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单词 Follow-up
1. A follow-up session was held after the initial meeting.
2. She is writing a follow-up to her best-selling novel.
3. They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.
4. The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series.
5. The survey is a follow-up to the questionnaire.
6. They were attending hospital for follow-up treatment.
7. A follow-up consultation was arranged for two weeks' time.
8. We are planning a follow-up to today's event.
9. As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
10. This meeting is a follow-up to the one we had last month.
11. You will receive a follow-up visit from the person conducting the assessment.
12. Spielberg says he's planning to do a follow-up next year.
13. The dancer confounded her critics with a remarkable follow-up album.
14. The problem was, there was not much follow-up.
15. There are no follow-up ques-tions.
16. The questioning patients submitted no follow-up questions.
17. Participants received mammograms, then follow-up screenings in succeeding months.
18. The follow-up only enhances an already compelling program.
19. And even more turned out for a follow-up evening session in early 1996.
20. Underline the follow-up by means of a loud shout to show that you have unified mental resolve and physical effort in the technique.
21. Follow-up studies revealed that the rice-salt solution was not as widely used as the lobon-gur solution.
22. A leftwing theatre company sponsored the follow-up, organised on stage by a budding theatre director, Joseph Losey.
23. You should attend for routine follow-up visits as instructed, probably at least once a year.
24. Active follow-up with the former Soviet republics is now well in hand.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. By kicking deep, and applying follow-up pressure, the intention was to force the opposition to concede the throw-in.
26. One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.
27. After the report, advisers are expected to carry out follow-up work.
28. This information should be the subject of a detailed investigation as a follow-up stage.
29. Leeds then had more chances, Macca had one touched on to the post, with Wallace's follow-up going just wide.
30. Among the 23 enrolled patients, five were lost to follow-up as early as 3 months.
1. A follow-up session was held after the initial meeting.
2. She is writing a follow-up to her best-selling novel.
3. They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.
4. The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series.
31. All were detected by comparison of the lesion at the follow-up visit with the previous photographic record.
32. They saw themselves as having a consultative decision-making style, using relatively loose follow-up, and being very open to persuasion.
33. So an alternative explanation had to be found, hence the idea of Meehan and Griffiths as a follow-up team.
34. A follow-up order would help establish Airbus as a regular supplier.
35. This continued in a follow-up session where Sally and Bruno came in on their own.
36. Self-reports were not verified and the lengths of follow-up were somewhat variable.
37. Follow-up studies of people experiencing particularly traumatic events such as bereavement have also shown a high rate of associated depression and anxiety.
38. Consideration given to follow-up visits by officers, if suitable or helpful.
39. All the necessary investigative and follow-up actions were taken and as soon as the problem was known local general practitioners were informed.
40. As part of a trial to assess the effectiveness of follow-up radiotherapy after chemo, Carmel is not receiving the treatment.
41. We discussed ways of dealing with a relapse and made follow-up arrangements for three, six, nine and 12 months.
42. However, it turned out that its owners had more ambition than follow-up.
43. You should also receive initial training about how to conduct the business as well as follow-up help and assistance.
44. All is dwarfed at the end, though, by a chilling report and follow-up on the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre.
45. These various possibilities are extremely exciting, but a great deal of follow-up observation and modelling needs to be done.
46. Improvement was maintained over a follow-up period of six months.
47. A computerized system is essential for accurate monitoring and follow-up.
48. One way of telling whether a horse has completely eliminated the infection is to take follow-up nasal swabs.
49. A regular follow-up servicing arrangement will be included as well as full training manuals.
50. It is also sensible to plan a follow-up campaign with key media.
51. Substantial improvement was documented at follow-up to 2 years in both groups, with no significant differences between groups over time.
52. These women were equally distributed during follow-up and were censored at the time of the last visit.
53. Later that day Jim made some follow-up calls to the regional folks who had given him the sales updates.
54. Preparation and follow-up To get full value from a visit, adequate preparation and follow-up are vital.
55. This is a worthwhile publication, much more than just a bland follow-up to an exceptional Test series.
56. Seconds of confusion quickly change to clear-cut orders and a follow-up.
57. One of the major weaknesses is, perhaps, a lack of sufficient follow-up on the recommendations.
58. He was given no follow-up treatment to continue the progress he had made in the rehabilitation hospital.
59. Often a telephone call to the editor of a specialist publication and then some follow-up, specially written information is far better.
60. In addition to attending training classes, Sparta managers and supervisors needed follow-up assistance in applying these skills.
