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单词 Compatible
1. Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.
2. The couple separated because they were not compatible.
3. The new software is IBM compatible .
4. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
5. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
6. This printer is compatible with most microcomputers.
7. Stephen's political views often weren't compatible with her own.
8. Such policies are not compatible with democratic government.
9. This software may not be compatible with older operating systems.
10. You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.
11. The theory does not seem compatible with his other ideas.
12. This software allows you to write files from compatible CD-RW drives.
13. She found a compatible partner through a computer dating agency.
14. Are measures to protect the environment compatible with economic growth?
15. We've hit a technical snag: the printer isn't compatible with my PC.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Mildred and I are very compatible. She's interested in the things that interest me.
17. Is the proposed use compatible with the surrounding area?
18. NIM6000M is compatible with Sbus expansion cards.
19. Nice compatible goals between the two of them.
20. Consider now a range of compatible computers.
21. Flame Angels are among the most compatible species.
22. This can hardly be compatible with the Prime Minister's stated aim of a classless society - quite the opposite in fact.
23. It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.
24. Each department in the company has its own mode of operation and none of them are compatible.
25. We need to ensure that the application software on both the PC and the Macintosh produces compatible files.
26. It is clearly desirable that domestic and European law should be compatible.
27. His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.
28. Marriage and the life I live just don't seem compatible.
29. Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not compatible with each other.
30. We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. Dr. Seuss 
1. The new software is IBM compatible .
2. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
3. It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.
4. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
5. Each department in the company has its own mode of operation and none of them are compatible.
6. You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.
31. The very fact that one can choose, however, shows that the two figures are compatible.
32. That notion is quite compatible with a certain residue of benevolent despotism exercised by Tory squires.
33. A compatible but independent thesis is that of adversary politics.
34. If you want to join two bags together to make a double, make sure the zips are compatible.
35. The concept of the rule of law is not logically compatible with that of parliamentary sovereignty.
36. In two of the 16, permission for necropsy was granted and histopathology of liver tissue was compatible with yellow fever.
37. The project is not compatible with the company's long-term aims.
38. They also want the latest and greatest to be completely compatible with everything that came before it.
39. Methods for dissociating cells are therefore more drastic and not necessarily compatible with long-term viability.
40. The C65 was intended to be a low-cost computer with better technical specifications than, but still compatible with, the C64.
41. She doesn't think, for example, that the bruising is compatible with his having had a fall.
42. It is functionally compatible with 24-pin generic array logic devices and functions at the same speed as the 16V8 above.
43. The criticism that atheists are less moral and honest has been disproved by study after study. Atheists believe that morality is man-made, and follow their moral ideas which are more or less compatible with those of religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
44. These protectors are compatible with most cylinder mounting kits, very robust and economic in service.
45. Both companies have compatible fleets, generating significant savings in maintenance, fuel buying, catering and other in-flight services.
45. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
46. While this does not necessarily imply causality, it does suggest that the climate was compatible with public acceptance.
47. That idea is wholly compatible with the argument about subsidiarity.
48. But most major countries have now digitised at least parts of their telephone networks, and international services are increasingly compatible.
49. Obviously there has to be guidelines but we find cycling very compatible with quiet enjoyment of the forest.
50. The less compatible a pair the greater the probability that their relationship will regress in the presence of another animal.
51. It is compatible with the canon of artistic detachment, but it can cause controversy.
52. The unusual geographical distribution is equally compatible with a genetic component.
53. Second, some feel that no supply of arms to the combatants, however even-handed, is compatible with neutrality.
54. It may also be superseded because the hardware is replaced with hardware that is not compatible with the software. 3.
55. Liver biopsy, performed in 10 patients, showed changes compatible with sclerosing cholangitis in non-AIDS patients in five cases.
56. The question is which form will be compatible with the general curriculum aims set out in the last chapter.
57. This is a double responsibility: two responsibilities which sometimes are not compatible.
58. BankTrak is included to provide daily balance reporting, together with transaction details direct to a compatible computer on the customer's premises.
59. It would have been truly amazing if this system had been Flash Memory compatible.
60. On a parallel track, the business world is well catered for with several compatible products on the two systems.
61. What Roddick is at most pains to demonstrate is that honesty and commercialism can make compatible bedfellows.
62. Seals to original vehicle specification are compatible with silicone fluid.
63. So what do you think and who do we ask to find out if these rubber seals are compatible with silicone fluid?
64. In only three cases was administration of gangliosides compatible temporally with the onset of symptoms.
65. The software, binary compatible with Solaris 2.0, boasts new installation, administration, security and internationalisation features.
