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单词 Sovereign
1. King George was the sovereign of England.
2. Who holds sovereign power in the state?
3. The Russian Federation declared itself to be a sovereign republic.
4. Is there a sovereign remedy for this condition?
5. Love is a sovereign remedy for unhappiness.
6. For a brief time Texas was a sovereign nation.
7. Troops were stationed on sovereign German territory.
8. The Queen has sovereign power.
9. Parliament must always remain sovereign.
10. In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule.
11. The sovereign goes throughout the British Isles.
12. In March 1889, she became the first British sovereign to set foot on Spanish soil.
13. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.
14. Sovereign Worldwide travel bag per booking.
15. We fully recognize France's sovereign power in that area.
16. The shield, however, is that of Anne, last sovereign of the House of Stuart, who died in 1714.
17. Kirgizia declared itself an independent, sovereign and democratic state on 1 September.
18. They reason that the people are sovereign, so the people, not the courts, should have the last word.
19. Each sovereign speaks with a single voice, though not in harmony with other sovereigns.
20. Each sovereign state has enacted legislation establishing national parks, scientific or scenic reserves and wilderness areas.
21. Their judicial proclamations range from grandiloquent declarations of sovereign citizenship to lowly refusals to pay speeding tickets.
22. Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power. 
23. The peace treaty will lay the foundations for a loose confederation of sovereign states.
24. Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.
25. The document composed in Philadelphia transformed the confederation of sovereign states into a national government.
26. The Zuwaya image seems correct: there was no internal sovereign power, at any rate up to about 1875 or so.
27. Once the reality of some degree of uncompetitiveness in markets is acknowledged the consumer's sovereign status is inevitably diminished.
28. The same is true with arrangements made to delegate authority which can be retrieved at the will of the sovereign government.
29. Importantly, the Foundation does not enjoy the privileges of immunity of the Sovereign State.
30. But early punters were betting on the idea of good going and well-backed Sovereign Rock just could not handle the faster conditions.
1. King George was the sovereign of England.
2. The Russian Federation declared itself to be a sovereign republic.
3. The peace treaty will lay the foundations for a loose confederation of sovereign states.
4. Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.
5. For a brief time Texas was a sovereign nation.
6. The Queen has sovereign power.
31. Hence parliament is not fully sovereign but is subordinate to the constitution and the values enshrined by it.
32. The exhibition begins in the Dark Ages with early king-making ceremonies and symbols of sovereign power.
33. In the first months the Provincial Juntas acted as independent sovereign states.
34. Who is kidding whom that a middle-size country such as the United Kingdom is sovereign in the modern world?
35. New agencies and new officials were created to discharge political and economic duties formerly assigned to the sovereign courts.
36. The U.S. said it could not negotiate on behalf of other sovereign states.
37. The possibility of resistance lay in an appeal to the sovereign nation in the form of the mob.
38. It was the sovereign body, and it was composed of all the citizens.
39. On March 11 it voted to proclaim itself a sovereign body whose decisions would be binding and not subject to government authority.
40. For if a sovereign ruler acknowledged no political superior, was this not also true of the state he governed?
41. In fact the sovereign courts at Turin seem to have lived in satisfactory symbiosis with the government.
42. One might distinguish three kinds of policy areas in which a country either is or is not sovereign.
43. It was a number of years before Canada was accepted by the world as a sovereign state.
44. A state must have sovereign status ascribed to it by those capable of conferring it.
45. He remained calm and imposing, a true Commander-in-Chief wielding sovereign authority.
46. The original sovereign continued to be struck until 1603, when James I ascended the throne, but was revived in 1817.
47. Towns have grown, universities have been built, sovereign states recognised, and populations increased.
48. That is no more or less than a sovereign Parliament within a constitutional monarchy should be able to expect.
49. That is, it must be recognised as sovereign by the governments of other sovereign states.
50. Banks also make other currency advances to traders, multinational corporations and sovereign governments.
51. The Governor, representing the sovereign, is responsible for external affairs, defence and internal security.
52. Every sovereign nation has the right and the duty to control its borders.
53. The United States had refused, arguing that it could not negotiate on behalf of other sovereign states.
54. Moreover, the doctrine of sovereign immunity generally restricts opportunities for recovery of compensation against the government.
