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单词 Income tax
1. Income tax will be deducted by your employer.
2. The interest is exempt from income tax .
3. Please give me a breakdown of your income tax totals.
4. He was convicted of filing false income tax returns.
5. Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.
6. Her wages are below the income tax threshold.
7. He's griping about his income tax again.
8. Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.
9. Income tax stands at 23 pence in the pound.
10. Bert had been fiddling his income tax for years.
11. The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.
12. I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts.
13. High income tax can undermine work incentives.
14. He's having problems over his income tax.
15. An income tax is graduated so that people who make more money pay a higher rate of taxes.
16. Reduction in income tax will be welcomed with open arms.
17. Don't try to cheat on your income tax,you'll never get away with it.
18. You will have to pay income tax on the rent you receive, although you can deduct expenses such as insurance.
19. The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.
20. The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax.
21. The income tax is to be reimposed next year after ten years' exemption.
22. He estimated his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submitted in previous years.
23. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
24. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.
25. They kept back five dollars from her wages for income tax.
26. If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money.
27. Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax?
28. A family man's earnings rose 5% in real terms after deducting income tax, insurance, child allowances, etc.
29. It's no use trying to get round paying the income tax!
30. The newly - appointed mayor was accused of cheating on his income tax.
1. Income tax will be deducted by your employer.
2. The interest is exempt from income tax .
3. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
4. Please give me a breakdown of your income tax totals.
5. Reduction in income tax will be welcomed with open arms.
6. The newly - appointed mayor was accused of cheating on his income tax.
7. He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.
31. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
32. This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.
33. The next income tax payment is due on 31 January.
34. The revenue authorities have come down on me for the payment of twenty pounds income tax.
35. The standard rate of income tax was cut to 23p in the pound.
36. He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.
37. If a person's income arises in the UK it is subject to UK income tax.
38. The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.
39. Bush has said absolutely no to an income tax.
40. An ability tax,(http://) not an income tax?
41. Income tax guidebooks are the ultimate in obligation literature.
42. You said when you get your income tax refund.
43. Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary.
44. A local income tax, for instance, was never considered.
45. This is a regressive income tax.
46. What about the effects of lower income tax rates?
47. Income tax laws are necessarily complicated.
48. The income tax threshold for 2000-01 is £4,385.
49. Florence created the first income tax, complete with personal exemptions and dodges.
50. A local income tax would give councils the power to jeopardise Britain's belated conversion to a belief in low direct taxation.
51. Direct Taxes Individuals pay income tax on earnings from labour, rents, dividends, and interest.
52. In addition they estimated the implied income tax brackets associated with each dividend payout level.
53. The 1992 figures reflect a change in the method of accounting for certain deferred income tax benefits.
54. Suppose the government adopts a less ambitious spending programme and is therefore able to reduce income tax rates.
55. Other potential trouble spots for Forbes include his refusal to release his personal income tax returns, as Dole has done.
56. Brook now faces probable jail after an indictment for larceny and income tax evasion.
57. For example, the income tax we pay may vary with changes either in our income or in the rate of tax charged.
58. The only government authorities that collect income tax at present are the republics and provinces.
59. The more inelastic the labour supply, the lower is the distortion introduced by any particular income tax rate.
60. I pay income tax at the basic 25 percent rate.
61. Revenue from turnover and income tax and from privatization had been less than expected.
62. Income tax thresholds were raised from G$10,000 to G$48,000 with lower tax rates planned to offset the withdrawal of personal allowances.
63. Politicians, sensing wide and profound dissatisfaction with the status quo, have proposed significant changes in our federal income tax.
64. Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax, and taking too large a distribution could propel you into a higher tax bracket.
65. A comparison with the total income tax due will disclose either an over or under payment of income tax.
66. If they replace those benefits with higher wages(Sentencedict), that would raise the income tax bill for workers.
67. But you can do that without assaulting the income tax.
68. We begin paying income tax at 25 percent once we move into the tax bracket.
69. But if the damages are calculated without reference to income tax that will not be so.
70. They thus add to the business flier's personal income, income on which no personal income tax is paid.
71. If you earn below $6000, you pay no income tax.
72. Among these was a plan to cut the amount of personal income tax withheld by employers during the year.
73. Most people have a far better idea of the value of their house than of their annual income tax.
74. After all, few are burdened with having to complete annual income tax returns.
75. That inquiry, the most authoritative ever carried out, favoured a local income tax.
76. We can then reclaim the income tax you - or your spouse - have paid already.
77. Tax allowances Personal allowance Income tax is not levied on every last penny of your money.
78. It would be nice if income tax could be figured out in half an hour - no muss, no fuss.
79. Table 16-2 picks out the most controversial aspect of the tax system, the marginal rate of income tax.
80. And he never paid a dime of income tax on it.
81. Dole aides have said the candidate may propose broader income tax cuts later this year as part of his long-range economic strategy.
