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单词 Law of nations
1 Japan's acts have violated the law of nations and basic international common sense,'she said. "
2 By the Law of Nations, nations can not alter natural obligations by agreement, nor individually or mutually release themselves from it.
3 Jeremy Bentham, for example, proposed replacing the phrase "law of nations" with "international law" in an important footnote in his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780).
4 Nevertheless, LinZexu's translation and application of the Law of Nations in dealing international disputes blazed the trail for Qing government to invoke international laws in foreign affairs.
5 Next to the works "Law of Nations" and the 12th volume of "Common Debates" was the name of the person who checked them out: "President."
6 The books were “Law of Nations”, Dissertation on International Relations and tome of debate by Members of the British House of Commons.
7 Its execution involved an outrage upon the law of nations.
8 American leaders not only acknowledged the law of nations, but took its directions seriously.
9 International business should be conducted in accordance with the law of nations.
10 The application of law of the international contract experienced an origin and development that went to law of nations to law merchant in the Middle Ages from conflict of laws to unify private law.
11 The second chapter firstly unfolds the objective and the task of CBC, and then analyses the theoretical delimitation and the characteristics of CBC in terms of the law of nations.
12 Secondly, it introduces the law safeguard of our country, including domestic law and law of nations two aspects. At last it introduces the practice of overseas investment insurance in our country.
13 However, looking from our laws and the spirits of law of nations, the male's procreation right has reasonable basis and lawful reasons.
14 This book is one of teaching material with very classical domain of law of nations.
15 Diplomatic protection, a significant system of protecting citizen's overseas rights in law of nations, is a right enjoyed by every country.
16 Other institution made this book on the basic principle to law of nations, basic system and law of nations relatively comprehensive discussion.
17 The power given Congress to define and punish offenses against the law of nations, thus giving that law express constitutional recognition.
18 The Congress shall have Power to define and punish Offences against the Law of Nations.
19 The Constitution imposes on President the duty to take the law of nations seriously, but gives the President independent interpretive latitude in exercising that function.
20 International law (otherwise known as public international law or the law of nations) is the system of law which governs relations between states.
21 The relation which the conqueror district occupies toward the government of the conqueror depends, not upon the law of nations, but upon the constitution and laws of the conquering state.




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