55. The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia saw its dismemberment and division into more than 300 individual and sovereign states and principalities.
56. At last, the three countries are negotiating as fully sovereign states.
57. Ultimately,(sentence dictionary) an effective greenhouse treaty will need the voluntary co-operation of sovereign powers.
58. In one of the tales of the Arabian Nights the sovereign has the uncanny experience of meeting himself.
59. Bouvet refers to the characters ti and shang-ti as being the most commonly used in referring to the Sovereign Lord.
60. It was in fact the Military Household and establishment of the sovereign with which the mass of people was most familiar.
61. Following Bagehot or modern functional sociology, the assertion is made that the figure of the sovereign binds together the national collective.
62. The sovereign courts' traditional preeminence within the government was vanishing too.
63. As a writer, your sovereign responsibility is to produce real food by making truthful representations.
64. As with sovereign governments many of these state enterprises will not directly earn foreign exchange.
65. Decolonization was associated with the spread of ideologies of national self-determination and ultimately the near-universality of the sovereign nation-state.
66. His spokesman said, however, that two sovereign governments would be maintained under any arrangement.
67. They enthroned Bao Dai as a sovereign emperor but continued to run his regime.
68. Speedier communications and the existence of more sovereign states and international bodies have swollen diplomatic records.
69. A war may exist where one of the belligerents claims sovereign rights as against the other....
70. Yet the High Authority was far from being a sovereign body.
71. In his grey flannels and blue blazer-his full sovereign ring-Bob was the opposite of my father.
72. The government, however, refused to countenance demands for a sovereign national conference.
73. All Sovereign clients are guaranteed a window seat on our safari bus.
74. According to Hobbes, law is a command, the expression of the will of the sovereign.
75. The introduction to his book contains a strong denial that he is an atheist, revolutionary or opponent of sovereign rulers.
76. If, moreover, the unit in question receives widespread legal recognition, we call it a sovereign state.
77. The Hopi tribe asserted their rights as a sovereign nation.
78. For the accord of sovereign status only made sense within a framework of law.
79. Are we sovereign in defence, in our dealings with multinational corporations or in any significant matter?
80. Many of the new sovereign states took their places in the United Nations.
81. The tectonic plates are no more permanent than the sovereign countries of the world.
82. Fragmentation is the process most supportive of the concept of sovereign, independent statehood which is central to realist analysis.
83. Any solution would have to involve explicit negotiation between sovereign states, culminating in an international treaty.
84. Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute.
85. Nevertheless, no sovereign State can tolerate secession.
86. Elizabeth succeeded George VI as the English sovereign.
87. Sovereign - wealth funds, meanwhile, have been conspicuously absent.
88. The accursed Demon Sovereign has forseen everything.
89. Out-of-control sovereign debt is what plunged Greece into crisis.
90. Sovereign power must lie with the people.
91. Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign.
92. The Czech Republic became a sovereign state in 1993.
93. The euro denominated sovereign bond market is a mess.
94. Morocco is a sovereign independent monartery.
95. Our goalis an Iraqthat is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.
96. In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern.
97. The European Commission has said it will examine the case for banning "naked" sovereign CDSs, in which buyers of protection on government debt do not actually own any of the underlying bonds.
98. The European Central Bank (ECB) is administering that $1 trillion emergency reserve for the euro, and is also being allowed for the first time to intervene in Europe's sovereign debt markets.
99. Here is the 21st-century European style of decolonisation: from protectorate to EU member state, without ever achieving full, sovereign independence in between.
100. The surprise downgrade of Italy's sovereign debt overnight by Standard and Poor's exposes the fatal flaws of pushing through draconian austerity measures on a nation experiencing economic weakness.
101. The Danish king remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 1944, when the current republic was founded in the absence of Danish authority.
102. A sovereign ascension means that I do not ascend others.
103. By reviving the sate sovereign immunity doctrine, Rehnquist Court strengthens the state right, and refreshes the mean...
104. Established as the Irish Free State in 922, Ireland officially became the sovereign state of Eire in 937.
105. Interest rate spreads for secondary market sovereign debt a key indicator of access to the capital markets rose to levels unseen since the height of the Mexican peso crisis in 1995.
106. But the rise in sovereign risk has changed this perspective.
107. Those bailouts have at least in part led to the second major concern facing investors -- sovereign risk stemming from uncontrolled spending.
