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单词 Tearing
(1) The soldiers were tearing across the bridge.
(2) Look at the children tearing about in the playground.
(3) Scandal is tearing the government apart.
(4) He went tearing along the road after the bus.
(5) An automobile came tearing along the road.
(6) Alice was in a tearing hurry as usual.
(7) Factionalism was tearing the party and the country apart.
(8) There was a sickening sound of tearing metal.
(9) The children were tearing around in the park.
(10) Racial strife is tearing our country apart.
(11) I swear off tearing the books.
(12) The children were tearing about in the garden.
(13) A young man was tearing down the street.
(14) A car came tearing along the street.
(15) A back tyre blew after half an hour tearing along a rocky road.
(16) He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane's wing.
(17) Her Mum gave her a rocket for tearing her new jeans.
(18) The postwar vogue for tearing down buildings virtually destroyed the city's architecture.
(19) Tom, when are you going to stop tearing around and settle down?
(20) The children were screaming and tearing at each other's hair.
(21) There's no need to be in such a tearing hurry we've got plenty of time.
(22) My boss is tearing his hair out about the delay in the schedule.
(23) They're tearing down these old houses to build a new office block.
(24) I've been tearing my hair out trying to get done in time.
(25) He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto .
(26) Anyone else would have been tearing their hair out trying to work it out.
(27) Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing.
(28) I was late for the match and in a tearing hurry.
(29) Simply making steel stronger does not necessarily guarantee freedom from laminar tearing.
(30) The company came under furious attack from environmentalists for tearing up the forests.
(1) The soldiers were tearing across the bridge.
(2) I was late for the match and in a tearing hurry.
(3) Look at the children tearing about in the playground.
(4) An automobile came tearing along the road.
(5) Tom, when are you going to stop tearing around and settle down?
(6) They are tearing up the street to repair a sewer.
(31) I imagine they'll be tearing the building down sooner or later.
(32) She's been tearing her hair out over the final chapter of her novel for the last month.
(33) They are tearing up the street to repair a sewer.
(33) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(34) The thought of those poor, hungry children is tearing my heart out.
(35) She's keeping very calm-anyone else would be tearing their hair out.
(36) Ranchers are tearing down the rainforests to make hamburgers.
(37) Tearing out some sage, some creosote.
(38) The blueness split with a sound like tearing wood.
(39) These pressures have been tearing OPEC apart.
(40) Toast pita bread, tearing into smaller pieces if necessary.
(41) There are shooting, burning, stabbing, tearing, neuralgic pains.
(42) The protest was tearing Holy Trinity apart.
(43) Aching, tearing, stitching, burning pains.
(44) Restless, anxious, aching sore and bruised pains, tearing pains.
(45) There was a tearing sound in the air as a gun was fired.
(46) The sheep were tearing across the field all bunched up together.
(47) At the height of the storm it rose about 3m, tearing the vegetation from islands, hurtling through trees.
(48) He walked hesitatingly forward, his skin tensed for the feeling of metal tearing flesh.
(49) Tearing down these trade restraints and pushing for more unity among some thirty-five countries is not easy.
(50) Pope injured his right foot, tearing the tendons that hold the bones in place.
(51) Why is she tearing down the industry with her claims regarding safety that are out of proportion to the risks involved?
(52) When I was a child I once went round the house tearing all the stickers off.
(53) There was a tearing sound and I bared my all to the world.
(54) Woodson has been missing in action completely since tearing up his knee in the season opener.
(55) He showed her the fake petunias, tearing open the back so he could give her half the money.
(56) They were tearing up the playgrounds and tearing up the front lawns and the porches.
(57) It smashed through the gates, tearing them off their hinges as though they were made of plastic.
(58) The first to rise asks Lisa how she finds comfort in cutting herself and tearing out her hair.
(59) Trying to take the cloak off Colley's back, he only succeeded in tearing it.
(60) His young hair and this old flag tearing away at the back of him.
(61) She took it out, not looking at it as she walked into the kitchen, tearing the envelope as she went.
(62) There was a tearing sound and a large piece of the black silk winding detached itself from her back and flapped wide.
(63) Ipswich could have fallen further behind after 54 minutes when Wilkinson sent Hendrie tearing through on the left on his own.
(64) And Anders(), showing off his strength by tearing only at the thick material of Nina's suit.
(65) She was the hidden double stitching that kept armholes from tearing out.
(66) A bomb is a terrible and random instrument for tearing flesh.
