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单词 Govern
(1) Riches either serve or govern the possessor. 
(2) Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. 
(3) The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. 
(4) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. 
(5) He couldn't govern his temper.
(6) They described him as unfit to govern.
(7) You should govern your temper.
(8) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficult than their tongues.
(9) It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.
(10) Who govern this country?
(11) The Prime Minister is incompetent to govern the country.
(12) One can't completely govern one's thoughts at all times.
(13) They were utterly unfit to govern America.
(14) In Latin(), several verbs govern the dative.
(15) He is not fit to govern this country!
(16) He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.
(17) They accused the government of being unfit to govern.
(18) The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.
(19) Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
(20) Who are the men who really govern in this country?
(21) To govern is always to choose among disadvantages. Charles De Gaulle 
(22) What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?
(23) Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. 
(24) In Britain the Queen reigns,[] but elected representatives of the people govern the country.
(25) They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.
(26) The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern.
(27) He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.
(28) Another defeat in parliament would seriously weaken the president's ability to govern.
(29) He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country.
(30) The vast size of the country made it difficult to govern.
(1) He couldn't govern his temper.
(2) They described him as unfit to govern.
(3) You should govern your temper.
(4) It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.
(5) They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.
(6) The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern.
(7) He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.
(8) Who govern this country?
(31) But nor is letting your conscience govern my life.
(32) These are the rules that govern all bonds.
(33) They also, of course, govern linguistic units larger than words - idioms, phrases, and larger constructions.
(34) Zeno believed that people could govern their actions without the need for external compulsion.
(35) Humans give names to the multiplicity of existing things in accordance with the rules which govern those things.
(36) Formal committees have rules of procedure which govern the way in which the meeting operates.
(37) Change the institutional imperatives that govern their lives and they will change.
(38) It therefore presupposes a principle which should govern its activities.
(39) Here, the scheme is to discuss the principles which govern the relationship between solicitors and their firms with their clients.
(40) As it turns out, the fears that govern such organizations derive in large part from invalid or negative core beliefs.
(41) Instead they set out to ride roughshod over the legislative branch(), attempting to govern without congress rather than with it.
(42) Programme contracts were also to govern the implementation of the 1987 rail transport plan.
(43) We already know the basic physical laws that govern the activity of the brain, and they are comparatively simple.
(44) As the figures show, Conservative supporters are keenest that their party should govern on its own.
(45) The booty did not teach the Pisans how to engage in trade, any more than it taught them how to govern.
(46) Does not the fact that political authorities govern groups of people transform the picture?
(47) The codes govern everything from how wide a driveway can be to how far back from the street something can be built.
(48) It is not a blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of human beings....
(49) For example, what are the rules that govern the opening of a telephone conversation?
(50) Individually we are very much the same, but the circumstances that govern our lives might be quite different.
(51) Just three years into his formal career as a choreographer, Alvin was discovering the law that would govern his entire career.
(52) But even more crucial is the attitude and behaviour of those who govern us.
(53) He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use.
(54) That Begin had come from the far right, but that in order to govern he has to occupy the center.
(55) From earliest time, mad had concluded that the forces that govern planetary and stellar movements must also control events on earth.
(56) What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to govern?
(57) It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
(58) How can an unprecedented association of nations which come together voluntarily govern itself effectively, responsibly and responsively?
(59) Those who work with their brains govern the others; those who work with their physical strength are governed by them.
(60) The rules which govern the conduct of the business of the council and its committees are called Standing Orders.
(61) He stresses the importance of establishing rules and procedures that will govern unit-school relations.
(62) This principle is reflected in the rules which govern procedural matters.
(63) I wanted to convey a similar feeling for our progress toward a complete understanding of the laws that govern the universe.
(64) How do you plan to work with Congress to govern the country?
(65) We cannot let our democracy become a matter of simply giving a bunch of politicians a blank cheque to govern us every five years.
(66) Cervera claims the fight is about the rights of states to govern without federal courts intruding.
(67) But it was Mr Samaranch, 81, a former member of Franco's govern ment, who dominated proceedings.
(68) We pause in front of chalkboards hung on the wall delineating the controlled transactions that govern this universe.
(69) The former chancellor questioned the prime minister's ability to govern.
(70) So far as the security of the state was concerned, two principles were stated to govern the granting of warrants.
(71) The ephemeral nature of fluid flow belies the rigid rules which govern its behaviour.
(72) One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father. George Herbert 
(73) The principles of fair procedure which govern the conduct of disciplinary hearings also apply, by and large, to appeal hearings.
