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单词 Madness
1. A man of gladness seldom falls into madness
2. Anger is a short madness.
3. It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf. 
4. When love is not madness, it is not love.
5. It is sheer madness to drive so fast.
6. It's sheer madness to go sailing in weather like this.
7. It would be madness to drive all that way on your own.
8. Marilyn Monroe: Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
9. His family has a history of madness.
10. There's a strain of madness in his family.
11. Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault'stext, "Madness and Civilisation"
12. Her grief borders on madness.
13. His madness cannot be cured.
14. She looked into his eyes and beheld madness.
15. It is madness to climb in such bad weather.
16. To begin a war would be sheer madness.
17. He was driven to the brink of madness.
18. They made her plead madness.
19. Is that madness or what?
20. Cutting down the forest is sheer madness .
21. It is sheer madness to do it.
22. There's a strain of madness in the family.
23. She felt as if she were sliding into madness.
24. In a moment of madness I agreed to go with him.
25. It would be sheer madness to trust a man like that.
26. In a moment of madness, I agreed to have the party at my house.
27. It is political madness.
28. The anguish was so great that it turned into madness.
29. Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.
30. They say that genius often goes hand in hand with madness.
1. It is sheer madness to drive so fast.
2. It's sheer madness to go sailing in weather like this.
3. It would be madness to drive all that way on your own.
4. The anguish was so great that it turned into madness.
31. Where do you draw the line between genius and madness?
32. In a moment of madness she had agreed to go out with him.
33. The desperate condition of the world is that madness has always been here, and that it will remain so for all time.
34. It's the height of madness to sail at the height of the storm.
35. They say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!
36. In a moment of madness, I said I'd help him.
37. There is sheer blazing madness in here.
38. Stores are preparing for the annual holiday shopping madness.
39. Yet there is an explanation for this madness.
40. Clearing a rainforest in this way is sheer madness.
41. She made it sound like bally madness.
42. He had been swept along by Tommy's drunken madness.
43. Smith's photographs reflect the madness of our times.
44. Anger is but a short madness. Horace 
45. A brief moment of madness, I admit.
46. Maya hears in its voice madness, self-hate.
47. It was from ridiculous to totally certifiable madness.
48. It was a moment of madness.
49. Francis made his will in a moment of madness.
50. Today madness is called mental illness.http:///madness.html
51. Madness, of course, but then I met my husband.
52. I grew possessed by madness to deceive.
53. All extremes of feeling are allied with madness. Virginia Woolf 
54. How could my dream have produced such madness?
55. The madness roared like a storm.
56. Collective madness is called sanity. Paulo Coelho 
57. Grandcourt finds Gwendolen screaming in a fit of madness.
58. It was a time when Madness seemed the most immortal of pop bands.
59. The Shakespearean illusions, the pose of madness and threat unraveling in chilling circumlocution.
60. Perhaps her rapid shifts in mood signaled the return of madness.
61. He wondered if the bad blood of the d'Urbervilles was to blame for this moment of madness.
62. I was at the Madness gig at Finsbury Park the other week and Vince had me removed from the premises!
63. Other choreographers find disturbing themes of madness, the tragedy of war and man's inhumanity to man.
64. Although the vast majority are hardened by their loss, others have been driven over the edge of madness.
65. The band members list Madness, Prince and Black Sabbath among their influences.
66. For such a man to assault the Government citadel, garrisoned by aristocrats, and buttressed by wealth, seemed mere madness.
67. What madness had made Edward de Verne try to overthrow the Tudor king and restore a Yorkist line?
68. What on earth kind of madness had that greetings card stirred in her?
69. Why are current city water users subsidizing this madness with higher water rates?
70. Ultimately, the return of Madness is hardly something to get worked up about.
71. He must have suspected that a Madness gig would attract a football crowd.
72. A whole nation, all of civilized society, perhaps, seeking the blameless state of madness.
73. Of course there is another side, especially if you are legatees of Hitler's madness.
74. So when Summerchild steps out up Whitehall at the end of the day he is still hugging their secret madness to himself.