66. This is compatible with the hypothesis that prenatal nutrition affects subsequent pancreatic function.
67. Recipes accepted as great and sacrosanct are not always compatible with sense.
68. The success of a relationship depends largely on how compatible two people are and how well they communicate.
69. Output must be fully compatible with all the major word processors and battery life should be measured in days rather than hours.
70. The standard rule is: delegate to the lowest level possible, compatible with a reasonable chance of a successful outcome.
71. Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never been taken together.
72. The browse button lets you search different directories for compatible multimedia material.
73. Unfortunately he bought a printer that was not compatible with his computer.
74. Notice now that the range is compatible only at the virtual computer level and not at the hardware level.
75. Who knows whether we could find a compatible donor in a hundred years?
75. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76. Their results are compatible with a 37% smaller or greater adrenaline response with human insulin compared with porcine insulin.
77. Quite often they have to be compatible, however, with paintings or with full-size sets or even with location shots.
78. Changes within capitalism are making the family and the market less and less compatible.
79. So far, we have examined the kinds of inequalities that are arguably compatible with legal equality.
80. In the end these separate plans are cobbled together by a central planning department and adjusted to make them compatible.
81. It is desirable that the systems we develop in-house should be compatible with those in use elsewhere.
82. To what extent these strategic aims are compatible remains to be seen.
83. This urged states to sign and ratify the convention and to make domestic legislation and administrative procedures compatible with it.
84. Moreover, national economic revival and the economic revitalization of distressed cities were not necessarily compatible.
85. A handy companion for Psion fans without a compatible Infrared phone.
86. Democracy holds out beliefs and references groups that are not compatible with great inequalities.
87. So the most basic camera kit would be a camera, with its own microphone and a compatible video recorder.
88. Reconciliation implies the need to achieve harmony by making different objectives compatible.
89. To put it in its starkest form, capitalism is perfectly compatible with slavery.
90. A literary text is compatible with an indefinite number of contexts yielding indefinitely many readings and re-readings.
91. It demands insight into the necessity of growing old, and the courage to renounce what is no longer compatible with it.
92. The two are fully compatible so, for example, bold text appears bold without any extra effort.
93. To the extent that positivist criminology incorporates a realistic, manageable version of determinism, it becomes compatible with its classical predecessor.
94. There may be no missile that is survivable, affordable and compatible with arms control.
95. This grammatical tag must be compatible with those that the corpus was tagged with.
96. It has also been tested with over 2100 software programs and has proved to be compatible.
97. That is the rate of monetary growth which is compatible with avoiding inflation.
98. Politicians instruct administrators to frame policies compatible with their mandates and commitments.
99. They just weren't compatible, she told herself for the umpteenth time.
100. Compatible couples generally share the same values and have similar lifestyles and goals.
101. Strangers will be less intimidating, as intelligent badges will swap information that helps you find a compatible person.
102. The strength of religion lies in its moral doctrines that are compatible with the instinctive feelings of the human heart. Believers or non- believers are all blessed with this kind of human feelings – a part of human nature. Dr T.P.Chia 
103. When swapping engines, use the clutch assembly which is compatible with the gearbox you are using.
104. These statements need to be compatible with the home finance software so that bills can be paid and checkbooks balanced.
105. Secondly,(http:///compatible.html) be prepared to experiment with other typeface libraries so long as the format they produce has compatible printer and screen fonts.
106. The centralizing pressures of the whole school were kept at the lowest level compatible with the necessary coherence of the enterprise.
107. All are simple to use and compatible with existing lighting systems in the home.
108. Instead, he believes, they rely on advice from teachers about whether or not an applicant would be compatible.
109. DeGrazia argues offices will be more compatible than the 20-units-per-acre residential uses which the plan currently allows.
