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单词 Prospective
1. Prospective parliamentary candidates met party leaders last week.
2. Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.
3. The company escorts prospective buyers around the property.
4. They always check up on prospective employees.
5. prospective students were invited to the school's open evening.
6. Is she a prospective buyer?
7. The faculty welcomes enquiries from prospective entrants.
8. When his prospective employers learned that he smoked, they said they wouldn't hire him.
9. We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking round the house.
10. Most hotels require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
11. Given that a prospective student is bombarded by prospectuses, selecting a suitable course is not easy.
12. A prospective premium of about 30 per cent on their initial investment is enticing.
13. Any prospective buyer will be turned off by the sight of rotting wood.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. A social worker is appointed to interview the prospective adopters.
15. The prospective jurors are in the corridor.
16. Prospective jurors waited in the hallway.
17. She introduced prospective tenants to properties and arranged lettings.
18. In the first episode the islanders interview prospective families.
19. What could give a prospective house buyer more confidence?
20. It's putting off prospective buyers.
21. The prospect has got prospective buyers drooling.
22. The faculty welcomes prospective students wishing to visit departments.
23. Soon, prospective parents come forward.
24. Schools should also hold meetings for prospective parents.
25. The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
26. The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
27. He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.
28. He has a criminal record but we hope that prospective employers won't count it against him.
29. A lot of money went on wining and dining prospective clients.
30. The latest crime figures are likely to put off prospective visitors to the city.
1. Prospective parliamentary candidates met party leaders last week.
2. The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
3. Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.
4. The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
5. Is she a prospective buyer?
31. The prospective study, however, indicated a clear cut association between pseudomelanosis coli and colorectal tumours in man.
32. His choice is made entirely from drawings of the prospective children.
33. This must be sent to parents of prospective pupils but also be made available in schools, public libraries and education offices.
34. This study lacked objective or prospective data and was biased by the exclusion from the controls of people with irritable bowel syndrome.
35. He believes their disorganised state is turning off more and more prospective students.
36. This made a positive impression on those in a position to refer prospective patients.
37. John Taylor became one of the best known prospective parliamentary candidates when some local tories objected to his selection.
38. If at all possible, prospective students should have prior experience of veterinary practice and of agriculture.
39. New Aspiration, a prospective coalition partner, was already under public pressure against the inclusion of tainted politicians in the line-up.
40. Which is why we've developed our Ultra Sound Diagnostic Scanner to offer peace of mind to prospective parents.
41. Higher prices have thinned the ranks of prospective home owners.
42. The Bentleys were the tenth set of prospective purchasers whom he had shown round the house.
43. In a prospective study of 100 cirrhotic patients(http:///prospective.html), Hosking etal found anorectal varices in 44% and haemorrhoids in 63% of patients.
44. If the prospective guest is unable to pay then the receptionist may refuse to accommodate that person.
45. Hedge selection More than 30 prospective hedges to choose from in our comprehensive and detailed selector table.
46. Prospective studies have also been performed in subjects with impaired glucose intolerance.
47. The possibilities for current and prospective changes in such policies are creating uncertainties over the future of the rural environment.
48. To protect yourself, experts recommend you ask a prospective employer for a contract.
49. The defendants showed both houses to a prospective purchaser, whose offer to purchase the adjacent house was accepted.
50. Six prospective randomised trials have evaluated the efficacy of elemental diets in Crohn's disease.
51. Hadn't he taken a day off to go fishing, while Adam busied himself with prospective clients?
52. Through a relative, they learned of Hicks and added their name to his list of prospective parents.
53. The price must be clearly legible to a prospective purchaser and clearly identifiable as referring to the goods in question.
54. These two problems may merge to produce even greater difficulties for prospective councillors.
55. The fact that she hadn't seen her prospective husband since she was ten was neither here nor there.
56. The general economic uncertainties, and particularly high unemployment damaged the confidence of prospective house buyers.
57. Could mule pregnancies be interfered with by giving the mare a skin graft from her prospective donkey consort?
58. Prospective customers should always be on the look-out for good communication skills and an in-depth knowledge of the hotel trade.
