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单词 Unequal
1. The twins are unequal in height.
2. Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.
3. She cut two slices of noticeably unequal size.
4. This country still had a deeply oppressive, unequal and divisive political system.
5. he women have threatened to strike against unequal pay.
6. The pieces were unequal in length.
7. I feel unequal to the task.
8. Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society.
9. The sleeves are unequal in length.
10. They struck against unequal pay.
11. The rooms upstairs are of unequal size.
12. They have a rather unequal relationship.
13. She suddenly felt unequal to the task she had set herself.
14. He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.
15. I've given up the unequal struggle to keep my house tidy.
16. It can become an unequal contest.
17. You will find it an unequal contest.
18. The interlopers soon give up the unequal contest.
19. Yet they, too(), have a very unequal geography.
20. The Bengal Government proved tragically unequal to the task.
21. But the division of cytoplasm is extremely unequal.
22. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
23. Those manoeuvres arise in a situation of unequal power.
24. The epochs too are unequal in length.
25. The two pieces or rope were unequal in length.
26. The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.
27. The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.
29. He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.
30. Until women are paid as much as men, they will be competing on unequal terms.
1. Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.
2. She cut two slices of noticeably unequal size.
3. This country still had a deeply oppressive, unequal and divisive political system.
4. Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society.
5. The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties.
31. It can only reduce student numbers and make our education system more unequal.
32. Nationally, unequal terms of trade between the agricultural and industrial sectors serve to subsidize manufacturing.
33. The life-cycle of earnings People also experience radically unequal patterns of earnings over the span of their working lives as employees.
34. Unequal educational gains have further increased social and economic inequalities between regions and classes and have contributed to ethnic and political tensions.
35. Personal and social problems are explained in terms of the unequal distribution of power and resources in society.
36. It was an unequal contest, and Lorton was tired of playing the loser.
37. Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms.
38. Housing and schools remain segregated and unequal. Economic disparities grow ever greater and more intractable.
39. All societies differentiate and, to a greater or lesser extent, allocate unequal rewards on the basis of age.
40. People are paid unequal amounts because they have unequal talents.
41. They claim foreign governments pay massive subsidies to their aerospace industries and the unequal competition threatens the Jetstream factory's future.
42. The last minute of a hunt is an unequal struggle and quite rightly so.
43. Each U-235 nucleus that decays spontaneously emits two large but unequal fragments, plus several neutrons.
44. The first - unequal retirement ages - has been incorporated into the new scheme.
45. Critics claimed that economic success had done little to alleviate fundamental problems of poverty and the grossly unequal distribution of income.
46. Its rules protect the weak in a world of unequal power.
47. The unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market is deeply entrenched in our culture.
48. The distribution of medical services has always been both unequal and inequitable.
49. The country is in such disorder that a successor may be unequal to the task of putting it right.
50. We were of unequal size: the larger one had to be fairer and the smaller one realistic.
51. The unequal distribution of wealth is a feature of our system of government.
52. The boxers were so unequal in size that it was never really a true contest.
53. It was an unequal relationship. He was rich, powerful and experienced -- I was very young and naive.
54. It's bad enough trying to fly with unequal line lengths; having an asymmetric kite can be most frustrating!
55. Everybody knows that one of our great ills today is the unequal distribution of wealth.
56. Only an unequal distribution that takes need into account can achieve the goal of effective equality of access to medical care.
57. Correspondingly most of the persons in a close network of relationships are of unequal rather than equal status.
58. An important aspect of alliances - like alliances in international politics - is that they frequently are between highly unequal partners.
59. The statistics leave no doubt that the triumph of capital has lead to more and more unequal distribution of income and wealth.
60. It is more debatable whether differences which are the outcome of different job characteristics are the outcome of unequal treatment or not.
61. Individuals, except in an ultimate moral sense, are unequal. 6.
62. Commitments to social justice were thrown out of the window in pursuit of a more polarised and unequal economic model.
