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单词 Defy
1) Feed by measure and defy physician. 
2) Feed sparingly [by measure] and defy the physician. 
3) They believe it is essential to defy convention.
4) I defy anyone to disprove the defendant's statements.
5) I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.
6) If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison.
7) I defy you to prove your accusations.
8) I defy anyone to prove otherwise.
9) I defy you to prove I have cheated.
10) I defy you to prove that I have cheated.
11) Despite her wish to defy convention, she had become pregnant and married at 21.
12) Campaigners have said that they are prepared to defy the law in order to achieve their aims.
13) I defy you to tell where I've painted over the scratch on my car.
14) The towering pine and cypress trees defy frost and snow.
15) Her success has been so remarkable as to defy explanation.
16) I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.
17) I promised myself I'd defy all the prophets of doom and battle back to fitness.
18) Their life tenure means they defy patronage.
19) That trade that seems to defy conventional wisdom?
20) Who would dare defy the might of the Raj?
21) The conservatives surprised everyone by agreeing to defy the government and overspend by almost as much ... ten million.
22) Quarterback John Elway, 36,[http:///defy.html] continues to defy the ravages of time.
23) He had been ready to defy the conventions and take on the world - and win! he thought.
24) This idea has spawned irrational diets that defy science, cause much inconvenience, and may even threaten nutrition.
25) Labour should do it now and defy the Tories to defend the buying of votes by plutocrats.
26) This was the first time that I dared to defy my mother.
27) The building leans so much that it seems to defy gravity.
28) Derbyshire folk may query the authenticity of this but I defy them not to enjoy the results.
29) Even if we live as pure as nuns, we defy the patriarchal order just by existing.
30) Through their various plights, the drama questions a world where feminine ideals regularly defy rational explanation.
1) They believe it is essential to defy convention.
2) I defy anyone to disprove the defendant's statements.
3) I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.
4) This was the first time that I dared to defy my mother.
5) If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison.
6) The towering pine and cypress trees defy frost and snow.
31) Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
32) And I defy any of you to think of an amusing sign-off joke involving Nick Cave and badminton.
33) The Asaimara were thereby convinced they could successfully defy the Government.
34) She said she would defy the party leader and vote against him.
35) His changeable features, his tones, gestures and expressions seemed to defy descriptions.
36) Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity.
37) Graham complains that some sound bites that survived the editing process were so short as to defy understanding.
38) He was constantly setting out rules for Kyle, only to see Kyle ignore or defy them.
39) Gloucestershire County Council would defy the Government and spend an extra £10m.
40) Teachers can not be dismissed for insubordination unless they willfully and deliberately defy school authorities or violate reasonable school rules.
41) They defy customs, laws and traditions in a move toward social, moral and political liberty.
42) Newspapers started to defy the strict censorship imposed during the coup and to poke fun at Mr Serrano.
42) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
43) Most refuse to defy the cultural definition of masculinity, to overcome their fears, or to relinquish their male privilege.
44) And now Tzanibey has seized the chance to defy you and poison it?
45) We must be careful in controlling our natural urges to defy musical interpreters.
46) We hope you will find this helpful - though, inevitably, there are some events which defy simple classification.
47) Would she send the troops in to show that nobody could defy the federal government?
48) A few defy credibility: Alliance invited for innocent, beautiful, charming, compassionate, sober, soft-spoken and good natured divorcee.
49) Laura believes that those of her sisters or cousins who defy the instructions are doomed to failed marriages.
50) No-one as protected as that would ever be so abandoned as to defy her guardian.
51) At home, Edna was in her final campaign against Jane Ming-li, who continued to defy the new order.
52) Almost twenty separate categories are listed but there are also pages and pages of other activities which defy classification.
53) The inlet is an almost perfect semi-circle backed by huge cliffs whose vegetation-hung rocks defy their position.
54) With all these artists' patches there are some sounds which are great and others which defy logic.
55) Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness. Anne Frank 
56) To defy convention, surrender her virginity, to a man she neither loved nor desired must be quite out of the question.
57) Nowadays she returned to defy the enemy: to keep her vow.
58) These are collocational ties which in many cases defy literal interpretation, and have to be understood metaphorically.
59) To act on or defy a socially established rule has effects on all who benefit or suffer by its observance.
60) In their anomalous behaviour electric arcs seemed to defy Ohm's Law and she discovered the cause of this.
61) Mr Berezovsky alleged he was threatened with imprisonment if he continued to defy Mr Putin.
62) The Raiders could make a great second-half run, but that would defy logic.
63) Miss Defy screeched around a blind bend into the path of an oncoming sedan.
64) Simply to imagine it is to defy credibility: A phone rings in a boarding house in Mobile, Alabama.