59. These pathological findings are in agreement with clinical studies, the most convincing evidence coming from the prospective community study in Framingham.
60. Board members advised prospective tenants to try out the units for 48 hours before moving in.
61. They are important contributors to the service delivery promised by the school to current and prospective pupils and parents.
62. Bustamante said he considers the prospective appointee a friend but no more than other applicants for the position.
63. Prospective apprentices go through the same application procedure as all new hires.
64. A prospective study comparing exfoliative and brush cytology has not yet been reported.
65. Consideration should be given to the background of prospective clients and their motives for requiring us to carry out the work.
66. Of course it is necessary for the prospective student to possess a reasonable amount of intelligence as well as a genuine desire to help others.
67. But for the 4 prospective parliamentary candidates ... the proof of the pudding has to be in the eating.
68. The prospective reduction in global warming - and thus the benefit to Britain's climate - would be correspondingly small.
69. He kept a notebook full of characters' names, prospective titles and slang.
70. There may be other issues of importance to individual prospective investors, who must make additional enquiries as they see necessary.
71. Once you have a list of prospective candidates, you need to do a bit of research.
72. Prospective buyers could see the horses put through their paces down a street that still bears the name Horsefair.
73. The water companies' average prospective price earnings ratio is around five.
74. Early detection regimens should not be applied unless benefit is shown in terms of reduced mortality from cancer in randomised prospective trials.
75. Prospective mineral developers should acquaint themselves with the appropriate development plans.
76. Of the prospective jurors questioned,(/prospective.html) only six were dismissed in open court.
77. Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition.
78. The Tribunal hears appeals by prospective residential home owners against local authorities' refusal to register.
79. Instead, find out what your current and prospective clients want, and then recreate the firm to deliver it.
80. Richard filled me in on his background, an oral resume as application for the position of prospective boyfriend.
81. This tells your prospective employer that you are very positive and that you know where you are going.
82. The college will host an open house for prospective students.
83. Experience shows that investing in gambling and casino companies is itself risky, and the prospective multiple is a healthy 29.
84. In University City, some agents issue similar warnings to prospective buyers.
85. Before the war the preponderant output was produced in mass for a prospective demand.
86. Design - Prospective cohort study of all women who had entered a donor insemination programme.
87. The only way they can market their products is to produce literature detailed enough to convince the prospective buyer.
88. Unfortunately, the prospective student decided that the University of Vermont was not for her.
89. All prospective students, including those who hold only conditional offers, should apply for accommodation as early as possible.
90. It's a get-together for some of our clients and their wives, and hopefully for prospective customers, too.
91. Field Chairs advise individual enquirers and talk to all those prospective entrants to their fields who attend a visit day.
92. This assumption, however, has still to be supported by prospective studies.
93. Several prospective studies have shown improvement in linear growth in individual children with nutritional restitution.
94. In two randomised prospective studies, however, no advantage of preoperative radiation therapy could be shown.
95. Four prospective randomised trials have investigated the role of polymeric formulas in Crohn's disease.
96. Details of the USWeb plan were not available, but sources say the start-up will offer prospective franchisees a turnkey operation.
97. The prospective purchaser can also choose the size of the gadget.
98. Initially these were organized rather haphazardly with little serious attempt to match contributions to prospective claims on the funds.
99. Nearly all transfers have taken place on the initiative either of prospective landlords or of mainly Conservative local authorities.
100. Friday night, and tomorrow held the prospect of a trip to the Cotswolds to see a prospective client.
101. Not only does a company interview prospective employees, the would-be employees are supposed to interview the company.
102. To assess the predictive value of these features we undertook prospective surveillance of patients at high risk of primary melanoma.
103. At a prearranged site, Ben and his party met a friendly agent who had prospective recruits in tow.
103. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
104. Journals which publish the date of receipt and final revision under articles at least let the prospective author estimate the likely delay.
105. One prospective Worldwide Plaza tenant asked for $ 6. 5 million to compensate its existing landlord for leaving the premises early.
106. Writing a resume of your achievements that will make a prospective employer want to meet you requires practice.
107. The argument that cheaper labour costs force manufacture abroad should not be acceptable to us as prospective purchasers.
