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单词 Harmful
(1) The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.
(2) We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.
(3) She actually considered fresh air harmful.
(4) Smoking is harmful to your health.
(5) This apparatus produces harmful radiations.
(6) It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
(7) Rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes contribute to the rise in violence and crime in the street.
(8) The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
(9) Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun's harmful rays.
(10) It is generally believed that smoking is harmful to health.
(11) Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.
(12) There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
(13) Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth.
(14) To jerk off is harmful.
(15) Smoking is a harmful vice.
(16) These products are often positively harmful.
(17) Not all virus infections are necessarily harmful to vines.
(18) Smoking can be harmful to your health.
(19) It is distinct that smoking is harmful to health.
(20) A lot of these chemicals are potentially very harmful.
(21) It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.
(22) There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.
(23) Sighing for sorrow can be harmful.
(24) It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.
(25) Many household products are potentially harmful.
(26) Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.
(27) Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
(28) Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.
(29) Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
(30) Depletion of the ozone layer leaves the earth's surface increasingly exposed to harmful radiation from the sun.
(1) The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.
(2) She actually considered fresh air harmful.
(3) This apparatus produces harmful radiations.
(4) It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
(5) Rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes contribute to the rise in violence and crime in the street.
(6) Water is not an effective shield against the sun's more harmful rays.
(7) Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun's harmful rays.
(8) It is generally believed that smoking is harmful to health.
(9) Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
(10) Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.
(11) Depletion of the ozone layer leaves the earth's surface increasingly exposed to harmful radiation from the sun.
(12) There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
(13) There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.
(14) It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.
(15) Cars, trucks and buses produce exhaust nearly as harmful as the factories.
(31) Drinking is known to be harmful.
(32) These pesticides are environmentally harmful.
(33) It believed the affair was potentially harmful to British aviation.
(34) Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.
(35) Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.
(36) You'll need sunglasses that will cut out harmful UV rays from the sun.
(37) Some people refuse to buy goods that are overpackaged, because they feel that it is harmful to the environment.
(38) Food must be heated to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
(39) Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.
(40) Our use of harmful chemicals and the consequent damage to the environment is a very serious matter.
(41) The ozone layer forms a shield against harmful solar rays.
(42) The ozone layer filters harmful UV rays from the sun.
(43) The doctor told her that it was harmful to lace her waist.
(44) Prolonged use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.
(45) The researchers say they can find no indication that television has harmful physical effects on children.
(46) It is harmful to the stomach to eat cold food rinsed with beer.
(47) They've set up a research project to investigate the harmful effects of air pollution.
(48) Alcohol is usually not harmful if it is taken in moderation .
(49) They believe that modern farming techniques encourage an excessive reliance on harmful chemicals.
(50) This group of chemicals is known to be harmful to people with asthma.
(51) Such laws could protect the consumer from harmful or dangerous remedies.
(52) The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment.
(53) Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.
(54) We ought to reason why it is harmful to health to eat too much.
(55) Worse than all, rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes lead to bad tastes and a distorted viewpoint towards human life.
(56) They're organizing a campaign to draw people's attention to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars.
(57) They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.
(58) Cars, trucks and buses produce exhaust nearly as harmful as the factories.
(59) Computers and photocopiers are more harmful than tobacco?
(60) If one is inherently harmful, so is the other.
(61) Doctors have warned against the harmful effects of smoking.
(62) Can karate be harmful to his physical development?
(63) We want to help, but child sponsorship can be harmful for the child, her family and community.
(64) For example a ship called the Felicia left Philadelphia in August 1986 carrying a cargo of incinerator ash containing harmful metal residues.
(65) Nor can we discount the possibility that some factor in the diet itself has harmful effects.
(66) Accidents, both from injuries or harmful substances entering the eye, can cause scarring and ulceration.
(67) The licenses have been issued on condition that PowerGen installs equipment to remove most of the harmful emissions by 1998.
(68) What kind of controls would it take to keep all potentially pregnant women from doing anything harmful to a fetus?
(69) Council officials refused to allow the chemicals to be used unless it could be shown they were not harmful to humans.
(70) More than a decade ago the National Academy of Sciences recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria.
(71) The new air pollution controls are designed to limit harmful emissions from industry and motor vehicles.
(72) The discharge of harmful chemicals into drinking water is banned.
(73) The convention establishes the principle that nothing that is harmful to human health and marine life can be dumped at sea.
(74) People normally are not conscious of, or do not pay attention to their habits - until they have been penalized by their unhealthy or harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
(75) Some biologists suspect that these pulse-modulated radiations may be more harmful than unperturbed waves.Sentence dictionary
(76) Differences emerge in three ways: argument; competition; and conflict - which alone is considered wholly harmful.