65) You could, of course, defy convention and make all your early turns to the right.
66) Willing my heart to beat normally, I defy the urge to turn back or freeze or cry out.
67) Clinging to the hillside amid scenic splendour, these houses sternly defy gravity by not tumbling down to the sea below.
68) Nigel Mansell will defy critics who lament his departure from Formula One and make a success of Indy 500.
69) The woodcuts are only a few inches square, and defy the artists' desire for detail and extravagance.
70) Miners' leader Arthur Scargill's call to defy Tory union laws was rejected.
71) Helicopters appear to defy this rule by having wings that rotate within a disc.
72) In August 1991 Muscovites chose to defy the tanks of the old regime.
73) Edward Koren, whose furry creatures often defy links to any known species?
74) I defy you to jump that high hurdle.
75) He won't allow anyone to defy his ministerial authority.
76) What vegetable and fruit defy anile result best?
77) Conservatives would defy our efforts at bootstrap improvements.
78) We defy the available Methods: To estimate them quantitatively.
79) Kratos: You defy the God of War!
80) The instruments were employed in different toning and timing for staged applications of the construction. Specific sustained sound vibration enabled the building blocks to defy gravity.
81) His belief in the value of free thought and speech, and his merry willingness to defy authority, caused him to be an adamant opponent of McCarthyism.
82) Members of a group of mostly aquatic, photosynthetic organisms ( see photosynthesis ) that defy precise definition.
83) President Bush has ordered his former White House counsel Harriet Miers to defy a congressional subpoena.
84) Fierce - browed , I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers ; headbowed , like a willing ox I serve the children.
85) Recently completed by Kazuya Morita Architecture, the Pentagonal House comes to defy our perception of residential symmetries.
86) Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.
87) Knee arthritis, which is prevalent among the aged and women, is a common disease that features joint pains, arthroncus and anchylosis that defy free movement.
88) I defy any one to assign an incident wherein reason will not direct us what we are to say or do in company, if we are not misled by pride or ill nature.
89) Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.
90) I have herded imaginary sheep until they insisted on turning themselves into white bears or blue pigs, and I defy any reasonable man to fall asleep while mustering a herd of cerulean swine.
91) The terrorists defy the government and successively practice the bombing activity.
92) Q .2 Did Paul defy the Holy place of the Holy Temple?
93) The way to defy the extreme projection and eternalize their soul lies in three ways of transferred projection of soul-image into the love, cosmos and god.
94) Some scholars argue that it is a defy towards the conventional theory to establish right to defense of advance or follow-up performance and the system of anticipatory breach of contract.
95) That would be tantamount to creating divine enemies, immortal enemies So God must maintain the upper hand in his struggle with these humans who have learned to defy him.
96) " Nice clothes invite pointing fingers, High climbers god's good will defy. "
97) Liquid propellant combustion processes are quite complicated and defy precise analytical description.
97) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
98) Curiger sees "a lot of commonalities between the Venetian master's quest and the eagerness of some contemporary artists to defy the conventions which beleaguer art in our time."
99) China will befriend ostracised regimes and encourage them to defy international norms.
100) Often these antipasto borders defy the traditional confines of the painting and appear to either expand outside the picture frame or encroach into the picture with an overwhelming presence.
101) A few of the 7XXX series defy the general rule and are weldable.
102) Lots of galaxies exhibit two-lobed jets of matter and energy erupting from their cores, but the "Fermi bubbles" defy easy explanation.
103) The estrogen of the Gao Shuiping inside body is long-term action, and defy without progestational hormone, cause hyperplasia of the film inside bottle opener palace or gland cancer easily.
104) There are incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people's claims of using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is very weak evidence.
105) From his ringside seat on natural disaster, Mr Toda has no doubt that even the richest and most advanced societies cannot expect to defy geological realities.
106) His admiration goes out to the characters who defy the sordidness of life and, risking all the dangers of retribution, live beyond good and evil, in magnificence.
107) Our guests ran with the assignment, offering a range of books eclectic enough to defy categorization by the Dewey Decimal System.
108) Sunset time, those who take an old name is ligneous and telpher, if took a piece, pay a visit centenary before the ticket of san Francisco city life, give a person a kind of charm that cannot defy.
109) Kratos: Turn back to Olympus beast! I must face Zeus! You defy the god of war?
110) Throughout the weekend, Dr. Hew Len gave us tools for transformation, tools that totally defy intellectualism.
111) I defy even Sir William Lucas himself to produce a more valuable son-in-law.
112) Her criteria defy analysis.
113) No activities that defy the "three adherences " and defy the Constitution would be tolerated. He stressed that the "three adherences " must be implemented unwaveringly and unswervingly.




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