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单词 Fervent
(1) It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
(2) It is my fervent hope that you will be able to take this project forward.
(3) He's a fervent believer in free speech.
(4) It was a debate which aroused fervent ethical arguments.
(5) McAllister murmured a fervent amen.
(6) He became the most fervent sort of convert.
(7) Ashley offered up a fervent thanks.
(8) Magnard was also a fervent feminist.
(9) They remain among the most fervent participants in politics.
(10) This can lead to fervent acceptance or rejection uninformed by understanding, the imposition of one mode of thinking on another.
(11) My most fervent hope is that this work has been done with the accuracy and fairness intended.
(12) Most of the people here are fervent supporters of self-determination.
(13) It now is remembered only by fervent patriots and radio announcers.
(14) At that time I was a fervent believer in the civil service system.
(15) A fervent supporter of Home Rule, he had converted to the Roman Catholic faith.
(16) Such emotionally fervent piety was also provided with a catalyst in the devotional use of images.
(17) Needless to say, it is still a fervent catch-cry in the Boston schools.
(18) The island had responded particularly to the fervent missionary work of the itinerant Baptist preachers in the early years of the century.
(19) Low turnout may benefit Buchanan, whose fervent backers are by far the most committed.
(20) A great deal of fervent and unfavourable publicity was heaped upon the papacy as a result of this issue.
(21) They were no longer disrespectful of authority, and their worship was anything but emotionally fervent.
(22) Life, she felt vaguely but powerfully, was more than fervent chats about great literature.
(23) Every available wall space was covered with graffiti and fervent slogans, or the accumulated remnants of countless religious posters.
(24) This time it was louder, closer, and of a more discernible and fervent, regular rhythm.
(25) The theological concepts contained in these phrases are weighty ones indeed and have been the subject of fervent discussion for centuries.
(26) The fact is that Berlioz, who invented the modern orchestra, was a fervent reactionary throughout his life.
(27) And it did this because it demonstrated that they were among the most fervent believers in the primacy of economic life.
(28) Despite her troubled life she has always had a fervent belief in God.
(29) His attempts to write his own screenplay are deliciously comic depictions of fervent banality.
(30) The condescension on one side has been met by a fervent reaction on the other.
(1) It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
(2) It is my fervent hope that you will be able to take this project forward.
(31) And then, miraculously it seemed, the most fervent of Frere's prayers was answered.
(32) But even cricket-mad Darlington businessman Mr Ian Wright was amazed to find just how fervent is their love of the game.
(33) In fact, they became fervent converts to the idea that centralization was exactly the wrong way to go.
(34) This is some of the best and most fervent writing sport has seen.
(35) Another son of Haddington was, it has been claimed, the fervent Protestant evangelist John Knox.
(36) There were fervent arguments both for and against gun control.
(37) Converted to Christianity by a fervent American evangelist.
(38) He was always enthusiastic and fervent in religious devotion.
(39) She has a fervent desire to win.
(40) It was my husband's fervent wish.
(41) She kept moving her lips in silent fervent prayer.
(42) That night Romilayu's praying was more fervent than ever.
(43) Firbank sent him several novels with fervent inscriptions.
(44) He was a fervent patriot.
(45) Firbank sent him his novels with fervent inscriptions.
(46) Variety of designs is various, the style is multivariate, the design is fashionable, or Wen Wan, or showily , or clever, or fervent, can satisfy the crowd of different taste.
(47) He was well-mannered and rather shy, schooled in respect by his Irish mother and reinforced in fatalism by his fervent Catholic faith.
(48) Until very recently, it had looked as though the proposal to tack on a public plan was, despite fervent support among the left,[http:///fervent.html] politically doomed.
(49) In his "Enquiry Concerning Human Nature," David Hume rejects religious belief during a period of fervent religious faith in American history.
(50) Arab dreams: Qaddafi (left) spent his youth as a fervent admirer of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, the pan-Arab nationalist icon of the era.
(51) He slipped on the ice and had a fall. A shout of fervent and worshipful praise. Chess, draughts and ludo are 'board games.
(52) As a result, President Andrew Johnson, a fervent white supremacist who opposed efforts to extend basic rights to former slaves, was rated "near great."
(53) Like political and religious movements, linquistic change finds its most fervent disciples among the young.
(54) Black bicycle is fervent sell, lose lose line feed is quickly.
(55) And not by his coming only, but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you, when he told us your earnest desire, your mourning, your fervent mind toward me; so that I rejoiced the more.
(56) But is their increasingly fervent devotion enough to thwart the spread of a sparer and more businesslike style of punctuation, from which apostrophes will be omitted?
(57) It is telling that the leviathan's massive bulk is announced by an airy cloud of spume; that same sign may be all the fervent whale-watcher will see of his or her prey.
(58) I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart.
(59) Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion.
(60) Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of Death Sayers.
(61) Also, out-of-bounds skiing is certainly not for everyone that happens to be a fervent "powder hound".
(62) An even more apocalyptic bomb was created, the H-bomb, in which US military planners invested their most fervent hopes in the theory of deterrence.
(63) His memoirs, written at the end of his life, proclaimed a fervent and orthodox Marxism-Leninism. His career was often different.
(64) I wrote it as fervent and pathetically as I could.
(65) By and by, however , " fervent " gave way to " prosaic ".
(66) " We've got to beat them down, " whispered Daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.
(67) Austria was among the most fervent supporters of Adolf Hitler.
(68) The fervent testimonial confirmed the President in his intention to let the expedition go ahead.
(69) The brass band played the National Anthem as a solemn, fervent one.
(70) You would glorify with the most fervent gratitude the God.
(71) Could you tell her so for me, with my fervent acknowledgments?'
(72) The fervent heat merely communicated a genial warmth to their half - torpid systems.
(73) My fervent wish is that one day soon Reuters financial news editor in China will be a Chinese national - one step on that person's path to be global editor in chief!
(74) Bush's radicalism becomes more fervent as he becomes more embattled and separates him from presidents past.
(75) Very fast, fervent passion by annihilate of actual tough life place.
(76) Choral music in the modern sense came into being in the fifteenth century, it was an era of fervent devotion: to the Blessed Virgin, the Mass and the Magnificat.
(77) A fervent , sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party , cause , faction , person , or idea.
(78) So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey.
(79) Unfeigned , fervent love through the Spirit should be the chief token of a true conversion.




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