(77) 80% of Americans think that television is harmful to society and especially to children.
(78) Negative behaviors and harmful habits are the silent killers of a healthy, good life. Dr T.P.Chia 
(79) Like crack cocaine for the soul, Charlie's Angels delivers shameful, addictive, and no doubt tremendously harmful fun.
(80) The experience was likely to be most harmful between six months and three years of age.
(81) This will eliminate virtually all harmful exhaust gases, except for the emission of CO2.
(82) And a specialist in alcohol abuse says youngsters don't realise the dangers associated with what is a potentially harmful drug.
(83) On the ground, international observers will draw attention to any restoration work thought to be unsuitable or harmful.
(84) It finds its way to the outside world via the water system and it is believed to be harmful to animals.
(85) Knowledge about the harmful consequences of smoking could be maintained in a low key manner through the school curriculum.
(86) As yet there is no proof that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans.
(87) These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries.
(88) Abusive or excessive drinking is harmful not only to society but to the long-term interests of the industry as well.
(89) These kinds of exemptions were regarded as potentially harmful by organizations such as the Royal Town Planning Institute.
(90) Studies consistently demonstrate that its harmful effects are far less than those of alcohol or tobacco.
(91) Pamela Stephenson is upsetting the apple cart with her war against harmful pesticides in our food.
(92) The changing world climate is probably due to a build-up of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.
(93) Enterprise zones have not been environmentally harmful; in many cases standards have greatly improved.
(94) It is dangerous to mortgage your future to unhealthy or harmful habits. They will sabotage your future. Dr T.P.Chia 
(95) Many of the products that we have around our homes are harmful if swallowed.
(96) VDUs are suspected by some of causing eye strain, postural problems and even of spreading harmful radiation across the room.
(97) Scientists tend to agree that most diets don't work and can be harmful.
(98) You should always use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
(99) This will help to prevent the build-up of harmful plaque on the teeth, especially close to the border with the gums.
(100) Bogwood is semi-fossilised, and should not contain harmful substances, but it may stain the water dark brown.
(101) Grapefruit can help reduce harmful blood cholesterol levels and cranberry juice relieves cystitis.
(102) They admit the treatment for changing the color of your skin is potentially harmful and not very effective.
(103) Other plants sown with the reeds absorb heavy metals and harmful bacteria.
(104) It seems as if an invisible wall is involved, preventing the athlete from being touched by anything harmful.
(105) There has also been a great deal of adulation which is perhaps even more harmful for it generates mysticism.
(105) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(106) Additionally, rapid repetition of the experiment allows the production of abdominal movies without any harmful effects to the subjects.
(107) Men are inclined to exaggerate their strengths and to rationalize their weaknesses, and are not willing to accept the truth about their negative behaviors and harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
(108) This also made it easier to note any harmful side effects of medication and ensure compliance with treatment.
(109) Has anyone considered the harmful effects of these plants or their sap on aquatic life?
(110) But capital punishment is not for me in that category: it is not self-evidently harmful, not self-evidently unjust.
(111) Harmful quantities of radiation are also released both before and after the uranium fuel enters the power station.
(112) I wouldn't take anything that I thought might be too harmful and detrimental to my health, y'know.
(113) It is virtuous and honorable to be honest, but honesty does not always pay. Honesty is not a good policy in circumstances where being honest is disadvantageous or harmful. Dr T.P.Chia 
(114) It also includes discouraging cultural traits that have outlived their usefulness and may be otherwise harmful to society.
(115) Indeed, permanently fixed exchange rates could be positively harmful since changing parities can act as a buffer to absorb economic shocks.
(116) Scientists have recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria.
(117) You need power, only when you want to do something harmful otherwise love is enough to get everything done. Charlie Chaplin 
(118) It is imperative that we begin to end this harmful system of separation.
(119) When Delaney offered his amendment, scientists could identify traces of potentially harmful substances down to a level of parts per million.
(120) It was administered in the hospital because errors in caloric calculations could be harmful.
(121) The self-interest behind such measures and the harmful effects in Third World countries are plain for all to see.
(122) The destruction of the ozone layer will have a very harmful effect on the environment.
(123) Initially there were concerns about the possibly harmful effects of athletics and exercise.
(124) Most people are aware of the harmful effects of smoking.
(125) Essentially the bacteria change the harmful ammonia and nitrites that are produced into harmless nitrates that are useful to living plants.
(126) There have been no studies, he says, on whether it may be harmful to use the drugs over several years.
