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单词 Globalization
1. They consider globalization to be the root of all evil.
2. We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
3. Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California.
4. Heard all about the globalization of finance?
5. A further set of issues contributing significantly to globalization concerns the environment.
6. While it is significant as a response to globalization, increased co-operation, is not necessarily indicative of integration.
7. In other words, the whole idea of globalization was a canard.
8. Globalization is the overarching process, linked in different ways to both integration and fragmentation.
9. While liberal pluralist models best conceptualize the globalization process, no model is adequate.
10. Globalization has been characterized as the overarching global political process.
11. Globalization often means that poorer countries become too dependent on foreign investment, with the result that their own development suffers.
12. Globalization started well before the end of the cold war, of course.
13. One result of globalization is the exposure of management inadequacies that have long lain hidden.
14. Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries.
15. Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
16. We are now coming to see that economic globalization has come at a heavy price.
17. The globalization of all things electronic is still far from complete; and many early examples of electrical revolution existed 100 years ago.
18. Globalization does bring the death of distance, through the consolidation of markets and the use of modern communications and transportation.
19. Globalization can often lead to the destruction of local customs and cultures.
20. Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York.
21. The implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive.
22. Liberal approaches to modernization are closely linked to economic globalization.
23. Gorbachev also was quick to admit that the process of globalization played a major role in cracking open the closed Soviet society.
24. The incentive of central banks to protect the interest of creditors has been increased by the globalization of the financial markets.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. The history of capitalism has beena history of the globalization of production.
26. For instance, most of our business schools talk a good game when it comes to globalization.
27. Some see the spread of English as an international language as just another consequence of globalization.
28. If the street protesters want to fight poverty, they should be celebrating globalization, not attacking it.
29. Clinton offered no new measures to restore confidence in globalization and open trade.
30. Ever since the age of discovery, the history of capitalism has been a history of the globalization of production.
31. Globalization is the mask of American hegemonism and aureola.
32. Yet to Koreans, globalization was a one-way street.
33. Globalization is not Europeanization or Americanization.
34. Globalization without such a safety lock may fall apart.
35. Is assimilating with the Han the same as globalization?
36. The Prospects of Cultural Globalization: Utopia or Dystopia?
37. Europeanization, Internationalization, Globalization: quo vadis, Higher Education Institutions?
38. The subject he will give this morning is: internation trade and economic globalization.
39. Along with the economic globalization, taking the public good in anti-dumping system is significant trend of modern anti-dumping law, and is common feature of modern economic law.
40. With the economic integration and aggravation of the Chinese market globalization process , the retail business of our country is encountering unprecedented horizontal competition and market to push.
41. Transfer Pricing of multinational enterprises and the relevant government regulation are hot issues in economic globalization.
42. Modernity, globalization, the openness of superstratum cultural ideology resulted in the release of thought liberalization, which leads to the multiple culture of the time.
43. The contradiction of ecumenical ethics and national ethics is very outstanding under a condition of globalization.
44. To adapt to the rapid development of medicine and law and the impact of globalization of crime, it is necessary to reinforce the forensic pathology postgraduate general competence.
45. Localisation and all aspects of globalization depend heavily on technology.
46. With economic globalization and the deepening of regional economic integration, regional industrial cooperation has become an important part of regional economic development.
47. In modern society, the development tide of globalization and regionalization, so it demands that local government alter the demoded management conception, function, framework and methods.
48. Theoretically we should know the duality of globalization with subjectivism and objectivism.
49. The needs of the real estate consumption areofof globalization, specialization and individualization.
50. English degree construction plays an irreplaceable role in the process of reviving northeast old industrial base, which is the inevitable result of the globalization.
51. The challenge of economy globalization, reform of coal industry and the characteristics of coal sale determine impendence of implementing electrical business.
52. The economic globalization which is the wave tide of the revolution of world industry have "twoness".
53. With China's improved market economy system and the economic globalization of the world, we need to further strengthen the reforms on the management mechanism of state-owned assets.
54. The third-generation theory centers at the research on the intrinsic agent of financial turbulence elicited by the international capital movement in economic globalization.
55. Leaderette: The cultural conflict and amalgamation of different regions resulted from the economic globalization makes the problem of cultural self-knowledge increasingly conspicuous.
