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单词 Collectively
1. The houses are owned collectively by the company.
2. All members of the cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.
3. rain, snow and hail, collectively known as 'precipitation'
4. The Cabinet is collectively responsible for policy.
5. Rain, snow and hail are collectively known as precipitation.
6. They collectively abstained in the elections for local councilors.
7. They have no alternative but to resign collectively.
8. Oral contraceptives are collectively referred to in common parlance as 'the pill'.
9. Individually, students have little power, but collectively they can be more influential.
10. They collectively abstained ( from voting ) in the elections for local councilors.
11. Collectively,(sentence dictionary) smokers pay over £15 000 a day in tax.
12. She has a staff of four who collectively earn almost $200 000.
13. All members of the Cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.
14. We have had a successful year, both collectively and individually.
15. In 1968 the states collectively spent $2 billion on it.
16. Collectively they squandered their pricing power in short order.
17. These substances are referred to collectively as ketone bodies.
18. Collectively politicians tend to be pretty awful.
19. These bodies are collectively called the Taurid complex.
20. They are known, collectively, as degenerative diseases.
21. The biblical passages are collectively known as the Lectionary.
22. They collectively dismissed the prospect as untenable.
23. The upshot: they collectively export more for less revenue.
24. Collectively these entities may well deserve public suspicion.
25. The second proposal is to allow people collectively to improve their lot.
26. The county's elder statesmen were collectively in good nick, both off the court and when hitting it on it.
27. Collectively they rode four winners, six seconds, and two thirds from a total of 34 rides.
28. Collectively, they were worth over £2.8 billion at their high point.
29. The law gives workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.
30. She sees racism as a form of false consciousness, where a society collectively believes untrue things about other races.
1. The houses are owned collectively by the company.
2. All members of the cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.
3. They have no alternative but to resign collectively.
4. They collectively abstained ( from voting ) in the elections for local councilors.
5. All members of the Cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken.
31. The processes by which light energy is thus harnessed are collectively called photosynthesis.
32. These symptoms, often known collectively as hyperactivity or the hyperkinetic syndrome are dealt with more fully in Chapter Eleven.
33. But collectively their mass migration is ruining the country's development prospects.
34. Collectively taking care of our elderly provides a sense of community in our otherwise competitive economy.
35. We must act with maximum efficiency, individually and collectively, in our neighborhoods as readily as in our international affairs.
36. Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively. Socrates 
37. Feeling at once enervated and threatened, the enterprise collectively hunkers into a defensive, self-protective posture.
38. The inferior courts Those courts which do not form part of the Supreme Court of Judicature are collectively known as inferior courts.
39. We are part of the rest, and are collectively called the eukaryotes.
40. Collectively they are evidence of a coherent, deeply felt, formidable body of opinion within the present Conservative parliamentary party.
41. Clearly linked to language and concepts which we can put into words, attitudes are usually held collectively.
42. In practice, they are the only important regular market makers and as such collectively constitute the trading core of the market.
43. Collectively, these studies showed a clear link between smoking and cancer.
44. What grows on these tracts are huge, magnificent conifers in stands that environmentalists now call, collectively, the Ancient Forest.
45. The members of the genus Amphiprion are known collectively as anemonefishes.
46. The power that older people might have collectively through the ballot box is not exercised.
47. Individually or collectively, they must have made a decision to keep their wits about them for the committee meeting.
48. Commercial banks collectively earned $6.2 billion in the first three months of this year.
49. People, especially when acting collectively, can come to break these barriers, overcome these constraints and reconstruct their social world.
50. This still outclasses the results of most of the world's airlines, which collectively lost billions.
51. These are welcome indications of the academic community enhancing its capacity to engage collectively in self-criticism.
52. According to the documents, the three policyholders who sued State Mutual over the demutualization collectively received $ 225, 000.
53. That information arises from what individuals and organizations collectively define and act upon.
54. The Cabinet did not collectively consider the matter until 22 October, only three days before Baldwin's speech at Plymouth.
55. These gifts would then be redistributed to the poor, either individually or collectively.
56. If they wanted to, collectively, these men had the power to purchase entire countries.
57. We collectively transfer enough resources from the war zone to the ant hill to support the young and the elderly.
58. Collectively known as Bedazzled, they've signed a million pound contract with one of the biggest record companies in the world.
