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单词 Totalitarian
(1) The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
(2) In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.
(3) The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country will be long and slow.
(4) It's a totalitarian regime that reduces and dehumanizes its population.
(5) The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror.
(6) All organizations are subordinated to the totalitarian state.
(7) We have had the collapse of the totalitarian regimes.
(8) The classic study of the forces underlying totalitarian regimes.
(9) In this sense, most authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional.
(10) In totalitarian states absolute control of information and the armed forces is the key to the survival of the despot.
(11) In a totalitarian regime, the definition of res publica becomes total.
(12) A totalitarian state must maintain complete control of the press.
(13) It is for this reason that totalitarian governments, and even quasi-totalitarian governments, employ censorship.
(14) Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds.
(15) In the totalitarian state however, agriculture does not have quite the same result.
(16) Religious fanaticism, like any totalitarian system, has its violent side.
(17) The totalitarian political system demands complete obedience to its extensive rules regarding culture, economics, religion, and morality.
(18) In the end a totalitarian state says that everything which exists belongs to it.
(19) This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.
(20) Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states.
(21) Like everybody from factory workers to opera stars, writers were supposed to serve the totalitarian state and its purposes.
(22) The country held its first elections after 40 years of totalitarian rule.
(23) The ideological points are still there but it's hard to believe that totalitarian regimentation could be so tight.
(24) Our task is to guarantee that there will be no reversion to the past totalitarian regime.
(25) The hierarchy feared the move as the thin end of the wedge of secularism and the totalitarian state.
(26) Thus the administrative system tends to be larger, in relation to the society, as the political system becomes more totalitarian.
(27) They created a stable and prosperous society on the ruins of the old totalitarian regime.
(28) A case study of political transition in one of the major totalitarian regimes.
(29) Chapter 8 suggested that more than half the contemporary countries are authoritarian or totalitarian systems.
(30) The legislation can be seen as a by-product of these regimes attempts to create a mass, totalitarian basis of support.
(1) The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
(2) In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes.
(3) The transition from a totalitarian state to a free country will be long and slow.
(31) Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
(32) We live in a society that is, to all intents, totalitarian.
(33) In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Claude Simon also considered marginalized writing to be subverting totalitarian political control at least implicitly.
(34) A totalitarian state regiments its citizens.
(35) For a totalitarian, closed society these are new experiences.
(36) In the realm of totalitarian kitsch , all answers are given in advance and preclude any questions.
(37) Nineteen Eighty-Four is told through the eyes of Winston Smith, a minor civil servant in the Ministry of Truth whose job it is to rewrite history for the totalitarian state of Oceania.
(38) The imposing monolith of totalitarian states often obscures their latent weaknesses.
(39) The advanced totalitarian system depends on manipulatory devices so refined, complex, and powerful that it no longer needs murderers and victims.
(40) North Korea is mainly known for a totalitarian regime overseeing economic failure.
(41) From the mob is drawn the leadership of totalitarian movements.
(42) Almost all governments adopt totalitarian measures in time of war.
(43) Like Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968, it has become a global symbol of totalitarian repression.
(44) If Turkey were a totalitarian state, there would be no case for Armenian self - restraint.
(45) In the totalitarian state, there is no room for dissidence: the dissident is the source of "disorder, " and must be imprisoned, tortured, or killed.
(46) Starved of cash, North Korea is drawn to other pariahs for business—even selling tunnelling advice to Myanmar's junta, another bunch of totalitarian troglodytes.
(46) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(47) In this novel, Nabokov makes an effective enquiry into the psychological mechanism embedded a totalitarian society.
(48) Nothing matches the persecution of believers in such totalitarian places as Belarus or Turkmenistan.
(49) The totalitarian world even finds symbols of love and worship an affront.
(50) After all, totalitarian power has been fed and weaned and to this day is imbued with the intolerant spirit of this ideology, which sees plurality only as a necessary evil, or as a formality.
(51) In some ways the immune system may be compared to a totalitarian state.
(52) Ninteen Eighty-Four tells the story of Winston Smith, and his degradation by the totalitarian state in which he lives.
(53) Constitutionally liberal states (as opposed to totalitarian ones) separate legislative (law-making), executive (law-upholding) and judicial (law-interpreting) functions.
(54) Violet lives in a totalitarian world in the future, ruled by Daxus.
(55) Improperly applied, it can suffocate the Bill of Right, turn our democracy into totalitarian state.
(56) Even the author's pseudonym (his real name being Eric Arthur Blair) became a chilling adjective: "Orwellian" is applied to any characteristic display of totalitarian might.
(57) The nation states of Eastern Europe finally sloughed off their totalitarian regimes.
(58) He has often compared the erasure of private life by prying journalists in democratic societies to state invigilation in totalitarian ones.
(59) For Hayek, central planning was the first step to a totalitarian state.
(60) A totalitarian government often takes basic freedoms away from the citizens.
(61) Any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular.
(62) Russia is now ruled by a duumvirate, one of whom has a kgb background and who reinstated a form of totalitarian rule.
(63) It is convenient for western companies to deal with a totalitarian state.
(64) What would it look like if we abandon a democratically elected government to the totalitarian oppressors?
(65) Guilds can be democratic, anarchistic, totalitarian, or some other type of government.




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