56. Economic globalization is inchoative at capitalist country, be in early capitalism develops initial stage to begin.
57. The locale is a globalization term which identifies the supported language set.
58. CHICAGO - If you tend to pack on a few pounds over the holidays, blame it on globalization.
59. Globalization did not mesh eastern and western culture into one.
60. As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.
61. Globalization today and the free movement inevitably makes the dual nationality.
62. Yet they will also be challenged to recognize and build common interests, not only case-by-case, but through institutions reflecting a "Responsible Globalization."
63. They drew upon world resources - starting with the water mill and steam engine technology from Britain - and emerged as a leading innovator and the most potent engine of globalization.
64. The global flow of capital is a of current economy globalization important facet.
65. Globalization and the Clash of Value English SummaryThe paper has discussed conflict of value and produced springhead in Globalization from essential, cause of formation and development trend.
66. The era of globalization has created a field that the sameness and the otherness coexist.
67. Globalization is a challenge, also an opportunity, for transcultural communication of Chinese Wushu.
68. In this process, the westernization becomes now the sports globalization key character.
69. With rapid technological change, economic globalization, reconstruction of industrial structure and occupational structure, the apprenticeship system will be abundant in meaning and connotation.
70. With the declension of the nation-state in relation to transnational economic power, the foundation of democracy politics and social welfare is shaken by the economic globalization.
71. In order to adapt to the development of globalization, human society needs a system of rules and organizational structure.
72. But call it a sign of how small the world has become, or how pervasive globalization has spread, but here in the boondocks of backwaters, diverse interests from around the world have begun to seep in.
73. The ICU4J (International Components for Unicode) library is an open source library for Java, widely used by various software vendors to provide globalization and unicode support.
74. Agricultural internationalization and global agricultural integration management is the world economy globalization and collectivized component.
75. Simultaneously also becomes under the developing nation adaptation globalization background the industrial structure adjustment and the promotion effective instruction theory.
76. The world we live is full of contradiction and conflict, which with the further development of our market economy and the globalization, will become more complex and multiplicate.
77. Globalization is the tremendous drive force of heretofore in the future.
78. With the constant acceleration of informational globalization, journalistic writing which is involved in the process of news spreading is unable to adapt to the situation.
79. With the development of globalization, money laundry crime has become international public nuisance.
80. Globalization is a historical trend, we should understand that it exerts great influence rated as irresistibility on national culture that is independent of man's will.
81. I think that once the West be through with the globalization it will lost its coordinates.
82. In the process of globalization, many of the western cities face economic structural decline because of the re-distribution of the secondary industry.
83. The quickening globalization makes the interdependence on deferent nations and more deep.
84. We feel deeply, new century will get the ablution of globalization of technical revolution, economy and intellectual economy,[Sentence dictionary] .
85. The English vocabulary has three trends: creativeness, globalization and simplification.
86. Under the trends of globalization and regional integration, regionalism is taking shape in East Asia.
87. In pursuing the status of currency convertibility and internationalization, many economies relaxed financial and exchange control, which in turn promotes the financial globalization.
88. Globalization has not only brought the global value conflict, but also provided the possibility for the value conformity.
89. T minus zero for Apollo was T plus one for globalization.
90. One best way of improving the flexibility and the reaction ability of the corporation in the intensive globalization competition is to establish the virtual corporation.
91. As long as we have the right attitude and make long-lasting remorseless effort, the universal socialist and socialism globalization shall be realized inevitably.
92. II , Along with development of economization, globalization, new politics and culture, the environment problems become obvious.
93. Economic globalization has caused "World Is Flat" but also the internationalization of technology, product diversification, market localization, personalized service created "the world's injustice.
94. In a global view, SARS forebodes a globalization of infectious diseases and the new ones.
95. The running of socialist market economic system and the trend of world economic globalization gave a new intention and extension to the prefecture science and tecnology information.
96. As the main trend of economic globalization, the liberalization of trade has an increasingly great impact on the environment.
97. This paper first analyzes the imperfectness of the previous researches from the relations between economic globalization and ethnicity.
98. As information freeways as well as the process of globalization, the concept of the global village shall gradually interiorize.
99. With the development of economic globalization, international industrial adjustment and transfer, the competition between cities is increasingly fierce.
