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单词 Explosive
1 The question of race today is an explosive one.
2 The terrorists charged the bomb with an explosive substance.
3 Race is a highly explosive issue.
4 Explosive shells torn into the walls of the embassy.
5 The bomb and other explosive exploded.
6 Hydrogen is highly explosive.
7 The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.
8 Because the gas is highly explosive , it needs to be kept in high-pressure containers.
9 A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.
10 They rammed an explosive charge home and detonated it by remote control.
11 A gas pipe was explosive.
12 He's good at defusing potentially explosive situations.
13 They used plastic explosive to blow up the bridge.
14 Certain gases are highly explosive.
15 Capital punishment is an explosive issue.
16 He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.
17 There was an explosive clap of thunder overhead.
18 The peacekeepers are trained to defuse potentially explosive situations.
19 The event took an explosive turn.
20 He's inherited his father's explosive temper.
21 They have primed the explosive device.
22 Race relations are an explosive issue.
23 She has an explosive temper.
24 The political situation is potentially explosive.
25 In its purest form, the substance is highly explosive.
26 Politics can be an explosive subject.
27 The device, which contained 400lbs of explosive, was made safe by army bomb disposal experts.
28 Both men suddenly spoke in the same explosive tone of voice.
29 He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.
30 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
1 The question of race today is an explosive one.
2 The terrorists charged the bomb with an explosive substance.
3 Race is a highly explosive issue.
4 Explosive shells torn into the walls of the embassy.
5 The bomb and other explosive exploded.
6 Hydrogen is highly explosive.
7 The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.
8 Because the gas is highly explosive , it needs to be kept in high-pressure containers.
9 A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.
10 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.
11 They rammed an explosive charge home and detonated it by remote control.
12 A gas pipe was explosive.
13 The event took an explosive turn.
14 They have primed the explosive device.
15 Race relations are an explosive issue.
16 Dynamite is an explosive.
31 The remains of an explosive device were found among the wreckage.
32 The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation.
33 Dynamite is an explosive.
34 An explosive device detonated on the roof of the building.
35 The police said a good twenty kilos of explosive were found during the raid.
36 The last few years have seen an explosive increase in the number of homeless people on our streets.
37 There was an explosive crash and then everything fell silent.
38 The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.
39 For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.
40 The situation in the poorer parts of some of America's major cities has become very explosive.
41 Their music is described as 'an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms'.
42 A small explosive device was set off outside the UN headquarters today.
43 The car had been rigged with about 300 lbs of explosive.
44 Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring.
45 Harris is a belligerent man with an explosive temper.
46 The paper's editors knew they had an explosive story.
47 Doyle's explosive shot starred the side window.
48 Thompson must have read the explosive Nixon transcripts wistfully.
49 Each contained fifteen megatons of high explosive.
50 Pretty soon that may be an explosive error.
51 Stage separation was achieved by a small explosive charge.
52 The wheel could have controlled an explosive device.
53 Semtex is not the only plastic explosive.
54 The volcanic eruption on Krakatoa had an explosive power equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT.
55 The problem with such puddles(/explosive.html), Rubberneck would suffer violent bellyaches and explosive diarrhoea.
56 They are tall and lean, with long arms and explosive quickness.
57 You must have predominantly fast-twitch, white fibres in your muscles to generate really fast, explosive action.
58 But the explosive charge was too large and the chapel was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down.
59 Explosive breeders also show a further adaptation to male competition - the development of enlarged nuptial pads on their hands.
60 Inside he found what he took to be plastic explosive, wrapped in cellophane, with a wire protruding from it.
61 Cyclical variations in consumption, investment and national income following an increase in autonomous investment - explosive case.
62 He was a thug when he came off the streets with explosive fists to become the youngest heavyweight champ ever.
63 The explosive growth of the online economy is forcing businesses of all sizes to compete in a global market.
64 Henry Hyde, R-Ill., who is platform committee chairman, is still hoping to defuse the explosive issue.
65 Officials recently disclosed that 34 children and 20 small women have been killed by the explosive deployment of air bags since 1991.
66 As household refuse decomposes, it produces an explosive gas, methane.
67 Such explosive growth has intensified the competition for working and living space in Cairo.
68 It involved using a cannon to fire a harpoon carrying an explosive grenade.
69 But Gore was a sick man. Mentally unstable, he would kill his parents in an explosive night of violence.
70 It is believed to contain explosive scenes - including Di's alleged suicide bids, emotional turmoil and friendships with other men.
71 The most potentially explosive area of contact between headquarters and the Boards was in financial control.
72 It then entered the domestic market to begin the explosive growth towards today's production level of millions of tonnes a year.
