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单词 Roaring
1 An aeroplane is roaring overhead.
2 I heard the lions roaring in their cages.
3 The wind was roaring in my ears.
4 The stallholders were doing a roaring trade in burgers.
5 All around the pyramids, salespeople were doing a roaring trade in souvenirs.
6 My missing for you is like a roaring river flowing day and night.
7 While the train was passing, a roaring sound greeted our ears.
8 We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.
9 They came back from the pub roaring drunk.
10 The roaring sea gradually calmed down.
11 The new musical has been a roaring success.
12 The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.
13 Mr Trotter sat by the roaring fire .
14 We sat in front of a roaring fire.
15 She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.
16 He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.
17 The lion was roaring triumphantly.
18 They came home roaring drunk again last night.
19 By this time, Michael was roaring with laughter .
20 Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
21 The cannon was roaring in the distance.
22 A log fire was roaring in the hearth.
23 The officer is roaring at the soldiers.
24 The party was a roaring success.
25 Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
26 The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.
27 The ice cream vendors were doing a roaring trade.
28 The latest Disneyland has been a roaring success.
29 Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing.
30 The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
1 An aeroplane is roaring overhead.
2 I heard the lions roaring in their cages.
3 The wind was roaring in my ears.
4 The stallholders were doing a roaring trade in burgers.
5 All around the pyramids, salespeople were doing a roaring trade in souvenirs.
6 While the train was passing, a roaring sound greeted our ears.
7 We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.
8 The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
9 The roaring sea gradually calmed down.
10 The lion was roaring triumphantly.
11 They came home roaring drunk again last night.
12 Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.
13 Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
14 The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.
15 His films haven't exactly been a roaring success, have they?
16 It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.
31 His films haven't exactly been a roaring success, have they?
32 She threw more wood into the stove and soon the fire was roaring.
33 In the second half Leeds came roaring back with two goals in five minutes.
34 The street was full of boys roaring up and down on their motorbikes.
35 It was a hot sunny day and the ice-cream sellers were doing a roaring trade.
35 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36 Salesmen of unofficial souvenirs have also been doing a roaring trade.
37 He rolled home roaring drunk at 3 o'clock in the morning.
38 It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.
39 There was a roaring fire was in the grate, piled high with logs.
40 The musicians were such a roaring success that they have been asked to stay for an extra week.
41 The place was a blazing, raging , roaring, etc inferno.
42 The Holmbergs were sitting before a roaring fire in the lounge, sipping their cocoa.
43 All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.
44 He wrenched at the stout panelling, roaring with fury.
45 They start by roaring at each other.
46 He stopped, breathing hard,() his life roaring.
47 A vast roaring wall of death and destruction.
48 A roaring, dripping maw yawned with monstrous hunger.
49 Our train passed over a roaring waterfall.
50 A huge fire is roaring already.
51 The final week of Hamlet was a roaring success.
52 The roaring, boozing Saturday nights were always great.
53 Last Saturday night was not, on the face of it, a roaring success.
54 How about coal, roaring down a tin chute and into a basement bin?
55 He was acutely aware of everything that had gone on in front of the then roaring fire.
56 I was twenty-three years old, and he got me roaring drunk.
57 Miguel stepped on the gas, roaring past all of them with a gust of dirt.
58 She wriggled out of his arms, took one step too far, and toppled into the roaring river.
59 Ecstatic, the boy tried on one mask after another, roaring like a lion or mewing like a cat.
60 At operating speed there was no roaring, vibrating, or shaking, just a smooth whine from the turbine.
61 Boys of thirteen and fourteen were stampeding out of school, roaring, jeering and swearing.
62 With a perversity that the pest has become known for, the gypsy moth came roaring back a couple of years later.
63 Motorbikes from Bejing are being imported into Britain by an engineer, and by all accounts he's doing a roaring trade.
