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单词 Pupil
1. Like teacher, like pupil.
2. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.
3. The pupil was told off for being careless.
4. The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
5. The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.
6. Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
7. The pupil tapered one end of the pencil with a knife.
8. He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils.
9. The pupil echoed his teacher's words.
10. The tenor was a pupil of Caruso.
11. She asked the pupil to talk up.
12. The painting is by a pupil of Rembrandt.
13. This book is a little past the pupil.
14. The pupil didn't listen to his teacher.
15. She talked to the pupil about his grammar mistakes.
16. The pupil articulated each word carefully.
17. The pupil lisped out the answer.
18. example of a hard-working pupil.
19. She is reckoned the cleverest pupil in the class.
20. The pupil dawdled all the way to school.
21. The pupil noted what the teacher said.
22. This brilliant pupil is a credit to his teachers.
23. The teacher is practicing a pupil in English.
24. As a girl she had been a model pupil.
25. The teacher's task is to help the pupil learn.
26. The pupil divided the pencils by colour.
27. The pupil buckled to the lesson.
28. The tenor was a pupil of a singer.
29. The pupil was expelled for stealing.
30. Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture.
1. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.
2. The pupil was told off for being careless.
3. The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.
4. The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.
5. The pupil tapered one end of the pencil with a knife.
6. He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils.
7. The teacher is practicing a pupil in English.
8. The tenor was a pupil of a singer.
9. Creative, two - way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.
10. Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.
11. The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers.
12. The pupil joined the two points by a straight line.
13. The teacher must know the name of each and every pupil.
14. The teacher checked off each pupil as he got on the bus.
31. The heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side.
32. Teachers should not show favour to any pupil.
33. The teacher should treat each pupil as an individual.
34. The pupil dwells on each word.
35. The painting is believed to be by a pupil of Titian.
36. The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide.
37. After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.
38. An inattentive pupil is unnecessarily an unclever boy or a girl.
39. We are very proud that a pupil from our school has won the prize.
40. Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct.
41. Creative, two - way learning between teacher and pupil can take place.
42. He wants each pupil to have the chance to discover hidden talents .
43. The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school.
44. It is said that when Jack was a pupil his mother despaired of him.
45. Nobody was free from suspicion, from the head girl down to the youngest pupil.
46. The painting is the work of a pupil of Rembrandt.
47. The best pupil in the class, i.e. Peter, won the prize.
48. The doctor checked his eyes but there was no abnormal pupil dilation.
49. The pupil bent the corners of the pages in and damage them.
50. She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.
51. Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.
52. These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.
53. The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers.
54. The teacher supposed that the absent pupil was ill, but some of his friends suspected he was playing truant.
55. He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.
56. The pupil joined the two points by a straight line.
57. The teacher must know the name of each and every pupil.
58. The teacher checked off each pupil as he got on the bus.
59. Her school report described her as a very promising pupil.
60. Pupil behaviour was seen as 'the touchstone of quality' of the school system.
61. The stupid behaviour of one pupil has brought discredit on the whole school.
62. The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.
63. The pupil bagged school.
64. Pupil goes to college and is taught analysis.
65. Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.
65. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
66. Premack's prize pupil was a wild-born chimpanzee, Sarah. 4.
67. Pupil - Your trousers round your ankles, sir!
68. I asked one pupil if he ever said Grace.
69. She's by far the brightest pupil in the form.
70. Elinor was a star pupil in her therapy class.
71. Esso's links extend to teacher placements and pupil visits.
72. The principal's own inquiries revealed that seven boys had taken soft drugs from the pupil.
73. A school pupil boycott had also been in operation since the beginning of the year.
74. Pupil assessment is continuous so that the child's future educational needs can be determined.
75. Where a teacher is peripatetic in a school building it is much more difficult to display materials and motivate pupil contributions.
76. The distinction between primary and secondary sources will not always be immediately obvious to the pupil.
77. How did a pupil like Stephen react to a teacher of this sort?
78. When their control is threatened it is possible for them to obtain relief by displacing a prominently misbehaving pupil.