108. "Banks across Europe are well endowed with sovereign debt, all of which now look very dangerous considering how fast spreads have moved," said Geoffrey Yu, an FX strategist at UBS.
109. At the same time we should be aware that there are some people, who, with their evil intention, openly advocate the splitting of sovereign states under the cloak of self-determination.
110. That metamorphosis may lower the governmental shield of full or partial sovereign immunity to tort claims and change the forums in which contract and tort disputes may be adjudicated.
111. For example, when the SNB's floor in EUR-CHF was established and concerns over Eurozone sovereign risk remained very high, this proved to be a key tipping point for EUR-USD to fall sharply.
112. According to the features of credit risks, the banking-book credit risk exposures shall be divided into sovereign, financial institution, retail, corporate, equity and other exposures.
113. I am Shutruk - Nakhkhunte , King of Anshand and Susa , Sovereign of the land of Elam.
114. Interfaces , in this regard , should resemble sovereign posture applications , taking the full - screen real estate.
115. God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe .
116. The sovereign shall vacate the throne on becoming or marrying a Roman Catholic.
117. An economic sanction means you withhold something that is your sovereign right.
118. Accordingly, absent the contracting state's explicit waiver of all aspects of its sovereign immunity, its assets will generally enjoy immunity from execution.
119. Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.
120. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as Britain's sovereign in 1953 — a time when Winston S. Churchill was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Dwight D. Eisenhower was President of the United States.
121. Church of England is uniquely related to the Crown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that Church and as "Defender of the Faith".
122. By reviving the sate sovereign immunity doctrine, Rehnquist Court strengthens the state right, and refreshes the .
123. The sovereign debt crisis has exposed the ineffectiveness of a one-size-fits-all monetary policy for a continent with significantly disparate economies.
124. The Sovereign prizes represent a new controversial phase in this history.
125. When the shooting stopped in 1993, Abkhaz forces had pushed out the Georgian military and declared Abkhazia a sovereign country.
126. This is an excellent control idiom for sovereign - posture programs with which users interact for long hours.
127. We predicted here in December that a strictly private merger dance between two Anglo-Australian miners would soon flower into a sovereign wealth showdown of historic proportions.
128. Lemon balm strives to reminds initiates to hold your dreams sovereign and not allow others to latch on or take your dreams for themselves.
129. As it spread, markets started to pummel European banks and insurers for their exposure to what could prove to be one of the worst sovereign debt disasters ever.
130. The distinction between credit and sovereign risk is blurring as losses that would otherwise be taken by the private sector are reallocated to the public sector.
131. The establishment of transit dues indicated that inland tariff sovereign rights of Qing dynasty began to lose.
132. Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states.
133. That is true, in a way: he was arrested after Henry VIII made known his feelings to the Holy Roman Emperor who was sovereign of the Low Countries.
134. Medieval the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands.
135. ROBERT ZOELLICK : We're still in a danger zone. There are three issues that Europe is trying to struggle with at once: competitiveness, the banking system and sovereign debt.
136. Japan, which in the 19th century took on board western notions of the sovereign state, absorbed Ryukyu (now Okinawa) and went on forcibly to incorporate much of Asia into its short-lived empire.
137. As a matter of fact, as Buddhism developed, the policies to examining Buddhist books and tonsure turned rigorous again since the sovereign of Ren emperor.
138. And the European experience has already taught both parties what even a small dose of sovereign risk can do to credit and equity markets—especially to counties with heavy foreign debt.
139. Sovereign wealth funds are estimated to hold more than two trillion dollars.
140. Overall, the shift out of risk is likely to hit stocks and commodities, boost the dollar and gold could also benefit especially if sovereign concerns in Europe gather pace.
141. We are sovereign individuals walking our own paths of ascension.
142. We see now that the current account balance is an element of sovereign creditworthiness.
143. But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their vile images and detestable idols, I will bring down on their own heads what they have done, declares the Sovereign LORD.
144. A sovereign bailout should provide breathing space to perform a radical restructuring.But a fire sale of Irish banking assets is not the only way to cut the banks down to size.
145. A document issued by a sovereign, legislature, or other authority, creating a public or private corporation, such as a city, college, or bank, and defining its privileges and purposes.