64 The huge fire roaring in the hall beyond the small entrance chamber warmed her not at all.
65 Inside, a big angry fire is roaring and its flames burn everything in sight until I have another job.
66 Six monologues and a comic song to finish with had the audience roaring with laughter.
67 The roaring, bellowing growls sometimes gave rise to screams of agony.
68 A roaring fire was in the grate and the room was pleasantly warm.
69 When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
70 On the glistening horizon two black dots appeared, separated, and became helicopters roaring low overhead and scattering the distracted fowl.
71 As this is the framework, the issue will be a roaring success.
72 The large high-ceilinged lounge is beamed and in winter is made cosy by a roaring log fire.
73 But the lion roaring at the head of the table most often was Joe himself.
74 Then he rather undercut the room's prim pity for him by roaring with laughter.
75 And he kept roaring with laughter all the way through the set - well, what we managed to do of it.
76 Too late, for as they spoke their captive became a lion, roaring and glaring terribly.
77 Audience response is shattering - like a massive, roaring animal.
78 Granny flew high above the roaring treetops, under a half moon.
79 Peter Alliss reckoned it was probably the end for Ballesteros if he hadn't come roaring back by 1992.
80 Never an unwise investment, never stone roaring drunk, never a pass at a secretary.
81 In fact the mountains were cumulus clouds and the roaring sound came from the surf.
82 At 7.30 in the evening, the local inn, the Chequers, was doing a roaring trade.
83 They were all roaring drunk and kept singing bawdy songs.
84 The rate of roaring is increased by each individual as the contest proceeds until one individual gives up.
85 It went quiet after a minute; then he heard car engines, and what sounded like motor bikes roaring off.
86 One minute they were sitting there looking self-conscious and the next they were roaring with laughter.
87 Operation Roaring Lion was launched from a former airbase, to practice evacuating civilians from war zones.
88 And there, bumping and jolting its roaring way up the track towards the house was a motor car.
89 In the forest itself the streams became roaring torrents and the Swamp, doubled in size, became overnight a lake.
90 Benito Marangon saw the Cortina roaring through a car park at his son's school.
91 The Hercules made another, much higher pass, its whine almost lost in the roaring sea.
92 With many commuters now spending four hours a day on the road, newspaper hawkers are doing a roaring trade.
93 The show was a great success, and had the audience roaring with laughter.
94 To say that events came roaring pell-mell at Brohm is the understatement of the week.
95 He rolled across the grass and lay for a minute in total, unrelieved darkness(sentence dictionary), the wind roaring in his ears.
96 In the grain-growing Midwest, however, the roaring prices are simply a golden wave of opportunity.
97 He was aware of the wind roaring in his ears and tearing at his clothes.
98 In some of the villages, apparently, vampire hunters get roaring drunk first.
99 Instead he could hear a roaring sound of blood in his ears.
100 Not that I don't admire roaring entertainers, but a talk show requires some give and take, some exchange.
101 Ah, the roar of nations, they roar like the roaring of mighty waters!
102 Gregarious; large flocks make remarkable roaring sound on surface of water when disturbed by birds of prey.
103 They heard screams, kicks, the sickening thud of a punch, and the ogre roaring Solper's name.
104 He turned back just in time to see something large and black roaring at him like a banshee.
105 But then it runs like a top, roaring through the yard and laying waste to weeds and wildflowers.
106 The roaring and parallel walks of the red deer may be safe trials of strength.
107 The petrol stove was roaring under a steaming kettle, sheltered by three sides of an unfolded carton.
108 Lights blazing, their car cannoned off the kerb, tyres squealing in protest, then they were roaring along the alley.
109 Soon they were between vertical walls and the river was roaring mud.
110 Fiona, two years older than Lisbie, always came roaring to her defence like a lioness protecting her cubs.
111 He was not prepared to put on an act, to don a tiger skin and go roaring about.
112 Horrified, she tried to wrench herself from sleep - then the water struck, roaring round her ears.
113 That passed for big-time entertainment in those days, even in the so-called Roaring Twenties.
114 At night the boiler took over, roaring and trembling until dawn.
115 The incinerator became a roaring pillar of flame, its iron bars instantly glowing red hot.
116 This was what it must be like on a toboggan roaring down the snowy slope of a mountainside.
117 A socialist youth was on his feet, roaring with all the force and outrage of his years.
118 Seafarers who landed there thought they saw a great chain of mountains and heard the roaring of lions from them.
119 A motor-cycle cop with his siren on went roaring along the elevated expressway that was level with the surgery window.
