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单词 soggy
释义  sog·gy /ˈsɒɡi $ ˈsɑːɡi/ adjective  WETunpleasantly wet and soft 湿透的,湿软的 The ground was soggy from the rain. 雨后地面湿透了。 The sandwiches have gone all soggy. 那些三明治全都变得湿乎乎软塌塌的。► see thesaurus at soft, wetExamples from the Corpussoggy• Breakfast was terrible - the eggs were burnt and the toast was soggy.• A second entry and exit gate was available, but the soggy conditions would have rendered it useless within minutes.• Rainy days could mean exposed roots, soggy fields, or plows that drowned in the mud and muck.• At the time our soggy mission was a singleminded search for a classic Vienna coffeehouse.• Rick couldn't face another picnic lunch on a soggy paper plate.• A soggy pile of old leaves lay in the corner of the yard.• These cornflakes get soggy really fast in milk.• Showers spray everywhere, creating soggy toilet paper and slippery floors.• I forgot my wetness, my dripping jeans, the soggy waterlogged ground.• She furiously grasped hold of a clump of soggy weed and after more slipping and sliding finally managed to heave herself out.• It is not a thought soggy with the milk of human kindness.gone ... soggy• His corn flakes had probably gone soggy at breakfast too.Origin soggy (1700-1800) sog “area of wet ground” ((16-19 centuries))sog·gy adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus wet soft unpleasantly and




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