100. With the fact that the Doha round is at a deadlock, the step of economic globalization step slows down to some extent, the tide of economic regionalization moves from peak to peak.
101. Economic globalization is the most basic characteristic of the international economy develops, and the resistless tide of history.
102. This article discusses problems of China's current taxation system under the economic globalization and proposes countermeasures to adjust and perfect China's taxation system.
103. Productivity forms the trend of globalization necessarily in the alternant development of global limits.
104. Financial convergence is the salient phenomenon under the economic globalization.
105. Accompany with the wave tide of economic globalization, environment depravation the problem "float a surface" also combines with state sovereignty and constituted new the characteristic in century.
106. In this new mode, globalization is tilting the world like a giant sliding board game on which the "flattening" of old barriers in accelerating the transfer of the supply side of the U. S.
107. Cross-border capital flow and currency convertibility , and the financial industry will meet the challenges of globalization.
108. Below the situation of economic globalization, flow of capital international freedom makes a of trend.
109. The economic globalization also brings deep effluence to China, which is like a "double-edged sword", with opportunities and challenges in it.
110. Today, economy globalization interweave with regional economy integration. Such kind of international environment gives birth to the ASEAN-China Free TradeArea.
111. The process of Chinese constitutionalism in globalization is not the simple reproduction or naturalization of the system of the constitutionalism in west countries.
112. To pursue international division of labor and free trade based on the resources endowment of individual countries reflects the law of economics and conforms to the historical trend of globalization.
113. With the background of the economic globalization, Chinese tariff system will also carry out adjustment. This will make a great impact on the development of the economy.
114. Constant acceleration of globalization has brought about greater demand for highly qualified professional translators.
114. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
115. Youth subculture is the inevitable result of the double effect of globalization and transitional society that interact with the physical and psychological character of youth.
116. Economic globalization and foreign capital merging constitute the main method of foreign indirect investment.
117. Globalization is hard-and-fast direction of human development, and at the same time sustainable development is the common goal of man society.
118. It also making Swiss chocolate a case study in globalization.
119. Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.
120. The lopsided current situation of globalization makes much polarization process presents labyrinthian sex and complexity.
121. Economic globalization and regional economic integration form a relationship of complementary competition and cooperative development.
122. Financial globalization allowed a few to hijack the world's banking systems.
123. The economic globalization rolls in like the tide, which influence omnipresent.
124. With the ever increasing globalization in trade flow, funds flow and information flow, competition across countries and regions will intensify.
125. With China's entry into WTO, the social and economy effect on eastern coastal area, which is the dragon's head of China's economy, caused by economic globalization is becoming more and more obvious.
126. This is especially unfortunate at a time when cultural diversity is the only means to counteract the sweepingly homogenizing effect of economic globalization.
127. China should actively meet the challenge of globalization and vivify the traditional oriental culture.
128. Nowaday globalization and the construction of complete well-off society , the theme and direction must be known clearly from the height of strategy and strategical measures must be carried out.
129. Cultural homogeny and cultural neterogeny, and the relationship of opposition and unity between Globalization and Localization are the cores of the development in humanity's culture.
130. Facing to the double-date opportunities and challenges of globalization and information, people's social feature is changing a lot.
131. The trend that economic globalization and service trade liberalization complement and buttress each other is irreversible.
132. The post-modern is closed related to the globalization, otherness, locality, and multiformity.
133. Economic globalization has become to cannot go against the tide that turn.
134. Arrive from 18 centuries period 19 centuries period, this is globalization generation and distensible historical period.
135. One side effect of globalization and the related phenomenon of greatly increased mobility is that the traditional definition of "foreigner" has passed its sell-by date.
136. Toynbee began to think about the topic of globalization and global problems after World War II, trying to get a penetrating and original answer.
137. Facing the billowy tide of globalization, on one hand, we should get an acute cultural awareness, on the other hand, we need to adopt wise strategies with urgency.
138. Economy globalization signs that the basic trend for the development of the modern global economy, and the global capital flow is the central embodiment of this trend.
139. In the 21st century, with the rise of information education, an omnibearing globalization tendency led by the rapid development of science and technology, has become increasingly intensive.
140. In its broad sense, ideology has been confronted by some conflicts from the economic globalization, global problem, culture exchanges and so on.