(74) That outcome of the long process of evolution which will enable them to govern the uses of their own physical mechanisms.
(75) Because it's being betrayed by the people who are meant to govern it.
(76) Handing over the power to tax and spend means handing over the power to govern.
(77) Alba was empty enough of men to govern and serve, without throwing them away to no purpose.
(78) This act sets rules of conduct to govern producers in their relationships with consumers.
(79) The above trends govern the technology transfer process by making certain types of technologies available to well behaved states.
(80) He was the second caliph to govern after the death of the Prophet. 2.
(81) Let the people think they govern and they will be governed. William Penn 
(82) They all produce rugs to order, with strict criteria laid down to govern the sizes, colours, designs and qualities.
(83) Byrne designs the cars and has made the most of the rigid rules that now govern Grand Prix racing.
(84) Some observers feared a chaotic situation that could deprive the eventual winner of the legitimacy needed to govern.
(85) It involves a change in both the stated and unstated rules which govern the behavior and beliefs of an organization.
(86) For example, we already know the physical laws that govern everything that we experience in everyday life.
(87) Those who govern the existing system, no matter how left-wing and revolutionary their political ideologies, are social conservatives.
(88) Nyerere was arguing right up to, and beyond the date of the dissolution of the RDA that ujamaa villages must govern themselves.
(89) The Government govern not by consent or even by diktat but by spite - spite against the mining communities.
(90) This is an example of a necessity in the fabric of space, typical of the necessities which govern motion.
(91) There are three options facing a party attempting to govern without an overall majority.
(92) The length of your notice period will also govern the worth of your fringe benefits in the event of a wrongful dismissal.
(93) How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese? Charles de Gaulle 
(94) The interests of the shareholders become an objective standard to govern the actions of the directors.
(95) The legal systems that govern the buying and selling of property differ widely around the world.
(96) They now govern in a coalition with the People's party.
(97) Does it really matter what are the laws that govern the constituent elements of bodies and brains?
(98) Royalties on record sales govern how much an artist earns from his or her recording career.
(99) A new system of trading rules has to be developed to govern the behavior of regional blocs.
(100) The result was seen as crucial in that it provided Sandiford with a personal mandate to govern.
(101) Though originally encouraged to reduce their dependence on civil servants, the soldiers could not govern alone.
(101) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(102) They intrude into our personal relationships, govern our patterns of consumption, inform our very notion of human worth.
(103) The Tories won no votes by describing Mr Kinnock as unfit to govern.
(104) In this model the top level represents strategic information used to govern the long-term behaviour of the organisation.
(105) On the other hand, unlimited companies are not subject to the strict publicity and accounting requirements which govern limited companies.
(106) Everyone will try to guess the state of the market and to govern his actions accordingly.
(107) No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. Abraham Lincoln 
(108) The changes over time in capital and labour then govern the equilibrium path followed.
(109) The overall aim was to identify the most appropriate law to govern a particular issue.
(110) The regulatory procedures, which will govern oil to coal conversion, are still a matter of uncertainty.
(111) The question which then arises is which set of terms govern the contract.
(112) Inevitably therefore, commercial considerations will govern the great bulk of our electronic output.
(113) We are the national majority, but we must elect a Republican president for that national majority to truly govern.
(114) Eventually we must try to decide whether even these theories are rich enough to govern the actions of our brains and minds.
(115) For example: is the subject taken from classical literature with its firm structural rules like those which govern Balanchine's Apollo?
(116) The husband had coercive powers to govern most aspects of a woman's life, particularly through his control of money.
(117) The focus here has been on Conventionality and Contrast, two pragmatic principles that together govern the lexicon.
(118) B also suggested that its own terms should govern the contract.
(119) The govern ment has lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the people.
(120) This commemorates the creation in 1829 of a political and military post to govern the islands.
(121) Most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German.
(122) The Hague rules also govern the agencies' accreditation.
(123) their incapacity to govern effectively.
(124) Tool forces govern selection of the workholding device.
(125) In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern.
(126) For all its sins, it did have enough cohesion and concentration of authority to govern.
(127) The following are some laws from the Code of Hammurabi. Subjects of the Babylonian Empire could find a law to govern just about everything they did.
(128) What do you get when you put a bunch of chief executives from different industries into a corporate board room and ask them to govern a company?
(129) Natural elegance deals with the "feel" a website or application expresses through its behavior over time, and which is rooted in the rules of order that govern nature.
