随便看 |
- it's just as well
- it's just as well (that)
- it's just as well that
- it's just a thought
- it's just human nature
- it's (just) one of those days
- it's just one of those days
- it's just/only/simply a question of doing something
- it's just that
- it's late in the day
- it's late in the day to do
- it's late in the day to do something
- it's late in the day to do sth
- it's little wonder
- it's little wonder that
- it's lookout
- it's loss
- it's more than my job's worth
- (it's) my pleasure
- it's my pleasure
- it's nice to know
- it's nice to know (that)
- it's nice to know that
- it's no good
- it's no good doing
- Claret
- Unobtrusively
- Hovel
- Unobtrusive
- Zodiac
- Languidly
- Varsity
- Tortoise
- Algae
- Denizen
- 人活一张脸,不揭他人短
- 人活于世,不必事事太较真
- 人活着就不要为小事而烦恼
- 人活着总得相信些什么
- 人活着总得相信些什么
- 人活着要什么
- 人活着,别把钱财看得太重
- 人活着,总是需要有个主题
- 人流品格以君子小人定之大率有九等:有君子中君子,才全德备,无往不宜者也。有君子,优于德而短于才者也。有善人,徇雅温朴仅足自守,识见虽正而不能自决,躬行虽力而不能自保。有众人,才德识见俱无足取,与世浮沉,趋利避害,碌碌风俗中无自表异。有小人,偏气邪心,惟己私是殖,苟得所欲,亦不害物。有小人中小人,贪残阴狠,恣意所极,而才足以济之,敛怨怙终,无所顾忌。外有似小人之君子,高峻奇绝,不就俗检,然规模弘远,
- 人浮于事的意思,人浮于事造句
- 人浮于事的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 人涉卬否,卬须我友。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 人满为患的意思,人满为患造句
- 人烟稀少·十室九空是什么意思
- 人烟稀少的意思,人烟稀少造句
- Mannerly句子
- National market句子
- Field mouse句子
- Ragweed句子
- Wounding句子
- Mort句子
- Gest句子
- Quick look句子
- Atmospheric pressure句子
- Indus river句子
- Galactic句子
- Blood type句子
- Bean sprout句子
- Smoked salmon句子
- Personalise句子