146. But the more balanced economy would take time to emerge, and stock and bond markets, after their rip-roaring rallies, weren't priced for the disarray that could stem from a real sovereign shake-out.
147. The sovereign right of the Irish people to decide their own future is unchallengeable.
148. Competition for the Honda stake is still intense with several rival buyout funds, including Warburg Pincus, Bain and KKR, as well as sovereign wealth funds keen to get in on the deal,(http:///sovereign.html) say bankers.
149. In a bid to attract more capital, the Indian government on Thursday raised the limit for foreign institutional investment in sovereign and corporate bonds by $5 billion each.
150. Sovereign risk must be accounted for as part of cost of equity.
151. The IMF is also warning a downgrading in US sovereign debt will have a far-reaching global impact.
152. Financial markets are functioning more or less normally with toxic credit instruments replaced or guaranteed by sovereign credit.
153. The sovereign is, for example, immune from all form of judicial proceedings.
154. The benchmark gauge of European sovereign risk also jumped to an all-time high.
155. The immediate worry is that Spain and Italy are now borrowing money at unsustainable rates and may be forced into the kind of slow-motion default on sovereign loans that is happening in Greece.
156. Abu Dhabi Authority is considered the world's largest sovereign wealth funds one.
157. But it is still a problem, as was seen in the disastrous wrangle over raising the national debt ceiling—an argument which ended in the downgrade of American sovereign debt.
158. Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states.
159. Mighty sovereign dog-male goes immediately to explore the novelty. Of what, of whom should I be afraid you madcap?Of nothing and nobody!
160. For sovereign posture applications, however, the slightest excise becomes agonizing over time.
161. Desktop applications fit into four categories of posture: sovereign, transient, and daemonic.
162. The destruction of libraries and books are were considered among the most condemnable crimes that a sovereign could do.
163. With the global credit squeeze making funds harder to come by, sovereign wealth funds have become even more important for the financing of state capitalism.
164. So they spoke; the bearer, begetter, the makers, modellers - and a sovereign plumed serpent - they sought and discovered what was needed for human flesh.
165. Before the economy has recovered and unemployment has fallen the credibility of sovereign credit has come into question.
166. Investors seem to be in two minds on sovereign debt.
167. In the concrete jungle of the financial world, values like faith and trust begin to usurp familiar jargons like sovereign and bonuses.
168. National sovereignty although to world environment of depravation negative have a responsibility, the sovereign state also is a global environment emollient conservator in the meantime.
169. Benin? Sovereign God, help Your people to engage with both Muslims and Animists in Benin.
170. Queen Victoria became the first Sovereign to move into Buckingham Palace.
171. They construed the social contract as a pact of complete subjection to an absolute sovereign.
172. It is precisely these supranational institutions that are the best guarantee for the respect of the agreed rules in a union of sovereign states.
173. Now the democratic world is in the process of removing that protection, while the autocrats rush to defend the principle of sovereign inviolability.
174. Economist Nicholas Spiro, of Spiro Sovereign Strategy, said: "The fact that investors have to wait another month for Mr Rajoy's cabinet to take the reins only adds to the uncertainty.
175. The United Nations is an inter - governmental international organization composed of sovereign states.
176. The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign, as is the case in many European monarchies.
177. There is no interregnum between the death of one sovereign and the accession of the next.
178. This article focuses on two of his thesis: the thesis of the sovereign decisions and the thesis of the hostis and friend on politics.
179. It is possible to buy credit-default swaps (CDSs), a form of insurance against default, on China's sovereign debt,(http:///sovereign.html) but few think that would really go belly-up anyway.
180. The retinue of a sovereign, including the royal family and personal servants, advisers, and ministers.
181. 'I question whether private enterprise should be in this business [of rating sovereign debt], ' Jules Kroll, chairman and chief executive of Kroll Bond Rating Agency, told the House hearing.
182. Tolowa, the language of the Tolowa Native American tribe, is spoken by a few members located in the Smith River Rancheria. a sovereign nation, near Crescent City, Calif.
183. For a sovereign application of any complexity, adjacent pane designs are practically a requirement.
184. Goldman Sachs on Thursday recommended going long euro against the dollar, targeting $1.37, saying European sovereign debt tensions will ultimately ease.