79. Private schools spend on average £56 per pupil per year on equipment.
80. Her room is not equipped for easy pupil access to equipment and she has to store apparatus on a trolley elsewhere.
81. They then qualify for £50,000 capital funding and extra grants worth £123 per pupil from the Government.
82. Hayling was a brilliant pupil at school and was soon marked down as Oxbridge material.
83. Tutor and pupil may, however, have spoken Latin to each other.
84. The title role went to school pupil who left earlier this year.
85. One pupil told her grandmother, who was so shocked she had to be calmed down by her son and daughter-in-law.
86. When a pupil is genuinely interested in a topic we can direct them to the website.
87. In 1939 Hoffnung became a pupil at Highgate School, where he was remembered for his anarchic spirit.
88. A string led from the axle, via a pulley held by another patient pupil, to a dangling weight.
89. The earlier a pupil is able to find and keep to a comfortable and efficient working position, the better.
90. Ministers have shifted their focus from primary standards to the lack of pupil progress at key stage 3.
91. It was an old pupil, William Byrd, who introduced the game to Virginia in 1709.
92. Cost per pupil may be low because class sizes are high.
93. It is, of course, necessary to check carefully and individually the size of type that a visually impaired pupil can discriminate.
94. Every pupil is known personally, we have our own identity with staff.
95. They are likely always to complain less about bad financial management than about pupil assessments.
96. Another important aim for the pupil is to acquire knowledge and understanding of the civilisation which produced the literature to be studied.
97. I believe she was studying modern dance and had been a pupil of Mary Wigman,(http://) or of one of her disciples.
98. With every move she gave a little gasp, as her body, previous experience or not, proved an apt pupil.
99. The teacher has a role in encouraging the pupil to use the aid and in reducing teasing by other pupils.
100. In school we are spending nearly half as much again, in real terms per pupil, as in 1979.
101. The picture of pupil participation in the assessment process was less obvious in the other two art departments visited.
102. Figure 7.2 shows that as the age of the pupil increases, so the proportion of women teachers decreases.
103. It is a time-phase between childhood and adulthood and a process of changing from a pupil to an independent working adult.
104. In spite of his deafness he was an outstanding pupil, taking the principal prizes in mathematics and science.
105. Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil; telling, showing and explaining are the order of the day.
106. Some believe the school should opt out and reduce pupil numbers.
107. Teacher and pupil, even primary school pupil, were equal partners in this joint exploration.
108. The victim was a 13-year-old pupil at a school run by the defendant's wife.
109. In the Elton Report survey, only 9 percent of secondary school teachers had ever requested the suspension of a pupil.
110. To encourage individual pupil use in their non-timetabled school day. 7.
111. Perhaps this inference, given its grounding in pupil, not teacher data, is a tendentious one.
112. A fourth-year pupil at Amery Hill School, Alton, she also enjoys writing.
113. The new centre will offer a range of pupil activities and will be available to schools throughout the country.
114. It will all without question make the schools and LEAs more accountable, at least in terms of pupil performance, to parents and public.
115. Most nocturnal grazing animals such as deer close their pupil as a horizontal shutter.
116. One way of entering the teaching profession in those days was by being a Pupil Teacher.
117. The first pupil to find the treasure is the winner.
118. The pupil spends his days far better drafting a pleading or writing an opinion and having his master criticise his work afterwards.
119. Pupil driven funding is now re-establishing school meals as an important issue in school management and funding.
120. The matron, the house surgeon and the pupil each had a bedroom and a sitting room.
121. There is a program available that will automatically create wordsearch squares from a list of words supplied by teacher or pupil.
122. The value of praise in providing encouragement has to be blended with the instructional benefit that criticism can bring to the pupil.
123. Very generous pupil - teacher ratios is a feature that prep schools use as a strong selling point to parents.
124. The degree of sophistication will vary according to the age and abilities of the pupil.
125. It is equally worth noting if the class is so tightly controlled as to inhibit seriously pupil response.
126. He had been meditating on the parricidal theme which runs through Dymer since he was a pupil of Kirkpatrick's.
127. Funding based on age-related pupil numbers may not run to small groups and bespoke programmes for individual pupils.