73 Thus there was a combination of potentially explosive contributory factors.
74 Overcrowding and lack of jobs in the area have created an explosive situation.
75 Williamson paralegal who stole nearly 1, 400 pages of explosive company records and research data.
76 She wasn't going to protest her innocence again, but it was time this scene with its explosive potential was ended.
77 Even a charge of conventional explosive in the vicinity of a small atom bomb would suffice.
78 Then, we would line the bottom with plastic explosive, about 2 pounds or better.
79 But when the result came, on the afternoon of May 28, it was explosive.
80 The exhaust manifold gave an explosive belch and went silent.
81 But agents found a live bomb, a partial bomb and explosive materials, court documents show.
82 Despite all this, the election turned into a referendum on two explosive issues.
83 He said the equipment could be used at checkpoints to search people for explosive devices.
84 After two years of explosive circulation growth, Soviet newspapers are being deserted by their subscribers in droves.
85 It was a city of open wounds, of explosive politics and feelings.
85 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
86 When the two chemicals combine, they form an explosive compound.
87 He determined that the most explosive mixture of the purified methane and air was in the ratio of 1:8.
88 The content of the course includes the follow topics: S3: Chemical reactions - slow, fast and explosive!
89 You must be careful not to overdo it on the beach however, because the nightlife in Malia is simply explosive.
90 Their presence in the alliance masks deep and potentially explosive differences.
91 Gay marriage has emerged as an explosive social issue, with polls indicating that most voters strongly disapprove of it.
92 The second major new development is the explosive growth in money market mutual funds.
93 They were being held without bail on suspicion of conspiracy, possession of explosive devices and burglary.
94 The story is brought to explosive life by two performances that far transcend the usual star turn.
95 A small explosive device used in the booster-separation system failed to fire when Endeavour launched on 30 November last year.
96 Not the least of the positive influences is the explosive growth in the use of computers and information-processing technology.
97 It is being centred on the North- east, where the three explosive packages were posted.
98 His reaction to them was explosive, and on Monday morning Verity Lambert was hastily summoned to his office.
99 The dumps were generating explosive gases and leaching noxious chemicals that polluted underground water sources.
100 And, like her father, it slipped away in one explosive moment.
101 A similar approach has been applied to marine records of explosive eruptions in the Bay of Naples.
102 Just how the sperm triggers the explosive release of calcium in the egg is still something of a mystery.
103 The use, storage, and transportation of poisonous, explosive, or flammable substances have long been regulated.
104 But the prevailing wisdom in the industry is that the market is doubling each year as the Internet continues its explosive growth.
105 In the twentieth century alone, tens of megatons of explosive power have been liberated in the atmosphere by cosmic impacts.
106 Potentially explosive subtext -- Annie was sexually abused as a child -- is pretty much left in the background.
107 The idea was so successful in defusing the explosive situation that the meetings continued to be held at six-monthly intervals.
108 This is more than the total explosive energy of all the nuclear weapons on Earth.
109 By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
110 Their explosive power is slightly less than that of an iron of the same size because they are less dense than iron.
111 So may explosive charges used to burst the warheads open.
112 Inside is a white brick of plastic explosive, which was kind of like putty.
113 He seizes eagerly on opportunities to put the ball away with explosive power.
114 She sensed a strained explosive atmosphere between them as they exchanged small talk.
115 Each plant handles a range of highly explosive, corrosive and toxic raw materials.
116 The consultative document had an explosive effect when dropped among the profession.
117 His mood was an explosive mixture of maudlin self-pity and forced gaiety, the latter predominating as he got drunker.
118 The animal was attracted by the smell of the explosive and pawed at loose soil beneath a tree.
119 Underlying these organisational changes, and more important, was an explosive growth of the whole official information-controlling and opinion-forming effort.
120 She also works out on a special weight machine that lets her emulate the all-important explosive spurt.
121 Each missile carries 150 kilos of high explosive in its nose.
122 The Eksund's cargo had included surface-to-air missiles, mortar shells, rocket launchers and semtex high explosive.
123 The noises you heard - the explosive noises - were the acoustic effects of a second Darkfall strike.
124 The Marxist Left drew attention to the fact that the sources of industrial conflict were just as explosive as ever.
125 They insisted that the explosive events occurring in their midst were the work of the Holy Spirit.
126 They have different styles: Warren runs downhill, looking to make cuts, while Broussard is more explosive.
127 One of the earliest explosive devices was the petard, which was a mine used to breach castle walls or gates.
128 With the rocket's armaments he rigged up an explosive which killed both the crew and the people of Dido.
129 He then turned away and detonated the explosive device strapped to his body.
130 If the explosive activity is more or less continuous, then clearly ash will rise continuously.
131 It should, with its successors, prevent an explosive release of the gas into the atmosphere.
132 Ten days ago a police bullet had hit the explosive which Terry Place had hidden in a carrier bag in the tunnel.
133 The splitting of an atom sets off an explosive chain reaction.
134 Even after the explosive scene with his doctor, Sternburg kept his blinders on.
135 Before long, the explosive story is thoroughly media-wrenched, until the line between reality and sensational fantasy completely disappears.
136 Consequently, on reaching the surface they have a comparatively low residual pressure and explosive activity is very limited.
