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单词 Sung
1. She has sung soprano in many major operas.
2. The last verse will be sung in unison.
3. She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' .
4. a football song sung to the tune of 'When the saints go marching in'
5. Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian?
6. The texts were sung in the original Italian.
7. The piece is most often sung unaccompanied.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. It surprises me that you've never sung professionally.
9. This song caught on and was sung everywhere.
10. 'A Good New Year', sung by Kenneth McKellar, .
11. The Sung Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.
12. Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.
13. The song is sung to the tune of Colonel Bogey.
14. Sung by the world's greatest tenor, this aria is achingly beautiful.
15. Each verse was sung as a solo and then everyone joined in on the chorus.
16. I heard the song sung by a thousand voices.....
17. I have always sung in choirs.
18. I thought I had sung her to sleep.
19. The sentiments sung by the young were adopted into law.
20. A Song To St Helena was sung with clarity of diction and musical conviction.
21. The message of the Bible is taught, sung, and celebrated with heartfelt enthusiasm.
22. He boasted of having once sung with the Count Basie band.
23. The scene is nevertheless necessary and, if well sung and acted, very moving.
24. We have just sung a chorus accompanied by two amplified guitars.
25. Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.
26. You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung for you.
27. Outstanding effort or achievement in any area is recognized and all those with birthdays during the week are sung to.
28. He was already beginning to mouth a little of it, picking up phrases sung by the chorus, trying out phonemes.
29. Throughout a mediocre regular season, the Suns have continually sung the same tune.
30. He had joined the choir school of Notre-Dame and had sung in the chorus of the Opera-Comique.
1. She has sung soprano in many major operas.
2. She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' .
3. Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.
4. a football song sung to the tune of 'When the saints go marching in'
5. Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.
31. A typical service includes an item by the band, as well as a choir item and several hymns and choruses sung by all.
32. The final ethereal prayer and solo duet were beautifully sung.
33. You may even have sung in a church choir, helping voices rise in spiritual exultation before trading in your satiny robe.
34. Thus in many places it is becoming customary for the congregation to join in the doxology itself, whether recited or sung.
35. The play is written in verse, and several sections were intended to be sung.
36. It was sung by children as an accompaniment to skipping.
37. She had never sung ragtime on stage, she had always leaned against the piano and sung to Charlie.
37. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
38. Such was the enthusiasm that you might have thought that the Collector had just sung an aria.
39. Kim Il Sung also found the dialogue with the South to be beneficial, especially in breaking out of his diplomatic isolation.
40. Tell him we will go upriver, to the Cheng clan in the Su Sung Tai.
41. After Shine On had won at York, the papers had sung her praises.
42. Bartolo, sung by baritone Jamie Offenbach, was one of the few roles sung with verve.
43. When the last hymn is sung, it's time to join mums and dads over the road at the church.
44. There were two organs in the Great Chamber and hymns were often sung.
45. Once upon a time there was a film with a jolly popular song, sung as a duet.
46. As it was, Kim Il Sung worked successfully to establish his authority.
47. Hymns were sung in the vernacular, ecclesiastical corruption and the worship of images were renounced.
48. Afterwards they had sung hymns in Hindi which were also about the flowing ocean of love.
49. It is not true that elsewhere they obey it without beating it, since one beats time wherever choruses are sung.
50. It is sung at family celebrations like this one, but also at more formal occasions.
51. The fat lady had sung, but our troubles with this song had just begun.
52. Since then, the official anthem has had a solid place at the Super Bowl, although sometimes both songs are sung.
53. No, the rude word was not sung at the end of the fourth line but the implication was there.
54. In the North, Sung systematically purged those whom he considered a threat.
55. The concluding song, Murder in the Market, brings a hilarious stanza sung falsetto when the murderess gives her defiant answer.
56. A bonfire burns, songs are sung, and breakfast is served.
57. The presents are unwrapped, the holiday turkey is hash, and the carols have all been sung.
58. Intellectual fado is a more stylized form and is sung in the salons and by the students of Lisbon and Coimbra Universities.
