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单词 Permanently
1. Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide.
2. Radiotherapy has left her permanently sterile.
3. His radio is permanently tuned to Radio 1.
4. The accident left him permanently paralysed.
5. His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.
6. Carter was permanently disabled in the war.
7. It is not fair for him to be permanently unfriendly to someone who has hurt him.
8. The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist.
9. The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.
10. The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.
11. The accident left him permanently disabled.
12. Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.
13. Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. She had decided to settle permanently in France.
15. The accident left him permanently scarred.
16. He has now settled permanently in London.
17. He was permanently strung out on heroin.
18. 60% of the land is permanently covered in ice.
19. The explosion permanently deafened her in her right ear.
20. They've settled here more or less permanently.
21. This door is kept permanently locked.
22. The blast left him with permanently impaired hearing.
23. I seem to be permanently broke.
24. The stroke left his right side permanently damaged.
25. Michael and his family have settled permanently in the States.
26. His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed.
27. Many houses were so badly damaged in the war that they were made permanently uninhabitable.
28. Parking restrictions were lifted, with the result that the road is permanently blocked by cars.
29. I think it's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.
30. I started/took legal proceedings to try to have him taken away from his parents permanently.
1. Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide.
2. Radiotherapy has left her permanently sterile.
3. His radio is permanently tuned to Radio 1.
4. The accident left him permanently paralysed.
5. His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.
6. Carter was permanently disabled in the war.
7. It is not fair for him to be permanently unfriendly to someone who has hurt him.
8. The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist.
9. The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.
10. The accident left him permanently scarred.
11. We've got all the information permanently on tap on a computer.
31. We've got all the information permanently on tap on a computer.
32. The city never intended to run the center permanently.
33. The manned lunar base is permanently over the horizon.
34. The final result is a permanently damaged knee joint.
35. The G-strings went back on permanently.
36. The accident has left Hanson permanently disabled.
37. His objective was to permanently disrupt patient community life.
38. The accident left him permanently paralyzed.
39. Don had been permanently disabled in a car accident.
40. We had even contemplated living there permanently.
41. Wire mesh covered the stained and permanently soiled windows.
42. The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication. Aristotle 
43. We can't all be permanently drugged.
44. Thirteen students were permanently expelled from the school.
45. It speaks of intention permanently to deprive.
46. Hardy was permanently banned from professional figure skating.
47. The brief period of electrical stimulation of the hippocampal cells had seemingly permanently altered their electrical properties.
48. Murder; and Theft: dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of it.
49. This prevents a permanently installed generator from being charged by the battery when it is not creating an output itself.
50. If something is not property, the accused can not have an intention permanently to deprive the owner of that property.
51. I took out the earplugs which I had taken to wearing permanently.
52. Instead she moved permanently into the camp, living in a caravan with an old granny called Madge.
53. The impact, Loucks believes, may permanently reduce the biological diversity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
54. Murrain was usually fatal, while hoof and mouth disease permanently weakened animals without causing death.
55. Pupils expelled permanently has also jumped from 73 to 113, in a school population of 220,000.
56. When donned, it crumbles to dust, but it confers the skills Charm, Mime, Mimic and Seduction.permanently.
57. In a global free market livelihoods are permanently up for tender.
58. Doctors feared he could be permanently brain-damaged after an horrific motorway crash.
59. Unemployed workers may take alternative jobs elsewhere, but will not permanently leave the sector.
60. By bribery - all men are corruptible - and by removing permanently any so-called idealists who stand in our way.
61. To become pro-active, keep an eye open permanently for opportunities to take further steps forward towards profit.
62. Would she have to live permanently with the fear that she had failed him?
63. The port now faces a July 1 deadline to produce a plan to permanently reduce the presence of metals.
64. Squalls will buffet it, but the ship of government may no longer be destined to lurch permanently from crisis to crisis.
65. Many women have permanently or temporarily adopted children from other families and are establishing community child-care facilities.
66. You have the intention permanently to deprive me of the petrol.
67. In fact at present much land taken for chalk extraction is lost to agriculture permanently.
68. Total abstinence from any sweeteners can cure a sweet tooth permanently - which is much better in the long term.
69. Fears that London's reputation as the world's leading financial centre has been permanently damaged are considered to be exaggerated.
70. An enthusiastic letter of recommendation to Krauss would permanently close the door to such a withdrawal.
71. She hadn't complained about pain after that first night when she insisted on moving in and living with him permanently.
