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单词 Receptive
1, The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas.
2, He is not very receptive to my suggestions.
3, She was always receptive to new ideas.
4, He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience.
5, You might find them in a more receptive mood tomorrow.
6, The government is not receptive to the idea of a Freedom of Information Act.
7, She'd had a really good, receptive, large audience.
8, But many clients are not too receptive to that.
9, I was very receptive to the Bible, authority.
10, And the fans in Scandanavia were very receptive.
11, Viewers were receptive to the movie's anti-war message.
12, Being receptive and responding rapidly even to minor complaints is an indicator that the school cares.
13, What is usually found is cells with massive receptive fields with very non-specific receptive field properties.
14, The Beida students were receptive to his ideas, but the leadership were more antagonistic.
15, Similarly, the war provided a receptive atmosphere for a reappraisal of the economic and recreational role of the countryside.
16, In situations like this, when you are receptive to the point of rawness, you become acutely aware of it.
17, The President was not receptive to this advice, and relations between him and the Speaker became strained from here on in.
18, Still, when presented to a receptive mind,[http:///receptive.html] Sketchpad could twist that mind into a pretzel.
19, Few other places on earth would be so receptive to the use of performance measures.
20, Virtually anything waved around in the receptive fields of these cells will evoke a response under the right conditions.
21, The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 
22, To interest my heart and soul in my work, and aspire to the highest efficiency in the achievement of results. To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.
23, She did not like the scheme, as she made clear every time she found a receptive ear .
24, Inevitably, I tried out my new ideas on the people closest at hand: Some were more receptive than others.
25, The words and melodies of the hymns used during the day all helped to put me in a receptive mood.
26, That is to say, there is a way of positioning the grating relative to the receptive field centre that results in no response.
27, If he implements it and things go well, he will be more receptive to employee input in the future.
28, Yet far from ensuring loyalty to the statusquo, their elevated position made students receptive to radical ideas.
29, Susan allowed the ship to drift down, and relaxed as the bulk settled into the receptive, motherly ground.
30, She admits her dependence on the other and remains in a state of receptive responsiveness to the desire of the other.
1, The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas.
2, He is not very receptive to my suggestions.
31, They have turned instead to states and cities considered more receptive to stronger regulation of handguns.
32, The lower curve shows the light intensity at the centre of the receptive field as a sinusoidal grating drifts across it.
33, As a result, plant employees became more receptive to policies and programs they might well have otherwise winked at or rejected.
34, He is always very receptive and is willing to share with you, to play out various scenarios.
35, The object that it is looking at will be many times larger than a single receptive field.
36, They are manufactured from artificial grass that is sand based so that they are more receptive to well- hit shots.
37, This room was equipped with an induction loop to transmit sound to people with suitably receptive hearing aids.
38, The army was receptive to suggestions from white citizens that blacks should be incarcerated for supposedly pillaging and looting indiscriminately.
39, People seem to be very receptive to the fact that I am a director from Hong Kong.
40, And there are signs the regime is now more receptive.
41, The centre shows a map of the receptive field of a particular ganglion cell obtained using a stationary spot.
42, Evidence suggests that cinema audiences are more receptive to advertising - although numbers are limited.
43, Under the conditions that usually obtain in receptive field plotting studies one further distinction has been reported.
44, His mistake was to assume that the Labour party would provide a more receptive political vehicle for his ideas than the Conservatives.
45, Samuel argued strongly and persuasively in favour of a National as opposed to a purely Conservative Government, and considerably influenced a receptive King.
46, Receptive reading of mythology can open up our perceptions of reality so that a vast web of interconnections becomes evident.
47, I wanted to be a good tourist, receptive to new experiences, new sights and sounds.
48, As the war progressed the two combatants became increasingly receptive to representations from non-involved powers.
49, Put another way, puritan values helped to create an audience receptive to programs for the improvement of man's estate.
50, If anything, they seemed rather receptive to the idea of talking about invasion of the locality by monsters from deep space.
51, They were extremely receptive to the helpful hints offered by advice magazines, which were proliferating at the time.
52, Similarly, managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions.
53, We feel they are more receptive to a message with a festive rather than a dramatic content.
54, And what a pleasure to speak to such receptive minds!
55, Indeed, Freemantle not only provided Leapor with a receptive audience for her mature work, but actively promoted it.
56, Sometimes, some lies that spoken with high confidence could be more receptive than facts that spoken with doubt. Toba Beta 
57, It certainly seemed as if their brains got carried away when one type of receptive field was activated.
58, The crucial question here is what makes individuals receptive or resistant to racist ideas.
59, At the same time, shoppers are becoming highly receptive to new technology.
60, The male uses its light to find receptive female fireflies.
61, Steaming softens and opens the pores so that the skin is more receptive to other products and ingredients.
62, It is usually reserved for the grand finale, after the singing and preaching have induced a receptive mood.