110. The two businesses have compatible aims, and a merger would be to everyone's advantage.
111. My temperament is compatible with the wind and the snow and the storms born from the cold wombs of northern lakes.
112. And because Lotus is the market leader, Microsoft has ensured that Excel is fully compatible with 123.
113. Hardly compatible with discretion, that I should ride to the Palace in so thinly disguised a vehicle.
114. There are passages of the Bible which are compatible with polytheism.
115. How compatible will you be with me and the other workers?
116. It is the first version of the Microsoft browser compatible with the plug-ins of its main competitor, Netscape.
117. External HID controller for compatible software.
118. Save file is not compatible to previous version.
119. For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.
120. Backward compatible changes cause the number to increment.
121. Compatible with alkyd and phenolic paints.
122. Health and hard work are compatible.
123. The largest library of compatible software repositories.
124. Parameter not compatible with fixed disk.
125. This hot fix is not compatible with your device.
126. Use a coupling compatible with this scaler.
127. Morphologically, this case is most compatible with Enterobius Vermilaris.
128. Paint for marks to be compatible with primer used.
129. The donor's blood is compatible with the recipient's.
130. Arsenical compounds are not compatible with reducing agents.
131. Fix for "No compatible hardware not found" error message.
132. It must be compatible with his personality and style.
133. Aortic atresia is not compatible with continued survival as seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
134. High gloss, Fullness, Hardness, Compatible with Alkyd resin, Fast dry.
135. Also a Wine backer like CrossOver, ReactOS is an attempt to create a fully Windows compatible operating system based on much of the work already done in Wine.
135. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
136. The switch is compatible with common switch and wall switch.
137. The site also noted that the next version would not be API-level compatible with the earlier version -- but kept the EA version available for download.
138. The driver is compatible with both pigtailed and receptacle type diodes and diodes of varying pin configurations.
139. For each metadata type compatible with a composite state, every transition in the sub-state machine has a policy for restriction.
140. Using mechanism design theory and marginal cost pricing theory, an incentive compatible bidding mechanism is introduced for power generation competition in electricity markets.
141. Harmonious society " is the society with social compatible and accrete natural resources."
142. Network structure and to transfer Autopass telephone system is fully compatible.
143. It can be compatible with epoxy, epoxy - tar, vinyl paint systems.
144. In this case, the type can be either to search for compatible bindings or the context consists of either a group profile entry that has to be added.
145. Compatible with the Linguistic symbol, Graphic symbol is able to visualize abstract concepts, induce people's emotions through image and scene.
146. This protocol mainly includes the four layers of the ISO/OSI Reference Model, and which is compatible with the IEEE 802,4 LAN standard.
147. Compatible with epoxy, chlorinated rubber, alkyd, polyurethane, phenolic top coatings and pitch epoxy rust inhibiting paint.
148. The comparative superiority based on the low cost of products is of compatible and mutual supplement with the competitive superiority based on differentiation of products.
149. In this paper, the design. , implementation and application of three practical microcode tools are given under the engineering background of KSJ-2850, a VAX compatible computer.
150. The PDP-15 was compatible with the earlier PDP-9 and included various advanced features, including memory protection and floating points.
151. Two or more bushes should be planted together for cross-pollination unless the cultivar is known to be self - compatible.
152. Other Titles: Are Content Externalism and the Notion of Self-Knowledge Compatible ?
153. We abhor the creeping delegitimisation and demonisation of Israel. But we also believe that the Palestinians deserve a state of their own. These two beliefs are entirely compatible.
154. It is the only steno machine invented to date that is compatible with personal computers (PCs) in China and can be connected directly to a PC to simultaneously process material.
155. A rudimentary public finance framework compatible with the socialist market economy came into being.
156. Mars will be sublimely compatible, so you should feel ready to meet others and rediscover your yen for a little adventure and change.
157. The application of the EOA to the derivation yields the representation of a complementation structure which is compatible with the economy principle of universal grammar.
158. In order for a user to make their compatible phone trackable, they simply download the software to the phone.
159. Now, improved bedsheets are being designed to be compatible with that technology.
160. Templates that encapsulate properties that are type lists model an MPL - compatible type sequence.
161. Creating cross-browser compatible tree structures, tabbed panes, split panes, popup menus, etc is time consuming and at the same time can be best done by an experienced Javascript/DHTML programmer.
162. It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, vinyl, pitch coating systems.
163. If you have compatible hardware and your computer still stops responding, disable any unnecessary hardware.
164. These chromosome aberrations are all stable, compatible with cell viability.
165. The card reader is compatible but the scanner is incompatible with my computer system.
165. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
166. The crux of shirting design includes the selection of proper material, texture and compatible colour stripes.
167. Compatible with all conventional types of detection devices. Push-button control; Radar; Magnetic loop.
168. Apparently these sausages are electrostatically compatible with the iPhone's capacitive touchscreen, making them an ideal finger alternative.