72. As cur-rent assets grow with sales, for example, the overall level of current assets will increase permanently.
73. Hardness A hard Rottweiler is one who does not allow bad experiences to affect him permanently.
74. A Reference set of all of this material should be kept permanently in the Library.
75. It seemed perfectly natural that the centre and bow areas of our raft were permanently awash.
76. Nynex itself admits is it looking to permanently shed more than 16, 000 full-time jobs.
77. Do follow the natural shape - drawing in new eyebrows can make you look permanently surprised or over-made-up.
78. Years later, they were sent on to him in Paris, where he decided to settle permanently.
79. You may prefer central heating, and more controllable ventilation than permanently open flue.
80. We now spent little time in the house, which seemed permanently cold.
81. He said the school's difficulties partly reflected the fact it will not employ teachers permanently without seeing them teach.
82. He was essentially an urban creature; she didn't see him settling permanently other than in a city.
83. She went back to Milton abruptly, instead of moving permanently to New York as she had been planning to do.
84. Details of the type of the room, rates and equipment remain permanently in the rack.
85. Six days later, after unsuccessful attempts to re-establish contact, the company declared it permanently out of service.
86. The core of this international network consists of computers permanently joined through high speed connections.
87. If the venom strikes his eyes it can temporarily blind him and possibly even permanently damage his sight.
88. I suspect we may have permanently damaged the soils environment.
89. A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.
90. It's such a dangerous neighborhood that the windows of some stores are permanently barricaded.
91. If a cell becomes unable to restore its resting charge, it becomes permanently or chronically depolarized and its function is impaired.
92. If the conifers win out, then they shade the ground permanently and only mosses can remain.
93. Because I lived away from men for so long, part of me is now permanently closed to them.
94. Also, if you become totally and permanently disabled, you can tap your retirement savings at any age without penalty.
95. It also ensures that the city is permanently cloaked in a stinking cloud of smoke and dust.
96. So he made a go of permanently avoiding the issue.
97. Becoming a martyr in most business environments is a good way to damage your career progress permanently.
98. There was one telescope, however, that was permanently aimed at Earth.
99. No matter what the claims, no obesity cures to date really work to help people lose weight permanently.
100. There is no requirement of an intention permanently to deprive.
101. Surely she would welcome the opportunity to live permanently on the island?
102. In the first 20 minutes, Ipswich were all over their visitors and were camped permanently in their half.
103. Before you continue to create the links, you must save your file into the directory that will be permanently storing it.
104. The cover under this section also includes members of the Policyholder's family living permanently with him.
105. That strike ended in the spring of 1992, when Caterpillar made headlines by threatening to permanently replace the strikers.
106. It might well be introduced successfully but then remain permanently switched off.
107. Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.
108. Although he was tempted to try and remain awake, he realised his sanity might be permanently impaired by that.
109. The accused did not have the intention permanently to deprive at the relevant time.
110. In 1988 the supervision order was quashed and she went to live permanently with her mother.
111. The National Park Service has developed a $ 40 million plan to permanently convert the strip into a pedestrian mall.
112. One of these probes sits permanently just beneath the viewport on the bottom of the sphere as a safety measure.
113. The disposal costs could include a one-time charge to dump the water permanently into the sewer system.
114. Although regarded as an aquarium plant, this species does not grow under water permanently and is suitable only for paludariums.
115. A lifetime spent with walking horses has permanently impaired his speech.
116. During the next 18 months the no traffic zones will be carefully monitored to establish whether they should be permanently enforced.
117. For 18 months in 1982 and 1983, he had been kept permanently handcuffed in solitary confinement.
118. Indeed, permanently fixed exchange rates could be positively harmful since changing parities can act as a buffer to absorb economic shocks.
119. His eyes were permanently fixed on the pavement, as though he were searching for something.
120. Unless expensive sea defences were built, low-lying coastal regions would be permanently submerged.
121. My Aunt Naomi, like some latter-day Sleeping Beauty permanently imprisoned, never awakened to or acceded to adult sexuality.
122. That apart, he came to live almost permanently at his episcopal manor of Downham.
123. Permanently low blood pressure, meanwhile, shouldn't be confused with temporary hypotension.
124. This ensures continuity with more than one worker, where it may be difficult to find one person to live in permanently.
125. Almost everyone caught it and almost a third of the population either died from it or had their faces permanently scarred.
126. In this most settled and prosperous nation in history the political situation is almost permanently unstable.
127. If the drought continues, officials fear it could drive cattle producers and farmers out of business permanently.
128. Belonging to members of the Policyholder's family living permanently with him/her.
129. But as my dad reminded me, we were lucky, nothing had been permanently damaged.
130. A woman with well-cut permanently glossy hair gives a good impression of being in control of her life.
131. However, it is still possible that hoteliers, nightclub owners etc. may decide to change their facilities making them permanently unavailable.
132. There is the danger that young people become permanently criminalised.
133. During the rainy periods they survive under water in the flooded areas for several months and will withstand a permanently submersed environment.
134. Accordingly, the accused's behaviour did not amount to an intention permanently to deprive the owner of the information.
