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单词 whistle-stop
释义  ˈwhistle-ˌstop adjective American English  whistle-stop tour/trip a trip during which someone, especially a politician, visits many different places in a short period of time 每站只停留不久的旅行[访问],走马观花的旅行[访问] a whistle-stop tour of Texas 一次走马观花式的得克萨斯之行Examples from the Corpuswhistle-stop• In twenty-four hours she has been on a whistle-stop tour of three countries.• No more whistle-stop tours of the newest shopping centre in Nuneaton to look forward to.ˈwhistle-ˌstop adjectiveChineseSyllable  a especially trip politician, Corpus many which someone, during visits a




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