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单词 Handy
1 It's quite a handy little tool.
2 He is handy with any instrument.
3 This is a handy little safety box.
4 A good tool-box is a handy thing to have in the house.
5 Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.
6 A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.
7 It's very handy having a light above your desk.
8 Have you got your identity card handy?
9 Our flat is very handy for the schools.
10 The extra money came in very handy.
11 My extra earnings came in very handy.
12 The shops are quite handy.
13 Here's a handy tip for removing stains from clothing.
14 This house is handy for the market.
15 Do you have a piece of paper handy ?
16 Always keep a first-aid kit handy.
17 Lucy is quite handy with a drill!
18 He's handy about the house.
19 I always keep my gun handy just in case.
20 She is handy with the needle.
21 "I'm pretty handy at giving out advice," claimed Mark.
22 Our house is very handy for the station.
23 There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven.
24 He's very handy with a screwdriver.
25 Don't throw that away-it might come in handy.
26 The arrangement was handy for both of us.
27 These materials have been digested into a handy pamphlet.
28 Have you got a pen handy?
29 First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.
30 I advise you to buy one?it may come in handy one day.
1 It's quite a handy little tool.
2 He is handy with any instrument.
3 This is a handy little safety box.
4 First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.
5 Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.
6 I advise you to buy one?it may come in handy one day.
7 A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house.
8 She is handy with the needle.
9 A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on holiday.
10 She is a handy girl who can turn her hand to anything.
31 Our flat is very handy for the school.
32 The $20 check came in very handy.
33 Take your swimming trunks with you - they might come in handy .
34 The house is spacious with all mod cons, handy for the station and has a garden.
35 Don't throw that cardboard box away it may come in handy.
36 A few more traveler's checks may come in handy on holiday.
37 Jonathan's good at wall - papering but he's not so handy with a paintbrush.
38 The ladder is a handy size for using in the house.
39 It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy.
40 If you're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with giant daisies.
41 She is a handy girl who can turn her hand to anything.
42 The house was near Drury Lane, very handy for the theatre.
43 Always keep a cloth handy to wipe up any mess.
44 These boxes will come in handy when we move house.
45 This machine is fully automatism number controlled, its operation is handy , andits cutting is exact.
46 Not only is it just the job for travelling, but it's handy for groceries too.
47 His money will come in handy when I want to travel.
48 To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy.
49 Now wild mushrooms are available all year, packed in handy 25g boxes.
50 Keep a pad handy to jot down queries as they occur.
51 The house was in Drury Lane, very handy for the theatre.
52 I keep a bottle of brandy handy - purely for medicinal purposes.
53 Any handy tips for good, strong growth, please?
54 Keep those shovels handy, forecasters say.
55 A handy ditty when competing with other firms.
56 There's a handy cup holder under the car radio.
57 I have two librarians' names handy from phone conversations.
58 Laturno and Goldman always have travel itineraries handy.
59 Jennifer better make sure an air bag is handy.
60 Neither oor Joy nor me have ever been handy.
61 This handy book has step-by-step instructions and clear illustrations.
62 Add a rail to keep kitchen equipment handy.
63 Make sure you keep your passport and ticket handy.
64 The hardware comes in handy, especially the kris.
65 You would have come in handy.
66 Keep your hacksaw handy for cutting plastic pipe, however.
67 But a seismograph is a handy thing to have.
68 Handy emphasized that fact in his advertising.
69 And keep them handy for when you do.
70 And both of these were to come in handy.
71 And as for that chainsword ... Still, he's handy with it.
72 Spreadsheet convert to values One useful trick that often comes in handy is to convert an entire spreadsheet to values.
73 Don't forget the Survival Pack, which is bound to come in handy.
74 In a general sense, of course, racism hurt Handy and his counterparts, but so did chaotic distribution.
75 My knowledge of Spanish came in handy when the car broke down near Madrid.
76 Packed in handy 25g boxes with recipe cards, the dried mushrooms are sealed in a bag for freshness.
77 As well as keeping some nail polish remover at home, make sure you carry some handy remover of emergencies.
78 The matches are designed not to blow out in strong winds or when immersed in water. Very handy.
79 Down at the bottom there's a handy storage compartment to take care of the utensils when you don't need them.
80 Very handy with a hip flask, but didn't look as if he could tell a Renoir from a Renault.
81 Mymenus, which is sponsored by grocery stores nationwide, also provides a handy grocery list with every recipe.
82 Practical pointers and handy hints 1 Don't feel a failure if you've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend.