63. Hari sighed and, pressing her eyes tightly shut, felt unequal to the task before her.
64. Without delay, the fire-fighters gave up the unequal struggle to contain the leaping flames.
65. After years of regular waxing, the hair follicles may give up the unequal struggle and not grow back.
66. Because the insurance company was paying the defendant's costs, the contest would be unequal.
67. Many physical problems have been linked to the pervasive, ongoing stress of feeling unequal to what you have to do.
68. When people are forced to compete on unequal terms they become resentful.
69. There are even certain particular selections of initial list for which there is no algorithm for deciding when two words are unequal.
70. This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign, prosperous welfare State.
71. In selective assessment the relationship between practitioner and elder is one of unequal power.
72. Society is composed of many different groups, which are unequal in power, status, and material possessions.
73. With further cell divisions there would be a further unequal distribution of such determinants.
74. It was criticised as apparently unequal to all the needs of chronically sick children and helpless geriatrics.
75. Most rice fields were owned in unequal shares, and the produce was distributed accordingly when the crop was harvested.
76. Meanwhile, the administration will also need to explain this unequal treatment of fishermen and agriculture.
77. The members of the Frankfurt Assembly proved unequal to the task.
78. Similar problems follow from centuries of unequal treatment of men and women.
79. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. Aristotle 
80. This means that if countries are suffIciently unequal in size, whichever country is larger will produce all the increasing-returns products.
81. However, if functionally one is considered an unequal, ontology soon becomes irrelevant.
82. This unequal relationship was reflected in the autocratic, all-powerful state headed usually by one person.
83. They are normally found to be divided into two very unequal parts.
84. For both approaches, the fundamental feature of society is stratification-the unequal distribution of values across distinct groups.
85. It may seem a case of unequal treatment, but there are complex medical questions involved.
86. Power and rewards Tumin argues that Davis and Moore have ignored the influence of power on the unequal distribution of rewards.
87. Not surprisingly, a more unequal distribution of skills leads to a more unequal distribution of earnings in the United States.
87. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
88. This chapter is concerned with the study of the unequal distribution of power, prestige and wealth in society.
89. If your string is unequal in diameter along its length, then the overtones are guaranteed to be off.
90. Should I give up the unequal struggle and wait until I reached the age of 16?
91. It does posit that individuals are inherently unequal in intelligence, in skills, and in status.
92. What are concealed are the material inequalities of leisure power, the unequal distributions of cultural capital.
93. Horizontal equity is the equal treatment of equals, and vertical equity the unequal treatment of unequals.
94. Competition is particularly intense where supply and demand are quite unequal.
95. Those figures whose legs were unequal - which was most of them - looked caught in the act of moving.
96. And the particulars of such a seeming unequal struggle are of little immediate help to the Kids from La Fama.
97. This social structure is itself unequal, and works to the benefit of this dominant group.
98. New parents rarely anticipate just how difficult unequal parenting is on a marriage.
99. Thus, the higher the Gini coefficient, the more unequal is the distribution of national income.
100. Railroad companies often charged unequal or unfair rates.
101. Be unequal to future now?
102. These unequal treaties were made under duress.
103. He was unequal to the job.
104. The areas under the two resonance envelopes are unequal.
105. She felt unequal to the task.
106. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that?
107. The correlations are of unequal value.
108. Keith felt unequal to the effort.
109. Her feet are of unequal size.
110. an unequal distribution of wealth.
111. My left-leaning friends are just fine with unequal outcomes.
112. He is unequal to dealing with the problem.
113. Undeveloped and unequal tracheae of SVB, big volume, heavy weight, high water potential on lodicules are one of the important reason that CMS lines have higher PGG.
114. The data with missing values in two-factor experiment with randomized block design is the unbalanced data with unequal replications of level combination of two factors.
115. The disparity of strength between operators and consumers makes their actual statuses unequal, so to realize social fairness requires the arrangements of inclinable policy to protect consumers.
116. Protect the glass- eye that good heart work properly, be unequal to the result and can't rise, the result rising, be unequal to is a near sight.
117. In this paper, a class of new sequence pair, that is, unequal periodic sequence pair, is put forward and its correlative property, existence condition is studied.
118. PAE is stable over generations and has been suggested to be caused by unequal crossing-over.
119. In this paper it not only gives the method of unequal probability in group sampling and unbiassedness of mean estimation and also gives the variance and its unbiassedness of estimation.