120 Sometimes it begins as a tiny trickle, grows into a roaring cascade, then wanes again into a rustle.
121 The aristocrats would be the kindling for a roaring fire fueled by the fats of social exploitation.
122 All those roaring blurs of hissing steam and belching smoke were gone now to the breaker's yard.
123 The experiment, which continues, is widely considered a roaring success.
124 A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building, and the bystanders were ordered to get well away.
125 By dawn the creek was out of its banks and roaring over the concrete ford.
125 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
126 Any second-hand bookseller or charity shop can testify to a roaring trade in the once read and discarded romance volume.
127 I built a roaring fire in the stove and baked some potatoes.
128 There should have been shouting and huge double-edged swords slicing the air, and giant bonfires with wild, roaring flames.
129 Ray came roaring in to get me and we took to each other right away.
130 The mare's breath was roaring as she reached the crest.
131 A flashlight showed the creature roaring, teeth entangled in a cat's cradle of rope.
132 Hot on his heels were folk duo Tascam, whose rousing medley had the crowd roaring in appreciation.
133 The noise from below battered her eardrums until it felt as if a high-speed train was roaring through her head.
134 Another strip light exploded in the roaring maelstrom, showering them with glass.
135 So that night they celebrated, getting roaring drunk, playing cards and gambling.
136 I stood by the waterfall, almost hypnotised by the roaring water.
137 They can be seen as a roaring success, a qualified success, or an expensive diversion.
138 Still, the ritzy Back Bay has come roaring back, with historic row houses selling in the millions again.
139 Perhaps whatever it is that prowls and snuffles in the darkness is drawn by the roaring human warmth.
140 He drove a roaring trade.
141 The roaring lion was ravening the prey.
142 The Jones has done a roaring trade in snacks.
143 The new restaurant is doing a roaring trade.
144 juggernauts roaring through country villages.
145 The noise became a steadied roaring.
146 Around the gambling houses cluster a number of pawn - shops which drive a roaring trade.
147 The air is clean, stars are visible in their spangled glory at night, and in the fall and winter a roaring fire in a potbellied stove is complete bliss.
148 Motor City in the shuttle roaring in the sky , if more than 200 miles per hour, not how to prevent them from the building hit?
149 The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc.
150 When he wasn't busy sending people to the Gulag, Joseph Stalin relaxed by settling himself in with a cool drink and a roaring fire...
151 They open wide their mouth at me , As a ravening and a roaring lion.
152 The roaring engine was joined by another, high pitched whine.
153 In front, the car has taken on "Kia's family-look radiator grille which is based on a symbolic representation of a tiger's roaring countenance, " whatever that means.
154 A dog wearing riding goggles is pulled by a motorcycle down Main Street in Daytona Beach Friday afternoon, February 29, 2008, during the start of Bike Week gets off to a roaring start.
155 KJV They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
156 The rain pelts down as the doctor and a burka-wearing midwife cling to their horse and donkey as they trot up a slippery slope, leaving the roaring river below.
157 The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses, a roaring tidal wave.
158 In the roaring scalding fulgurites, in the blusterous bleak storm, you will all realize that the god deceived you.
159 If you are a fan of Happy Girl on Hunan TV, you can't get the image of a roaring hysteric Cai Guoqing and his shocking words out of your head.