82. An increase in the top corporate income tax rate to 36 percent from the current 34 percent.
83. There is talk of a personal income tax, a sales tax and a gross-receipts tax on reservation businesses.
84. He soon became a Republican, and he finally spent time in prison for income tax evasion.
85. And all workers will get an extra £3 a week from the widening of the bottom-rate 10p income tax band.
86. The Internal Revenue Service has estimated that tax evasion may reduce personal income tax revenues by as much as 20 percent.
87. The policies which had the most direct impact concerned income tax.
88. Moreover, incorporation itself would involve a cessation for income tax purposes.
89. To liberals, it means closing loopholes for the rich and strengthening the earned income tax credit.
90. Relief is paid at the tax-payer's top marginal rate of income tax, provided the investment is bed for five years.
91. The sum remaining from his fees will be subject to further deductions for income tax, national insurance and national insurance self-employed tax.
92. All taxpayers will benefit from the widening of the 10p income tax band.
93. Employers' social security contributions were reduced by 4.3 percent from Jan. 1, 1993, and income tax allowances were reduced.
94. On one hand, the Chancellor increased the number of people paying the reduced 20 percent rate of income tax.
95. Another is to increase the progressivity of the personal income tax.
96. We have already mentioned two factors that make the entire structure more progressive than an examination of income tax alone would suggest.
97. At the local level? 3 Briefly describe the mechanics of the Federal personal income tax.
98. In a time of receding income, the income tax reduces itself automatically.
99. The more exemptions he claims, the less income tax you withhold from his paycheck.
100. He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.
101. The Government's argument is always based on how much it would cost to implement a local income tax system.
102. Anyone with income below the income tax threshold of £4,385 is entitled to interest on savings tax-free.
103. All income tax payers will pay the 20 percent rate on their first £2,000 of taxable income.
104. To put it another way, reducing income tax will increase people's capacity to afford more leisure.
105. All these contributions will benefit from basic rate income tax relief.
106. First, the top rate of income tax has been cut sharply.
107. Each worker is given an income tax code number which is related to the total of his personal allowances.
108. Income tax remains unchanged, but the tariffs on business are collapsing.
109. Income tax is a progressive tax because higher earners pay a higher proportion of their income in this tax than lower earners.
110. He would scrap the federal income tax and replace it with a national sales tax, a radical idea.
111. Several companies have produced pension plans specifically for people in the higher income tax bracket.
112. For example, we have already cited the disagreement among the experts as to the incidence of the corporate income tax.
113. Furthermore, interest on the bonds of state and local governments is exempt from the Federal income tax.
114. As a result no entry is made on the P11D for the director and no income tax is therefore assessed on him.
115. Pollution Tax: Many of the unemployed income tax collectors will be retrained as Pollution Inspectors.
116. Texas has no company or personal income tax, and the former, at least, may soon be seriously discussed.
117. Separate versions of the software also are available at an additional charge to help you prepare your state income tax return.
118. This includes a 2-percent reduction in the corporate income tax rate and lower personal property taxes.
119. Let us illustrate in terms of the personal income tax.
120. Cutting income tax will increase the supply of labour input, chiefly by attracting new workers into the labour force.
121. He failed to report and pay income tax on a portion of his income.
122. By 1900 about half of government revenue was raised from income tax and from death duties.
123. Unlike the income tax, however, Social Security taxes allow no deductions for spouses or other dependents.
124. But it said gift aid and income tax relief would raise income by £30 million.
125. The pension fund is totally exempt from income tax and capital gains tax(/income tax.html), providing excellent growth prospects for your money.
126. Some income will be taken in direct taxation, such as income tax and so will not be available for other uses.
127. Now we are pledged to cut tax rates again - and have made a start on the road to 20p Income Tax.
128. The self employed may claim income tax relief as an allowance in their income tax assessment.
129. Similarly, any amount of income tax rebate or trade union strike pay will be considered and may have a similar result.