128. These items only permit one example of the shape to be given by the pupil or presented in the test.
129. In the next few days, he appeared to become a less apt pupil.
130. Every pupil should now be addressed by the police at least every two or three years.
131. It is usual for a pupil to play in each orchestra for at least two years before being promoted.
132. Unfortunately another pupil came in, turned on the dryer and the acid splashed over his face, causing a scar.
133. The motivation and enjoyment from this activity had been pupil centred.
134. Side by side, teacher and pupil should test and render practical any theoretical ideas that were presented.
135. Every pupil will gain hands-on experience by visiting local companies, including the Liverpool Daily Post and Echo.
136. Certificates are one outcome of schooling and will enable the pupil to compete effectively in the labour market.
137. They received a capitation fee for every pupil - in whatever category - in the school.
138. Pupil rolls will be full to bursting and staff will be of the highest standard because of the large school rolls.
139. Glenn Stephenson was the star pupil of the group Mitchell nurtured.
140. This would have the two-fold effect of lowering pupil achievement as well as adversely affecting staff career prospects.
141. Today, head teacher Bob Mander held a special assembly for the popular pupil.
142. Every pupil has to learn at least one foreign language.
143. I pushed up his eyelid and exposed an inert brown pupil.
144. The pupil also takes to the prospective employer or the university admissions tutor the raw scores of exam results.
145. The teacher asks the questions; the pupil supplies the answer; the teacher makes a confirming or dismissive comment or gesture.
146. As luck would have it a fellow pupil in Diana's dormitory complained that she had appendicitis.
147. If you can readily interpret all this laconic shorthand you are either a well-tried collector or an extraordinarily apt pupil.
148. And, if you intend to use the binoculars in darker light, look for a pair with a large pupil.
149. The iris reacts quickly to changes in light levels, dilating or contracting, enlarging or decreasing the size of the pupil.
150. In schools with an all-white student body, the average ran up to $ 350 allocated per pupil per year.
151. In addition to pupil changes there is also the possibility of signalling mood by the degree of opening or closing the eyelids.
152. Several times, he looked close his comeuppance after allegations that he had had an affair with a former pupil.
153. My Betty, star pupil of the arts line at Bedfordshire Comprehensive.
154. Another major beneficiary is education, where spending per pupil is expected to rise by more than £500 over four years.
155. The pupil is very large and only a portion of the iris is present, so the eye appears dark in colour.
156. A pupil entering a new class may initially define the situation as threatening and even hostile.
157. In-class expenditures for Boston as a whole averaged $ 275 per pupil.
158. I wonder at what point in this insane course of tutorials did teacher and pupil begin taking snapshots of each other.
159. Henry Compton was a good school, and I was a reasonable pupil - no cherub, but no devil either.
160. Twice a week I collected my pupil from the bakery after school.
161. In state schools only £38 per pupil is spend in secondary schools and £25 in primaries.
162. For the tasks illustrated the pupil has been directed to either Imperial or metric units for the set of questions concerned.
163. It does not allow for the pupil who is able to achieve in this example level 6.
164. The Regulations recognise that a teacher may keep notes on a pupil simply for his or her own use.
165. The pupil seems to be giving instructions for others to follow rather than saying what was done in this specific instance.
166. The skilful use of a piece of interesting technology by a visually handicapped pupil can become a source of pride rather than embarrassment.
167. The pupils' details were entered on to disk(), each pupil was assigned a unique number and bar-codes were produced.
168. He later attempted such elucidation, as did other philosophers, notably his one-time pupil Edmund Husserl.
169. The response above would mean that the pupil found using computers in school very exciting, quite interesting and useless for girls.
170. The former Branksome Comprehensive and Darlington sixth form college pupil is now doing a postgraduate teaching course in Birmingham.
171. Apply to the Secretary if you wish to become a commercial pupil.
172. First, let's ask how much money Lake County schools spend per pupil on education.
173. California ranks 41st among all states in the amount spent per pupil in kindergarten through high school.
174. One pupil, sitting in the coveted position alongside the radiator, is gazing through the window and into the distance.
175. At school in Somerset, I was a star pupil - keen, confident and bright.
176. Education officials have ordered a formal probe into allegations the pupil was struck at Darlington's Hummersknot School.
177. The pupil can also record his voice, to check his pronunciation.
178. A boxing instructor may teach his pupil to strike him in a given way by acting as if hurt.
179. Anderson took up trombone at the age of eight, playing in school bands with fellow pupil and trombonist George Lewis.
180. Alternatively, it may be the strategy with which teachers feel most able to cope with the wide range of pupil attainment.
181. The superb school is superb only by virtue of its success in developing its ultimate customer: the pupil.
182. To provide a university education for her might mark her out as a favoured pupil.
183. One pupil envisaged mould as a tiny plant with little legs, which moved from place to place.
184. Her left pupil is horribly dilated and blood trickles from one nostril and her hair.
185. They were hit by joyriders almost opposite Springfield Primary school where Mrs Tully's four-year-old daughter was a new-start pupil.