(130) Power, life, and death in rural Pakistan turn on land, particularly the neo-feudal and corrupt practices that govern its ownership and control.
(131) When you create a new life cycle in Studio, what actually happens is that you create a new composite life cycle, and when you initially govern an object, you select the desired composite life cycle.
(131) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(132) Annotations are defined that govern injection of method parameters and class members, which provide valuable contextual information to applications during runtime.
(133) The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations, theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted.
(134) The equations defining the zero - order perturbation simply govern the static solution.
(135) Parsing property for access to syntax rules that govern inter - field relationships in message content.
(136) The crisis of 1629-60 originated in Charles I's belief that by the royal prerogative he could govern without the advice and consent of Parliament.
(137) Thereout, imperfection of listed company govern construction is a important reason of influence accounting information quality.
(138) Such meetings supplement the work of the curia —an administrative body made up of congregations, councils, and commissions—in helping the pope govern the Roman Catholic Church.
(139) In the year following his term of consulship, the proconsul held imperial authority outside of Rome in whichever province he was assigned to govern.
(140) Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.
(141) Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility.
(142) There are strict department of corrections guidelines that govern every aspect of an execution.
(143) The laws of the place where the adoptee was normally resident at the time of the adoption or of the place where the court is located, will govern the dissolution of an adoptive relationship.
(144) Beijing Hospital experts say, if the child up to the age of 12 hyperopic lower down, did not need to govern.
(145) West Technocracy, an important social thought, claims that experts should govern society totally.
(146) The Irrawaddy obtained a copy of the USDP's 81-page constitution which detailed its policies of how to govern the country if the party should dominate the upcoming election.
(147) The Law is govern wrongful discharge and discrimination on the job.
(148) Rules govern packet filtering by providing the firewall with instructions on what to do with packets coming from a certain source, going to a certain destination or having a specific protocol type.
(149) Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
(150) Esoteric rules govern when and under what circumstances tailpipe emissions are deemed hazardous.
(151) Computational complexity theory is the study of the quantitative laws that govern computing.
(152) Polysystem theory looks at norms that govern translational and other cultural activities from a descriptive perspective.
(153) The findings will encourage the efforts of environmentalists and others who have been pushing for aggressive new regulations to govern hydrofluorocarbon chemicals.
(154) The missionaries started out helping the sick on a minor scale, but soon things had gone so far that circumstances began to govern the missionaries.
(155) But he was elected to govern, not to play for time.
(156) Fanny looked on and listened, not unamused to observe the selfishness which, more or less disguised, seemed to govern them all, and wondering how it would end.
(157) By means of a method of multiple scales we derive two coupled nonlinear envelope equations, which govern the evolution of two circularly polarized components of the probe field.
(158) Deposits of foreign materials will change the sharp coutours which govern its coefficient of discharge.
(159) In addition to reconciliation, Clinton will also be pressing the Afghans on reaching a binding security agreement that will govern U.S.-Afghanistan relations after American troops leave.
(160) This is the American history that Bush govern of backset , the woe of the modern civilization!
(161) WTO Agriculture Agreement is one of the most important rules that govern multi-trade system of agricultural products.
(161) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(162) Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states.
(163) Another set of laws and rules govern the balance of the rights of employees to keep their jobs and the rights of employers to fire workers who aren’t performing acceptably.
(164) International standards that govern data display formats can change over time.
(165) Outside director system improved the independent role of outside director and the state-owned stockholding company's govern structure.
(166) People govern garbage mail have becometogether oppugn Internet virus important task.
(167) And Jezebel his wife said unto him , Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel?
(168) The Palestinian Authority must develop its capacity to govern, with institutions that serve the needs of its people.
(169) In general, there are two kinds of method to govern velocity of press, one is throttle velocity governing, the other is volume velocity governing.
(170) He devoted himself to writing out a long - term policy to govern the country.
(171) The artistic humanities channel evening 11:10 will broadcast that suits the masculine looker-in the large-scale historical drama "Zhenguan To govern".
(172) Every boiler should have an efficient thermostat to govern its output.
(173) It is urgent for us to follow the reformation principles of gradual advance, classification and elasticity to carry out "many centers education system" and to govern coordinately.
(174) Burgeoning India is hard enough to govern without disqualifying almost the entire population from becoming head of the country's biggest party.
(175) It studies the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation. The morphology is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology.
(176) How to govern public affairs? It has always been one of the focuses of political and administrative science all through the ages.