141. Doctorow insists that only when American people are fully aware of the crises and make reflections on them can Amerian culture be better reconstructed during globalization.
142. Facing economic globalization, there are some inadaptable conditions and many weak links in the educational work of politics for current undergraduates.
143. Today, the development of commercial community and economic globalization calls for more importance attached on the trademark privilege protection.
144. The confusion caused by globalization leads us into an age of miscellany speech. Each speech bears with itself the deep stamp from different disciplines.
145. With the advancement of globalization,[http:///globalization.html] translation has become more and more important and there is an increasing interest in translation quality within the discipline of translation studies.
146. With the acceleration of the economic globalization, accounting, as a commonly used international commercial language, is becoming more arid more important in the course of the economic globalization.
147. In the background of economic globalization, there are vertical separation and horizontal integration on value chain.
148. Phenomenon of youth suicide reflects not only behavior limitation conduced by essence characteristics of youth but also important reflection of social risk brought by globalization of modernization.
149. The cultural innovation industry, which has experienced two stages-industrialization and globalization, is an infant industry based on cultural resources.
150. "Globalization is a fabulous thing. It raises everyone's standard of living — it's a net benefit to the global economy, " he said.
151. The theoretical basis of the globalization of economy is the theory of international division of labor, international value, comparative cost(advantage)and economics of scale.
152. Abstract:Against the context of process of economic globalization, the economic, social, and cultural communication between Shanghai and global city are becoming more and more osculation.
153. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted attention.
154. But the course of economic globalization and the change of transregional investable development make this tendency seriously, and make tax jurisdiction of resource land weakened.
155. In the evolution of the tide of globalization, transcultural communication is ever increasingly frequent.
156. Along with the economic globalization deepens, many countries and regions have taken part more actively in the international labor division system.
157. Code of conduct for national corporation is the developed result of the globalization of economy.
158. This is an unsung but major consequence of greater trade and globalization.
159. With the development of economic globalization and trade freedom, the methods of trade protection have changed.
160. Secondly, makes a systematic exposition to fundamental connotation and inherent logic of culture, the constitutive integrant of culture, cultural difficulty and globalization.
161. Globalization , the real capital in the new round of global expansion. The capitalist system is the foundation of globalization , globalization is capitalist system development.
162. In the times of. economic globalization and operational cost rising, the competition of the freight agent market grows fiercely, only these enterprises who can face the fierce competition can survive.
163. The globalization of world economy and the integration of international financial markets need a set of high quality accounting principles fit for and applicable to the scope of the whole world.
164. There are two possible development scenarios for the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization.
165. Globalization is a basic variable we must consider when we conduct new study agenda, which is a comprehensive chronicle process including politics, economy and culture.
166. With economic globalization carrying forward , small and medium enterprises be up against challenge of international competition.
167. Globalization really exists objectively, but the objectivity is inseparable from the ideological strategy of neoliberalism.
168. Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.
169. Yet they also will be challenged to recognize and build common interests, not only case-by-case, but through institutions reflecting a "Responsible Globalization."
170. Last year's adoption by the International Labour Organization of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization is just one recent example of the UN system's commitment to social justice.
171. Along the way, many core assumptions about the merits of globalization, markets, risk, and debt, long taken for granted in business, government, and academia, have come into question.
172. With the rapid development of economic globalization, especially with the promotion of WTO to the liberalization of trade, the development of international culture trade speeds up.
173. On today in economic globalization trend, the international circulation of commodities is multifarious day by day.
174. Localization refers to the generation of code that supports globalization features by translating textual data and setting culture-related configurations, such as name and address formats.
174. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
175. Under the context of economic globalization and regional economic integration process accelerating, the industrial transfer is an inexorable law of economic development.
176. As the globalization of economic process accelerates, business competition is becoming more and more intense.
177. In 2002 for example, Financial Policy published my article, " Will Globalization Go Bankrupt? "
178. The economic globalization and the progress in science and technology take a turn from the traditional industrial layout lengthwise for the development widthwise .
179. The localization strategy has become an essential strategy of MNCs globalization strategy and become one of the present main tendencies of MNCs development as well.
180. China, for its part, still views trade and globalization as a zero-sum game designed to enhance the power and wealth of the Chinese state.