137 Mentally unstable, he would kill his parents in an explosive night of violence.
138 The twenty kilotons of explosive power poured out upon Hiroshima killed at least seventy thousand people.
139 Based in Toronto and Pennsylvania, it will focus on converting munitions into reusable commercial material and reclaim explosive waste sites.
140 All this was to change in a few explosive years of expansion in the mid-twelfth century, shortly before Richard's birth.
141 He said it would also be operated with shorter trains, reflecting a tailing off in the capital's explosive population growth.
142 The explosive was seized from two homes in the town of Meerut, in Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday.
143 Ofahengaue gives All Black Bernie McCahill a taste of the explosive power that has captivated league clubs.
144 Political will in such situations is a low explosive, blasting along the lines of least resistance.
145 Explosive reactive armour, which is fitted in box-shaped panels,(Sentencedict) has been fixed to the turret roof of modern Soviet tanks.
146 Thus began a second period of explosive growth in Lothern.
147 Explosive energies in the kiloton to megaton range are possible.
148 Brain does not exclude brawn; displays of explosive strength can be followed by periods of cerebral calm.
149 It was in 1933 when the explosive din suddenly stopped and an eerie silence descended on Boulder Canyon.
150 Such testimony, unheard of in El Salvador, is potentially explosive in a state that has tried to bury its past.
151 Some speculative future applications of explosive materials in the space programme conclude the scientific presentations.
152 He was to suffer from bouts of explosive flatulence for the rest of his life.
153 One final, explosive question remains: Why did a virus that was once so rare suddenly burst into a global pandemic?
154 After surgery, he must rehabilitate his leg to develop the strength necessary to once again be an explosive runner.
155 But the bomb casings and high explosive charges in nuclear weapons can not withstand fire and explosive shock.
156 An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
157 By contrast, the manufacturers of ammonium nitrate fertiliser have always manfully ignored its explosive properties, despite frequent forceful reminders.
158 They droned about, surrounded by the black, dissolving snorts of high explosive.
159 Investigator Charles Barnett said all three face felony conspiracy, burglary and explosive devices charges.
160 The pillars of coal left behind were compressed, releasing large amounts of an explosive mixture of air and methane called firedamp.
161 Venture capital is investment money pooled together and poured into firms with the potential for rapid, explosive growth.
162 At one spot the Federals succeeded in undermining the Confederate works in preparation to laying an explosive charge.
163 On the planet, unaware of being watched, Ace was laying explosive charges.
164 Next, explosive activity will start, blasting ashy material in jets a couple of hundred metres above sea level.
165 Traceable tags for explosive material will only be studied, not used.
166 The politically explosive domestic bases plan requires approval by an independent commission, President Bill Clinton and Congress.
167 Jamie and Lisa would have been a far more explosive storyline.
168 It's also your responsibility to strip beds and arrange for the disposal of inflammable or explosive materials.
169 The Methane produced on landfill sites is very explosive and can lead to severe illness if inhaled to a great extent.
170 Oxygen is a highly reactive gas, combining with many elements in a fierce explosive union we call fire or burning.
171 The relationship between sedentary and peripatetic peoples had no doubt always required diplomacy but these days it could be explosive.
172 To be sure, the on-line travel industry is still in its infancy, but it appears poised for explosive growth.
173 A pound and a quarter of C-4 explosive was tied with an explosive cord to wooden crates holding the rockets.
174 It is difficult to maintain a consistent level of surgical anaesthesia with ether and it is in addition highly explosive.
175 Carlton Palmer sent make-shift striker Paul Warhurst clear in the 31st minute for an explosive finish that finally removed any Wednesday anxiety.
176 I think I would take a train into a siding somewhere and load it with high explosive.
177 It leapt back into the air with an explosive flutter of wing and tail, warbling consternation, signalling alarm.
178 How could this explosive device possibly have been smuggled aboard?
179 There have been no additional explosive devices found nor any arrests made.
180 They drew away from each other, so mutually sated with explosive body contact that both needed a temporary reprieve.
181 The amount of explosive hidden in the radio cassette player which destroyed the aircraft was not detectable by any X-ray equipment.
182 We waited for two minutes before the combined strength of thirty-five pounds of EP-12 plastic explosive tore the car apart.
183 Billy Butlin became the most successful entrepreneur in this explosive growth.
184 Figure 1 a shows the altitude profile of energy release in units of Mton high explosive equivalent per kilometre.
185 There was a professionalism and explosive expertise about the operation totally alien to the loyalist slap-dash(sentence dictionary), amateur bombers.
186 The tower was attached with bolts that contained small explosive charges.
187 She was unpredictable, explosive, impulsive and easily distracted.
188 Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.
189 Notice: the second stage to boycott of napoleon! Action explosive!
190 Another drawback is that nitrobenzene is both poisonous and explosive.
191 Her ears were echoing back the explosive sounds in decibels of pain.
192 The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times.
193 They dealt with their dilemmas by mixing perhaps unintentionally an explosive brew.
194 New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield.
195 For demolition work , a safe but fluid or fluent explosive of good sensitivity may be needed.




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