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单词 Treasure
1. Health is a jewel [treasure].
2. By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 
3. Knowledge is a Treasure,(Sentence dictionary) but Practice is the key to it. 
4. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. Lao Tzu 
5. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 
6. Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 
7. Measure is treasure.
8. The dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information.
9. He went to the island looking for treasure.
10. The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.
11. They're diving for sunken treasure.
12. A letter from home is a priceless treasure.
13. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.
14. This book is a treasure house of information on Arctic birds.
15. When we learn to treasure simple happiness[], we will be winners in life.
16. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.
17. You're wonderful friend,and I treasure you more with every year.
18. For youth,for happiness,let's bless each other,treasure the friendship between you and me.
19. The treasure dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.
20. Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation.
21. Don't forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
22. I treasure your friendship.
23. Don't forget the things you once owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
24. Avid Bob Dylan fans treasure bootlegged recordings.
25. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.
26. The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure.
27. A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
28. A FRIEND is a 'gift' if of our heart treasures. Thank you forbeing the treasure in my heart.
29. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better hold and cherish the one you love.
30. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.
1. The dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information.
2. He went to the island looking for treasure.
3. The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.
4. They're diving for sunken treasure.
5. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.
6. This book is a treasure house of information on Arctic birds.
7. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.
8. The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure.
9. A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.
10. The treasure dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.
11. I treasure your friendship.
12. Three of the party stood guard over the treasure until they could find some means of removing it.
13. He amassed great treasure.
31. Our housekeeper is a real treasure.
32. Come on, treasure, let's go and see Granny.
33. I shall always treasure those memories of her.
34. I certainly treasure the friendship between us very much.
35. X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.
36. I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings.
37. Our new secretary is a perfect treasure.
38. Charlie? Oh, he's a treasure,(http:///treasure.html) loves children.
39. The ploughman turned up some buried treasure.
40. My secretary's a real treasure.
41. He buried the treasure to prevent its discovery.
42. Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.
43. His greatest treasure is his collection of rock records.
44. A dragon guarded the treasure.
45. The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art.
46. This book is a treasure chest of information.
47. The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics.
48. He likes to treasure up stamps.
49. I don't know what I'd have done without Lizzie when I was ill - she was an absolute treasure.
50. He often rakes around the market for some art treasure.
51. Archaeologists have called for a ban on treasure hunting in the region.
52. I shall always treasure the memory of our time together.
53. He goes round fields and beaches with his metal detector(), hoping to find buried treasure.
54. The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour.
55. The three men went to the Bahamas, on the trail of a sunken 17th-century galleon full of treasure.
56. Talk of treasure and lost cities had fired their imaginations.
57. Three of the party stood guard over the treasure until they could find some means of removing it.
58. During the Second World War my hometown was ravished, and all its treasure robbed.
59. We should treasure up such a lesson in our memory.
60. I was completely baffled in my search for hidden treasure.
61. They went to the island to hunt the buried treasure.
62. Our Science Shop is a treasure trove of curiosities and gadgets.
63. Though small,(http:///treasure.html) this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history.
64. I treasure his friendship.
65. It was here, the buried treasure, she knew it was.
66. When they opened up the tomb they found treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
67. Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.
68. He amassed great treasure.
69. But the most enduring treasure is the city itself.
70. This toy is still to Shanti a great treasure.
71. All of these are treasure houses for the historian.
72. So much for the treasure trove of broadleaved diversity.
73. We think we have a treasure in his musicianship.
74. Such groups tend to treasure their secrets.
75. Try diving for sunken treasure.
76. And the treasure hunter doesn't want to be identified.
77. Great for treasure hunts and decorating cakes.
78. He has searched for and found treasure.
79. And, in Patricia Routledge(), a real treasure.
80. That was not the only memory they would treasure.
81. In fact he was digging for buried treasure.
82. How was John Bowes' great treasure house financed?
83. Every year we look for buried treasure.
84. Vets should be on Treasure Island.
85. He had just shown me a treasure.
86. Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him. Paulo Coelho 
87. He sent waggon-loads of treasure and a great entourage of knights to Saragossa with requests for a formal reconciliation.
88. They discussed purchasing the rights to the treasure with the insurance companies, but no contracts were signed.
89. It had been wrapped in tissue paper, like a treasure.
90. A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.
91. The family link with her treasure, she says, is rather tenuous.
92. If you have found true friends, you have real treasure.
93. This is a utilitarian relationship with nature, in which it becomes a treasure chest of consumer goodies.
94. So there was a vision of treasure, far-off blood, and fear.
95. In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises, buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest.