75. Even this madness is also to a considerable extent a matter of performance, of enactment.
76. Social cohesion is the most powerful defence against madness, the most important contributor to mental health.
77. The result is a smoldering tale blending end-of-the-road madness with earthy compassion and the triumphant human spirit.
78. There are many tales of madness overcoming travellers whose cars have broken down or whose camels have died.
79. Madness has always been a favorite choice of the civilized man who prepares himself for a noble achievement.
80. It's madness your having to live with them half the time.
81. With the introduction of agriculture mankind entered upon a long period of meanness, misery, and madness,[http:///madness.html] from which they are only now being freed by the beneficent operation of the machine. Bertrand Russell 
82. Some prisoners feigned madness so that they would be released.
83. Later I found that they had put me in prison because of my madness.
84. He is John Proctor, who becomes caught in the madness after his affair with a servant girl played by Winona Ryder.
85. Max had been right: love is a form of madness, what the army calls a self-inflicted wound.
86. A madness, an extraordinary fanaticism, took possession of all these new worshippers of the sun.
87. As the piece opens, he is in an internment camp, and she is teetering on the edge of madness.
88. The good doctor Guruji treats madness with herbal medicine in a village near Delhi.
89. For Horace it might have been a short madness; in Frere it threatened to become a running sore.
90. All adrenalin had been used up, to be replaced by the slight madness that comes from baking in the sun.
91. Was it all just a year of madness, a momentary dot.con?
92. But a couple of hours later in his hotel room, he knew, he saw the extent of his madness.
93. It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf. Thomas Fuller 
94. Unsurprisingly, given its director, the film will be a psychological thriller that focuses on a man's descent into madness.
95. For some the madness seemed to bubble with molten brilliance from every fissure.
96. Could it be that in leveling charges against the moviemakers there was method in his madness?
97. Wonien did not frighten her; she knew what helpless madness they all felt.
98. Like thousands of other fans I was truly disappointed at his unannounced withdrawal from the Madness gig.
99. Wardens became psychiatrists, guards became nurses, asylums became hospitals - and madness became mental illness.
100. By the end of the book, Peter's addiction has led him to madness and suicide.
101. The smell excited her like a pheromone, even now, three years after she had walked out on all that madness.
102. Great Wits and Madness Among its several distinguishing features the human mind has two that most clearly define its uniqueness.
103. Night-time madness isn't appealing, seen in the cold light of day.
104. To an old and faithful servant of the ultramontane papacy such as Ottaviani, it was all the most absolute madness.
105. In this sense the world would be a better place without mental retardation, madness(), and senile dementia.
106. What inspires Madeleine Stowe to write a book about madness and apocalyptic visions?
107. And play Van Gogh, he caught the descent into madness perfectly.
108. Hera who never forgot a wrong sent the madness upon him.
109. In a moment of madness Rosenoir kicked Alan Kernaghan as he lay on the ground.
110. However, this does raise an important point of debate in contemporary discussions about the relationship between madness and creativity.
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111. Discs Formula: Madness quit without ever reaching a proper peak.
112. Or go right for tournament mode and jump into March Madness for a shot at the national title.
113. Baseball may be our national pastime, but March Madness is our national passion.
114. I couldn't get rid of the black Martin, purchased in a moment of island madness instead of a car.
115. Despite the three-hour length, the descent of Kathy Bates's character into madness is so abrupt as to be risible.
116. He was born in abject poverty with a family history of madness, yet grew up to take the world by storm.
117. The madness here is that it does not matter what we organize, what we number, what we subdivide.
118. Madness is a diagnosis or verdict of some of our greatest doctors and geniuses, and of their man-disappointed minds.
119. Just that one brief moment of madness ... Then the bitter tears of self-reproach.
120. The idea prevalent during the 19605 that lack of dreaming might cause madness is anticipated by two hundred years in his writing.
