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单词 Committed
1. A fault denied is twice committed
2. O liberty, how many crimes have been committed in thy name! 
3. I committed an error in this.
4. The party has a core of committed supporters.
5. He has committed a crime.
6. A quarter of current inmates have committed violent crimes.
7. Many people in public life have committed adultery.
8. Both sides are now committed to non-aggression.
9. Thousands of frauds are committed every year.
10. He committed suicide during a fit of depression.
11. I have never committed any crime.
12. He committed suicide not long ago.
13. He had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.
14. Most crimes are committed by young men.
15. He has committed a serious fault.
16. A robbery was committed last night.
17. An 11-year-old boy committed a burglary.
18. In court, he admitted that he had committed bigamy.
19. Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
20. The country was now irrevocably committed to war.
21. Members of the sect committed mass suicide.
22. Parker was committed for trial yesterday at Southwark Crown Court.
23. Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
25. We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise.
26. Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
27. There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.
28. Opposition parties are calling for further assurances that the government is committed to its education policy.
29. Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
30. There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.
1. I committed an error in this.
2. The party has a core of committed supporters.
3. He has committed a crime.
4. A quarter of current inmates have committed violent crimes.
5. Many people in public life have committed adultery.
6. Both sides are now committed to non-aggression.
7. I have never committed any crime.
8. He committed suicide not long ago.
9. He had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.
10. Most crimes are committed by young men.
11. He has committed a serious fault.
12. A robbery was committed last night.
13. An 11-year-old boy committed a burglary.
14. In court, he admitted that he had committed bigamy.
15. Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
16. The country was now irrevocably committed to war.
17. Members of the sect committed mass suicide.
18. There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.
19. Opposition parties are calling for further assurances that the government is committed to its education policy.
20. Parker was committed for trial yesterday at Southwark Crown Court.
21. Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.
22. Rape is committed where sexual intercourse takes place without consent.
23. Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.
25. We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise.
26. Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
27. Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.
28. They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.
29. He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed.
30. He committed another offence while he was out on bail .
31. Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.
32. They were all committed to the doctrine of social equality.
33. He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed.
34. He committed another offence while he was out on bail .
35. The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer.
36. The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.
37. He committed a second clear foul and was sent off.
38. The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
39. Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.
40. Several employees were suspended amid allegations that financial improprieties had been committed.
41. I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients.
42. He is a serious artist, and totally committed to his work.
43. He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
44. I quickly committed the number of the car to memory .
45. All of us, myself included, had been totally committed to the Party.
46. He felt no remorse for the murders he had committed.
47. On the night the murder was committed , he was out of the country.
48. According to the witness's testimony, you were present when the crime was committed.
49. They are committed to fighting against racism.
50. The government is committed to housing the refugees.
51. She committed the instructions to memory.
52. We committed the baby to her trust.
53. committed by the occupying troops will never be forgotten.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54. FBI found out that the senator committed bribery.
55. He surrendered to despair and eventually committed suicide.
56. Evans committed suicide while on remand in Parkhurst prison.
57. The prime minister is personally committed to this legislation.
58. The judge committed him to prison.
59. She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
60. She had not committed anything to paper about it.
31. The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer.
32. The police force is committed to being an equal opportunities employer.
33. He committed a second clear foul and was sent off.
34. The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
35. Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.
36. Several employees were suspended amid allegations that financial improprieties had been committed.
37. I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients.
38. He is a serious artist, and totally committed to his work.
39. He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
40. I quickly committed the number of the car to memory .
41. All of us, myself included, had been totally committed to the Party.
42. He felt no remorse for the murders he had committed.
43. On the night the murder was committed , he was out of the country.
44. FBI found out that the senator committed bribery.
45. The killer committed monstrous acts.
46. Empathy for the criminal's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult.
47. The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.
48. This is the identical knife with which the murder was committed.
49. After he had committed the crime, his conscience was troubled.
50. Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
61. Four people had been arrested and committed for trial.
62. She committed suicide three days later.
63. They committed more than three divisions to the operations.
64. Brady committed a series of brutal murders.
65. He had witnessed horrors committed by the enemy.
66. She has not committed a criminal offence .
67. Who is supposed to have committed these transgressions?
68. He committed several serious offences.
69. We are firmly committed to reducing unemployment.
70. The company has committed funds to an advertising campaign.
71. The robbery was committed by a group of delinquents.
72. The prime suspect in the case committed suicide.
73. The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.
74. The crime was committed under provocation.
75. The government has committed a serious error.
76. His body was committed to the deep .WHICH WORD?
77. The whole family are committed nudists.
78. He committed a burglary while on parole.
79. He has committed a serious crime.
80. We are committed to improving services.
81. They have committed trea -son against the state.
82. He's been committed to prison for fraud.
83. 80% of burglaries are committed by casual opportunists.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
84. He has committed himself to support his brother's children.
85. They committed the crime while high on drugs.
86. He committed himself heart and soul to the cause.
87. The woman who committed the crime was educationally disadvantaged.
88. I'd committed myself and there was no turning back.
89. The crime seemed to have been committed without motive.
90. She committed these documents to the fire.
91. He had committed several rapes.
92. Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.