(67) Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. George Orwell 
(68) Before tearing myself away, I stopped at the edge of the market beside the asparagus-seller.
(69) He has not played this season after tearing his anterior cruciate ligament last season.
(70) He began tearing off the old, almost ragged, tapestry and prising out tacks.
(71) He carried on ripping and tearing at his legs relentlessly and with sickening ferocity, even drawing blood at times.
(72) Suppose Mark is fighting with his brother Adam or they are tearing the rec room apart.
(73) Anyone else would be tearing his hair out, confronted by a pack of jabbering foreigners, but does Feargal?
(74) Here the monk was fumbling with the appalled geisha and tearing at the lower half of her kimono.
(75) And here is the Duchess of Alba, tearing at her hair in a rage over some trifling remark.
(76) She came again, her body wracked with spasms, her nails tearing into his arms.
(77) Some one else had been here before him, tearing open the bags of perishables in search of anything worthy of rescue.
(78) They slew the gentle musician, tearing him limb from limb, and flung the severed head into the swift river Hebrus.
(79) Bugger both of you, he thought angrily, at last tearing his eyes away.
(80) She bit on her lip, an exquisite agony tearing her apart.
(81) The kite blew into the sky like something wild, hoisting its tail with a noise like tearing cardboard.
(82) He lurched to the catwalk with the breath tearing in his throat and the sweat shiny on his face.
(83) The 27-year-old Oldham keeper is likely to be out for the rest of the season after tearing wrist ligaments against Manchester United.
(84) I even made her a teeny weeny paper chain though Mrs Peters had to help me because I just kept tearing it.
(85) The rasps are useful for preliminary shaping prior to fine-finishing, and will cut across the grain of timber without tearing it.
(86) Lasagna; an avalanche of white sauce tearing down the glen.
(87) The tearing pain returned and the doctor prescribed large doses of morphia which he had kept for this time.
(88) In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped.
(89) For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move! Mehmet Murat ildan 
(90) She had locked the screen, he knew, to keep the wind from catching it and tearing it off its hinges.
(91) He ate it on the street corner, tearing off a few chunks for a stray cat.
(92) This controls the rising and prevents the crust from tearing as the bread bakes.
(93) Then I destroyed them, sometimes tearing them into little strips,(http:///tearing.html) sometimes burning them.
(94) Tearing along the dotted line on roads and motorways without so much as a glance at the Highway Code.
(95) He was aware of the wind roaring in his ears and tearing at his clothes.
(96) He fell backward, was dragged along the pavement tearing at his hands like shark teeth.
(97) All told, the cradle of civilization has been tearing asunder for some 30 million years.
(98) She was mistaken only in not tearing up shots of other religious leaders also.
(99) Margarett set upon the package, tearing at its wrappings, only to find beneath it another carton, then still another.
(100) Tearing the sticky tape from the front of his torch, he directed its increased light on to the grey metal door.
(101) Tearing the wrapping from the pump gun, he unzipped the case and headed uphill fast through the pines.
(102) Office worker Bryan Johnson managed to knock Mr Chittenden to the floor, tearing off his own shirt to smother the flames.
(103) And the first ladies' gowns were placed on soft body mannequins to reduce the chance of tearing.
(104) A shriek, like the tearing of metal train wheels along metal rails, died away.
(105) A shell had exploded in the body of one of them, tearing it to pieces; others were torn and wounded.
(106) Almost instantly, Edward began to come, in slow, tearing waves.
(107) Now their raging passions looked like tearing asunder one of the strongest rigs in the North Sea.
(108) There was a high-pitched whistle and a great noise like the cloth of the sky tearing.
(109) He fought his way upwards, fingernails tearing at the ornate carvings, hands reaching to grasp the top.
(110) The bows sliced across the forward hull tearing a great gash, but the submarine bounced rather than being ripped instantly in two.
(111) The only sounds to be heard were the sheep's teeth tearing grass and their low, rumbling bleats.
(112) The sound of wheels tearing through gravel engrossed her memory.
(113) Ten minutes, fifteen at the most, and the wind would be on them, tearing them from the saddle.
(114) Over he comes, and is diverted by tearing it apart.
(115) A great tearing sound and the rocket section at the rear of the spacecraft pulled away.
(116) A masked man came tearing out of the bank and jumped into a waiting car.
(117) If they start building here, it will be like tearing my heart out.
(118) It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle.
