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单词 Scheelite
1. However, the Xintianling granite contains magmatic scheelite and wolframite.
2. Determination of micro beryllium in scheelite by polarography was studied.
3. There is also small amount of associated scheelite other than wolframite.
4. The tangerine and orange scheelite, bright black cassiterite, colourless and transparent board beryl occur in Pingwu, Sichuan Province.
5. Method of determinating of tungsten trioxide in artificial scheelite is described.
6. It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field.
7. Biotite, titanite, cassiterite, rutile, wolframite, scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites.
8. Results showed it was possible to recovery scheelite from tailings of molybdenum flotation in Luanchuan.
9. Reserved resources of scheelite and wolframite and their distribution in China are presented in this paper. The current situation of exploitation of tungsten resources is discussed.
10. Comparing the solubility of scheelite and wolframite in dil. nitric acid with those in oxalic acid or in hydrochloride acid-citric acid has been carried out.
11. Tungsten occurs as scheelite stringer,(/scheelite.html) dispersion mierograined scheelite and absorbed ions.
12. Variation rule of Slag amount during scheelite direct alloying is worked out by theoretical calculation.
13. Ultravioletspectrumspectrum and flotation solution chemistry were studied of scheelite and benzoylhydroxamic acid.
14. The tungsten ore inXingluokeng pertains to a symbiotic fine granite vein - type wolframite and scheelite deposit.
15. In ordinary chemical phase analyses of tungsten only tungstite, scheelite and wolframite are dealt with.
16. The new technology of producing ammonium paratungstate and the results of treating low grade scheelite with high phosphor and molybdenum content are introduced.
17. The development of main mineral processing technologies of wolframite and scheelite are presented in the paper.
18. The major metal minerals recycled include tantalum niobite, fine spar, tantalum aeschynite, wolframite and scheelite(), which have large density of generally 5 to 7.
19. The result of gravity separation for quartz - calcite type scheelite is not ideal.
20. The effects of ignition temperature and period of ignition on solubility of scheelite and wolframite have been investigated.
21. The results showed that copper occurs as chalcopyrite and enargite, tin occurs as cassiterite and custerite, and tungsten occurs as scheelite.
22. Metallic mineral excepting this native gold and native silver, as well as pyrite, stibnite, cinnabar, scheelite, dalarnite, magnetic iron ore, limonite.
23. It introduces the process experiment for producing C and WC powder in vaccum electric furnace with W 2O 3 and artificial scheelite reduced by carbon .




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