93. The prisoner was committed for trial.
94. They are committed to democracy, human rights and pluralism.
95. We are committed to the ideal of equality.
96. The judge committed him to prison for six months.
97. She was committed to non-violence.
98. The actor committed the part to memory.
99. In the war, both sides committed atrocities.
100. He has committed himself to support them.
101. The crime was committed on American soil.
102. The organization is committed to AIDS prevention and education.
103. He committed another robbery while out on bail.
104. She had committed adultery on several occasions.
105. He committed the crime under the influence of drugs.
106. The crime had been committed in cold blood.
107. The President is committed to reforming health care.
108. This is a man who has committed murder.
109. The killer committed monstrous acts.
110. Many atrocities are committed on innocent people in wartime.
111. You just committed the blunder to end all blunders.
112. She surrendered herself to despair and committed suicide.
113. Nine murders were committed last week in this city.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
114. He has committed himself to the cause of education.
115. He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates.
116. This provided solid evidence that he committed the crime.
117. She suspected her husband had committed adultery.
118. We are fully committed to Equal Opportunity policies.
119. He said the government remained committed to peace.
120. The court committed her to a lunatic asylum.
121. The company is committed to caring for the environment.
122. The criminal was committed to jail.
123. This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.
124. She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a tenth floor window.
125. He knew that he had committed a terrible sin .
126. Once you sign on the dotted line you are committed to that property.
127. These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime.
128. The gang admitted they had committed four recent bank robberies.
129. The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.
130. A number of churches were sacked and sacrilegious acts committed.
131. Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing?
132. Empathy for the criminal's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult.
133. I must go. I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me.
134. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
135. A number of burglaries have been committed in this area recently.
136. The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished.
137. They announced a general amnesty for crimes committed during the war.
138. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.
139. The government is committed to achieving equal rights for women.
140. Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy.
141. Decent people were filled with disgust for whoever committed the crimes.
142. We are committed to supporting democracy and reform in the region.
143. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
143. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
144. He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation.
145. He tried to make it appear that she had committed suicide.
146. The chief of police said that he was committed to wiping out vice in the city.
147. The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary.
148. Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism.
149. He committed a crime, no ifs or buts about it.
150. Mary's a committed nurse.
151. She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed.
152. Mother was so angry that her face was drained of blood when she knew his son had committed the crime.
153. I committed the number to memory and threw the letter away.
154. The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.
155. They are committed socialists.
156. Corporate crime?committed by businesses?should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against a business.
157. The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.
158. She was strongly committed to her job, a policewoman by eminence.
159. It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him.
160. The police determined that no crime had been committed in the street.
161. He had committed a grave error in letting them see the document.
162. Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny/small fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year.
163. He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.
164. She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.
165. A committed socialist, he upheld the rights of the voiceless and the underprivileged.
166. A lot of money has been committed to this project.
167. We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.
168. Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public.
169. The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women.
170. The government has committed billions toward defraying the costs of the war.
171. He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.
172. He asked how committed the leadership was to liberating its people from poverty.
173. He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.
173. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174. He has not yet committed to any of the candidates.
175. The crimes committed there invested the place with an air of mystery and gloom.
176. This is the identical knife with which the murder was committed.
177. The men maintained they were out of the country when the crime was committed.
178. The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs.
179. He blurted out the truth, that he committed the crime.
180. Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.
181. Occasionally people confess to crimes they haven't committed just to get attention.
182. The magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey.
183. The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.
184. He committed both crimes to feed his addiction to heroin.
185. Detectives deduced from the clues who had committed the crime.
186. London company requires a team player committed to quality management.
187. A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.
188. The success or failure of the project depends on how committed the managers are.
189. He was electrocuted for a murder committed when he was 17.
190. The government is committed to holding exports at their present level.
191. The army is committed to ensuring the independence of the country.
192. Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
193. The crime he committed is a blot on his record.
194. She committed the heresy of playing a Madonna song on a classical music station.
195. The two men were committed for trial at Bristol Crown Court.
196. He spoke of the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under the regime.
197. This government is committed to extending parental choice in education.
198. He was deeply committed to political doctrines of social equality.
199. He faced it out that he was nowhere near the spot when the crime was committed.
200. The crime was committed with the connivance of a police officer.
201. He insisted that he had not committed any crime .
202. He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa.
203. You must decide whether, on the balance of probabilities , he committed the crime.
204. She felt she had committed an offence against the right of others.
205. Is there any physical evidence to suggest that a crime has been committed?
206. He committed the crime with a gun that he legally owned.
207. After he had committed the crime, his conscience was troubled.
208. He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.
209. Data indicates that most crime is committed by young males.
210. She cared for Jem in her way but did not want to become emotionally committed.
211. His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt.
212. Corporate crime — committed by businesses — should not be confused with white - collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and may be directed against.