63, Not only were they very receptive from a tactical viewpoint, they also kept their cool under pressure.
64, More than any others, so-called primitive peoples are receptive to nature and model their life and attitudes upon it.
65, But then the settlers - settlers in all countries, as it happens - were particularly receptive to uninformed rumour.
66, If the leader is open, receptive, and responsive to you, the others will more than likely follow suit.
67, It is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.
68, He grew eloquent under her receptive gaze.
69, It helps, of course, that so many of its customers are children, who tend to be more receptive to spin-off products than adults.
70, As a result, receptive fields with both orientation and spatial frequency selectivity, similar to Gabor filters, are learned and tested.
71, Neurons in the upper layers of the superior colliculus have well - defined receptive fields.
72, Major Topics: Striate Cortex Receptive Field Organization , Cytoarchitecture, Modular Organization, Imaging.
73, Using maximum likelihood criterion in clustering algorithms, the clusters have spherical or ellipsoidal receptive fields and match the distributes of patterns better.
74, Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.
75, I was to keep ever before them the picture of a bright, passive , good - humored, receptive mass.
76, Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, this sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed. But the lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless.
77, Oleophilic: Oil receptive property such as image areas of printing plates.
78, Not all countries on the receiving end of these flows are receptive to the idea.
79, The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardew's vision of retaining an English core at his club.
80, DIESTRUS in the unspayed female dog . The period of sexual inactivity after the female is receptive.
81, Their responses to electrical stimulation, of receptive fields were characterized by monosynaptic linleage, low threshold and fastness in condition velocity.
82, This is consistent with the physiological observations such as two Gauss like receptive fields, lateral inhibition phenomena and so on But, there is still lack of psycholophysical evidence about this.
83, The receptive field (RF) theory and the lateral inhibition (LI) mechanism are of the same view.
84, Winning bidder must be prepared to work with us to get the right look and feel, being receptive to detailed feedback with relatively fast turn-around.
85, To remould traditional receptive learning and adopt the inquiry learning has been eye - catching in the reform.
86, The very first impression finds us receptive, and we are so made the we can be convinced of the most incredible things.
87, The atmosphere within the school was by then receptive to change.
88, She defended President Obama's overtures towards Presidents Chavez in Venezuela, saying that efforts to isolate anti-American leaders had only made them more receptive to other powers.
89, There's other disorders of language such as receptive aphasia where the person could speak very fluently but the words don't make any sense and they can't understand anybody else.
90, Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.
91, What are some creative ways to work with an international project sponsor who may not be receptive to the actual needs of the community or who has already selected a specific type of project?
92, The hypothesized neurons of the model are selective for absolute disparity and have facilitative extra receptive field.
93, After all, who knows: your little boy might grow up to be the receptive partner in a gay relationship, or perhaps an asexual or even a monogamous zoophile in love with his horse.
94, An inflammatory encephalitic process has been suggested as a possible cause of this disorder. About two-thirds of patients are left with a more or less severe receptive language deficit.
95, When and where will he be most receptive to our message?
96, The style is elongated , ending in a small, capitate stigma, which becomes receptive at bloom.
97, Receptive field ( RF ) is the basic structural and functional unit for signal processing in visual system.
98, It made chief financial officers more receptive to the ideas of hedging.
99, By using the receptive relaxation reflex of the stomach as a basis, artificial conditioned reflex has been established with the sound of an electric bell or a metronome as indifferent stimulus.
100, When it came to gossip Gillanbone was as receptive as a wire to an electrical current.
101, They should be receptive, appreciative, and fair when dealing with employee's suggestions.
102, Flowers of A. yabeana can self-pollinate autonomously, which occurs in middle of stigma receptive period.
103, We found beings among you who are receptive to our beaming.
104, "There are things like whether or not a child is receptive to new things, whether they are frightened of strangers, whether their mood is cheerful or not, " Pickett said in a telephone interview.
105, Then we used filter theory to explain the difference between X and Y cell's spatial property and discussed effect of the large disinhibitory area on the spatial property of classical receptive field.
106, Do you think that there is any receptive audience for his remarks.
107, Young hires are attractive to employers, because they are less expensive to recruit and more receptive to on-the-job training than more seasoned employees.
108, To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.
109, When Cowperwood next came to Mckenty's house the latter was in a receptive frame of mind.
110, The antenna introduced in this paper is different from the ordinary reconnaissance radar, which is a passive antenna receptive system receiving target radar signals.
111, The receptive mechanism of the retina can also adapt itself to large differences in quantity of light.
112, All moments are beautiful(sentence dictionary), only you have to be receptive and surrendering.
113, But It'seems likely that courts will usually be receptive to more functional arguments as well.
114, They should thus be receptive to the views of artists.
115, Also, the context performs an extremely important interpretative function in the receptive process.
116, She began to find a receptive audience for her work.
117, Flowers of A . yabeana can self - pollinate autonomously , which occurs in middle of receptive period.




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