108. Prospective research studies are needed to facilitate prediction of clients most likely to affiliate successfully with AA.
109. This allows them to work out how the organisation functions and so determine what are the appropriate attributes needed by prospective candidates.
110. The following is a check-list for prospective puppy buyers: 1.
111. These results were evaluated in a prospective, randomised and controlled study.
112. Each of the prospective parliamentary candidates for Orkney and Shetland added their voices to the growing storm of unrest.
113. To maintain a high quality exploration portfolio focusing on core business areas and under-explored prospective basins.
114. As an important by-product it will also make it difficult for prospective bidders to build up stakes in secret.
115. Registration is also of interest to credit analysts, liquidators, receivers, shareholders, and prospective investors.
116. A steady demand was maintained during the building programme with prospective purchasers queuing on occasions to avoid disappointment.
117. Interviewing prospective candidates was quite an eye opener for people who haven't a clue on what that job entails.
118. Over 50 attended the function, but what was so encouraging was the quality of the prospective members that attended.
119. Prospective developers should make their planning applications on forms provided by the planning authority.
120. It is reasonable that a prospective employer should want to know if someone has a criminal record.
121. Her legal challenge has been taken over by another prospective Citadel cadet, Nancy Mellette.
122. It is a good idea to take along a number of copies of your c.v. which you can leave with prospective employers.
123. He urged members to go to their Divisions and put forward more prospective tutors.
124. Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.
125. However, I must tell you that another prospective tenant has appeared on the scene.
126. We also ran day-long workshops throughout the region to help give prospective speakers more confidence.
127. After beating incredible odds to prove himself a classroom genius, Steven has been cruelly snubbed by prospective employers.
128. The prospective jurors all were screened from public view by a new partial wall the judge ordered installed in the courtroom.
129. When you want to borrow on a mortgage, the prospective lenders will have the property valued at your expense.
130. He stresses the rationality and efficiency of network recruitment for both employers and prospective employees.
131. An opportunity will be made available for prospective investors to make additional enquiries.
132. Wichman also prepared a training manual for prospective passengers by interviewing astronauts and cosmonauts about the things that bugged them.
133. Still in their musical infancy, these guys are prospective heavyweight champions ... no sweat.
133. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
134. Otherwise auditing as a career will become even more unattractive to prospective members than it is already.
135. The good agencies usually ensure that every property has been visited by some one on the staff who can advise prospective renters.
136. Pre-service preparation initiates the prospective teacher into the basics of professional activity.
137. Apparently I was not the only prospective foster parent who was treated by society staff like a pariah.
138. The pupil also takes to the prospective employer or the university admissions tutor the raw scores of exam results.
139. Local law enforcement officials have just 48 hours to complete a background check of prospective gun purchasers.
140. One important proviso: You must expect that you will be wanting your prospective partner to win this test.
141. My mother keeps introducing me to men she considers to be prospective husbands.
142. Everything I saw told me I was a prospective parent taking a tour.
143. Voice over Around 1,000 prospective buyers are likely to turn up for tomorrow's sale.
144. The final straw came when two prospective clients became the latest victims of crime.
145. One of the prospective tenants was Clarke Romans, who wanted to locate a micro-brewery in a secondary building on the property.
146. The first visit by prospective parents is important as it creates a lasting impression.
147. Always try to see a prospective home in the depths of winter.
148. We will have to arrange for advance publicity, set up an office and make arrangements to show prospective buyers around.
149. They resented standing in line while tellers explained money-market accounts and no-load funds to prospective investors.
150. The prospective meaning of to is thus perfectly clear in this use.
151. Each of these had a specific meaning for prospective employers.
152. It is possible that the prospective commissioners will begin advising the Secretary of State on staffing matters next spring.
153. It is important to be able to prove to prospective employers that you have the relevant experience for the job.
154. Alan Milburn, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington, claims the figures are only the tip of the iceberg.
155. All prospective students are interviewed by alumni before a final decision is made.
156. Excuses and equity function retrospectively in particular cases rather than as general prospective rules seeking to guide conduct.
157. In 1936 she was adopted as the prospective parliamentary candidate for the Exchange division of Liverpool.
158. The driver seemed as concerned to show off his excessive acceleration as if we had been prospective buyers and he a salesman.