61. Inpatient follow-up was conducted by review of the active medical record every 3 days.
62. After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager.
63. After the report advisers are expected to carry out follow-up work and proposals for improvement acted on.
64. Nutrition Intervention Nutrition counseling, nutrition education, and follow-up services are elements of care provided to patients / clients.
65. Why, then, did employees tell their managers and supervisors something totally different during the follow-up interviews?
66. Clearly, the follow-up study was more favourable to the defenders of catholic schools than to opponents.
67. Thus, 187 and 146, respectively, were free of severe events at the end of follow-up.
68. This follow-up is essential in ward teaching, but poor facilities often make it difficult to achieve without interruption.
69. We report photographic follow-up of patients with 3 or more clinically atypical naevi and 20 or more benign naevi.
70. Are you planning a follow-up to today's programme to give Calder a chance to respond to any letters that come in?
71. It includes short-term crisis intervention and a follow-up with on-going monitoring and support.
72. All patients were initially asymptomatic and remained so during follow-up.
73. For women 50 and older, follow-up mammograms within seven months found the original screening was 98. 5 percent accurate.
74. Two follow-up meetings have been arranged for all young people interested in producing Mass tapes and the youth liturgy.
75. We're fairly sure the data is accurate, but we will be doing a follow-up.
76. Those patients who have the procedure are monitored closely in follow-up research.
77. These results could still be seriously attenuated by insufficient follow-up, since they include many studies undertaken in the 1970s.
78. Follow-up Make indicator strips by cutting blotting paper or heavy construction paper into strips and dipping them in the cabbage water.
79. Follow-up Bring other substances such as sugar, baking soda, or corn syrup to dissolve in water.
80. The United States also agreed to drop its opposition to a follow-up conference in 2006.
81. If you found the opening pitch a bit over the top, the follow-up would gross you out completely.
82. Follow-up interviews, case studies and classroom observation are also planned.
83. A follow-up study that looks at the long-term effects of transcendental meditation and muscle relaxation is expected to be completed in August.
84. Weisner is hoping to obtain funding for a follow-up study of the children.
85. These cases require frequent visits and continuing follow-up by the Honorary Welfare Officers.
86. Did you get a feel for that with those conversations and the two extremes, the shot-gun versus the follow-up?
87. The idea is to take advantage of follow-up services, find a job and get off the streets.
88. Weiss is doing a follow-up study to his research on children raised in single-parent families.
89. During follow-up examinations, we watch for signs of attachment and confidence.
90. Satisfying himself after a while, he commenced to write a follow-up letter, composed by George and dated 31 August.
91. Once you have installed solar heating you will receive regular follow-up visits from our experts.
92. Anorexia Nervosa is a long term illness and regular follow-up appointments are necessary.
93. However, the observed difference in severe events after a short follow-up probably confers a medium-term benefit on mortality reduction.
94. All analyses included follow-up time after any discontinuation of study drug.
95. It is only by means of regression that the root of such cases can be discovered and the foundation laid for the follow-up treatment.
96. The follow-up survey planned for Spring 1985 will test just how successful they have been in job search.
97. This study shows the value of clinical follow-up of high-risk patients to detect early thin melanomas.
98. By the time he and his colleagues had completed the 1979 follow-up study, acid rain was much in the news.
99. But the long-term movement of stock prices will hinge on follow-up actions by the Cabinet and the Legislative Yuan.
100. A further follow-up in 1972 collected more detailed diagnostic information.
101. Information was clearly presented, including the follow-up procedures, with translation into the patient's dialect when necessary.
102. Central nervous system treatment in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: long-term follow-up of patients diagnosed between 1973 and 1985.
103. But she has failed to reach the top spots in the charts recently with songs from follow-up Wishing.
104. Whilst these seminars will not produce a negotiated document, particular attention should be given to improving follow-up. 15.
105. During follow-up, adverse events were looked for systematically at all scheduled and unscheduled visits.
106. It might just be the voice of support at a meeting or the follow-up on a personal problem mentioned a few days ago.
107. It focused on the fact that none of the trials showed a decrease in mortality within seven years of follow-up.
108. Follow-ups - Henley can provide a range of follow-up services depending on the needs of the individual and the nominating organisation.
109. One advantage of allocating a case to a student is he/she may have more time to spend in follow-up.
110. To facilitate medical care by providing a basis for identifying individuals in need of follow-up treatment. 3.
111. The way these things work, there are two agents on each running board of the follow-up car.
112. The follow-up often fails because you are just as surprised at its success as your opponent!
113. Telephone follow-up were not found to loose off.
114. Results Follow-up showed none happened to fracture disunion or malunion and none occurred to postoperative infection or bending of lock pin.