186. If you do not get a seat in the chambers of which you are a pupil(), you stand little chance elsewhere.
187. Read in studio A grammar school headmaster has been cleared of assaulting a twelve year old girl pupil.
188. The move comes amid concerns about lack of pupil progress and poor teaching in science.
189. Being a school photographer means being employed by a firm that contracts to do school / class / individual pupil photographs.
190. Against all expectations, it has not taken on the mantle of best pupil in the euro class.
191. They proposed that more open-ended questioning and more pupil talk were vital in reading acquisition.
192. Much more important as a cantata composer was Rossi, a childhood pupil of de Macque.
193. Teachers are not required to give a confirmed level for a pupil at any one moment during the key stage.
194. If a black pupil comes to see her a few times she automatically labels them as troublemakers.
195. The instructor's used to training younger men, but has every confidence in his latest pupil.
196. Teaching is the ability to communicate effectively to the student or pupil, enabling learning to take place.
197. I am not a dark pupil under a lid but a woman in a room.
198. Grossly disproportionate amounts of money per pupil for each system reinforced these differences.
199. Wherever possible the pupil would intervene with his own thought, his own hands and his own will to learn.
200. The only tasks where high success rates were obtained were those where the pupil can effectively treat decimals as whole numbers.
201. Robert Hughes is 12 and a pupil at Llantarnam School.
202. Think of life on earth as junior school and the spirit as the pupil.
203. To compel a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense without placing it in the context of compulsory schooling enforced legally.
204. Seven teachers of widely differing experience each taught five one-hour lessons to an individual pupil while being recorded on videotape.
205. Jane and her pupil enjoy each other; life is pleasant even if Jane does occasionally wish for more activity.
206. Quiss narrowed his eyes at the pupil which seemed to be looking at him. indeed out of the corner of its eye.
207. Laser iridotomy can relax the pupil occlusion power.
208. The teacher has a mistaken opinion of this pupil.
209. The teacher reproved the pupil for being late.
210. Half fare for individual pupil visitor.
211. He is a first grade primary school pupil.
212. He looked on his pupil with sternness.
213. a capitation fee for each pupil.
214. Excitedly, the pupil showed him a printed card.
215. Eleanor was a reluctant, anxious pupil.
215. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
216. I'll obey you like a pupil teacher!
217. Next, my pupil - an adjustable gateway for light.
218. This girl is taught one-on-one by several teachers because she is the only pupil in her class.
219. Sapir's pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf, continued the study of American Indian languages.
220. Persistent pupillary membrane is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue crossing the pupil.
221. The human eye has a pupil diameter which, of course , varies.
222. Nestorius, Theodore's pupil, took up his teacher's position after his death.
223. Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board, which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil.
224. One of the most important duties of a pedagogue is to teach the pupil how to practice correctly.
225. Does pupil greaten bring about eyesight to drop can need how long return to normal?
226. I have a pupil who scored very low in assessments but is keen as mustard.
227. Posterior capsular was ripped, and silicone oil was removed via pupil and sclerocorneal tunnel during the surgery.
228. Charcot’s star pupil was of course, Sigmund Freud, who built a career out of his own case histories of the hysterical passions.
229. When I was a pupil of elementary school, my windpipe is not well. When I catch a cold, I would speak little and watch a cartoon relaxedly .
230. Their eyes are ashen-white, drained of any hint of colour, while an almost indiscernible pupil resides just beneath the eye's surface.
231. As Harry Potter's sidekick Hermione Granger, she plays the perfect pupil with a butter - wouldn't - melt smile.
232. Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction.
233. This pupil has made a concerted effort to improve her work.
234. Based on the OTF, relations between the effective diameter of three aperture system and pupil parameters including the diameter of sub-apertures and spacing parameter are analyzed.
235. Hunter's pupil William Shippen successfully introduced male midwifery to America.
236. Examination: Double pupil big, smooth reaction is normal, eyeball motion is normal, without nystagmic .
237. Fourteen-year-old Brandi Concepcion, a pupil of Austin's, said wit, da and dat — used in place of with, the and that — sometimes creep into her homework.