59. It is sung to the tune of Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
60. Her flexible tempos breathe naturally, and she frequently makes the nocturnes sound as if they could be sung.
61. There would be frequent visits, more songs to be sung, perhaps a few arguments on the way, but nothing vital.
62. The songs were then sung, and Gandhi drank some orange juice to break the three-week fast.
63. Would-be lovebirds are unable to hear the love songs sung by other birds.
64. He had not won an election, sung an aria, or even built up a business empire.
65. They also do a superb rendition of Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet sung by a drunken man.
66. Only Faust, unstintingly and imposingly sung by Thomas Hampson, is required to relate to the audience.
67. The same syllables were sung repeatedly at a number of different pitches.
68. After mass he has a cantata sung,(http:///sung.html) during which he sometimes dispatches very urgent business.
69. So too were the verses sung by Louise Parfect and Gemma McCartney.
70. Money out of my pocket was money in the pocket of the man who has sung my praises.
71. No dissent from or criticism of Kim Il Sung, his tenets, or his decisions was permitted.
72. On special feast days a High Mass was sung to mark the occasion.
73. He has sung in church choirs and is a tenor with Darlington Choral Society.
74. The choir has sung in concerts all over the country.
75. The minister and the priest both said prayers and traditional carols were sung with enthusiasm.
76. Since then many singers now internationally well-known have sung at Tilford.
77. I talked to him the way Bhairon had sung to his goddess.
78. Feminists have long sung the praises of writers such as Germaine Greer and Simone de Beauvoir.
79. She might well be sung by that chap,() Swinburne.
80. This folk song was sung in a Scottish dialect.
81. Two beautiful canaries are sung inside the cage.
82. The song has been sung to death.
83. We sung the hymn in measured and solemn strain.
84. Lyrics are written almost conversationally, yet sung with passion.
85. Where burning Sappho loved and sung.
86. Finally the Internationale was sung.
87. A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies.
88. Wang An-shih's Reform could be viewed as the answer of the challenges that the Sung Dynasty was bound to face.
89. Lee Young - Pyo dwelled needlessly on a ball in defence, only to be caught in possession by his South Korea counterpart Park Ji - Sung.
90. But the version most people still know it as was sung by Bing Crosby.
91. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments.
92. In the recording I have today, it is sung by a male alto.
93. Your ministerial decision for long - term deferment of reclamation will be sung by many generations to come.
94. This had a great help for us to make deeply study. It can advance the study that the relationship between the Northern Sung Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty.
95. And even more important, Lycidas will continue to sing in heaven just as he had sung on earth, except now he can hear the unexpressive - that means "inexpressible" -- nuptial song.
96. Remember that you should exalt His work, Of which men have sung.
97. To this future's Sung Dynasty right most the person of tip, the left Yi have to arrange good friendship foundation, bypass now he many down and out.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. Sung by envoy is also specific to Guan Ming, is eight, ninth rank the general term for a small military attache.
99. In a nearby lecture hall, students like pop composer Yuma Sung are learning about intellectual property rights law as part of the center's "Setting the Stage" program.
100. Growing up physically small in the shadow of prepossessing Kim Il - sung can hardly have been easy.
101. Another perennial music favorite is calypso, which is also sung in the Caribbean island English dialect.
102. Listenned to face the words of breeze, Sung sang snow point to nod, then turned round, later saying a sentence"I looking at", heave a tread to outwardly walk.
103. That's the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate.
104. Of or being a kind of recitative in which the words are sung rapidly to minimal melody, usually with continuo.
105. Bach's cantata was written to be sung the third Sunday after Trinity.
106. The first choral work ever existed was believed to be the Gregorian chant , unison plainsong sung in church services at the time of Pope Gregory I (590-640).
107. Its slopes and caves are covered with 330 stone carvings from the Five Dynasties period, the Sung Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty (907-1368).
108. A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or following a psalm, psalm verse, or canticle.
109. The bass octave can only be sung by a male voice.
110. Songs are sung in English as well as Tahitian and French, all of which are learned in school.
111. But when September 25th came, the day of dedication, he was remembered in a different way. The clue lay in George Herbert's poem "The Windows" which was sung as an anthem at evensong.
112. He is Zhao Qi , the sixth emperor of Southern Sung Dynasty.
113. The idea of economy management in official inspection in Sung dynasty has historical significance to modern society.
114. We are not Duke Hsiang of Sung and have no use for his asinine ethics.
115. The part of a choral ode sung while this movement is executed.
116. But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in China, about 900 A.D., when they were raised in small bottles as house pets.
117. Do to the development of the phrase of Sung a many bigness but special contribution.
118. This essay deals with the origin of Oxthodox Skill of Five Thunders , which saw its rise in the end of the Northern Sung dynasty.
119. A biblical text sung between Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
120. It's a country I know virtually nothing about, except that it is the birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and both Ray Charles and Gladys Knight have sung its praises.