115. MR imaging and MR angiography have been used to replace conventional arteriogram for diagnosis and follow-up after treatment due to their non-invasive nature and absence of radiation exposure.
116. Follow-up MRI was done three months after the initial procedure[Sentence dictionary], and again three months after the second procedure.
117. The sales representative of the brand close a bargain through visiting and the long-term follow-up service mainly.
118. He says reporting on the mailed form and through follow-up enumerators often mislabeled the gender of spouses, which skewed the numbers.
119. Weicon-XT toric soft contact lenses were evaluated on 60 healthy eyes of 32 patients with compound myopic astigmatism. The follow-up period was at least 6 months for each case.
120. It added: "In practice, that will be mainly household or household-like contacts or, in a school context, those at surrounding desks; and the restriction of contact follow-up to those most at risk."
121. Methods To strengthen the compliance of pathoglycemia patients after liver(kidney) transplantation via nursing care intervention such as follow-up and questionnaire.
122. None of the patients had infection, pseudarthrosis , or loss of correction during the follow-up visits.
123. The control algorithm of attitude follow-up stabilization and tracking antenna platform adopts position feed-forward control, speed control and position feedback control.
124. Perioperative serum creatinine, electrolytes, blood gas, and a follow-up excretory urogram, cystogram , and pathological examination were used to assess the surgical outcome.
125. But in the years after his colossal 1982 hit album "Thriller" and its 1987 follow-up "Bad, " much of the focus did not cast him in a good light.
126. This surgical technique involves the removal of the upper half of the cervical laminae and was performed in 17 patients between 1997 and 2005 with a mean follow-up of 55 months.
127. Women with cervical dysplasia present at the LEEP or cone margin or in the concomitant endocervical curettage also need follow-up colposcopy with endocervical sampling every six months for one year.
128. Results: Postoperative and follow-up results demonstrated no one case of hircismus relapse once more with the perineal scars.
129. Methods: The clinicopathological data of 6 cases with verruciform xanthoma of the oral mucosa were retrospectively analyzed, with follow-up.
130. Methods The clinicopathological features of bone xanthoma were studied, and the histochemical and immunohistochemical findings and follow-up results were analyzed in 5 cases.
131. Venture capital enterprises applied for follow-up investment shall not exit the equity of its invested startups prior to Guiding Fund.
132. The follow-up rate was 70.9%, and arrival rate of the traced cases was only 33.1%. ?
133. Objective:To investigate the individual and combinative therapic strategies for invasive pituitary adenomas by the treatment and follow-up of clinical cases.
134. Results The differences in ALT baselines between viral responding and non-responding groups were significant at treatment time and at the end of the follow-up period.
135. Study limitations included lack of long-term cognitive follow-up and lack of physical or neuroanatomical testing.
136. The editorialist warns that longer-term follow-up of PSA levels and of fracture risk is needed.
137. Results 6 patients recovered fully. 2 patients got recovery after 4 months of follow-up visit. 2 patients received dermoplasty after controlled infection and recovered well.
138. At present, and Kai Peng Hua Ying - Branch Group has follow-up investment Cheong Cheung technology.
139. Results One case of renal oncocytoma underwent radical nephrectomy, the follow-up lasted for 10 months without metastasis or recurrence.
140. The patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.
141. Conclusion: Complete resection after biopsy and recurrence, close follow-up, and combined therapy with traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are effective ways to control precancerosis.
142. Couper also suggests leapfrogging over HR if you get no response to your follow-up note.
143. The last part is about the warning and follow-up consideration of the crisis, we need to guard against financial vulnerabilities, strengthen financial supervision and concern about the mortgage risk.
144. In follow-up interviews, including with his family,[http:///follow-up.html] investigators determined that Edward was also unaccounted for.
145. Handle and maintain relevant loan account records including follow-up of routine work, e. g. loan drawdown and repayment ?
146. Results: During a follow-up of 12 to 24 months, no recurrence and no sub-epithelial fibro-vascular proliferation were found and all achieved a radical cure.
147. The mean duration of follow-up was twenty-four months, and all patients with a minimum duration of follow-up of six months were included.
148. Methods We performed anterior approach aponeurotic repair to treatment the aponeurotic ptosis on 18 cases(32 eyes)and follow-up at least for 3 months.
149. Conclusion. There is a 3-fold increase in risk of developing adjacent level disc degeneration in incorrectly marked discs after ACDF at short-term follow-up.
150. Some scholars argue that it is a defy towards the conventional theory to establish right to defense of advance or follow-up performance and the system of anticipatory breach of contract.
