outrage.
(98) Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation, and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man.
(99) Earlier, the Princess issued a statement expressing her outrage and distress over the affair.
(100) They tell me their communities are sickened by this latest outrage.
(101) Outrage comes from the rest of the country as unemployment increases and the recession deepens.
(102) The Prime Minister expressed outrage at the attack,[http:///outrage.html] and sympathy for the families of the victims.
(103) The outrage eagerly orchestrated by the newspaper did not focus in a serious way on the needs and dangers facing rape survivors.
(104) She was gentle with her friends, and her outrage at their tactlessness did not show.
(105) If any story can stir outrage at the erosion of privacy, this is surely it.
(106) It was enough to outrage the Loyalists without satisfying the Civil Rights movement at all.
(107) The fearful electorate found Reagan's outrage and can-do optimism more persuasive than the dour Brown's equivocation.
(108) But expectations had been raised, and the resulting outrage found vent in youth culture.
(109) They reached the entrance in mutual silence and, seething in mounting outrage,() she was propelled inside.
(110) Even though the spraying programs were greatly curtailed after the 1957 debacle, citizen outrage intensified.
(111) Holloway prison's C1 unit has for some time been the subject of public concern and outrage.
(112) However, such public condemnation and the associated moral outrage can, on occasions, be strangely muted.
(113) The men, members of the gay rights group Outrage, paraded placards in front of the altar before leaving peacefully.
(114) It's time to turn our outrage around and point it at the right target.
(115) I felt disbelief, and some sense of outrage that this should happen to me.
(116) Afterwards, he made her go and rest again, much to her disgust and outrage.
(117) Senators were unable to work up any outrage about the release this week of new estimates of the size of legal immigration.
(118) Sensational news stories are more likely to provoke outrage than academic work or serious social comment.
(119) Public outrage at the enormity linked the names of Mary and Bothwell.
(120) The images of these hopeless, hungry people haunted her, filling her with outrage.
(121) Rising public outrage eventually forced Intel to reverse its policy and offer replacement chips to anyone who wanted one.
(122) It caused outrage around the world among politicians, football fans and administrators.
(123) Home Rule's suspension was real, and every attempt to implement it in wartime provoked sufficient Unionist outrage to stop it.
(124) As the media went rabid with outrage, a for and against Manson/Family industry began to boom.
(125) The service monitored news reports and local government requests for assistance and exercised a federal role restricted to suppressing community outrage.
(126) The measure of my outrage and anger was the measure of my love for you.
(127) And moral outrage at the use of simple expedients can still run high.
(128) Regional officers had lived for many years with successive waves of moral outrage about the scandalous conditions within the asylums.
(129) Faults which we might see as trivial would create the same scandal and outrage as criminal behaviour does in our society.
(130) But horsemen and owners reacted with outrage to a similar proposal that was later withdrawn.
(130) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(131) When I felt outrage was I simply a cipher for cultural prejudice?
(132) Literature and autobiography are liberally sprinkled with accounts of the indignation and outrage felt when such a promise fails to materialize.
(133) For they understood the source of the outrage as well as they knew the source of light.
(134) The response - from tacit agreement to outrage - was enormous ....
(135) The anarchic music of punk caused public outrage when it first burst upon the scene.
(136) Opposition parties have expressed outrage at his flouting of the referendum vote.
(137) He is a genuine hate-figure for the libertarian left, who are capable of splendid outrage at the mention of his name.
(138) Each of these students has felt anger and outrage at the insults and slurs he or she have experienced.
(139) At that time, many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic.
(140) It was a letter many students were writing, in outrage.
(141) But the story is too big to be kept quiet. Media coverage generates public outrage, if incomplete understanding.
(142) Non-conformist outrage at the Education Act was one reason for the Conservative defeat in the election of December 1905.
(143) Public outrage eventually forced the paper to reconsider, and the editors decided to run the strip on the religion page.
(144) With the flash of a million stars exploding, his brain registered its outrage as he was viciously felled.