59. Highly gregarious, and collectively noisy, they fly fast and direct, but often with rather laboured wing-beats and in V-formation.
60. However, all the fish known collectively as carp and, of course, the common goldfish and its forms reproduce freely.
61. Individually, people have little power, but collectively they can be more influential.
62. Looked at collectively, the green movements in Britain are already numerically impressive.
63. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic, remitting and relapsing mucosal disorders, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease.
64. When taken collectively these acts signify a deeper, more threatening tendency.
65. The birds whose selective predation put the finishing touches to their evolution must, at least collectively, have had excellently good vision.
66. The chores collectively equal defense, something Stanford clearly does not treat as an afterthought.
67. Individually and collectively, they refuse to allow us to be foreigners through our worst pain.
68. Again, constitutional theory maintains that ministers are both collectively and individually responsible to Parliament for their actions.
69. All of these are useful, and collectively they offer nothing like enough.
70. There is a very strong wish in this corner of the world to go elsewhere, to migrate collectively to another present.
71. Collectively, over five or six generations these small variations led to considerable population growth.
72. We just wanted four individuals who could be collectively known as something normal.
73. Apart from the small plots given to each member family for their house and garden, all the land is farmed collectively.
74. There are however two specific product types that have some value and are known, collectively, as biological agents.
75. We will work collectively in cooperatives soas to be able to help each other.
76. A more qualified response might be, yes, in various ways which collectively have shaped musical life as we know it.
77. Asking parents to be directly involved in managing schools is like saying consumers should collectively manage an automobile factory.
78. The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts.
79. Artists obtain certain rights, collectively known as copyright, on the origination of any artistic work.
80. The participating banks collectively provide the bulk of the funds.
81. Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are collectively known as the "Benelux' countries.
82. This is one of the conclusions of a family of arguments in Wittgenstein known collectively as the private language argument.
83. Collectively, these opportunities and threats posed four main concerns for leaders: Managing assets and policies apart from people.
84. The team collectively must decide what resources they need and how they are to be used.
85. Collectively its dedication, despite all difficulties, constituted an unimpeachable example.
86. In large parts of the newspaper industry, for example, proprietors now refuse to negotiate collectively with the National Union of Journalists.
87. We should not embezzle property that is collectively owned.
88. Collectively, these can be described as "name search" features.
89. They collectively decided to recognize the changed situation.
90. Collectively, they constitute the main body of corporate finance.
91. Australia, Canada, and Japan contribute about 14 percent collectively.
92. Great areas could be quickly planted and harvested collectively.
93. Because these sound changes were so strikingly regular and law-like, they became collectively as Grimm's Law.
94. In this condition, they are sometimes referred to collectively as the chromatin of the nucleus.
95. I think my players deserve every plaudit they get from the game. Collectively as a team they were outstanding.
96. Thus, each state - and all the states collectively - could counterbalance the central government's power.
97. Never forget the undisputable truth: any investor can never overturn the market trends, because it is actually investors as a group who collectively form the trends.
98. We can expect any sufficiently complex set of catalytic polymers to be collectively autocatalytic .
99. The obligations set forth hereinabove are in this agreement collectively referred to as "confidentiality obligations" or "obligations of confidence".
100. In other words, people can collectively act as a broadcast network.
101. The success of the World Community Grid depends upon individuals collectively donating their extra computer power.
102. The stoma and guard cells are collectively called the stomatal apparatus.
103. Each year the agencies collectively issue more than 100,000 rulings(), far more than all federal courts.
104. Private banks collectively cannot self - insure against a generalised run on the banks.
105. The minimal set of plug-ins needed to build a rich client application is collectively known as the Rich Client Platform.
106. Collectively, these phases are known as the project life cycle.
107. I surfed the Internet afterwards about the major term, judo and wrestling are collectively referred to confrontational sport, and that is a kind of well-regulated and match-style fighting.
108. Taken collectively, these proposals center on three issues: personnel selection, advancement system and retirement plan.
109. There are 96 pieces and they are worth, individually and collectively, a lot of money.
110. Collectively, these actions should help slow the white-hot Chinese real estate market.
111. The aberrations were treated collectively by examining the pseudospectra of an augmented matrix constructed from the aberration matrices.