83 Whenever I did this and substituted whoever was handy for the person I was attracted to, disaster struck.
84 There was something very handy about the way this story had come out.
85 He tied the reins to a handy bush and followed the sound of Blondel's voice.
85 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
86 Or, more handy still, you can use it for denial purposes.
87 They keep this handy money in their wallets, purses, checking accounts, or even cookie jars.
88 The fans would have come in handy during the humid weather over the last few days.
89 He ran into a fast-food joint and swiped some little handy wipes that made them smell all lemony.
90 Uncertain how the children might react, I thought it would perhaps come in handy if I needed to defend myself.
91 It was handy since it opened directly on to the parking slots for office staff, much prized and intrigued over.
92 Para Handy raises a new head of steam Nan Spowart reports on the re-creation of a West coast legend.
93 But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
94 Socially too, Poole was always popular with the cutter crews with its handy berthing facilities close to the town.
95 It was something he felt might come in very handy.
96 Getting to use a whole extra rank of weapons in the face of a charge can come in very handy.
97 It's probably of most use in managing large networks, but it's handy and it's free.
98 Which is handy for large files as it's faster and can resume broken downloads.
99 Right at the bottom is a handy storage compartment for all your baking trays, dishes and so on.
100 In the first place, Handy attributes more permanence to the professional core than actually exists.
101 Thankfully the floating grey pods which occasionally appear contain handy weapon power-ups and extra lives.
102 If your cupboards are full to bursting, put up a handy shelf.
103 As I mentioned earlier, a geostationary orbit is very handy for communications satellites.
104 This mechanism is rarely used but is handy when a case is stalling.
105 The unions have become like a resident Grandad - no less embarrassing for enfeeblement(), but still handy with his wallet.
106 All it takes is some imagination to think up handy tips to help other producers.
107 We would imagine that the wire brush is very handy for cleaning up old iron and steel.
108 The house was near Drury Lane, handy for the theatre, which was essential.
109 A hacksaw always comes in handy for cutting plastic pipes.
110 Readers with humorous computing tales or handy hints are welcome to write to Fatal Dos Error at the usual address.
111 So make sure you keep them somewhere handy at all times.
112 I suppose reading must come in quite handy at times like these.
113 No handy planks of wood, no convenient lengths of baler twine kindly left behind by a farmer.
114 One thousand smackers would come in very handy at the moment.
115 Where design permits, the old-fashioned serving hatch can come in handy: it's the dumb waiter of the less-palatial home.
116 Isaac swabbed perspiration from above his haunted eyes with a rag he kept handy for cleaning the windshield.
117 I used my handy immersion blender, being careful to leave some chunks intact.
118 Overall, it is a handy reference text and well constructed guide to this particular form of research.
119 Extra money will come in handy as there will soon be a particular project to support.
120 Keep a wire brush handy for this purpose and rub down the grill after finishing your cooking.
121 A lot of people in the States have a gun handy at night and when they travel.
122 The bright red Infobox, a temporary three-story structure, provides a handy observation post.
123 The bike came in very handy then because it's about nine miles to Cotherstone, where we used to meet.
124 It also comes in handy little pots, so you don't have to waste half of it.
125 Keep an emery board handy in case of nail snags, so your teeth do not get to them first!
126 This handy booklet tells you everything you need to know about getting connected to the Internet.
127 As you are painfully aware, when it comes to being handy, I can barely work a shower curtain.
128 A unifying influence Of course, while the money comes in handy, brands can have another important function for regions.
129 Dogwell was big and looked as if he would have liked to tie the ensign into some kind of handy knot.
130 Addictions do come in handy sometimes: at least you have to get out of bed for them.
131 Powerdesk is a handy application that addresses some of the deficiencies in the Microsoft operating system.
132 This command centre is handy to use for your own files and is great when you're designing applications at work.
133 It would be a right insult to them to back off, and as you say, their goodwill could be handy.
134 This handy bag is made of a strong, lightweight nylon material.
135 Sanipet provide the householder with a 12-litre sealed plastic container, together with a handy scoop and spatula set.