159. So for all you prospective parents out there help may be at hand in around two years time.
160. Firstly it would demonstrate to prospective freelance writers the type of material required.
161. They made their living hanging around police stations, paying policemen to alert them to prospective customers.
162. Discuss how your analysis would have been altered if you were carrying out the analysis on behalf of a prospective shareholder.
163. So far, no prospective study has been performed to investigate the natural history of gastric metaplasia.
164. Prospective software developers had to learn the secrets of the toolbox so they could follow the guidelines for human interface.
165. The intention here is to provide prospective teachers with a thorough understanding of language as a phenomenon in an educational context.
166. Some researchers say that interracial adoptions are more complicated than many prospective parents believe.
167. A prospective employer can view too many changes with suspicion, often rightly.
168. The Labour Party was weak in this rural constituency and had no prospective candidate and hardly any organization.
169. It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective purchaser may require.
170. Such examples confirm the view of the infinitive proposed here because they evoke its lexical content as something prospective.
171. The Congregation itself is being more selective and encouraging prospective candidates to complete their school education.
172. To a generation of prospective pop stars, the video offered new possibilities of benediction.
173. The upper limit for prospective members of the future monetary union is 3 percent.
174. So accept that what you see in a prospective partner is what you will get.
175. He also said he did not want prospective jurors to read news reports of how a person might be excused from serving.
176. Potential buyers work through a real-estate broker who arranges for viewing prospective homes before the auction.
177. Prospective students tend to consider the multi-media scheme after eliminating other possibilities.
178. There have been few controlled prospective studies of the effect of transferring to human insulin on the clinical presentation of hypoglycaemia.
179. Travel agents could sell holidays by providing prospective customers with a full multimedia account of their travel options.
180. Medical Examination All prospective employees are required to undergo a medical examination at a medical establishment nominated by the Company.
181. This would enable prospective studies to be performed to determine the importance of platelet function in the development of vascular disease.
182. Nothing is more off-putting to a prospective employee than a delay in reply.
183. Otherwise, the prospective aerial photographer must construct the carrier using alloy strip or channel.
184. H pylori infection has been shown in prospective epidemiological studies to be a risk factor for gastric cancer.
185. Definitive evidence of discrimination, however, may be obtained only from a prospective study.
186. All discussion of retrospective and prospective reimbursement systems points to the difficulties of controlling overall expenditure.
187. Behind Miss Kaur's prospective candidacy for the opposition Janata Dal party lies a family tragedy.
188. And a raft of prospective third-party saviors offered no hope.
189. The pool of prospective jurors all knew something about Madonna, and many said they had her recordings.
190. Results of surveys, inspections and investigations should be revealed to prospective purchasers.
191. The bids that prospective purchasers make and the outline of their proposals will be taken carefully into account.
192. All these trials will give you a better knowledge of your prospective partner.
193. It said 78 percent of the schools require prospective students to demonstrate grade-level achievement.
194. Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion,(http:///prospective.html) a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
195. In a prospective cohort study 141 consecutive patients were admitted to hospital with community-acquired pneumonia.
196. Actuaries are asked to provide information on products and companies for prospective investors and their advisers.
197. Some prospective employers were more concerned with my nursery arrangements than with my qualifications.
198. Texaco has introduced a compulsory HIV testing program for all prospective employees.
199. When I meet a prospective new employee they often seem more concerned with their job title than they do with their salary.
200. Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
201. In looking at a support structure, there are at least five basic areas that a prospective customer should evaluate: 1.
202. Pierre sometimes finds himself caught between his loyalty to Vassar and his feelings of loyalty to prospective students of color.
203. People and Plants has used posters and produced a video to convey the message to prospective buyers.
204. Furthermore, the current state of the property market encourages landowners and both existing and prospective tenants to strike complex deals.
205. Monday, prospective jurors filled out a six-page questionaire that asked about their jobs, education and military training.