121. After the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience gave her a big hand.
122. A whippoorwill came in and sat on the banister and sung.
123. Kao Sung - nien and Wang Ch'u - hou talked confidentially in low tones.
124. Isaac Watts' wonderful hymn When I Survey The Wondrous Cross beautifully sung by the choir of Kings College, Cambridge to the lovely tune Rockingham.
125. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos.
126. There are such words as joy and sorrow, but they are only the burden of a psalm, sung with a nasal twang, while we believe in the ordinary and mean.
127. A work song is a piece of music closely connected to a specific form of work,(http:///sung.html) either sung while conducting a task (often to coordinate timing).
128. His poem (and song) Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and Scots Wha Hae served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country.
129. Some commentators believe it was sung during the harvest season on the occasion of the Feast of Pentecost or the Feast of Tabernacles (67:6).
130. An aria is a vocal solo that focuses on a character's emotions rather than actions. A recitative is sung dialogue or speech that occurs between arias and ensembles .
131. When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers, we often paly songs sung by students, and we also give messages to inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays.
132. Being representative of the songs sung in various areas, the Song of Gao Huang possesses a natural pattern with primitive simplicity.
133. This wasn't the first time a witness had sung like a bird but it was taken to be incontrovertible proof of who owned Pepo.
134. We had sung simultaneously the sunflowers growing up by the Don River and cherished the memory of the sun in Russian poetry.
135. But the fiery Scotsman also paid tribute to another of his midfielders(), Park Ji - sung .
136. The circle of Japanese calligraphy in the times of Southern Sung Dynasty, the style of this period began to challenge the style of Tang Dynasty based on the calligraphy of Wang Xi-zhi.
137. He graduated from Kim Il Sung Military university, served as senior staff officer corps operations, division head of the corps commander.
138. A woman's smoky contralto crooned words I'd never heard sung, though they were printed on the tattered sheet music in my old accordion case.
139. TOWARDS the end of the 11th century, while tardy Europeans kept time with sundials, Su Sung of China completed his masterpiece: a water clock of great intricacy and accuracy.
140. Of the three dynasties of Shiah, Sung, and Chou, the Chou people stated the most complete justification for "government rotation" initiated.
141. The group's simplified lyrics are at times sung through a vocoder or generated by computer-speech software.
142. Actor Jo In Sung at 10:00 on the 4th Pyeongtaek in Gyeonggi Osan Air Combat Command veterans.
143. Old Sung style: A traditional. Chinese type style characterised by the contrast of their thin horizontal and thick vertical strokes.
144. The other animals sitting round her took it up, and they sang it three times over-very tunefully, but slowly and mournfully, in a way they had never sung it before.
145. So the North Koreans really thought they had it good in that Kim Il Sung took this war-torn country, and brought them food, education and housing, they had universal literacy.
146. But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in china, about 900 A.
147. Kim Jong Il came to power after his father, North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung, died in nineteen ninety-four.
148. A short liturgical text chanted or sung responsively preceding or a psalm , psalm verse, or canticle.
149. In that day shall this canticle be sung the land of Juda. Sion the city of our strength a saviour, a wall and a bulwark shall be set therein.
150. Yup, they're singing drinking songs. The first is a Swedish drinking song that is sung all over Scandinavia. The second is of course German.
151. Sung Dynasty is the most prosperous period of geomantic omen in history, which is the base of the theories, categories and schools of the later ages.
152. Fill My Way With Love is sung by Iris Dement on her "Lifeline" album.
153. Su Shih and Li Ching-Chao were theoretical and creative masters in the discipline of Tsu in Sung dynasty, and their view of Tsu's appraisal has become two fundamental theories.
154. Hsiang was found of the hermitic lifestyle, often taking the subject of reclusion and the hermit for his painting as he sung the praises of simple, rustic life.
155. More "the face guard" the method utilized "the closure" has sung with the teaching.
156. Any of you know the Magnificat? The song that's sung by Mary when she's told by the angel that she is pregnant?
157. Thanks to Kao Sung - nien's skill ,(http:///sung.html) the turmoil had been quelled.
158. The tune in the play is sung with a Chaozhou accent. It is an essential musical theme in shadow puppetry . This type of rhythm was believed to have originated from the Song dynasty.
159. The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.
160. The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.
161. Sung - ha bumps into a call girl named Phoebe and has sex with her.
162. Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048.
163. To this future's Sung Dynasty right most the person of peak, the left Yi have to arrange good friendship foundation(), bypass now he many down and out.