135. We even began to consider the possibility of moving there permanently.
136. We kept noticing things we found difficult or troubling, emblematic of what life might be were we to live there permanently.
137. In 1825 he became permanently crippled, probably due to poliomyelitis.
138. We began to consider the possibility of moving to Japan permanently.
139. But neither fish can be regarded as the one whose descendants eventually colonised the land permanently.
140. More than seventy have been placed permanently in private sector manufacturing jobs earning $ 9 to $ 10 per hour.
141. Special fabric paint is applied using a stencil brush and then the design is fixed permanently by pressing with an iron.
142. If the innovation proved successful in the trial institution it was hoped that it would be adopted permanently.
143. Unlike Fragonard's star-struck damsels, we keep one eye permanently trained on the future.
144. Then there is a vertical top-roping wall with colour coded routes and top-ropes permanently in position.
145. The inner cities no longer respond, because the communities have dissolved or become permanently disfigured.
146. Because neither life insurance nor private health plans normally cover you against the financial consequences of a permanently disabling accident.
147. Dozens of others were seriously wounded or left permanently disabled.
148. Such horses that are locked up in stables without sensory stimulation for a long period will become permanently more anxious and fearful.
149. The tension of the wire will secure the hooks against the crazy paving permanently.
150. Some probably settled permanently, as Hsu Fu was said to have done at Shingu.
151. The United States has decided to make a bold step toward helping to secure and dispose of this material permanently.
152. A cash sum of up to £80,000 if you are permanently disabled as the result of an accident.
153. If the craft had kept the same attitude permanently, then that side facing the Sun would have baked.
154. Hopefully this event will become permanently fixed in Norwich and make the youth proud to come from Norfolk.
155. The approaches used in these two studies required only a brief period of treatment to permanently alter the course of the disease.
156. Fortunately, he quickly regained control, whereas the rest of us lost it permanently.
157. The same was found to apply to pellets in waterlogged or permanently wet conditions.
158. His legs were broken and folded, permanently, into his groin.
159. I think people who drink and drive should be banned from driving permanently.
160. A large iron gateway sagged permanently open, beside a lodge house and a cattle grid.
161. His intention to repay the equivalent amount was relevant to dishonesty, not to the intention permanently to deprive.
162. These fossil-like impressions of flesh-forms convey a chilling vulnerability not shared but enhanced by the metal material which they now permanently impress.
163. His love was capricious, brazenly conditional and in permanently short supply.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
164. How many mind-altering experiences can one man have before his mind is permanently altered?
165. There was no dispute about the appellant's intention being permanently to deprive Mr. Occhi of the money.
166. In this conception of the social and political world, the established order is not permanently fixed.
167. It offers vital financial cover in the event of you being permanently disabled in an accident.
168. Although 70 years old and permanently hunched over from osteoporosis, she was still a compact bundle of energy.
169. In one form or another Gnosticism has permanently remained an underground concomitant of the church.
170. This W.E. should allow two troops to be kept permanently up to strength for operations.
171. If he took to his bed now, he might as well stay there - permanently.
172. She had a great square face, with a large jaw, and cheeks that were permanently red.
173. On August 4, 1927, all five banks were permanently closed.
174. The farmsteads and hamlets thus created may have been used initially as temporary steadings, but eventually a number were permanently occupied.
175. His face wore a manic expression into which it had been moulding itself, a little more permanently, with each passing day.
176. Doctors say it's too risky to try to operate, but they think Adrian's sight won't be permanently damaged.
177. For the first couple of years, I was angry, permanently bad-tempered, and sexually frustrated.
178. It is assumed that all permanently disabled male workers who survived until 1966 are included in the above table.
179. Application clusters can be set up permanently to meet individual needs.
180. She went about with her head at a slight angle and her eyes permanently narrowed, to avoid the smoke.
181. Offices are deemed to be permanently related to one another in a structure of kinship.
182. Two, which hold wooden blocks, are on rolling coasters, and they are permanently available.
183. I hope he will not be permanently lost to tennis.
184. A neighbourhood watch scheme has been established linking each home, where every door and gate is permanently locked against intruders.
185. Under-sink cupboards and garden sheds should be kept permanently locked.
186. He is thinking of living here permanently.
187. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete.
187. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188. Emptying the deleted items folder permanently deletes those items.
189. The individual's whole personality appears to be permanently warped.
190. Those who stayed permanently in Europe were unusually cosmopolitan in their origins.
191. Numerous historic cultural sites and monumental natural features were also permanently flooded.
192. So long as congenital syphilis early diagnosis, is also may permanently cure.
193. In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.
194. To render an infusion permanently barren, it must be sealed hermetically and boiled.
195. Sterilization: Any surgical procedure intended to end fertility permanently ( see contraception ) .
196. The rice - size pellets will remain there permanently, radiating his tumor from inside.




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