96. But elsewhere people seemed positively anxious to supply the King with treasure.
97. But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale.
98. Confused by the mind and diffused by the senses, we seek pleasure and lose the great treasure called life. RVM 
99. In the minister's opinion Nestor's chronicle was a treasure whose worth should not be questioned.
100. Angkor is a treasure trove of history, culture and art.
101. The gift of life is a treasure. Some fill it with pressure. Some with pleasure! RVM 
102. It is even possible to sow plants on gold mines to reap their treasure.
103. Reminding himself that there was nothing to fear he set off, past the loose boxes with their heaps of shabby treasure.
104. But the notion of buried treasure in Arizona is not crazy.
105. With his grizzled beard and his peg-leg he looked like an extra from Treasure Island.
106. Rarely in the annals of human history has any people committed so much of its treasure to such a noble cause.
107. The Treasure Island measure started as a simple bill to make what appeared to be a mundane bureaucratic change.
108. With great reverence we laid it here in the Treasure House.
109. But in the areas where archaeologists and treasure hunters have good contacts, much information can and has been recovered.
110. Oliver sighed deeply, stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch.
111. Doubtless a rich merchant escaping with as much treasure as he could lay frantic hands on.
112. In the early days of archaeology, the dividing line between archaeologists and treasure hunters was all but invisible.
113. If there was cherry blossom in Lucy's street, she'd show her treasure!
114. We all took a large piece of the treasure, and some used it sensibly, and some did not.
115. I introduced myself and upon learning my identity they naturally begged me to examine their treasure and offer an authoritative opinion.
116. The cuisine is incomparable and the cellars are treasure houses of vintage after vintage of superb wines.
117. Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. George Sand 
118. The 550-acre naval station at Treasure Island is one of 29 California military bases closed in 1993 by Congress.
119. The culprit, Achan, is duly found, with the treasure buried beneath his tent.
120. You may be very lucky and find a real treasure round the corner.
121. Ben, in his lonely walks around the island, had found the skeleton and found the treasure.
122. The state earlier this month gave Brown virtually complete control over Treasure Island.
123. It was part of the real treasure of mankind, more valuable than all the gold locked uselessly away in bank vaults.
124. We are all environmentalists who treasure Mother Nature and desire to live in harmony with natural forces.
125. Eventually we find him established as a hermit at Finchale, having abandoned the pursuit of earthly treasure.
126. The first pupil to find the treasure is the winner.
127. I am embarking on a number of projects which I hope to be of interest to fellow treasure hunters.
128. Those who broke into the inn tonight want to find the same treasure.
129. Gradually, Garrett's home manufactured machines began to be noticed by his peer group of treasure hunters.
130. This little tale is haunting enough, but it's the pictures that turn the book into an art treasure.
131. Hence, there are now two uniformed security guards at the gate to Treasure Island at all times, Florin said.
132. Beyond the rubble stood a chest of treasure with more healing potions and firepower beneath its lid.
133. With their stark, jagged profiles, the rocky peaks were an obvious treasure.
134. Children can enjoy a special treasure hunt, a bouncy castle and Punch and Judy shows.
135. Currently I am selling a range of large and colourful A3 size photo-posters depicting scenes of treasure hunting and metal detecting.
136. His records are a treasure house of information for anyone interested in climatic research.
137. Being Prime Minister was' the most enormous privilege ... and one I shall treasure.
138. Feeding trough-young woman lays her baby in it-realises that she contains greatest treasure of the world.
139. First we're going to send you on a treasure hunt, collecting information from the magazine.
140. Sea battles and voyages and plunder and buried treasure and king's pardons and kidnapped wenches.
141. Treasure Island could accommodate an athletic center for soccer, rugby and small-scale spectator sports.
142. A moment spent in sorrow or a moment spent in pain is a waste of a great treasure that you will never get again. RVM 
143. Recently I have come to the conclusion that treasure hunters should have their own exclusive museum.
144. Your old furniture could be a treasure to a growing number of collectors.
145. The indoor table top games, such as treasure hunts and building Stonehenge, are aimed at improving management and team building skills.
146. There will be a daylong jamboree, treasure hunt and barbecue on the Saturday.
147. Then it relaxed, opened, releasing a treasure it had been holding: a chain a locket, a gold locket.
148. It has been in the College Library ever since as its greatest treasure.
149. Life is your biggest treasure. Enjoy it. If you forget to, it will soon be gone, never to return. RVM 
150. She was surprised to find a treasure palace of colourful yarns and all types of machines including the newest models.
151. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
152. There must be an old Navy uniform and a few ball bearings somewhere on Treasure Island.
153. It was you who took Sybil treasure hunting in that condemned house.
153. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
154. But there he was when I rounded a bend, holding a treasure he landed on this hunt.
155. Again, she was festooned with the contents of the treasure chest - the terrible red leather box.
156. It was a treasure trove of books, photos, clothing, and memorabilia.
157. In the cockpit ... flying ace Luke Jackson ... returning home from a treacherous journey to find lost treasure.
158. Treasure Island Naval Station is set to convert to civilian use when the Navy pulls out in 1997.
159. I treasure a bulging mental file of his roguish observations on fellow critics and luminaries in the music trade.
160. I think they thought they would find the treasure lying around on the beach!
161. The brig was built in 1992-a year before it was announced the Navy base at Treasure Island would be shut down.
162. Linda Ronstadt narrates this fitting tribute to a Tucson treasure.
163. Before afternoon, Treasure Island had disappeared from view, and I had never felt happier to leave a place behind.
164. Mayor Brown looks at Treasure Island and sees endless possibilities.
165. A husband that cooks and cleans is a real treasure.
166. Henceforth they were true custodians of the Imperial Fists' greatest treasure.
167. There was no church treasure chest as Gabriel had hoped.
168. Coverdale worked on generating team spirit and inter-dependence - including manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain that involved treasure hunts and making rope ladders.
169. Yet for most visitors from overseas, Windisch with its treasure is definitely off the beaten track.
170. I produced the original cartoon in tempera; it was entitled Treasure Trove and based on an Aesop Fable.
171. The box, itself, is a treasure because it has a hinged lid and a very small drawer.
172. New club Efforts are now under way to form a treasure hunting club in the Chester area.
173. A procession of Treasure Island pirates carrying cardboard boxes bulging with beer bottles were already noisily boarding the coach.
174. The griffin also had a lust for treasure and hoarded caches in lofty mountain caves.
175. One day while you are diving, you find a very old boat that is full of treasure.
176. Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure. Rumi 
177. Treasure September sees the launch of the appeal raffle and a treasure hunt at a venue to be fixed.
178. Hartwell House in Aylesbury is a treasure house of fine antiques.
179. You want to get the boat and the treasure to the surface of the water so that you can see it better.
180. The room shimmered with light, a treasure house of precious cloths and beautiful jewels.
181. It would have a better chance of finding revenue by digging for pirate treasure on the White House lawn.
182. But experts say the Worcester treasure hunter may still be in for a pleasant suprise.
183. He was no longer her treasure, but a naughty child(/treasure.html), too old to be smacked.
184. Beneath the third was a vast treasure which the emperor then used for charitable purposes.
185. I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life. Paulo Coelho 
186. In part two: Hidden treasure ... pieces of history that can't be displayed.
187. The first tells of a man who found some buried treasure in a field.
188. Learn a little about the likely finds and you can add a valuable second income to your usual treasure hunting activities.
189. This involved quite elaborate dressing-up, and the fun and laughter of those Boxing Day nights was a treasure indeed.
190. I kept trying to prise them up hoping that some one in the past would have hidden treasure underneath.
191. Don't just hurry, don't just haste. Don't just worry, don't just waste. Life is a treasure, enjoy the pleasure. RVM 
192. The activity is marred by the inexplicable appearance of treasure chests that spew inane facts.
193. The children then dive for them and see how many items of treasure they can catch.
194. Charleston is a treasure chest of period architecture and a mecca for antiques buffs.
195. Activities include a treasure hunt, country dancing, a bouncy castle, kite-making and painting.
196. This site is a real treasure chest enabling us to find wonderful gems and make good use of them.
197. They are regions of huge biological diversity, a treasure chest of invaluable worth, representing 60 million years of evolution.
198. In the pursuit of acquiring treasures, we lose the one treasure that we truly possess- life. Let us not lose life in the wild pursuit of other things. RVM 