181. He said that the globalization of financial markets was built on a "false pretense" that financial markets could be left to their own devices and said global regulation was needed.
182. After entering WTO, China fused in the globalization of economy and feudalization of trade formally.
183. Globalization differs from modernization by relinquishing a Eurocentric teleology to accommodate the possibility of different historical trajectories in the unfolding of modernity.
184. The globalization of gold market bring about opportunity and challenge for gold mines.
185. With the arrival of the globalization development and information age, the way of cultural spread on the whole society have been developing with the adding speed into the pictorial and digitalize.
186. With the general adoption of market principle and globalization of gold industry in China, the factors influencing management of the gold enterprises are getting to be complicated.
187. The globalization of finance has limited the monetary sovereignty of a country and there are some changes in the traditional monetary sovereignty.
188. With the high-speed development of science and technology, especially information technology, the trend of the economy globalization and the internationalization of competitive increasingly prick up.
189. With the great impact of globalization of economy, accountancy has become a general commercial language, whose theoretical method and innovational practice are continuously going on.
190. When the preformed Magnesium alloy's texture was globalizing, there were two important control factors, which were holding temperature and holding time, affecting the globalization processing.
191. Because of the globalization day by day which the international economy changes.
192. As globalization is currently progressing worldwide, an ethnologic research of literature is of great significance.
193. Capital accumulates explicit expression to be dilate, it is the inherent power of economic globalization.
194. Two paintings of Chinese and Western painting system in the face of rapid globalization of economic and political development today, Chinese and Western cultures influence each other is inevitable.
195. The second chapter discusses the context of globalization and the End view of literature study.
196. These become the region to be supposed to the globalization challenge key question.
197. The globalization trend of emerging industries is irresistible, and strategies made by transnational enterprises have also become more diversified.
198. The functions of International Investment Bank are becoming more important and unreplaceable both in the development of economy and in the situation of world economy globalization.
199. The present paper discusses the essence of Post-colonialism and sense of nativeness in the context of globalization, their relations and the points of view about them home and abroad.
200. It conveyed a subversive way of thinking, as if to cast a tear gas bomb exploded one after another rumble, warning the world: a new wave of globalization, flatteners are all borders.
201. That system, what might be called neoliberal globalization, was the system that just blew up.
202. Meanwhile, as a real American, he was a regionalist under the background of globalization.
203. Globalization is an unpreventable historical tide, and exerts a strong influence on the development of human's personality.
204. To some people globalization may seem like it's a dirty word.
204. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
205. Economy globalization a deep influence on our countrys TCM cause.
206. The paper will shoot a light on globalization in arbitral procedure by analyzing the law which govern the proceedings, the seat of arbitration and the specific proceedings in arbitration.
207. With the quickening of the economic globalization and process of liberalization of trade, technical barriers to trade (TBT) as the main new trade protective method have been prevailing.
208. At the background of financial capital globalization, Capital account liberalization is an unconvertible trend.
209. Economy globalization has made cross-border money laundering increasingly in rampancy and anti- money laundering posture grimmer .
210. Today, we have referred to as the "Western social disease" phenomena, is no longer a regional phenomenon with globalization become a common phenomenon in general.
211. Accounting, as a commercial language used by international society generally, plays a more and more important role in the process of economic globalization.
212. With the development of the globalization of economy and the investment in foreign countries of the TNC.
213. Globalization did not bring about odd polarization or Americanization, cannot both confuse sth with sth else.
214. This article holds the view that culture is the unity of ideology and non-ideology, and the globalization of it is the process of contra-diction between integration and diversity.
215. Fighting US imperialist globalization involves unmasking the nature of the strategic class alliances that perpetuates neocolonial relations.
216. Along with the progress of economic globalization the reshuffle and reshaping the world economics is approaching.
217. The paper aims at call for all the society to care about globalization problems and to push the coordinated development of human and nature.
218. The penetrative and explosive force that China has in facing globalization is enormous.
219. The economy globalization in modern era is not an absolutely economic process, but a process during which the western cultural values and calss theories were practised through economic extension.
220. However, with the shock of the globalization, the culture in Chinese southwestern region has been between the beetle and the block.
221. Here, democracy is on life-support, while paid-for politicians give mouth to mouth to imperialism, rampant globalization and the ravaging of the poor.