112. The director-editor uses his skill to secure an immediate effective flow of images from the multiple viewpoints his cameras and their lenses collectively represent.
113. The recommended changes will benefit developing countries individually and collectively.
114. V - shaped rotary - door cones - changing - collectively creel makes yarn sheet tension uniform and cones change fast(), high efficiency.
115. Traditionally, the board could validly exercise its powers only when acting collectively, not individually.
116. Antibodies in the yolk are collectively named yolk immunoglobulin ( IgY ).
117. After the user has selected the desired objects, the terminating verb acts on them collectively.
118. SEGS consists of nine separate solar thermal power plants spread across the Mojave Desert, which collectively can produce 354 megawatts of power.
119. Musha Cay is shielded by 10 further islands, collectively known as "Copperfield Bay, " bought specifically to enhance privacy.
120. Article 59 The immovables and movables collectively owned by the farmers belong to the members of the collective.
121. The musicians then collectively wish the audience a happy new year, play The Blue Danube and close with Johann Strauss , Sr.
122. Peasants who joined labour-exchange teams contributed their labour power or animal power to cultivate the land of each member-family collectively and in rotation.
123. Each Model service component will offer a set of services, and the components collectively offer a set of common services as well.
124. This is especially true in the countryside, where the mass collectivisation during Mao's Great Leap Forward of half a century ago left farmland "collectively" owned.
125. The appreciation space of Renminbi is determined by collectively competitive equilibrium in East Asian currency.
126. Collectively, these waves are called'The Schumann Resonance ? ? , the current strongest at 7.8 Hz.
127. Today the goals of the organization are to collectively strengthen relationships among member and nonmember countries and enhance economic growth for the region.
128. The settlers were later collectively referred to as the Forefathers; the term Pilgrim Fathers was applied to them by Daniel Webster at the Bicentennial celebration (1820).
129. Learning plays an important role during the course of impelling interrelated enterprises to innovate collectively.
130. Excogitated process of desquamation chemically of fresh ginger which can be capable of carry out large quantities of production, in order to carry out collectively and effectively production.
131. The bureaux, each headed by a policy secretary, collectively form the Government Secretariat.
131. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
132. As one of the collective labor rights, right of collective bargaining is owned collectively by labor and used by the labor union which is the representative of the labor.
133. Visible from the beach of Skegness, England, the 54 3.6-megawatt turbines of the Lynn and Inner Dowsing offshore wind farm collectively can produce up to 194 megawatts of electricity at peak.
134. Fading into history, the collectively created, time-tested traditional folk art, which has embodied the aesthetic spirits, has become the essential component of traditional culture.
135. In this scheme, one collectively owned repository can be designated as a hub for integration, but it differs only by convention (Git is a decentralized system).
136. We have also consistently and collectively opposed the racist policies of South Africa.
137. For example, in a situation in which several bystanders need to band together to overwhelm a perpetrator, they will be more likely to act collectively than to act alone.
138. A labour contract is to be signed by a joint venture and the trade union organization in the joint venture collectively.
139. We do not envision boards that collectively and independently set strategy.
140. In the documentary(), scientists from various disciplines put the most compelling sasquatch evidence to the test. Collectively their conclusions are ground-breaking.
141. The singer and songwriter prefers his entire band to be collectively known as Edwin McCain.
142. Miami and Miami Beach are known collectively as a vacation wonderland.
143. More recently Gerald Joyce at Scripps has reported experiments in which two RNA sequences form collectively autocatalytic sets, each catalyzing the ligation of fragments that form the other.
144. Collectively these factors probably selected against tree - climbing as a defensive strategy for sloth bear cubes.
145. We got hundreds of texts an hour which collectively propelled Ghanian footballer Michael Essien in to the number one spot for the Award.
146. Painting sculpture architecture etc. are collectively called the " fine arts " or " plastic arts " .
147. For the first time, labor had been given the legal right to bargain collectively.
148. Powerful business interests ( ie large business firms collectively ) are influencing the government's actions.
149. Brighton-based artists Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, collectively known as Semiconductor, will be bringing their recent work to the UK for the first time with the exhibition Heliocentric.