160 The quaint Persian city has been engulfed by a roaring metropolis.
161 RUNNING like wind, roaring like thunder , tigers have long been a king of the animal world.
162 Its setting is fantastic , parkland all about, and the roaring Bridge just a stone's throw away.
163 In another Indian source, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame."
164 The hellish noise roaring, swearing, and clamour joined to make the place seem a hell itself.
165 It was winter and there was a huge fire roaring in the hearth.
166 The beasts snarled at this impostor, and backed away, roaring.
167 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
168 Bub and Bob are ready for a new roaring adventure!
169 The driver pressed on the accelerator, savagely roaring the engine.
170 This same stick-slip mechanism has been strongly implicated in the formation of short-pitch corrugation and associated roaring noise.
171 To - morrow he would go into the roaring down - town district and find work.
172 Their first intimation of the incoming wave was its roaring sound just offshore.
173 As we were loading our kayaks onto the boat for the trip back to Petersburg, a floatplane suddenly came roaring overhead, skimming above the treetops as it came in for a landing on a nearby bay.
174 I see a pack of scary - looking bikers roaring past me on the road.
175 The Five Continents are rocking , wind and thunder roaring.
176 Its eternal fervidity lets me light up the roaring flame of desire and break out the spring thunder of heart.
177 After the sharp-eyed Jay and the roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing.
178 We all jumped out from behind the bushes, roaring and slobbering.
179 It'started to rain and one market stall did a roaring trade in collapsible umbrellas.
180 The valiant Stormy Petrel proudly wheels among the lightning, o'er the roaring, raging ocean, and his cry resounds exultant, like a prophecy of triumph – Let it break in all its fury!
181 While the trend to go completely digital might be growing, however, there is still a roaring trade in traditional cards. But even those are now getting a number of hi-tech overhauls.
182 The Libyan government troops easily overran lightly defended rebel checkpoints and began roaring down the two-lane highway toward the main rebel stronghold of Zintan, creating a few hours of anxiety.
183 A roaring sound like the breaking of surf rose from the crowd.
184 If we've forgotten considering and given up quiet selfhood, then shouting, roaring, dealing and speculating can't remove the shackle and cangue of a period.
185 Bow:american actress whose roles in silent films, such as Mantrap (1926) and It (1927), made her a symbol of the Roaring Twenties.
186 There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.
187 He often set the table a - roaring with a well - placed bon mot.
188 It was not long before flames were roaring through a ground-floor ballroom and the first floor of the Taj.
189 The roaring trade in pharmaceuticals online —from antibiotics to endless adverts for Viagra —demonstrates the willingness of many to make their own informed decisions about personal risk.
189 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190 PITTSFIELD, Me. — The Neal Bridge is barely a bump in the road for motorists roaring down Route 100 south of this central Maine town.
191 Having out a jet of steam , the steam locomotive started off roaring.
192 Having sent out a jet of steam , the steam locomotive started off roaring.
193 When he is felicitous, he hears there's enormous roaring from the deep cliff.
194 In the roaring of combine harvester rumble, they are laughing tenaciously.
195 Its eternal fervidity lets me light up the roaring flame of desire breakspring thunder of heart.
196 Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oatcake; and his black, short pipe in his mouth.
197 They gaped upon me with their mouths a ravening and a roaring lion.
198 As the only skilled TV repairman in the town he drove a roaring trade.
199 Before the song ended they were all stamping with their feet and roaring out the sly, double-meaning tag line that finished each stanza.
200 Dead branches are good fuel for a roaring evening campfire.
201 As riptide flow down layerlayer and make waterfall thereby, It'seems tigers are roaring downward.
202 Walking on the river road that embraced the river like a conjoint twin and zigzagged from the quiet north to the roaring east, she felt her heart churned as the river beside her.
203 The next day Cherokee Sal had such rude sepulture as Roaring Camp afforded.
204 The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sent its red tongues licking into the entrance hall.
205 As long as you have a seashell, you can always hear the roaring ocean waves!
206 When the Celtic Tiger was still roaring some years ago, Irish planners invested 300 million euros ($412 million) in an extension of a city tramline into the countryside south of Dublin.




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