206. I have challenged the prospective Labour candidate in Harrow, West to do so, but he has not bothered to reply.
207. Take your prospective partner to meet a prospect that she has never met.
208. The banks are offering special low rates in an attempt to entice prospective customers.
209. It is normal practice for hotels to require confirmation from a prospective guest in writing.
210. After a trawl through its shortlist, a further three prospective sites were added to the already chosen Elstow.
211. Here we present the results of a prospective pilot study of combination laser and radiotherapy for palliation of advanced rectal cancer.
212. The stockmarket is now extremely expensive; shares are selling at almost 90 times prospective earnings for the year to March 1994.
213. Mr Bates, prospective Conservative candidate for Langbaurgh, claimed the fire service training budget had been drastically cut.
214. The decline in its shares leaves it valued at 25 times prospective earnings for this year.
215. This is the boast of the excellent leaflet which is produced to give prospective visitors timetable information and details of other facilities.
216. Most of Let Us Face the Future reads like a prospective history of the immediate post-war period.
217. Curators, art dealers, conservators, art donors and prospective donors seek his attention.
218. The attorneys approached the bench, assorted papers were passed around, and the prospective members of the jury were led in.
219. So what are the conclusions for prospective students, now completing the entry forms?
220. Many landlords in Calcutta, for example, make prospective tenants promise not to burn coal.
221. A highly competitive employment situation for these jobs means that prospective students must be high on self-belief and talent!
222. These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
223. In the old days a suitor sometimes had to work in his prospective father-in-law's paddy fields for three years.
224. Abele also will provide prospective buyers with e-mail updates of new listings that meet their criteria.
225. Make like you are prospective clients(), looking to rent a secluded property to write a book or something.
226. Anyone who could name their career and promise a steadily rising salary could be a prospective candidate for a mortgage.
227. Newbridge officials said they are working out a business strategy with their prospective partner, whom they declined to name.
228. Magazine rankings of business schools are considered extremely influential; many prospective business students carefully study them in deciding where to apply.
229. Never get married in college; it's hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds you've already made one mistake. Elbert Hubbard 
230. Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
231. Customs will probably refuse to give an advance ruling on a mere prospective transaction.
232. On Tuesday, jury selection begins as a panel of 75 prospective jurors is given questionnaires to complete.
233. Study Design: This is a prospective radiographic cohort study.
234. Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters.
235. They are worried about prospective changes in the law.
236. Methods: Using prospective studies research three stages with 202 brain contusion and laceration patients.
237. DESIGN: Randomized,() single blind and placebo control prospective study based on patients.
238. This paper proposes three kinds of switching costs:sunk cost, prospective invest, opportunity cost and gives suggestions to manage switching costs.
239. Study Design . Retrospectie cohort study with prospective clinical follow - up .
240. The prospective battery manufacturer must choose the type of lead oxide to be used.
241. Conclusions: In this longitudinal, prospective study, the risk of mortality was increased in essential tremor.
242. He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence.
243. They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the very formidable, not to mention very rich, local aristocrat Lady Gresham, as a prospective match.
244. Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation.
245. In total , 40 patients were enrolled in this historical prospective cohort study.
246. Prospective PC will be the miniature circuit in embedded possessory cerebra.
247. Preferential development aluminous industry, become Shanxi to save the strategic principle that enhances prospective competition ability.
248. We performed a prospective cohort study among 184 unrelated White CH patients.
249. After full discussion, interim Draft Aide Memoire of Hefei Urban Environment Improvement Project TA Review Mission has finished. The meeting had prospective purpose.
250. We can sound out the opinios of your prospective audience.
251. In this article, ways of polyploidy breeding, the identification of polyploidy, application of watermelon polyploidy, and the prospective of watermelon polyploid breeding are reviewed.
252. Objective To reduce lower respiratory infection incidence of cut-trachea patients after operation within hospital by prospective intervention.
253. Taking institute for instance , the paper studies the transformation from prospective design institute to high - tech enterprise.
253. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
254. Study Design. Clinical prospective cohort study in academic tertiary setting.
255. Marketing is a result of the land market development, and also an important means for promoting in-time transaction of land and realizing prospective economic benefits and social effects.
256. In this article, the features and prospective application are introduced, and the security of untouching CPU card and its function of "one card with multiple usages" are particularly emphasized.




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