150. These proteins are known collectively ( including LB ) as nodulins.
151. In addition, waste contains various stinky sulfur compounds, collectively called thiols or mercaptans.
152. Jasmonic acid and its derivative methyl jasmonate, collectively called jasmonates, are phyto- regulators existing widely in plants and playing an important role in plant cells.
153. Collectively, the evidence from landscape studies, cosmogenic nuclides and thermochronometry supports the idea of rapid uplift sustained over very long periods.
154. Company B, a limited company incorporated in PRC, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of dress (collectively the "Business").
155. Materials that produce this thermoelectric effect are collectively known as " thermostatic materiel", or "thermo-electric equipment".
156. Count complicatedly and collectively to the large-scale , type body, box (case) (pot) articles put, shrink the packaging with PE , PVC membrane.
157. The research work of the automatic transit machine for silica gel charge stock was done collectively.
158. Boletus Boletus Branch and the category is pinecone Boletus fungi etc. collectively, in which the exception of a few species of poisonous or bitter and not edible, most varieties of food available.
159. The contents of soluble sugar, reduced sugar, sucrose and dissolubility protein are firstly decreased collectively but increased at anaphase in the growing periods of eggplant fruits.
160. Light from the main source bounces off walls and other objects, which collectively acts as a fill light.
161. Collectively , these two constituents of nuclei are known as nucleons.
161. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162. In fact, fingernail trauma and other hand injuries—no matter your hand size—are collectively the number one nuisance for spacewalkers.
163. Assembly language is a compiled instruction set, pseudo-instruction set and use their rules collectively.
164. S. Collectively, the region will likely grow 5.3% this year, down from 8% last year and 11.4% in 2007, the bank said in a semiannual report.
165. Software installation management describes collectively the activities of installing, uninstalling, updating, and organizing software applications, or packages, on a system.
166. Some, such as Shulamith Firestone in The Dialectic of Sex, suggested alternative ways of rearing children collectively.
167. The Dreamboat Star club (a group of Chinese celebrities who put on concerts and sporting events in the name of charity) has decided to collectively become volunteers for the foundation.
168. You can link elements together so they collectively yield a process that transforms the input into the desired output.
169. The principal muscles involved in hip flexion are the psoas and the iliacus, collectively known as the iliopsoas .
170. This pressure, coming collectively the next day, had compelled him to close his doors.
171. Unilateral action and collectively action have promoted the progress of the trade investment liberalization and economic and technological cooperation of this area.
172. With approval of the customs, goods in small and many batches can be declared collectively.
173. Eriosoma lanigerum(Woolly apple aphid) is a kind of harmful pest to agricultural plant quarantined. It lives in the apple tree autoeciously and does harm collectively.
174. Each of these sculptural installations, which collectively reinforce one another even as they successfully stood alone, filled the gallery with chilling haziness and premonitions.
175. Methods:we select each technician's X-ray film works at random, shielding the date, the number and other signals that help to identify, then assess collectively.
176. Collectively, the science of secure and secret communications, involving Both cryptography and cryptanalysis , is known as cryptology.
177. Using such libraries, it should soon be possible to test whether collectively autocatalytic sets arise as diversity of the molecular system is increased.
178. The unification of Iberia was complete when Charles V"s son, Philip II, became King of Portugal in 1580, and the other Iberian Kingdoms (collectively known as "Spain" at that time).
179. Organic nutrients of this type are known collectively as growth factors.
180. Together with the procedure name, the preceding items are collectively called the signature of the procedure.
181. As the arithmetic mean is easily affected by the extreme data, present method of giving a mark collectively by judges can not always reflect most of their opinions.
182. What unites this network of networks are the communication languages known as the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol, collectively TCP/IP.
183. These tasks can be collectively referred to as the ACID test; ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
184. All major policies must be decided collectively on the basis of in-depth research, widely solicited opinions, and full evaluation by experts.
185. More such collectively autocatalytic sets can evolve to novel sets so evolution can occur.
186. The Book of Genesis (beginning) is the first of five books known collectively as the Pentateuch.
187. Known collectively as "sadomasochism" to professionals, those who practice this alternative sexual lifestyle tend to use the term bondage-domination-sadism-masochism, or BDSM.
188. The core idea in my own theory of the emergence of collectively autocatalytic sets is simple and involves what is called a phase transition in a “random graph”.




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