(119) She was sorry for this little man and his problem but she was in a tearing hurry.
(120) How coral colonies grow Tearing itself apart Only slightly further up the evolutionary scale in terms of reproduction are the Echinoderms.
(121) Then, without a word of explanation, he started running toward the house, tearing through the fields like a sprinter.
(122) On soft ground, the familiar rattle was replaced by the occasional noise of tearing metal.
(123) The ground crew got Patterson out in a tearing rush.
(124) The bike fell on him, tearing his Achilles tendon,(http:///tearing.html) which is no joke at all.
(125) The storm shakes me, like the scare that shook me up a year ago, tearing me from the commonplace.
(126) Julie struck again, this time catching him just above the right eye, tearing the flesh.
(127) He suddenly had a vision of Lee tearing up his note-book and wearing his helmet.
(128) And now we have the unlikely and not altogether pretty sight of Bob Dole tearing up in public like a road-company Pagliacci.
(129) They're tearing our house down love Can't live here anymore.
(130) Diana fell badly on the ski slopes, tearing all the tendons in her left ankle.
(131) A migraine headache instantly struck Wyatt, electricity tearing through a leaf and departed as quickiy as it had come.
(132) Surely tearing up the Pope's picture was meant as a symbolic gesture, not a personal affront.
(133) Its tearing rage tells of torment and the anguished devils that take up emotional residence in your heart after a fractured romance.
(134) The wind began howling as if it were a living thing some one was tearing apart in the sky above them.
(135) The rain pounded so hard it sounded like tearing fabric.
(136) I reminded him that Jogi dogs were for hunting and for tearing strangers to shreds.
(137) Tearing her eyes away from Emilio's face, Anne led the chorus of praise, restoring a fragile equilibrium.
(138) For instance, the animal is coming after you with the idea of tearing your head off.
(139) After about a week she was tearing off big lumps of the dead chicks I was feeding her.
(140) They are tearing down the old houses.
(141) The debate is tearing Wall Street asunder.
(142) Someone mutilated the book by tearing out the illustrations.
(143) The children were tearing about in the playground.
(144) The vendor beamed and began tearing off the usual 1 / 100 ticket.
(145) All of us had been shot at point-blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to our ears and entering our brains.
(146) But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit.
(147) Nature lesion removing shoulder sleeve tearing , articulation humeri tuberculosis , tumour and other purulence at the same time.
(148) Abrasive wear of cermet coatings of chromium carbide formed by SHS technology is controlled by both a micro cutting procedure and a micro tearing one.
(149) To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.
(150) An all-around athlete in Alpine skiing, Lasse Kjus won five medals in three different events at four Olympics. In 1991 Kjus crashed during training, tearing the nerve to his left deltoid muscle.
(151) Melanie hung onto it as life line, straining , pulling it taut, slackening it, tearing it.
(152) The tumor was histopathologically an ovarian endometrioma invading the serosa of the ileum, and it resulted in intestinal mucosal tearing to bleed.
(153) First, the animal has razor-sharp serrated teeth—perfect for tearing flesh and causing massive wounds. But, wait,(http:///tearing.html) there's more.
(154) It was not like him to be in such a tearing hurry!
(155) I've been told it was golden in color, something so beautiful that I imagine the vehicle as a golden carriage tearing through the wide palm-tree-lined boulevards of Jeddah, Saudia Arabia.
(156) The fracture modes were ductile dimpled tearing fracture for the aluminum brass at the corrosion potential while intergranular for the aluminum bronze at various anodic potentials.
(157) Ennui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.
(158) The astral dreadnought hunts astral bodies, tearing them apart, then swallowing them whole.
(159) The stability of chitosan and the breaking length, tearing strength, folding endurance and bursting strength of paper added the potentiator were measured.
(160) Most patients report itching, foreign body sensation, tearing, redness, and photophobia.
(161) The politically motivated writers lost no time in tearing rhe book apart, but father was not bothered.
(162) The observation items included photodysphoria, tearing, ocular pain and redness, Corneal dying, impaired, cornea sensitivity, inflammatory changes, etc.
(163) It is to unseal the model of scene of ancient city history is street, also be exclusive an old without the history that has tearing open a lunar month of 30 days greatly street.
(164) In 1986 it issued a stinging two- page statement tearing into the Jesus Seminar for discarding anything in the Gospels that it considered Hebraic in origin.
(165) "They already tore down the Fresh Fish junction neighborhood, " our recycler tells me when I see him. "Now they're tearing down Veranda Lane."