(145) How many 30-second sound bites have been spent treating outrage in the streets of some other Arab cities as inexplicable?
(146) The assault on Chung was greeted with widespread public outrage.
(147) The judge in the Wonderland Club case has caused outrage by not using the current maximum sentence of three years.
(148) Quarrels were generally messy, involving hot tempers, grief, unpredictable actions, passion, outrage, betrayal.
(149) Her speech today evoked surprise and outrage from many French officials.
(150) He was in full melodic voice, singing the latest calypso, and did not hear Stephen's shouts of outrage.
(151) It's an outrage that men who didn't finish high school sometimes earn more than women with college educations.
(152) This women's protest was received with expressions of outrage and puzzlement by men within the dominant political culture.
(153) In the afternoon, ritual becomes outrage and entire buckets of water are thrown at all and sundry.
(154) But he seemed to want to shake things up, to outrage me.
(155) The proposal, from Detroit's ombudsman, has caused outrage - and a certain amount of thought.
(156) The killing, which occurred in 1988, was met with worldwide outrage and focused attention on environmental destruction of the Amazon.
(157) Parades can be rerouted, but changing them is an outrage to those who cherish their own cultural traditions.
(158) The result, and the acceptance of it, is nothing less than an outrage.
(159) The letters and complaints accurately reflect the outrage by the taxpayers at this blatant partisan action.
(160) A socialist youth was on his feet, roaring with all the force and outrage of his years.
(161) Young Oliver Rowntree, nursing his outrage, spent the summer brooding about what he could do to retaliate.
(162) When writing, you probably experience the same anxieties, ranging from irritation to frustration to outrage.
(163) Outrage at what they saw as the pillaging of their resources led many Latin countries to nationalise oil firms.
(164) Probably there wouldn't be words sufficient to express the outrage.
(165) Senator Jackson said this was blood money and an outrage.
(166) Cope's own sleevenotes have also caused outrage, containing vitriolic attacks on Axl Rose and U2, among others.
(167) If the federal government is to change the law, it will need to act quickly, while the outrage lasts.
(168) There is something in this above controversy and outrage and all these over-familiar words.
(169) Our history is too full of pain and outrage to want any of it back.
(170) That does not suggest the outrage that a perusal of Hansard might beguile readers into expecting.
(171) Some Wall Street firms have expressed outrage at punitive awards, and many investors have complained of brokers' stalling tactics.
(172) The cartoons caused outrage when they were leaked to the press last week.
(173) Any attempts to lessen his prison sentence will cause public outrage.
(174) I have felt the same shock and outrage since I lived in the Lakeside area and watched the butchery of those trees.
(175) That sort of episode makes them subject to public outrage.
(176) Whatever the topic under discussion,() they automatically began with some resentful expression of moral outrage.
(177) Nelson watched him with no contempt, no outrage, no brotherly feeling.
(178) But last night a spokesman for the Portadown business community pledged that life would go on despite the outrage.
(179) I voiced particular outrage at superseding the Greene County District Attorney.
(180) The sense of anger and outrage within the community seemed to grow by the hour.
(181) For the Hazaras, who have strong emotional ties to their history, the outrage was perceived as yet another irreparable wound.
(182) Several parents of affected children have written to the Prime Minister to express their outrage.
(183) She was spared further abuse - possibly torture - only after international outrage put pressure on the regime for her release.
(184) Mrs. Rumbold I well understand my hon. Friend's outrage at the behaviour of some youngsters today.
(185) This is an unheard - of outrage.
(186) Her brow wrinkled with outrage.
(187) How much outrage can a single multinational corporation inspire?
(188) Tom, this is an outrage!
(189) The Treaty has failed to arouse genuine public outrage.
(190) Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.
(190) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(191) In the former half century, all giants talked about meaninglessness , outrage, suffering, worry, terror, fear and anxiety.
(192) Expecting outrage and imposition, she was relieved to find she felt nothing.