121. The media, once again, saw it as further indication of encroaching madness.
122. We have to learn how to live with our own fear of madness, not of its captives.
123. We are mad unless we are saintly, saintly only as we soar above madness.
124. So Hackney has left its mark on the history of madness.
125. He adopts Harsnett's premise that possession is a theatrical performance - Edgar continually brings attention to his madness being a pretence.
126. Creation is messy. You want genius, you get madness; two sides of the same coin. Steve Jobs 
127. Bearing these points in mind, let us now start to consider the question of creativity and madness in more detail.
128. The business of importing dramatic madness to Broadmoor was embarked on with enormous misgivings.
129. This was his St Martin's summer, an autumnal madness, nothing that the first cold of winter couldn't wither.
130. To go out in a Hong Kong typhoon is to experience an almost pleasurable madness.
131. He was even assuming that she was a willing accomplice in all of this ... this madness.
132. Alcoholism is a disease that creates temporary madness and insanity. Drug addiction is a disease that destroys health and humanity. Dr T.P.Chia 
133. He ended up sinking into the madness that lies in wait for those who think too much about death.
134. When he was seen by psychiatrists(), he copied the symptoms of madness.
135. Moving from the shade to the middle of the field seemed sheer madness.
136. One was founded by William Batty, who gave his name to one epithet for madness.
137. This done you can obtain your certificate of madness, as a fun souvenir of Gubbio, from the nearby shop!
138. Their madness gives them superhuman strength and resilience, and they fight with astounding fury and determination.
139. The misery was worsened by the massacres that followed, the result again of communal madness.
140. Essex are likely to fine Neil Foster for his moments of madness yesterday.
141. She was flung up into madness,[http:///madness.html] as she rode the whirlwind.
142. I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people. Isaac Newton 
143. The reason is, I think, that madness has something to say to us that we prefer not to hear.
144. His madness and his recovery were still very much present to him, and he would occasionally talk or write about both.
145. Surely in this day and age with so much emphasis on safety it is madness to surface roads like this.
146. It is extremely disconcerting, and the Madness debate provided a salutary lesson for Morrissey, as well as ourselves.
147. There may be a link between madness and creativity.
148. Mirth without measure is madness.
149. He has a touch of madness in his composition.
150. One can't reckon on suicidal madness in the enemy.
151. This softening of the brain would end in madness.
152. Spartan King Leonidas: Madness? This is Sparta!
153. Frothing Madness Bloodfury Savage Utility 12.
154. His madness became clear in 2000, when, to his amazement, he lost what amounted to a referendum on his two-decade rule. Mr Mugabe turned wrecker.
155. And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with pruner and lopper to remove a few errant branches.
156. Why can't you put that in your column, a little less of Stark's raving madness?
157. He failed in stock speculation , and feigned madness to escape a debt.
158. MLP Fund Madness Master limited partnerships have grown increasingly appealing, despite their complicated tax structure.
159. Fogg's project as madness; the Daily Telegraph alone hesitatingly supported him.
160. And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and lopped off a few errant branches.
161. This is madness, the ne plus ultra of American politicians betraying the American people.
162. And as far back as the 16th Century, Italian political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli wrote that it can be "a very wise thing to simulate madness."
163. Powerful words can drive men to madness. They may inspire them, schizphrenically, to acts self-sacrifice.
164. A just reward for a 5am start and surviving the deadly madness of the mini vehicles that plough up and down the market.
165. Although Bakhtin drew his theory of dialogue from the properties of Complex Tone and dialogue from Dostoyevski's fiction, he denied that there is any connection between madness and his theory.
166. A happiness that often madness hits on, which reason and sanity could not so prosperously be delivered of.
167. One of the Company's JVs currently produces hydrophobia vaccine (vaccine used for Canine Madness), and the Company also has Therapeutic DNA Vaccine for HBV project in Phase II clinical research.
168. However, in any case of classification, the out come of these women are miserable. In men world which have right to rule, they inevitably take to the road of tragedy, or suicide, or madness, or leave.
169. We may even think that if we do, we be in danger of madness.
170. We're both alike—there is a streak of madness in us both.
171. Gogol walks this very knife-edge, fine-line between a very sharp observation of someone's descent into madness and, at the same time, playing fairly deliciously with their own sense of delusion.