(166) Stretching through tearing of the holding hand towards the shoulders with isochronic steering of the hips.
(167) Dizziness, anxiety, syncope, and anorexia have also been reported as well as profuse tearing and photophobia.
(168) When giving birth to a child, perineum tearing, mends, has 9 years!
(169) The connections between trash rack and hoist as well as between service gate and hoist are achieved by hoisting chain that is apt to place and is time saving without tearing down pull rod.
(170) From material selection, writing point of view, style and genre of four-pronged approach, seeking to journalism in the use of "tearing down walls" art tactics.
(171) Within a week they were tearing off each other's polyfibres at Arlen's Adult Motel near the George Washington Bridge.
(172) Last season, after tearing his hamstring against Apoel Nicosia in December, he injured the knee again, although this time the problem was more to do with the meniscus.
(173) He stood desperately on the platform, tearing up the ticket tearfully.
(174) They seldom feed it with the joint because they are afraid that tiger's cruelness burst out when tearing up the joint.
(175) You cannot help strong men by tearing down the strong.
(176) Bushnell then demolishes a still more precious distinction, tearing down the cordon sanitaire that separates women who marry for money from common prostitutes.
(177) Excitedly he put pen to paper, ripping a hole in it with a slight tearing sound.
(178) Breaking elongation, tearing strength, and bursting strength of fabric firstly increased and then decreased with the decrease of honeycomb size.
(179) Gerrard returned to Merseyside yesterday, where it is claimed a scan revealed that there was some minor tearing in his adductor muscle - an injury usually taking at least seven days to fully heal.
(180) A big elephant is running amuck in the village, tearing up the trees by the roots.
(181) He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough.
(182) Conclusion: Hyperhidrosis, sialorrhea, and excessive tearing are traits that may indicate a phenotype that predicts resistance to hyperactive airway diseases such as exercise-induced asthma in humans.
(183) They were tearing down that old building in order to build a new apartment house there.
(184) Experimental corisiderations show that the tearing modulus and GOA are more applicable elasto - plastic fracture parameters.
(185) Susan had several options, the way she saw it: tempt fate by tearing apart the potato patch, turn herself in and lead the police to the body(/tearing.html), or leave town and change her name.
(186) Hundreds of rebels cheered wildly and danced as they took over the compound filled with eucalyptus trees, raising their tricolor from the front gate and tearing down a large billboard of Gadhafi.
(187) The big male elephant running amok in the village, tearing up the trees by their roots.
(188) Graham: Well, I guess a little tearing and chaffing is normal under the circumstances.
(189) Got hankies? The next speaker is a weeper. The new House Speaker John Boehner has a reputation for tearing up.
(190) By taking off the makeup, tearing off the veil, or enjoining the appearances to disappear?
(191) If there is no serious problem or if the tearing is seasonal, as with allergies, your simplest solution may be to treat the staining cosmetically .
(192) Tearing mode instabilities have been discussed for a reversed field pinch configuration of Bessel function model surrounded by a vacuum region.
(193) In order to prevent the reformation of subdural effusion, it is recommended that evacuation of the effusion should be followed by tearing the arachnoid membrane of ci...
(194) On the way back, he fell right in front of a first aid station, tearing a big hole in the pants and hurting his knee.
(195) Patients present with a painful, red eye accompanied by tearing, blurred vision, and photophobia.
(196) The drayman's dog attacked the stranger[], tearing his glove an dripping his trousers.
(197) While tearing down the banner he had received a sword-cut across his face.
(198) They are tearing down the old houses to make way a new road.
(199) Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey like a real raptor.
(200) " God send us good news, " the father said, slowly tearing the envelope.
(201) Lamellar tearing is a kind of brittle fracture in thick plate of steel structures, which usually occurs in cruciform, tee and corner joints.
(202) Paper birch is the best of the hardwood, often running in bursting strength up to 80% and in tearing strength up to 90% of spruce pulp.
(203) This type of adhesive tape is resistant to tearing and aging.
(204) They are tearing down old sheds and running up new apartment houses.
(205) Eyelet: To prevent tearing small metal flanged ring was clenched into a punched hole for reinforcement.
(206) The front surface of the cover lip is affixed with an instantaneous sealing strip. The seal lip is provided with a tearing trace notched-line along the widthwise direction of the cover.