(193) Within days Merrill switched from outrage to surrender: At its annual meeting in late April, CEO David Komansky abjectly apologized to his clients.
(194) The Met’s trustees were afraid it would provoke public outrage and Bryson Burroughs, its director, thought Picasso a madman.
(195) Would the use of H - bombs be an outrage against humanity?
(196) He spewed sentences whose dependent clauses piled up into midden heaps of outrage or joy.
(197) The terrible suffering we see may certainly disturb and outrage us, but the outrage turns to compassion and creativity rather than to anger, despair, or vindictiveness.
(198) So, what is so different about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that it shouldn’t elicit the kind of outrage Axolotl Roadkill does?
(199) This is a first in Canadian journalistic history and an outrage of the highest order.
(200) Nobody is being harmed by respecting another country's laws in this regard, so your outrage is purely self-involved narcissistic rage.
(201) Arriving in Britain in the 1960s, he invented the modern tabloid newspaper—a stew of sexual titillation, moral outrage and political aggression.
(202) If you need a moment of instant populist outrage, imagine all those children of people who made billions in the casino of credit default swaps passing on the gains to their little darlings, tax-free.
(203) State institutions that invested in sinking foreign banks have faced public outrage for squandering national resources.
(204) Others finger Salman Rushdie's knighthood as an incitement of Muslim outrage.
(205) In the front half century, all giants talked about meaninglessness, outrage, suffer, worry, terror, fear and anxiety.
(206) Xinhua says Lan's death is provoking outrage on Internet sites in China.
(207) The reduced sentence provoked tears and expressions of outrage from relatives of the victims of Kaing Guek Eav, better known as "Duch."
(208) His fervor echoed the outrage of Bishop Irenaeus—a reminder that here, in the shadow of the stark Red Sea Mountains, the early Christian world is close at hand.
(209) Risk communications consultant Dr. Peter Sandman, believes an apology can go a long way in healing wounds and reducing outrage. To apologize effectively, he recommends you follow these steps.
(210) His recollection of having a flag torn off his army uniform mixes sadness, outrage and poetry in a manner that is quintessentially Wilsonian.
(211) According to the Daily Mail of November 22, Newsweek magazine depicted President Obama as the Hindu deity Lord Shiva on its recent cover of the same day, which arouses Indian-American group's outrage.
(212) Outrage mounted as Goldman steadily accrued a huge bonus pool.
(213) Will there be blowback, outrage and constant discussion of the impact of censorship on Facebook in China?
(214) Setting the murderous criminal free is an outrage against justice.
(215) Express your outrage in social action, letters, donations, marches, protests.
(216) A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt's invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters.
(217) The tone of their protests had been Annies exactly - not bereavement but outrage.
(218) Most remaining Northern Whigs , like Lincoln, joined the new Republican Party and strongly attacked the Act,[http:///outrage.html] appealing to widespread northern outrage over the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.
(219) Sunday’s beatification ceremony took place despite criticism about the record speed with which John Paul was being honored, and continued outrage about clerical abuse.
(220) But he could also find his administration blown off-course or even swept aside by popular outrage.
(221) The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker.
(222) She could see only outrage and humiliation, leering at her, mocking her.
(223) You incite them to outrage for bad purposes of your own.
(224) But they still live significantly longer than their menfolk, a fact that would cause a lot more media outrage if the high-heeled boot were on the other foot.
(225) Its execution involved an outrage upon the law of nations.
(226) As the economy rebounds and public outrage subsides, the clam our for change will quieten.
(227) "The day after the elections, CNN started a 24-hour psychological war room against Iran, " Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hassan Qashqavi told a moderator with seeming outrage on Iranian state TV.
(228) Such a lie is an outrage to anyone who loves the truth.
(229) The popular outrage generated by Upton Sinclair's devastating, fact-based novel about the meatpacking industry in Chicago, The Jungle, had helped to create the Food and Drug Administration in 1906.
(230) "How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat, " the president said, adding that the insurer is in financial straits because of "recklessness and greed.




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