238. I hear the Hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves, wars, adages.
239. Anatomy A small ring of color around a center portion, as about the nipple of the breast or the part of the iris surrounding the pupil of the eye.
240. He trembled lest he himself should lose a docile pupil.
241. In this period, the school adopted the recommendation of the roman: EUGENIA and I show pupil students Brazil's culture, and conduct with the students more exchanges.
242. Lower lid margin. It should bow gently from medially to laterally, with the lowest point between the pupil and the lateral limbus.
243. The eye of a Nile crocodile. The eye is highly efficient at night; by day the pupil narrows to a slit.
244. The teacher allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.
245. The little baby's lid, half raised, show the pupil horribly upturned.
246. D snow Jean suddenly eye pupil son a turn a way:"Blue elder sister soon was to once a year face one absolute being meeting."
247. Give commands and ask a pupil to act them out by using realia.
248. A pupil in the US state of Florida shot and killed his teacher with a semi- automatic pistol in front of other six children.
249. Suddenly, the language joss-stick feels strong breathing, that differs from green cloud mansion pupil.
250. Results Among 10 cases, 9 patients ended with round pupil and proper physical function except 1 patient with paralytic mydriasis resulted from severe perforating injury.
251. a court has fined an ice-making factory $40000 after a 17-year-old pupil doing a summer job at $20 an hour had its foot severed in an ice machine on his first day of work last year.
252. We felt duly ashamed, and also not well-disposed towards that other pupil, but this did not help to dispel the darkness which clung to that black volume.
253. One pupil will concurrently constrict in reflexive response to light shined in the other.
254. From here on, Malik is protected and schooled by Luciani, perhaps too efficiently; in a heartbreaking late scene, the pupil spurns his mentor, like a vicious Prince Hal disdaining Falstaff.
255. I am a pupil of grade 3 in Qingdao Milky Way School.
256. The results indicate that flat-top beam shaping and single-circle beam shaping at the focal plane can all be realized by using three-zone annular phase pupil filters.
257. When wake up from dream of time, open eyes to see a full mountain time wild green, bamboo such as arrows Shi sting go into eye pupil, a huge flower unbridled ground the Zhan open(), red get so dazzling.
258. Get them to play their bells , starting with the leftmost pupil.
259. Conclusion The rate and personal dose receiving UV of pupil were higher than those of collegian. T...
260. The pupil of the eye responds to change of light intensity.
261. Conclusion: All kinds of deformed pupil can be recovered to their normal shape, size and position by performing corepraxia while IOL was implanted.
262. Results In the 45 cases with treatment, most pupil can be orbicular or approximately orbicular.
263. This paper discusses the changing rule of pupil size with the lighting level and different light color under the road lighting level.
264. Results Fibrin exudation in the pupil area and vitreous body was much less in experimental group than that in the control group after the surgery.
265. The result is an exit pupil that stays where the eyepiece designer intended.
266. Methods 1026 patients with craniocerebral trauma were observed pupil change and light reflex those who were wake were tested visual acuity and the visual field.
267. She was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist.
268. LOUIS(V. O. ): To me she was a child, but to Lestat a pupil, an infant prodigy with a lust for killing like his own.
269. Vicenza is not only famous for its gold fairs. Its fame also comes from two world renowned architects, Andrea Palladio and his pupil Vicenza Scamozzi, in the 16th century.
270. The primary school Chinese is a liberal art, by which we may exert a liberal influence on the pupil.
271. He is an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, dislike by the rest of the class.
272. A pair of electric eyes with animal-like vertical oval pupil, so that the overall shape gorgeous vampire it is trembling!
273. The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down.
274. Bey is very glad, to pupil people patriotic and enthusiastic impression quite beautiful.
275. Methods 107 cases of one - amblyopia were dilated pupil and examine eyesight, treatment and cover also performed.
276. For example, I saw a star in the sky on my way to school in broad daytime one day when I was still a pupil in elementary school, and now I know that is Venus.
277. Or, you can calculate the exit pupil by dividing the focal length of the eyepiece (in mm) by the focal ratio of the telescope.
278. Axis is the wave band market in the relative equilibrium position Pupil.
279. The pupil made great efforts to work out the linear equation.
280. Get the rationalization proposal in the teaching and leaning between teacher and student,(Sentencedict) promoting the development of pupil.
281. A small ring of color around a center portion, as about the nipple of the breast or the part of the iris surrounding the pupil of the eye.




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