172. There is never a great genius without a tincture of madness.
173. But since interactive marketing programs are now fueled by measurable results, not dot-com madness, we believe that they can thrive in a recession.
174. I love this kind of mirror, - it brings a lot of western madness on the humoristic point.
175. Things have passed since my involvement in sense of madness and crankiness spreads irrepealably, but now it leaves time knows.
176. But determining whether the Ordos-style expansion and re-engineering of old cities is being driven by smart planning or propelled by speculative madness is a prime challenge for Beijing policy makers.
177. To anyone else, Philemon might be perceived as a figment of Jung's imagination, or evidence of madness.
178. But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.
179. The world is going mad at an accelerating rate and television is the Typhoid Mary of this madness.
180. It is just that the unfolding of that tragedy should thenceforth be dominated by madness.
181. Strictly, mania is a kind of madness which makes people violent.
182. Out of her disconnexion, a restlessness was taking possession of her like madness.
183. There is no authentic lyricism without a grain of interior madness.
184. The undercurrent of despair or madness or illogicalness would lead to the impossible fantasies of future.
185. Joseph Heller's novels reveal the absurdity and corruption of the American ruling clique, and the confusion and madness in the American society.
186. Unclean, unkempt, clothed in rags and hunger and madness, he saw himself victorious, heroic and beautiful.
187. It may be worthwhile also in these troublous times to write down his severe criticism on war, which he called "that most cruel madness".
188. What do you think of all this [ premiere madness ]?
189. These statistics were culled from Dr. Donald T. Lunde's recent monograph, Murder and Madness.
190. Criminal courts are stingy about finding such exculpatory madness, requiring a disability so severe, the defendant didn't even know the crime was wrong.
191. Sancho promises to return as quickly as he can, and after watching Don Quixote take off his trousers and do a headstand to indicate his madness, he sets off on Rocinante.
192. The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means.
193. The reforming zeal of Hollingsworth is only one step short of the madness of Rappaccini.
194. As a teenager he played Wagner's Tristan und Isolde in a piano duet; and he also played it when in a grip of madness in January 1889 in Turin.
195. Keeper of the Grove: Madness! You would doom us all by freeing the Betrayer!
196. Lyrics: A human statue made of living stone A paradox etched in human bone If you could look behind his thin disguise There's a hidden glint of madness in his eyes.
197. After all of these failures of interventionism and "activist" monetary and fiscal policy in the 1930s, the same public policy madness is still recommended as "wisdom" today.
198. Dumbledore knows that staring into the Mirror of Erised too long makes considering the rewards of the Dark Side all too tempting or may also make madness a ponderable alternative.
199. And there , mayhap , true madness at last .
200. The mystic deliria , the madness amorous,[http://] the utter abandonment.
201. He spoke in a powerful, baritone voice and had a surprisingly regal air to him despite his readily apparent madness.
202. This essay attempts to study Eugene O'Neill's artistic portrait of Mary Tyrone of Long Day's Journey into Night from the aspect of Mary's morphine addiction and her subsequent madness.
203. When Vincent Van Gogh moved to the southern French town of Arles in 1888, he painted nearly 200 vivid canvasses before cutting off his left ear in a fit of madness.
204. Was he seized at the age of forty-six with a supreme madness?
205. A fresh Hallowmas party is designed for you(Disco Party): the perfect music, sparking lights, na?ve angel and exotic scene. The thrilling performance will draw you to the top of madness.
206. Hip-hop house, hip-hop jazz, with a little pizzazz From the Queen, the Queen of Royal Badness Remember me from "Wrath of My Madness?"
207. Her dead white face had a curious carven look ; the inflexible solidity of madness.
208. Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania ( madness , mental disorder ) .
209. Tainted by association with the Witch King and the violent madness of Aenarion, the survivors of Nagarythe are very different type of Asur.
210. He make the whole Korea madness burnable, extremely high spirit make person Za tongue.




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