130. Recall from Chapter 7 that the corporate income tax entails a problem of double taxation.
131. It would appear that the objection to local income tax is political rather than practical.
132. We will make further progress towards a basic Income Tax rate of 20p.
133. The rates were incapable of bearing the burden in their view and they expressed cautious support for a local income tax.
134. Others have proposed replacing the federal income tax with something else entirely, such as a national sales tax.
135. Any prizes are free of income tax and capital gains tax.
136. There is a certain amount you are allowed to retain before income tax becomes applicable.
137. Income tax is by far the most important direct tax, alone contributing almost 26% of government receipts.
138. The prime minister has announced a freeze on income tax for two years.
139. If rebates are extensive this takes on some aspects of an income tax too.
140. The ones that working... the only way they can do anything is to wait on their income tax return.
141. This would have been exempt from income tax under s188 and could have been used by the director to repay his loan.
142. Efficiency is discussed in relation to the wealth tax replacing some income tax or a projected increase in income taxes.
143. Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.
144. There is a threshold level of income which is completely free of income tax.
145. Until 1969, interest on bank loans as well as on mortgages was eligible for income tax and surtax relief.
146. Mr Brown's statement on Wednesday was designed to counteract Tory plans to reduce income tax.
147. You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse.
148. They might remember also that without bipartisan accommodation the graduated income tax never would have become a constitutional amendment.
149. Can they be related to changes in the personal income tax and social security system?
150. Wilson made three separate proposals for personal income tax cuts as the California economy recovered from a deep recession.
151. Realistically, the saving in income tax has to be shared between employer and employees.
152. Another 31 % came from business taxes, and 21 % from the personal income tax.
153. The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax. Albert Einstein 
154. Taylor attacked a proposal by Forbes to replace the current graduated income tax with a flat tax of 17 percent.
155. The income tax assessment should be made separately on that person in respect of the business.
156. Labour has failed to build a popular consensus around educational reform and was trumped by Ashdown's penny on income tax.
157. Radical cuts to income tax plus large increases in national insurance and indirect taxation have made the tax system far more regressive.
158. Any assessment on the beneficiaries to income tax can never be more than on the £65 grossed up.
159. Kemp was a leading advocate of supply-side economics when the theory got its first trial in the income tax cuts of 1981.
160. The marginal rate of income tax is the percentage taken by the government of the last pound that an individual earns.
161. In addition,(http:///income tax.html) the increase in national insurance contributions is the equivalent of a penny in the pound on income tax.
162. They are paid by manufacturers and traders, which are obviously fewer in number than the total of individuals paying income tax.
163. You can get a wife's earned income tax relief on the part of your pension which you earned from your own contributions.
164. Again, a low wealth tax rate is suggested as a supplement to income tax. 3.
165. The legislation also provided for a maximum personal income tax rate of 47 percent and for corporation tax of 45 percent.
166. The Liberal Democrats pledged to raise the basic rate of income tax from 25 to 26 percent specifically for investment in education.
167. The introduction of local income tax would allow local authorities to undermine the budgetary plans of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
168. Forbes' platform makes sense in a state on a mission to eliminate the income tax and substantially reduce the property tax.
169. For this reason, he recommended that gains should be charged to income tax but not to surtax.
170. The Chancellor said he would cut income tax by 2 pence in the pound.
171. If the provisions of s213 can be satisfied, management would incur no income tax charge or capital gains tax charge.
172. It is subject to social security taxes and income tax withholding.
173. Would you have to pay income tax on it, and could you get vacant possession when you needed it?
174. As more than half the population do not pay income tax this is at best only a half-truth.
175. We have cut the basic rate of Income Tax from 33p to 25p, and the top rate from 83p to 40p.
176. That is enough to dock 6p off the basic rate of income tax and still keep the public-debt ratio stable.
177. But your doctor bill should be paid like your income tax, according to what you have.
178. Until then, income tax relief had been available on the premiums paid on the majority of life assurance policies.
179. Lord Howe said increases in basic rate income tax were not unthinkable.
180. Contrary to popular belief, income tax provides only just over a quarter of all tax revenue.
181. After 1994, all the autonomies were allowed to keep 15 % of the direct income tax revenues attributable to their region.