169. The four - digit padded filename is compatible with many image playback programs, for example, Maya's FCheck utility.
170. According to our previous discussion, this change would be backward compatible.
171. Ensure that the two arrays have the same rank (number of dimensions) and compatible element data types.
172. Allele and genotype frequencies among CAD patients and non - CAD subjects were compatible with Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium.
173. The results showed that shade plant Stellaria media is strong compatible to the different habitats, so it is difficult to get rid of in the fields.
174. It can be compatible with chlorinated rubber, epoxy, epoxy - tar, tar, epoxy ester, phenol, alkyd paint systems.
175. Implication connectives which are compatible with classical two-valued logic were defined, and they overcome the shortcoming that conditional probability can not be used to inference.
176. Such the changed compatible computer not only has the function of hard disk reducing card, but also has the function of network to copy.
177. Aim To study the compatible stability of Levofloxacin Hydrochloeide with Vitamin C Iinjection, Adenosine Disodium Triphosphate Injection, Coenzyme A Injection and Inosine Injection.
178. Holmes crossed two compatible races of ceratocystis ulmi, the causal agent of Dutch elm disease.
179. Diskless workstations ensure that everyone in an organization produces compatible data and helps reduce security risks.
180. Both bundles as a whole and packages individually can be versioned, and increases in the minor number are used to signify new features (but remaining backwardly compatible).
181. A reasonable model for Chinese-English Language Compatible computer system is also discussed.
182. Synthetic fuels have the advantage of being purer and more environmentally compatible than petroleum - based products.
183. If you've purchased RHEL 3, Red Hat will provide some level of installation support for any certified or compatible hardware.
184. There he discovered, through a chance reading of some books of Neoplatonism, a form of philosophy that seemed compatible with Christian belief.
185. Polypropylene is chemically inert and compatible with all window frame materials.
186. It has excellent engine and aerodynamic performance, superior deployment and handling qualities and a new advanced universal UAV mission ground control center compatible with all MALAT systems.
187. A. signal transmission system model compatible with single sideband (SSB) system, double sideband (DSB) system and vestigial sideband (VSB) system is obtained in this paper.
188. AIM To study the compatible stability of benzylpenicillin sodium with zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection.
189. Users can also expect improved compatibility, as the AV310 is compatible with all NTSC or PAL devices with a video output.
190. Barco's CDMS-3000 is compatible with the ARINC429 and/or MIL-STD-1553 interfaces and supports Ethernet, mass memory, and USB memory front loading.
191. You will experience living in the continuum, where all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, and you will travel back and forth between Earth and worlds with compatible energy levels.
192. The SETVER file in the specified path is not a compatible version.
193. SONOS flash memory has numerous advantages, such as excellent salability, high endurance, low power, radiation hardness, and is highly compatible with standard CMOS technologies.
194. Optionally, it provides speech output to any Industry Compatible Speech Synthesizers .
195. Above, this article described the UPDATE XMLSCHEMA command to store updated — and backward compatible — versions of a schema in the XSR.
195. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
196. Silicone alkyd coating are based on either the reaction product of a silicone intermediate and an alkyd resin, or a cold blend of silicone resin and compatible alkyd resin.
197. As a result, the chemical coupling of compatible agent plays an important part in the amelioration of interface combination between two phases and micro-structure morphology of blands.
198. Is postmodernism compatible with a strong commitment to human agency and autonomy?
199. The process is compatible to the existing double poly-silicon self-aligned NPN transistor process, which can be used to fabricate high-performance complementary bipolar circuits.
200. We are temperamentally compatible.
201. The syntax uses PRCE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), a very powerful way of matching any desired string pattern.
202. Say you have a Wi - Fi - compatible wireless network at home.
203. Surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change or achieving goals.
204. CF cards are smaller, but compatible with PCMCIA, and are frequently used in handheld devices.
205. Finally, a solution must be backward compatible with the original schema.
206. Compulsory Liability Insurance and the No - fault Insurance are Compatible?
207. The open-order slab matching problem is how to assign these slabs to compatible orders in the hot-rolling plan.
208. In the most widespread SI system in flowering plants, both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes grow down the style.