185. Do we continue to have worries on financial markets themselves like banking and sovereign risk?
186. Rightly constituted laws, said Aristotle, should be the final sovereign.
187. Fears about what the banks really look like could kindle a flare-up of the sovereign debt crisis into a regional headache into a Continent-wide contagion.
188. Most of Asia's sovereign surpluses are in US dollar denominated equity and notes and Treasury bills.
189. We should follow International Health Regulations (IHR) when exerting sovereign of health quarantine.
190. This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.
191. WHEN markets are jumpy and cash is needed, sovereign - wealth funds have some very fetching characteristics.
192. He continues to govern -- fighting off legal challenges to his sovereign immunity and threats to his ruling majority -- until he dies in office.
193. The design projects cover such famous-brand hotels as Sheraton, Hilton, Kempinski, Crown Plaza Holiday Inn, Marco Polo, Shenzhen Eastern OCT Interlaken Hotel, Sunshine, Jinjiang, Sovereign.
194. A downgrade of U. S. sovereign debt would put China's massive foreign exchange assets in peril, experts surveyed by the National Business Daily generally agreed.
195. A sovereign state is a " juridical person . "
196. Our combat mission in Iraq is ending, but our commitment to an Iraq that is sovereign, stable and self-reliant continues.
197. If you are a country like the US, the UK, or Japan that can monetize its fiscal deficits,() then you won't have a sovereign debt event but high inflation that erodes the value of public debt.
198. Modern Norway is a latecomer to the world of nations, becoming sovereign only in 1905. Vikings, Arctic explorers and international humanitarians all went into imagining the place.
199. With the waning of the sovereign immunity and the movement for civil rights, the liability for compensation for judicial torts was accepted by many countries in the last years of 19th century.
200. Despite improved growth prospects across the globe, heightened sovereign risk and the threat of monetary and fiscal tightening have deeply dented investor appetite.
201. Thucydides, in the History of the Peloponnesian War wrote, "it is a habit of mankind ... to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy."
202. Beijing's efforts to curb the property price bubble came about the same time as sovereign debt concerns for several European countries, which impaired credit provision and reduced spending directly.
203. As delegation member William Carpenter, M.D., remarked, "Sovereign nations just don't normally allow this kind of invasiveness."
204. As its political leaders bicker, investors are having nightmares about its defaulting on its sovereign debt.
205. The third major factor facing investors in the coming week is the continuing worry about sovereign risk, led by, but by no means exclusively, Greece.
206. Hobbes in the Hobbesian doctrine of sovereignty, or the Hobbesian sovereign, to have a complete monopoly of power within his given territory.
207. The head of China's flagship sovereign wealth fund is looking to invest in Europe after expressing relief that snubs from the continent saved Beijing from embarrassing investment losses last year.
207. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
208. "'For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "'Woe to the city of bloodshed, to the pot now encrusted , whose deposit will not go away! Empty it piece by piece without casting lots for them.
209. Croatia is desperately calling for international recognition as a sovereign state.
210. Church of England is uniquely relconsumedd to the Crown in that ingl the Sovereign must seem an affiliconsumed of that Church therefore that "Defender of the Faith".
211. The Admiralty court was declared by statute to be a sovereign court.
212. Goodman said in a statement it was looking to raise A$1.3 billion in an entitlement offer and A$500 million through an issue of hybrid securities to CIC -- China's sovereign wealth fund.
213. "Our plan does not change recognition of Pakistan as a sovereign government," he said. "We need to work with them and through them to deal with al-Qaida.
214. If human nature is not self - constituted sovereign will, this instance, there would be diametrically opposite conclusion.
215. Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes' conceptualization of sovereign.
216. Faldstool:a folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.
217. Keywords: Sovereign Debt Restructuring; Co - ordination Failure; Moral Hazard.
218. Borders vanish; National currency disappears, sovereign laws and rules become predetermined by common European regulations.
219. As result of the German-Chinese lease contract the Chinese government gave up all sovereign rights within the leased territory (to which the city of Jiaozhou did not belong!
220. The doctrine of sovereign immunity originated with the maxim that the king can do no wrong.
221. Taiwan's "dollar diplomacy" has won it recognition as a sovereign state from a small number of countries, mostly in Latin America and Africa, that benefit from Taiwanese investment and aid.