199. As with treasure trove the finder is rewarded with the intrinsic value of the find.
200. Still, the movie fails to answer the big pirate question: Why are fictional pirates always burying their treasure?
201. This announcement fit the pattern of the times, for a craze of digging for treasure afflicted the area.
202. But within the small tomb, originally built for some one else, was a wealth of treasure.
203. Treasure Island has served as a training site for Navy personnel.
204. Amenities Our Science Shop is a treasure trove of curiosities, gifts and gadgets.
205. From that moment forward I safeguarded Armand for the treasure he still remains.
206. The real treasure, however, is in the chapel of Sant' Ambrogio where Ambrogio Grifo was buried in 1493.
207. He is still at sea with the silver I gave him to discover fresh treasure.
208. He began to object to the way the treasure was being shared out, but Bartholomew failed to take him seriously.
209. They were closely followed by the children who settled down to wait for their treasure trove.
210. The few people I treasure were in touch and I told them exactly what was wrong.
211. Plans are under way as to how best to display this treasure trove.
212. But we have some time before the treasure is found, and there are some honest men among the crew.
213. Knowledge is the treasure, but judgment is the treasurer of a wise man. William Penn 
214. Has she been in possession of this treasure all through the years of our seaside poverty?
215. Asked to stand guard over good or treasure, they would good-naturedly hand everything over to a perfect stranger.
216. A whole bunch of people on Treasure Island said it.
217. The Atocha and its riches were discovered in 1985 by treasure hunter Mel Fisher off the Florida coast.
218. Decorate the room with a treasure chest, and the children all look for hidden treasure when they arrive.
219. Seek for buried treasure - £1,000 hidden in Smugglers Country.
220. The treasure ship sunk in the deep.
221. Pandora's Box is a treasure. You'll pollute the environment.
222. The center housed a priceless treasure trove.
223. Riley Poole: Does it involve treasure?
224. They treasure their leisure with measureless pleasure.
225. Her book was a treasure trove of new ideas.
226. He will plunder the treasure Of every desirable vessel.
227. Noninterference is a treasure among Chinese traditional managerial wisdom.
228. It was like a treasure hunt to me.
229. Chinese traditional medicine is treasure of Chinese traditional physic.
230. Life, it appeared, was a treasure hunt.
231. Language can be a treasure trove of Tibetan vocabulary.
232. Paid treasure respect to make the response of polarity.
233. This thesis thinks that traditional Chinese medicine is a great treasure house.
234. He has coveted this treasure chest for a long time.
235. It did his heart good to hear that sharp - tongued Sixth Treasure get told off in public.
236. Jingdezhen porcelain is the pearl in the treasure house of Chinese art and culture.
237. This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear.
238. Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless a treasure you can always carry easily.
239. While the earth temple, it is well - deserved glass of the treasure house of art.
240. Search Your Own Treasure Look up to thetheacross the night sky.
241. She made another discovery of a treasure - trove in the library.
242. The man went to the window and retrieved Reuben's treasure.
243. As treasure trove it would automatically become the property of the Government.
244. It'seems that the new in the Yellow Sea, Treasure Island is a good time.
245. Book is the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge.
246. Follow Rupert as he picks up a new treasure trail!
247. She was in no hurry, relishing each blossom as a rare and delicate treasure.
248. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.
249. The knowledge is the treasure house, however the practice is the key to the treasure house.
250. They were digging the treasure chest out of the sand.
251. There are sequels to Treasure Island, Kim, and even Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
252. To treasure up knowledge in silence, to learn without satiety and to instruct others without tiredness.
253. He made another discovery of treasure - trove in the library.
254. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer.
255. Here is the world's largest treasure house of Buddhist art - the Mogao Grottoes.
256. Add plants, anchors, debris, and even a treasure chest to your desktop.
257. A collection of valuable items discovered or found; a treasure - trove.
258. The numinous treasure rites are the mainstream of Taoist rites.
259. Armed with the new machine, a search party went the cave hoping to find buried treasure.
260. We , therefore, treasure it all the more because of its transience.
261. The Daxinanling forest region, is a beautiful big garden, also is a inexhaustible treasure house.
262. Play games ranging from River Jumping and Skeet Shooting to Treasure Hunt and Dance Practice!
263. It's a plentiful treasure house of intelligence which is worth excavating continuously. "
264. She no hurry, relishing each blossom as a rare and delicate treasure.
265. He said, " You son of a servant girl! Where would you inherit a treasure from? "
266. Jiuzhaigou county, the collection of extensive treasure trove of human resources.
267. Mother's attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques.
268. Don't be to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.
269. Don't be afraid to lean. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.
270. Coastal resources, precious and unrenewable treasure, play an important role in the economy.
271. I want to know what you know about the treasure of the Knights Templar.
272. Back in carpenter's shop, the first tree was not carved into a treasure chest.
273. Unfold it to uncover a treasure chest full of educational activities for baby's experience.
274. In the box was another treasure, remarkably untouched: our nativity set.
275. Don't be to learn . Knowledge is weightless, a treasure always carry easily.
276. " Along with Mr. Li's treasure chest , " put in Hung - chien .
277. These all are the Chinese literature treasure house precious inheritances.
278. The sea is a treasure house of minerals and food.
279. Treasure enough to stage the last great victory celebration,() 35 days of non - stop games and partying.
280. It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away.
281. Practice is the key to the treasure house of knowledge.
282. Climb to the treasure house of blessing on the ladder made of divine promises.
283. These can be a treasure trove for this type of information.
284. Motorbikes, spare car parts, clothes and make - up were all taken in a crazed treasure hunt.
285. Sachet sewn inside the gourd into the gourd seeds, also considered almighty treasure of ear protection.
286. Treasure your uniqueness . It is a gift given only to you!
287. The third section is eastern part, namely east of Uygur Thurn lake treasure blue - Louck woods area.
288. Iced fruit jelly, watermelon with fruit, caramelized apple and eight - treasure rice pudding.




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