209. The invention relates to a cell chemical dyeing method compatible with immunofluorescence analysis and relative applications.
210. Market forces , Deng insisted, are just as compatible with socialism as with capitalism.
211. Website and database will be published to your hosting provider or the provider from the host library's Web site select the building is compatible with your host provider.
212. The mountain in spring, viridity here and there, was compatible with the essence of the film.
213. Close surface, soft texture, well compatible with epiderm cell, enjoy incomparable comfortable feeling.
214. TOYO LAB-35 is amphoteric surfactant. It is readily compatible with cationics, anionics and nonionics surfactants. Many these preparations results clear liquid or gels.
215. Using compatible NMOS-DYL multiple-valued logic circuits as basic units, this paper proposes a user-oriented Semi-Custom Multiple-valued logic Array Integrate Circuit (SCMAIC).
216. The depth of work for environmental assessment should be compatible with stage of planning and design.
217. This results in a backward compatible change to the Web service, which allows both the old and new version of the operation to coexist.
218. As far as function flavor is concerned, the fresh mint was compatible with tea flavor after steamed and added with 2% sodium cyclamate.
219. This is compatible with the claim that an objects properties, including its intrinsical, no relational properties may change through time while it remains the same object.
220. However, the supplier's computer may not have around-the-clock support or share a compatible platform.
221. A-OK series wireless control system of motor is completely compatible with various tube motor and synchronous motor and so on.
222. The self-incompatibility (SI) in non-heading Chinese cabbage was measured by compatible index and fluoroscope observation methods.
223. You can define a new XML schema that is upward compatible with the existing XML schema.
224. Many who hold such beliefs consider them to be compatible with science.
225. In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.
226. Objective To evaluate the stability of ornidazole for injection compatible with gatifloxacin and sodium chloride injection.
227. Has analyzed the breakdown which the MSC-51 series monolithic integrated circuits and its the compatible machine itself inherent shortcoming and is easy to create.
228. Truth telling is not compatible with the defense of the realm.
229. CONCLUSION: It is better to simultaneously adapt compatible grafting of TFFs and re-cutization in restoration of tissue defects in hands such as exposures of bone and tendon.
230. Soft - determinists claim that free will and determinism are compatible.
231. The compatible state of deformation between buried strain gauge and concrete is analyzed theoretically.
232. Silane coupling agents are compatible with almost every type of organic polymer.
233. Another colossus, Nike,(http:///compatible.html) has demonstrated that growth and authenticity be compatible.
234. The creation of an XML schema compatible with OMG XMI specification can be a tedious and error-prone task.
235. The feature where the mechanical and electrical interface is compatible enables a retrofit from traditional On Load Tap Changers to a vacuum based on Load Tap Changers.
236. The first step is in learning how to express such licenses, and then how to find other works with compatible licenses, and I hope this article provided what you need to make a good start.
237. An abundance of fresh food is not compatible with a super - abundance of permanent grass.
238. A biopsy revealed that the histological change was compatible with a syringoma.
239. To be minor, a change must be backward compatible, meaning that old clients can still talk with your new web service.
240. This article discusses the selection of compatible closed circuit television channels in all channel CATV system and explains how to use pocket computer to aid the design.
241. Objective:To determine the contents of dissolved senegenin in Dingzhi pill and its compatible recipes.
242. Other compounds not compatible with reducing agents include ammonium nitrate, hydroperoxide, potassium perchlorate, sodium nitrate.
243. Macromolecule monomer with active groups is polycondensated with polyacid and polyols through esterification reaction to give saturated polyester that is well compatible with acrylic resin.
244. The compatible personality is what initiates the connection between 2 people and a strong-willed character at both ends is what maintains the connection.
245. Output rise and fall times are TTL compatible and independent of pulse duration.
246. It is a semi disposable , bio compatible, non - allergenic, breathable, mass customizable, self contained body worn accessory.
247. The results show that PP/PO blends are complete compatible system due to cocrystallization of PP and PO. DMA results show that the toughness ...
248. Species shall match or be compatible with face veneer or laminate.
249. The CRMA protocol could be compatible completely with pre-existed IEEE 802.11 protocol, and it is represented by its simplicity, integrability , complete distribution and adaptiveness.




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