120. These can be of equal or unequal cost and are identified as the best loop-free paths to a given destination. A copy of the successor routes is also placed in the topology table.
121. A method of producing homogeneous magnetic field by three coaxial coils(TCC) with unequal diameters is proposed.
122. Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism.
123. The new method for designing Fresnel lens has a wide serration breadth and unequal pitch.
124. Objective To study the treatment of V pattern caused by unequal bilateral overaction of the inferior oblique.
125. Asymmetrical cell division is a process by which a cell gives rise to two different daughter cells through the unequal inheritance of specific molecules.
126. Exchange of Unequal Values: Working and the consumption of wealth. Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 2000.
127. The flower has short canister, corollaceous 2 lips, lobation is unequal, diversity of design and color, have white, purple, lilac or pink.
128. Among them , as the earliest modernized cities , the treaty port cities , opened to the outside under the threaten of those invading western countries and through their unequal treaties .
129. In project implementation stage, there are so many unequal senses in project funds payment, project modification, project compensation, project audit and other some aspects.
130. It was maddening to be unequal to many enterprises(D. H.
131. Lexicographical comparison examines corresponding elements in two sequences and determines the comparison based on the first unequal pair of elements.
132. Unequal distributions, however sensible they may seem to parents, often dredge up sibling rivalries.
133. By studying the essence and form, we believe that harm possesses the following characteristics: Unprofitable Restrained Unequal Objective Remediable.
134. In fine, support the right of the black, but, be unequal to and is a president.
135. Under a certain aim-mid precision, the error of short line angle survey of the mini brim-angle net is bigger, so the production should be done the unequal precision mixable adjustment.
136. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) and other complications of monochorionic (shared placenta) twin pregnancies like unequal placental sharing are generally diagnosed by ultrasound.
137. A principle of unequal parameter analysis for dynamics of multi-cylinder engine, with its effect and research method, is presented.
138. This paper constructs irregular LDPC codes of unequal error protection with a parity check matrix in a lower triangular.
139. The results also show unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction between femtosecond soliton in the presence of optical source chirp in a certain degree.
140. If lay aside numeral to put the problem in"1 1" to the cosmos and put the physical world of tiny view, probably"1 1" still really be unequal to 2, even ability creation influence energy.
141. Unequal error method is done. Rate compatible punctured convolutional code—RCPC is adopted as the channel coding to carry out the UEP.
142. Though the status of stakeholders is equal in the sharing in the property profits, the distribution is unequal which depends on balance of power and the finial game result of each other.
143. Culm sheath asymmetrical, one side smooth, the other rugate , apex with unequal rounded shoulders.
144. Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents.
145. He knew that unequal distribution at had long benumb been observed in other areas , not just wealth.
146. A direct grey model of unequal gap which possesses white exponential law coincidence property is built.
147. In the dualistic society( ), the farmers who are demeaned as second - class citizens an unequal position.
148. The Company is not only a privilege foreign taxes unequal economic relations constitute an important part of the tobacco industry and restricted directly the national tobacco industry's development.
149. Why are disciplines with equal admittance unequal in status in the university?
150. "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," wrote Chief Justice Earl Warren in the unanimous decision.
151. Pauling and said the unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond can explain that extra energy.
152. If your doctor confirms that you have an uneven pelvis or unequal leg lengths, the solution will likely be to try to correct the problem with a heel lift on the short side.
153. If wage rate unequal in different countries, real unequal trade and international exploitation would appear.
154. A meeting in Berlin brought unequal health research partnerships into the open — but will its framework kick-start progress or gather dust?
155. Line intersect sampling is survey method of rare population and unequal probability sampling with replacement. It based on Buffon's needle problem and had a perfect theory basis.
156. Like other subjugated Asian nations the Japanese were forced to sign unequal treaties with Western powers.
157. As for channel coding, classification of SPIHT output stream bits is utilized for unequal error protection.
158. Female perianth lobes unequal, largest lobe cymbiform , 1/2 as long as achene.
159. In this scheme, data is divided into different levels, and multilevel code modulation and set partitioning techniques are used to offer unequal error protection to data with different priorities.
160. It is necessary for every country to strengthen economic cooperation and open policy in order to meet the economic globalism. But in fact, the reliance is unsymmetry and unequal to every country.