(177) The Code provides that the laws of the place where the adopter and adoptee are normally resident, will govern the adoption conditions and procedures.
(178) He continues to govern -- fighting off legal challenges to his sovereign immunity and threats to his ruling majority -- until he dies in office.
(179) The law of supply and demand govern the price of goods.
(180) It can adopt frequency govern flame proof induction motor for explosionproof materials.
(181) Periodization and Sovereignty: How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time (Middle Ages S.
(182) The government's endorsement paves the way for Disney to finalize contracts in Shanghai that would set financing arrangements, secure land and govern operation of the park.
(183) So far, technology - based effluent limitations continue to govern discharges by industrial point sources.
(184) Having effectively abandoned the Marxist-Leninist ideology that was once its bedrock, China's Communist Party now draws its mandate to govern from two sources--economic growth and nationalist pride.
(185) The govern equations, the separation and numerical solution of the govern equation in the orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, the boundary condition and the movable boundary technique were given.
(186) As stereochemistry in drug molecule govern it's biological activity, chirality is emerging as a key issue in pharmaceutical research.
(187) So how do we align our lives with true north realities that govern quality of life?
(188) It provided an idiom for those non-Westernized people who take their Islam seriously, as against the technocrat Mamlukes who govern them in virtue of their access to Western technology.
(189) India's stratified society has always been easier to govern than to change.
(190) They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.
(191) "Do you think anyone can govern innocently," Saint-Just the phrase taken of course from Saint-Just, one of the leaders of the Jacobin Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.
(192) The article thought the company govern object and the core content are the company interior main commission agent relation and corresponding solution.
(193) Those words from Holy Writ were meant literally—and they can be applied literally if you will govern your body by mind, and not let custom and popular belief make your body the master.
(194) To ensure the integrity of references between objects, the RTSJ defines rules that govern how objects in one memory area (heap, immortal, or scope) can refer to objects in other memory areas.
(195) Technocracy claims that experts of science and technology govern society totally.
(196) Education makes people easy to govern but impossible to enslave.
(197) These Terms and Conditions govern the license granted by Company to Customer and Customer's obligations thereunder.
(198) The paper will shoot a light on globalization in arbitral procedure by analyzing the law which govern the proceedings, the seat of arbitration and the specific proceedings in arbitration.
(199) The laws of Switzerland shall govern these Statutes and all by - laws and regulations promulgated hereunder.
(200) States also have a responsibility to govern well – honestly, transparently and accountably – with the full participation of civil society.
(201) Rules for Cases Not Provided for in this Act In any case not provided for in this act the rules of law and equity, including the law merchant, shall govern.
(202) Nowadays , higher vocational school students self - govern organizations are facing various problems and shortages uncompleted students.
(203) Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
(204) The preparatory talks are expected to produce a preliminary agreement which will govern formal negotiations between both factions of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change and ZANU-PF.
(205) The article mainly elaborated the company to govern some measures which the contradiction and the existence question as well as will be supposed to adopt from now on.
(206) Therefore, understanding the processes that govern embryonic cell development could have many implications.
(207) Subpart S of the OSHA General Industry Standards contains the OSHA rules that govern electrical safety-related work practices.
(208) Conquer the world with left hand mastering swords, govern the country with right hand having pen.
(209) The self-constituted learning means that university students have rights and abilities to govern their own learning.
(210) The girls of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company only had 27 buckets of water to save themselves from the fire. Today there are many laws that govern the condition of workplaces.
(211) Ktesibios's regula was the first nonliving object to self - regulate, self - govern, and self - control.
(212) A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself.
(213) The findings will encourage the efforts of environmentalists and others who have been pushing for aggressive new regulations to govern hydrofluorocarbon chemicals (HFCs).
(214) Black Duck Software extends the Rational Software Deployment Platform with solutions to help companies govern how their software assets are created, managed, and licensed.
(215) In addition to reconciliation, Clinton will also be pressing the Afghans on reaching a security agreement that will govern U.S.-Afghanistan relations after American troops leave.
(216) It is utterly important to govern the falsity of accounting information.
(217) Once a problem has been solved satisfactorily in the British system , that solution tends to be used again in similar situations , and becomes a precedent to govern future actions .
(218) If the Group is able to control and govern the financial and operating policies of the joint venture so as to obtain benefits from its activities, such joint venture is accounted for as a subsidiary.
(219) In their pioneering work, Brown and Gilman proposed the sociolinguistic terms power semantic and solidarity semantic for the first time, which govern the choice of the pronominal forms.




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