(127) We will meet our international obligations to reduce harmful chimney emissions.
(128) The rift between conventional and complementary medicine has had many harmful effects.
(129) So when it's added to harmful substances, it makes them unpalatable.
(130) AirX is non-toxic and completely biodegradable and contains no harmful ingredients.
(131) The problem is, what is good to eat and what is harmful?
(132) The protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea.
(133) Two separate surveys found that many prepacked sandwiches were being stored at dangerously high temperatures, causing the spread of harmful bacteria.
(134) A Skin is waterproof and keeps harmful materials such as detergents and allergic compounds out, and water in.
(135) Other chips may detect the presence of moulds or harmful bacteria.
(136) Is it not the case that such a religion is by its very nature harmful to the cause of human equality?
(137) This is not to say that lower gliadin doses are not potentially harmful to coeliac disease subjects.
(138) Jogging went out when it was found to be harmful for the joints.
(139) The sun's rays can be very harmful to the skin.
(140) Suppose a regulation were being considered by your local government that you considered unjust or harmful.
(141) Thorough cooking kills harmful bacteria,(http:///harmful.html) so be sure ground meat and poultry are cooked to the well-done stage.
(142) However, lead emissions from car exhausts are an atmospheric pollutant that may be harmful to people's health.
(143) One objective is to reduce waste by 50 percent by 1995, particularly substances harmful to the environment.
(144) The mushrooms themselves are only as harmful as most other hallucinogens.
(145) His resistance to her demand will be as harmful as compliance, but her misery commands his sympathy.
(146) The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.
(147) Certain deficiencies, of vitamins or iodine, can be harmful, and there are serious dangers from mercurial or lead poisoning.
(148) There is no sound evidence of Ginseng inducing harmful side effects.
(149) Perhaps the best approach is to devise methods by which patients conclude for themselves that smoking is harmful and undesirable.
(150) PLA2 has been considered earlier to act mainly as a harmful agent in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases including acute pancreatitis.
(151) The project aims to sort out which garden plants can be harmful, and to define just how toxic they really are.
(152) The latter are particularly helpful since cholesterol becomes harmful when its chemical structure is changed through oxidisation.
(153) Discussions about drugs' harmful effects were one thing, but McGrath was sick with heroin.
(154) It isn't dangerous to a healthy adult or child, but it can be harmful to a foetus.
(155) There are risks involved in vaccinations, and the vaccination itself may have harmful effects, especially if incorrectly given.
(156) How to use charcoal Charcoal will take up a number of harmful or nuisance substances by adsorption.
(157) Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results.
(158) If the food market expands, they reason, it could reduce the need to spray crops with harmful pesticides.
(159) Remember, too much could be just as harmful as too little.
(160) All negative and harmful desires, if uncontrolled, would turn human beings into the worst monsters on earth. Dr T.P.Chia 
(161) Special anti-condensation and anti-fungicide paints are available, but they contain a range of harmful chemicals and are best avoided.
(162) The creation of the Premier League is therefore irrelevant and potentially harmful.
(163) Motor vehicles account for 72 percent of all harmful emissions.
(164) Tampering with the seam is much the most harmful form of ball vandalism.
(165) Use aquarium gravel(Sentence dictionary), as it should not leach harmful substances into the water.
(166) The most harmful type are saturated animal fats, found in meat and dairy products.
(167) Wallace said they consume 12-15 tons of insects, many of them varieties harmful to crops.
(168) In the absence of more tangible evidence, the argument regarding possible harmful effects on children can be ignored.
(169) So there was nothing harmful in Kent police officers conspiring with criminals to boost clear-up statistics.
(170) And the child accidentally receives a greater and potentially harmful dosage of pain reliever.
(171) Tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful than the so-called hard drugs, heroin and cocaine.
(172) They also point out that the excessive amounts of sugar in some brands could also be harmful to older babies' teeth.
(173) Ridding his stables of a harmful bacteria cocktail has been a long and costly process for Berwickshire trainer James Adam.
(174) The tyres contain only low levels of carbon and no dioxins; potentially harmful products of burning tyres are to be recycled.
(175) Under these conditions there is a proliferation of anaerobic bacteria which can lead to the release of harmful by-products, such as methane.
(176) In this aspect, too, guilt or guilt-producing attitudes are harmful concomitants.
(177) Paints today are getting safer as companies remove harmful chemicals,() but you still need to be careful.
(178) Accidental inhalation of the powder can be harmful.
(179) prolonged exposure to harmful radiation.
(180) Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).
(181) Excessive drinking is harmful to the health.
(182) It's believed the affair was potentially harmful to British aviation.




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