151. The follow-up sigmoid fiberscope showed good healing of the flap without any leakage.
152. Visual acuity, subhyaloid hemorrhage and FFA were carried out throughout the 3-18 months follow-up.
153. Follow-up group practice in healing circles will be offered after the workshops to support our learning together.
154. He was treated with polychemotherapy and radiotherapy. Complete response was achieved and no recurrence was detected over a 14-month follow-up period.
155. As a follow-up of previous work done, the two-phase flow characteristics in a pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column are being further studied.
156. Gynecologic follow-up project is the determination of blood and urine of human chorionic gonadotropin and some other endocrine Nethersole.
157. This article recommended the manipulation of limited side-to-side portal-caval shunt with a limitary ring attached and reported the follow-up result of 110 patients received this surgical procedure.
158. You'll likely need follow-up tests, possibly a test for HP, colposcopy or a biopsy to test for cancerous cells.
159. Materials and Methods The clinic data and CT findings of 9 cases with retinoblastoma confirmed by operation and pathology or follow-up were retrospectively analyzed.
160. Methods: The result of effect and follow-up were analysis in 24 patients with fungal sinusitis who were treated with operation by canine fossa under nasoscope.
161. The follow-up operation unit, adsorption, resulted in the removal of amino nitrogen and other dark colored compounds.
162. Limited follow-up to date prevents correlation of SVR with survival, but resolution of viremia is linked to improvement in liver injury and fibrosis and decreased incidence of reinfection.
163. The records of Exit Interview and continuing follow-up shall be recorded in our Talent data room.
164. Q: Did China and ASEAN countries discuss the Nansha-related issues during the recent working group meeting on the implementation of DOC follow-up actions? Did you make any progress?
165. A follow-up study will try to identify--and quantify--the sources of these secondary aerosols, says Jimenez.
166. Follow-up tests included cystoscopy, intravenous pyelography or sonography, and urine cytology.
167. This follow-up edition presents a continuation and expansion of the techniques presented in Scale Studies, with a special emphasis on chordal concepts.
168. Conclusions Close follow-up is essential for pyeloplasty, and the postoperative complications shall be treated early.
169. Only 58 cases (53.7%) of congenital muscular torticollis were available in the follow-up for outcome through chart records and questionaires.
170. This meeting is a follow-up of Bahrein meeting this August which plans to focus on the zoned escorting cooperation in the Aden Gulf so as to work out the best practice in international cooperation.
171. The investigators found visual acuity, visual field loss, and degree of papilledema at presentation and follow-up was worse in black patients.
172. The operational amplifier achieves a const ant gm with the help of simple effective current follow-up control circuit, which makes it easier to implement an optimal frequency compensation.
173. With the development of design process, the system continue to follow-up control, which's aim is to curb the development of design defects and eliminate the formed design defects.
174. Q. If I could just follow-up on Chris's question, there are a lot of doctors who do blood spinning,[http:///follow-up.html] and what was it that prompted you to go to or have Dr. Galea come?
175. Results Among the 27 cases of corticoadrenal carcinoma or metastasis, 25 were confirmed by pathology and 2 were confirmed during follow-up.
176. According to stochastic optimal follow-up control theory, the foilborn attitude control for the fully submerged hydrofoil under heavy scale sea is studied in this paper.
177. His follow-up book is Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating, and he writes regular columns for Esquire and the Knoxville News Sentinel.
178. Quantitative coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) were performed before operation, during the initial procedure and at 6-month of follow-up.
179. Study Design. Retrospective case series of elderly patients with Type II odontoid fractures, with prospective functional follow-up.
180. Methods Fetal nuchal translucency thickness was measured between 11-14 weeks of gestation with serial follow-up ultrasound examinations.
181. This stimulator will be used in the hardware of bio-robot technology for the follow-up study.
182. Results The mean follow-up was 8 months. The extensor muscle strength and electromyography in forearm completely recovered.
183. Finally, relevant research restrain from and follow-up research and propose discussion and suggestion to research this too.
184. Methods A 100 total cases with dystrophic complication of COPD in stable stage that is convenient for follow-up, were randomly divided into experimental group (48 cases) and control group (52 cases).
185. Conclusion Home follow-up can promote the restoration of physiological functions, protect the psychological healthy, and also increase the quality of life of primiparas during puerperium.
186. Existence of pseudarthrosis on X-P (anteroposterior and lateral view) was investigated during the same follow-up period.
187. Magnetic tape follow-up control apparatus and method, magnetic tape format, recording medium and program.




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