213. He claims that he is completely committed to the project and yet this is manifestly untrue.
214. Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.
215. The court was told that he was under the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence.
216. We are committed to addressing this matter thoroughly.
217. Had the woman committed adultery or not? they wondered.
218. The government's discomfiture during the Crimean War had aroused great expectations of major change even before Alexander became committed to Emancipation.
219. Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
220. The six have admitted the charges, committed at a rented factory in Burn Road, Hartlepool.
221. Rarely in the annals of human history has any people committed so much of its treasure to such a noble cause.
222. A trickster who constantly committed adultery - and then left her facing a mountain of debt.
223. You can build up or break down your future - you may rise or fall depending on how much you are committed to and prepared for your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
224. What is more, she had been a committed political activist in a way that only a seventeen-year-old can be.
225. Gloriously defeated at the age of twenty-three, she committed suicide rather than suffer the shame of surrender.
226. If both parties committed abandonment, adultery, or extreme cruelty, the union was still held to be inviolate.
227. Conditions in Evin have been so appalling that three women prisoners committed suicide in December.
228. It was possible that Riddle had committed suicide in such a way as to make it appear that he had been murdered.
229. Brian Simpson was also deeply affected by the incident - he committed suicide the following year.
230. Your life is full of opportunities and possibilities. It is yours to create, to enjoy or to suffer. You may lead a successful or failing life – depending on how much you are committed to and prepared for your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
231. It was alleged that police officers over- reacted or committed breaches of discipline and even criminal offences.
232. For a submariner, he had committed a grievous act -- mixing alcohol with duty.
233. If an employer is committed to an agreed procedure or customary arrangement regarding redundancies, he should adhere to it.
233. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
234. If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. Mahatma Gandhi 
235. Morality is often rendered impotent by human selfishness, avarice and wickedness. And few people take morality seriously, or are committed to what is morally right, when personal interests are at stake. Dr T.P.Chia 
236. His view was that the cause of action arose when the damage was suffered and not when the wrongful act was committed.
237. For those individuals committed to a daily roughage allotment, the Manchester cobb salad is a more-than-satisfactory dish.
238. Johnson became committed to discrediting the civil rights movement and asked Hoover to provide the ammunition.
239. We committed ourselves to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation and to the conclusion of a chemical weapons convention this year.
240. Further, the name was partly kept alive by dealing, primarily by the man most heavily committed, Durand-Ruel.
241. Life keeps getting better for those who are committed to working for a better life. Dr T.P.Chia 
242. Whether a company acquires an asset through loan or leasing, it is committed to making future cash payments.
243. Some, previously only marginally interested, developed a consciousness as trade unionists and became committed activists.
244. Trespass can therefore be committed by a person who digs a tunnel under land or who abuses the airspace.
245. Opposition leaders have talked about pursuing a criminal case against Estrada for corruption and other offenses he allegedly committed in office.
246. Commentators who are too committed to particular types of action limit their appeal.
247. Sentencing had been adjourned from an earlier date during which time it is alleged Marriner committed other offences.
248. They also maintained that it would be impossible to hold fair trials so long after the alleged crimes had been committed.
249. The Gamester also ended tragically when Beverly, a gambler, falsely accused of murder, committed suicide by taking poison.
250. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead 
251. Nevertheless,() they do occur and occasional assaults and other criminal acts are committed.
252. She said that he committed both offences to feed his addiction to gaming machines.
253. What is the price tag for keeping decent, nonviolent people from having to commit the very act that Davis committed?
254. Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, chief military adviser to Gorbachev, committed suicide on Aug. 24.
255. Police think the crime was committed by someone from outside the area.
256. But the committed membership are not those best able to give an accurate assessment.
257. Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. Tony Robbins 
258. It is often said that an assault can be committed only by an act and that an omission is not sufficient.
259. They have to be committed to what management wants them to accomplish.
260. Above all, always be capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world. Che Guevara 
261. He finds Miriam appealing and she holds for him the added attraction of being married and committed herself.
262. When I asked who she thought had committed the crime, she smiled and said nothing.
263. He'd committed adultery with the wife of the local steward - the land agent for the lord of the manor.
264. The rest of my offences were committed in self-defence,(http:///committed.html) when I found the hands of all People were against me.
265. We are also committed to breaking down artificial barriers to women's advancement based on prejudice or lack of imagination.
266. Not only did he know their ways and problems but was committed to their advancement.
267. The offence would be committed by a single act of distribution, and the recipient may be a single person.
268. Development Rank Restaurants are committed to a positive annual appraisal system for all members of management.
269. The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
270. Modern progressives committed to diversity often fail to acknowledge this.
271. The defendants faced charges arising from three murders, three armed assaults and 32 armed robberies committed between 1980 and 1986.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:41:57