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单词 Betimes
(1) He rose betimes in the morning.
(2) He was up betimes doing his lessons.
(3) We must be up betimes tomorrow.
(4) A lame traveller shall get out betimes.
(5) She writes local items betimes.
(6) He awoke betimes that morning.
(7) He had need rise betimes that would please everybody.
(8) He started betimes in the morning.
(9) We hope to repay your visit betimes.
(10) Roderigo . I'll be with thee betimes.
(11) Teens with earlier parental - mandated betimes were less likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.
(12) The train arrived betimes.
(13) A beneficent microclimate brings out the camellias betimes ( John Russell ).
(14) In the morning, he was up betimes, and went straight to his bench and to work.
(15) According to clients'requests, Xian Yong can improve and produce products betimes with cheap prices.
(16) As she drew nigh, the arch-fiend whispered him to condense into small compass and drop into her tender bosom a germ of evil that would be sure to blossom darkly soon, and bear black fruit betimes.
(17) May be can improve efficiency of works, can be reflect students rooming house of electro-circs betimes and truly.
(18) Conclusion Cut down nurse dispute depend on look up cause of dispute, betimes build up flaw.
(19) Naturopath points out:human being is like the sponge, they are unconsciously affected by the energy. If people can know this betimes, they will live more vital.
(20) Tea can speedily absorded and oxidated in humans' bodies, and then to produce the high concentration alkalescence metabolin thus being able to counteract the acid base metabolin in blood betimes.
(21) It is provided with abundance information, renewal contents quickly, info feedback betimes, cost lowness.




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