164. The gallery, which is free to the public, was established by the late Korean businessman Yoo Sung Yeon in 1989 and named after his nom de plume, Song Eun, which means 'hidden pine tree' in Korean.
165. Ai, and I still have to go give Kao Sung - nien the reply.
166. The station played Cantata to Marshal Kim Il Sung after the interval signal.
167. This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute.
168. A point I often make that surprises people is that Kim Il Sung was really beloved, even hard-bitten defectors I know still speak with maybe grudging reverence for Kim Il Sung.
169. If the birds have not flown for three years , they will soar into the clouds . If they have not sung for three years, their songs will take everyone by surprise.
170. Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage.
171. " Did Kao Sung - nien ask you to bring it for the school?
172. Though the music opera sung by Pavarotti has ended, its charm still lingers.
173. The song achieved "instant classic" status when sung by Kate Smith during a 1938 Armistice Day (commemorating the end of World War I) radio broadcast.
174. The dragon has appeared on Chinese artifacts throughout the ages. This is the model of a fake Sung armillary sphere on display in the Taichung Natural Science Museum.
175. Shosholoza Meyl is an onomatopoeic name from a popular song sung by local railwaymen, and South Africa's railways have certainly played their part in the nation's history.
176. The parade began with a march-past of troops, stepping in such perfect time that the ground shook, escorting an ornate portrait of Kim Il Sung.
177. Many older Christians still living in East and Southeast Asia came to know Christ through the ministry of John Sung, who has been called China's Billy Graham for his evangelistic work.
178. Mimi: [ sung ] No way to make a living, masochism s, pain, perfection, muscle.
179. Kim Sung - han is a North Korean studies at Korea University in Seoul.
180. Finally, the thesis summarizes the aesthetic purport in Sung dynasty.
181. The song Over the Rainbow was sung by Judy Garland.
182. For instance Zhang Xueyou's song, behave on colour bell before bad, he is in what when domestic itinerate is sung, we help him do, volume of colour bell download is very high still now.
183. The theme song of the XXIX Beijing Olympic Games was sung by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman.
184. Kai-wing Chow (1995) has suggested a much better term to describe the Sung sense of return to classical values: purism.
185. The preacher was lining out a hymn. He lined out two lines, everyone sung it.
186. Surface's looking is to scatter ball, in truth is hit toward the Sung clear hero's empress back quondam.
187. Masters are many in your hall, and songs are sung there at all hours.
188. A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
189. The Sung Dan friendship is his younger sister, anyhow, he also would not like to she with that bedlamite pull together.
190. Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not, and now I see him.
191. Sung is lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a low-salt diet.
192. Lehar's Merry Widow Waltz sung as a lullaby with guided visualizations to release the mind and body into renewing sleep.
193. The newly formed intellectual class of the Sung Dynasty cultivated their tastes in living.
194. The songs broadcasting in the sound device were getting back from Russia several years ago. It was an opus collection sung by a very famous Russian songstress at present.
195. Probably tomorrow Kao Sung - nien won't even recognize this lousy professor. ".
196. At times, certain populations fared somewhat better — in ancient Greece and Rome, perhaps, and in China during the Sung Dynasty (960–1279) — but those cases were exceptional.
197. Hangzhou is also one of the seven famous ancient chinese capital, Wu and Yue of Five Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty all set capital there.
198. Among the specialized software institutes, Korea Computer Center(KCC), Pyongyang Information Center(PIC), Kim II Sung University Information Center(KIUIC) are important ones.
199. Since the Sung Dynasty, connoisseurs have generally regarded a cup of pale tea as the best.
200. Do you think a taekwondo guy can do SUNG Bong - shik?
201. Xu Xuan' s poetry style changed along with his grievous experience from euphemistical and graceful description in Southern Tang Dynasty to exquisite and implicit depiction in Sung Dynasty.
202. Mandarin is a tonal language, where changes in pitch can deliver radically different meanings: "English can be sung fast and understood, but Chinese cannot," says Zhang.
203. Combining individual professed calibre processing modules, Voxformer was fashioned to be a broad resolution for every your communicatory processing needs – be it uttered or sung vocals.
204. The rest of the Mass was sung, in Mozart's characteristic composition of majesty alternating with sweetness: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ... Osanna in excelsis ... Agnus Dei.
205. This song sung all three of us is part of our repertoire.
206. The history of Gregorian Chant begins before the birth of Christ. Chant is based upon the songs sung in the synagogues and Middle Eastern countries.
207. But the version most people still know best was sung by Bing Crosby.




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