222. Europe has five days to find a solution to the sovereign debt crisis or else the EU itself will collapse, political leaders warned on Sunday at the start of a week of high-stakes summitry.
223. Europe's inter - bank market could seize up , unsure which banks would be hit by sovereign defaults.
224. Hobbes has ingeniously demonstrated an obligation, grounded solely in self preservation, to submit absolute sovereign.
225. The days when empires could treat sovereign states as pieces on a chess board are over.
226. Take the China Investment Corporation ( CIC ), China's sovereign - wealth fund, which was founded in 2007.
227. However, we can know with certainty that God is sovereign and no one can change his unrevealed plan for us.
228. The principle at stake was the inviolability of a sovereign state, not the creation of a democracy in the aggressor country.
229. Yet because the European Central Bank is buying sovereign debt to help prop up prices, markets are not giving a clear indication of expected loss levels.
230. The bill bans any invasion of sovereign territory, air space and maritime zones.
231. That evangelical Anglican, because he was trusted by the larger evangelical world –endorsed by Billy Graham –introduced a whole generation to a sovereign God and the doctrines of grace.
232. Yellow Emperor (Huangdi), named Xuan Yuan, was the primogenitor of Chinese civilization. He was Chinese sovereign and cultural source presented in Chinese history and mythology.
233. Its debt is sovereign and the government remains 100 per cent committed sovereign debt obligations.
234. Mostly Presbyterian, these Christians saw that Transcendentalism was a revolt against Biblical teaching about man's sinfulness and need for God's sovereign grace.
235. The 2012 presidential election is likely to be fought amid a continuing euro crisis, in which France's ability to service its sovereign debt could come into question.
236. Early morning whippy trading was replaced by a slow melting of risk as European sovereign debt troubles continued to strike fear in trader's hearts.
237. This was, as Israel complains, an unprovoked attack on its sovereign territory.
237. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
238. Over the years, this group has become like a sovereign power at Ford unto itself.
239. Over 60pc of respondents cited sovereign risk as their top worry.
240. Oil will hold key for investors in the coming week, which will see Saudi Arabia's planned protest and a key summit of European leaders on Libya and the sovereign debt crisis.
241. In the mid-nineties, some American academics proposed that, since it has its own rules, and its own citizens (of a sort), the Internet ought be considered "sovereign" in a way.
242. There is for Hobbes, as for Thrasymachus, no higher court of appeal than the will or the word of the sovereign, no transcendent law, no divine law, no source of authority outside sovereign command.
243. "We find no convincing arguments in the new policy response to suggest that sovereign bond spreads in the euro area will tighten meaningfully vis-a-vis-Germany," RBS said in a note.
244. Officially, Assent is granted by the Sovereign or by Lords Commissioners authorised to act by letters patent.
245. The ideal power unit for open driving first and foremost has to be sovereign.
246. Lakota has been reborn as a free and sovereign nation!
247. The SDR has the features and potential act as a super - sovereign reserve currency.
248. And to a soldier, if can be allocated to defend queenly safety, should be sovereign honor.
249. Sovereign state is the most fundamental unit for the composition of modern international society.
250. Every British sovereign since William the Conqueror has been crowned in the abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII.
251. If Germany, the strongest and safest European country, now has to struggle to finance itself,() the two-year-old European sovereign debt crisis has reached a new and even more dangerous phase.
252. "Many investors see the public sector (banks) in some countries as posing a potential systemic risk and hence contingent liability for the sovereign," Goldman Sachs analysts wrote in a recent note.
253. The epistle deals therefore with the sovereign and universal principles.
254. Detailed information display is best accomplished by assuming a sovereign stance.Sentence dictionary
255. Medieval the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers '.
256. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "These are the boundaries by which you are to divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel, with two portions for Joseph."
257. It serves as a closing doxology which invites all nations to joyously worship the Sovereign Lord.
258. Incorporation in this fashion would occur through the action of the state ---a charter of incorporation from the sovereign, or incorporation under some statute such as the Companies Acts.
259. Until now, public universities have reveled in the sovereign immunity they enjoy under the Eleventh Amendment.
260. The practice of government on your world needs to embrace fully the unalienable rights of each sovereign citizen.
261. The consortium including STX and the Middle Eastern sovereign fund will be led by STX Corp.




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