136 Another stalwart is Professor Charles Handy, who commands much respect in secular circles.
137 The associated language analysis is useful as a reference work and set of handy tips.
138 I always keep some whiskey handy in case I see a snake...which I also keep handy. W.C. Fields 
139 Inside there are lots of handy hints to help you take better pictures.
140 For those of us who are less fortunate, Correct Letters could come in handy.
141 One container held around thirty dollars in change and small bills, handy for tipping delivery boys, I suppose.
142 A filled bath also makes a handy dip for anyone not mucking in properly.
143 Many fruit juices are now available in handy little cartons.
144 None of them ever enlivened maths lessons with a few handy hints about alternative sexuality.
145 Is there a handy dustbin or a down-spout that will assist the thief to climb on to the roof?
146 On page 26 we suggest handy tips for teaching her to dress herself.
147 A handy companion for Psion fans without a compatible Infrared phone.
148 A companion volume to the Handy album, and very nearly as good.
149 The publication ends with a handy index of notes enabling quick location of the anatomical point required.
150 I had organised two more fallback packages that would come in handy now.
151 All those animals with implausible names, which will come in so handy for Countdown, making a dash for it.
152 A saline solution is handy as a useful eye-bath or anti-septic gargle.
153 There's a special brush you can attach to the vacuum cleaner, which is handy for cleaning the stairs.
154 It's a handy way of keeping a record of your spending.
155 Here to get you started are a few ... Practical pointers and handy hints 1 Think about your class and year group.
156 Man, this could be a right handy wee pastime for the summers.
157 This is not the book with the greatest breadth or depth, but it is handy and easy to read.
158 Your favourite Wella Shockwaves Gel-Sprays and Hairsprays are now in handy pump action bottles with a new advanced spray mechanism.
159 Missile troops positioned on hilltops are very handy for protecting artillery units.
160 The husband of one of the club members had his camera handy to record the occasion of the Mayor's visit.
161 Was Handy Man beginning to include meat in his diet?
162 This is a handy tip for setting a home-built kite bridle.
163 An adjustment after 300 hours can be done by the dealer or anyone handy with a multimeter.
164 But she finds refuge with another man, ironically a local braggart photographer who is not so much successful as handy.
165 Always have a fire extinguisher handy when working with a blowlamp.
166 Border fork A smaller version of a digging fork; very handy for working among close-spaced plants and lifting individual seedlings.
167 Keep a divider handy just in case it is needed.
168 Detecting suspicious activity in the community is where the bike patrol agents come in handy.
169 Keep this brochure handy and return the completed application form when you need a loan.
170 Inside there's a small hanging shelf that is handy for storing small items or for hanging a torch.
171 Briquettes or Blocks: These are handy for outdoor use and horses can help themselves if and when they need it.
172 We hate doing this because it could be handy information in the event the other party ever accuses us of a transgression.
173 I'm saving the memo - it might come in handy someday.
174 The water is likely to be spilled, have a cloth handy to wipe up any mess.
175 All this stuff about polyneuritis was handy, thought Henry,(sentence dictionary) but perhaps a little too neat.
176 What I was about to learn, however, is that the poem was equally handy when competing within Salomon Brothers.
177 Keep a torch handy or buy smoke detectors with lights.
178 Don't miss our handy Gardener's Year binder, designed to store your monthly cut-out-and-keep guide, for easy reference.
179 In the return match at the Basin Reserve he took five wickets in the first innings and scored a handy 42.
180 Useful - really functional language items that can come in handy in real situations.
181 They never had the Colts' reputation for criminality, but were handy with a brick.
182 Catherine had trouble tending to their own domestic affairs though they had a handy expertise for the affairs of others.
183 In politics, it is seldom easy to disentangle what is right from what is handy.
184 But it's not only for outings with the children that the Motorola TalkAbout 200 comes in handy.
185 This handy pocket dictionary is a boon to me.
186 This lively town is handy for Londoners.
187 The booklet is very practical and handy of reference.
188 This is a generic Hidden Markov Model C code libraries, very handy.
189 Second, the paper should be a handy checklist of mistakes.
190 That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.
191 One handy example is the replacement of the slide rule by the pocket calculator.
192 The lotion is dispensed by a handy pump action spray.
193 Through the midday hours he sat with glazed face, the bottle handy, listening to the telescreen.
194 The barrage mines came in handy later on for other tasks.
195 'This is a handy cove,'says he, at length,'and a pleasant sittyated grog - shop.




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