222. Along with the economic globalization, a choosing of foreign policy which give priority to national interest would turn into a kind of "common liberalizing trade", a policy in gaming sense.
223. In our interviews, 88% of the Chinese executives said that their globalization efforts were hindered by the scarcity of people with real cross-cultural knowledge or experience managing foreign talent.
224. The impulsion of economic globalization comes from the immanent logic of market order.
225. Under the background of the economic globalization, the Confucian ethics can be either the villain of the piece as a caution or the original pushing force to support the modernization in China.
226. Nation - state is the outcome of globalization, and also the most important propellent in the process of globalization.
227. In the period of globalization, the ability of strategic decision displays the core competitiveness of leadership.
228. In the era of globalization and given the size and the degree of interconnectedness of the two countries, China and the US can be regarded as a community of interests.
229. Under the economic globalization, the integration of industry with science and technology has already become the trend of the world economic development.
230. Economic Globalization promotes the globalization in every field in the world, including arbitral procedure, the trend of which can be found in the international or local legislation.
231. At the age of economic globalization, many countries are making regulatory efforts to compete for talents and foreign direct or indirect investment.
232. It is the result of economic globalization, and it manifests the tendency of diversification of cultural form, deepening of cultural content and incessancy of cultural confliction .
233. While students in Iran clamor for an American-style life, many in the West oppose globalization as the symbol of iniquitous free market capitalism.
234. Based on background of globalization and the rising of creative industry,[] the bounder aries of two different industries: toy and media are firmly connected and merged in the global village.
235. Along with the deepening of economic globalization, there is an increasing trend of cross-border investment and international integration of industry chains in the mineral and mining sector.
236. The U.S. banking and finance industries have been remade over the past quarter-century by globalization, deregulation, and technology.
237. Given some of the workforce trends of the past decade, doubling down on technology, innovation, and globalization may seem wrongheaded.
238. During the course of omnidirectional impacts of globalization, it is the nation - state that stand in the breach.
239. More information on using OAT's built-in language localization functionality is provided in the Use lang files for language globalization section.
240. We need to understand new terms, such as cyberspace, e-commerce, globalization, teleworking and virtual organizations.
241. The possible fields of CJK industrial cooperation are determined by the intrinsic relationship of their industrial structures, which have experienced a dynamic overall evolution under globalization.
242. As a kind of culture with long history, our traditional cultures has been continuously self-renewing, self-consummating and constantly adjusting itself to the development of the globalization.
243. With the economic globalization and regional economic integration, regional industrial cooperation has become the key of the development of regional economy.
244. Its basically explain the element is mixed in globalization commercialize two great power.
245. Globalization is now a two-way street; in fact it's an Indian street with traffic weaving in all directions.
246. I hereby do asseverate my solemn belief that globalization, taken as a whole, is a positive economic force and well worth defending.
247. Economic globalization and regional regularization are the epochal characteristics in the world of today.
248. With the deepening of finance globalization and the activeness of finance innovation, multinational banks are prospering.
249. Globalization demands " out of box " innovative and cutting edge ideas that search out new value streams.
250. Correctly guiding economic globalization and promoting the joint development of all countries.
251. The globalization of the Russian economy was to serve as a centerpiece of his reform program.
252. The Secretary - General launched a blistering attack on the phenomenon of economic globalization.
253. The upsurge of translating Western businessmen's autobiographies in the light of globalization has provided a perfect example of intuitional reference for Chinese local readers.
254. International capital movement is one of economical globalization important manifestations.
255. Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, trade liberalization has attracted increasing attention.
256. Now that trend has been reversed, with growing demand in countries like China and India turning globalization from an inflation headwind to a tailwind.
257. The main character and form of financial globalization is international capital flows.
258. Globalization brings with the crisis consciousness of national culture. The radical risk of weak national culture lies in the history amnesia and culture osteomalacia that lose national consciousness.
259. The Community Corrections are the sign of the progress of human civilization, and an inevitable trend of the juristical globalization.
260. How can the borderless funds flow into our country and promote industry upgrading and economic development in the globalization market?
261. With the globalization of market and economy, the management philosophy based on individual enterprise can't win the competition any more.
262. In the view of Chinese and foreign historians, "globalization" can be traced back to the great geographical discovery period (from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century) .




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