182. He and his party advanced the idea of a local income tax based on ability to pay.
183. On the income tax front, both husband and wife have a personal allowance which is free of tax.
184. The gain may be taxed at the basic rate of income tax therefore or at the higher rate.
185. My question is how to determine the cost basis in order to determine the capital gains on her income tax return.
186. If you pay higher rate income tax you can claim additional income tax relief on top.
187. Exhibit 2. 1 summarizes the current federal corporate income tax rate.
188. The corporate income tax base was broadened while the tax rate was reduced.
189. Tax cuts through the increase in the 10p income tax band will mean everyone has a little more in their pocket.
190. Instead, Dole proposed a 15 percent cut in income tax rates.
191. Hadn't they paid for it with their National Insurance stamps, income tax, and rates?
192. The tax agency needs volunteers to help answer tax-questions and fill out basic federal and state income tax returns.
193. In addition(), we have relieved employees from paying income tax on the benefit of workplace nurseries.
194. It's time the government came clean about its plans to raise income tax.
195. His income tax liability is then calculated by referring to tax tables which are supplied by the Inland Revenue.
196. The less well off do receive transfer payments and the rich face the highest rates of income tax.
197. The Government are making a major error by dismissing local income tax out of hand.
198. However, income deriving from pension schemes and annuities is subject to income tax.
199. His plans to introduce income tax self-assessment and to reduce the audit burden were welcomed last night by small business organisations.
200. Doughty would admit that in order to safeguard the welfare state income tax would have to go up.
201. Thus, there could be no Schedule D income tax charges.
202. When making that payment, Tradeco must deduct income tax at the basic rate and pay that to the Revenue.
203. The problem started when one employee mentioned over lunch that he had read that an income tax on wages was unconstitutional.
204. Basic Rate Taxpayers will have no personal liability to Income Tax.
205. Columns 1 and 2 of Table 8-2 portray the mechanics of the income tax for a married couple filing a joint return.
206. The whole trouble with the Republicans is their fear of an increase in income tax, especially on higher incomes.
207. Experts say there is a good chance Congress will eventually convert the decades-old federal income tax into something else.
208. His message is straight forward and superficially appealing to most voters: no more income tax.
209. Married women are treated as dependents by the income tax system, whatever their actual economic resources and social situation.
210. Does the company withhold income tax?
211. Beside sales tax, some states also levy income tax.
212. A: Does the company withhold income tax?
213. An income tax deduction si allowed for bad debt.
214. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
215. Taxpayer: Is the rental income taxable for personal income tax?
216. This chapter analyses the value of individual income tax law and points out that the value should contain formal justice and substantial justice.
217. Individual income tax for personal gain, is all sorts of taxable income.
218. He also would have to pay state income tax in Florida.
219. Your latest Income Tax Demand Note or Company Business Registration Certificate and the latest Tax Return.
220. The Caymans have no corporate income tax for companies incorporated there.
221. Income tax paid to foreign tax authorities by the taxpayer on income derived from sources outside China shall be allowed as credit against the amount of income tax payable.
222. In most countries, income tax deductions and maternity leaves are available without restriction.
223. The new Law on Corporate Income Tax went into effect, and real estate taxes were unified for domestic and overseas-funded enterprises and Chinese and foreign individuals.
224. But people who emphasize the efficiency often base the Laffer curve, and insist decreasing the marginal tax rate of individual income tax.
225. Marion Mitchell Morrison remained his legal name for income tax forms , selective service records , deeds , mortgages , and wills , but the name never suited him .
226. Taxes withheld on each payment By a withholding agent shall, within five days, be turned over to the State Treasury and the income tax return submitted to the tax authorities.
227. Export-oriented enterprises to export products output value reached 70 percent, was exempt from local tax exemption of income tax profits from the export tax law.
228. Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax.
229. Generally speaking, a progressive income tax may cut down labor supply and reduce a laborer's real income.
230. Review and finalize the annual clearance of Corporation Income Tax.
231. In one sign that super committee negotiators were following that path, Democrats have proposed capping the top income tax rate at no higher than current levels of 35 percent.
232. Article 24The income tax expenses shall be presented separately in the profit statement.
233. An alien shall obtain an income tax certificate from this Administration before his or her departure or upon application for his or her exit permit or for a visa extension of stay.
234. No way haudio-videoe always been I going to vote for a costs to raise income tax yet.
235. Because the person income tax adjustment is limited, property tax is the optimal choice.
236. The book value or undepreciated cost of an asset for income tax purposes.
237. Please give me a breakdown of those income tax totals.
238. How can I confirm that related deferred income tax, as well as how to determine the income statement should be recognized on the income tax costs are the focus of this article.
239. Canceling the corporation income tax, realizing the income tax integration is the effective means to offset the imperfections, and this method also is supported by the sole individual tax genre.




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