161. This gave Marshall the chance to urge that the Supreme Court at last rule that segregated facilities were, by definition and as a matter of law, unequal and hence unconstitutional.
162. This paper introduces a robot for laser welding of unequal - thickness plates in the automatic production line.
163. Duplication can be created by unequal crossing over, retroposition, or whole genome ( or chromosomal ) duplication.
164. Using the structure of a systematic convolutional code, this algorithm achieves bit-by-bit unequal error protection for VLC-coded bitstream, and thus restrains the error propagation effectively.
165. A formulation to analyse the large displacement problem of a marine riser with two unequal principal moments of inertia of the cross section in the 3-D space is presented.
166. Like "Happy-Go-Lucky," though on a somewhat larger scale, "Another Year" is about the unequal distribution of happiness.
167. The error analysis by the Time data - Separation Approach of unequal interval sequence is difficult.
168. There are 12 methods in this paper totally, divided into 3 kinds by purposes. There are also some Post Hoc test methods for the unequal variances.
169. Furthermore, since the faculties of human beings are by nature diverse and unequal, aninequality of condition arises naturally from an equal right to liberty ofevery man.
170. Her critics say she has proved unequal to the task.
171. A democracy demonstrates its political power by knowing how to refuse or keep at bay something foreign and unequal that threatens its homogeneity.
172. A direct grey model of unequal gap which possesses white exponential law coincidence property is built. In the meanwhile, niche genetic algorithm to optimize model parameters is given.
173. I believe to be unequal to future in the past!
174. But be unequal to person , be that climatic condition is inferior to favourable geographical position also.
175. It also designs a compact unequal power divider and solves the problem of vertical transition of multi-layer network that can greatly reduce the volume of feed network.
176. Jane's anger comes from her unequal birth-status and worry, which exceeds the self-contempt. It is really a dispute between self-contempt and self-respect in her mind.
177. For example, most approaches predict that the living dead would an unequal effect on different governments.
178. Pass by to be unequal to the future, if you did not get what you want, so you will soon will get better. belief own ability. Targetting the target continues to wash before!
179. In this work, the patch antenna and the unequal power divider were designed.
180. He roamed from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal and objectless steps.
181. It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities are of ten scattered, uneconomical, unequal.
182. "One could even consider certain marriages where there are unequal financial resources to not be overly dissimilar," says Lichtenstein.
183. We use unequal error protection by assigning different channel code rates and bit energy allocation to different data bits.
184. Afghanistan is now the third-most unequal society in the world after Angola and Equatorial Guinea.
185. The influence of optical source chirp on femtosecond soliton interaction is studied numerically, and the unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction.
186. The main meiotic chromosomal aberration of PMC are multipolar division, loose pairing, inversion, tetravalent, interlocking chromosome, unequal segregation, straggling chromosome, bridge and laggards.
187. Be compared with the civil contract, the parties of labor contract are unequal, the content is uncomplete, the function is relational, the form is attached and the benefits are externality.
188. Total gross output value of construction is unequal to the sum of all regions due to the effect of locality of construction enterprises.
189. A novel modulation method for cascaded multicell inverter with separated dc sources is presented in this paper to balance the unequal power distribution among different invert cells.
190. This paper presents a new decoding algorithm of unequal error protection(UEP) code, which is called tree topology.
191. Due to the particular relation of generator matrix and parity check matrix, it can achieve unequal error protection performance with the modified decoding algorithm.
192. Furthermore, they proposed that education and human capital investment can not only promote economic growth but also can gradually improve the problem of unequal division of income.
193. Successors may take unequal shares if an agreement to that effect is reached among them.
194. Input offset current is the difference between the two input bias currents and this leads to offset errors in in-amps when source resistances in the two input terminals are unequal.
195. The unequal distribution between matter and antimatter in the universe has long been a mystery.
196. Each of the aforesaid quantities is said to be equal or unequal.
197. Furthermore,(http:///unequal.html) the effects of unequal thickness poles on reducing the airgap magnetic field distortion and improving the commutation condition were analyzed.
198. However, from the gender perspective, the role division in the process of folk religious rite activities reappear the unequal sex role in real life.




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