(207) Before, pay treasure main leech on to the net that clean out treasure, offer for its trade pay a service, after tearing apart, paid treasure to see bigger exterior market.
(208) Jerusalem, 1191 A. D. The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart.
(209) I knew that strip mining was tearing up many scenic areas and that clear-cutting was causing widespread damage in the mountains.
(210) The tendency of hot tearing during solidification and cold crack during cooling was predicted by employing different criteria based on the simulated stress results.
(211) The effect ampherlytic starch on tearing strength of newsprint from analysis of electric charge was studied.
(212) An international team of investigators announced last week that a North Korean submarine fired a homing torpedo on March 26, tearing apart the 1,200-ton Cheonan and killing 46 sailors on board.
(213) Instead, I saved the tearing up for when Htan Dah put another bowl of stick soup in front of me now and asked,() "How long are you staying?"
(214) No one is tearing up the Einsteinian rule book just yet. As physicists well know, astonishing results like this often turn out to be wrong, especially when they haven't been double-checked.
(215) Dark energy creates a repulsive force that counters gravity and is now tearing apart space-time.
(216) By tearing French rag paper into small squares, and hand-coloring the edges, she created a canvas on which she could write her messages.
(217) Attentions: Moisture - proof, Provide against tearing, Provide against pollution . Should not lay up in colored goods.
(218) Workers are tearing down the huge KTP Shoe Factory in the Longgang outside Shenzhen.
(219) Tokyo is the most impermanent of cities, constantly tearing itself down and building anew.
(220) The dessert is only accessible by tearing off a strangely gooey plastic film.
(221) Objective To evaluate the effect of posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis(PCCC) with initial tearing method on the integrity of anterior hyaloid membrane.
(222) When webs weight increases, rupture strength, tearing strength and bursting strength are increased.
(223) No need to be in a tearing hurry, childs, you are have plenty of time!
(224) Holly has high tearing resistance and is excellent for trailing edges.
(225) Despite their light weight, flax and hemp show strong mechanical resistance to tearing and pulling.
(226) A new ordinance requires builders to get permits before tearing down structures.
(227) You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
(228) And more investors are tearing down his door, he said.
(229) Jerusalem, 1191 AD. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and Saracens is tearing the Holy Land apart.
(230) In order to form the tearing point potential equations simply and directly, voltage transformation matrix and current transformation matrix are introduced in this paper.
(231) Checkbook pocket is top - loading for top - tearing ( standard & duplicate ) checkbooks.
(232) Turning, I saw Corby tearing down the steps and heading straight for the little boy.
(233) Cattle ranching is the single most important cause tearing down of rainforest in Brazil.
(234) Graham: Well, I guess a little tearing and chaffing is normal under the circumstances. So, then what did you do?
(235) You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
(236) Tearing up the social contract is something that should not be done lightly.
(237) It later emerged that the spacecraft's heat shield had been damaged on launch, letting superheated air inside and tearing it apart.
(238) CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) hypovolemia may lead to transient occlusion or tearing of superior bridging veins in the posterior fossa resulting in hemorrhagic infarct.
(239) Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized.
(240) This energy soon showered Earth's upper atmosphere, tearing apart atoms in a region called the ionosphere to a greater depth than an ordinary solar flare and causing them to glow.
(241) I'm in a dreadful / tearing rush ( ie hurry ) so I can't stop.
(242) Pug was eagerly tearing open the envelope, addressed in Pamela's mannish vertical hand.
(243) Globalization is tearing apart job identity - the foundation of self-identity in a traditional industrial society.
(244) This accident causes his left ankle area ligamentum deltoideum tearing and sprains seriously.
(245) Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey, and tearing flesh.
(246) Thus both the Red Sea at the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba tearing up into Jordan will rip open, leaving the Sinai Peninsula positioned like an island with few direct attachments.
(247) Many Jerusalemites feel affronted each time they look up at the Holyland Project, a string of four high-rise buildings tearing through the skyline on the western hilltops edging the city.
(248) This prevents scratching and tearing as well as grease and grime build up.
(249) Jerusalem, 1190 A. D. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and the Saracens is tearing the Middle East apart.
(249) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(250) Anzheluo to revive her, tearing her clothes, will be in the spirits dumping her body, with hands desperately Guozhao, the exhaustion of a night time, he finally saved her life.
(251) In everyday life, peoples using numeralization commodity arises in the form of "permission contract of tearing package".
(252) The child was tearing at the wrapping of the gift box.




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