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单词 Credentials
1. She has the perfect credentials for the job.
2. He has perfect credentials to make an officer.
3. She had excellent credentials for the job.
4. All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
5. I can testify to the credentials of the clientele.
6. The commissioner presented his credentials to the State Department.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. He has all the credentials for the job.
8. She was asked to show her press credentials.
9. City established their championship credentials with a 6?0 win.
10. Both candidates for the job have excellent credentials.
11. She has impeccable credentials as a researcher.
12. She will first have to establish her leadership credentials.
13. Her academic credentials include an MA and a PhD.
14. First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.
15. I examined his credentials.
16. Britain's new ambassador to Lebanon has presented his credentials to the President.
17. There are doubts over his credentials as a future Prime Minister.
18. Dole possesses excellent credentials for the presidency.
19. Like Major, Neil Kinnock's sporting credentials are beyond reproach.
20. Bao Dai did indeed have gilt-edged credentials.
21. On Wednesday, Sundram insisted his credentials fit that mold.
22. New theories about education challenged women's intellectual credentials since most of them lacked a knowledge of the classics.
23. Volcker may have had exalted credentials as a central banker, but he was not deemed politically safe enough by Ronald Reagan.
24. Jacobson has solid liberal credentials, but he's not that kind of leftist.
25. She obtained press credentials from two publications to work as a journalist.
26. He spent the first part of the interview trying to establish his credentials as a financial expert.
27. The President will be drawn into a damaging battle in which his credentials will be on trial.
28. And those are just a few with Hall of Fame or near Hall of Fame credentials.
29. McCord had been carrying an application for college press credentials for the Democratic convention when he was arrested.
30. In short, they're advertisements not just for your financial status, but for your impeccable intellectual and social credentials.
1. He has perfect credentials to make an officer.
2. She had excellent credentials for the job.
3. All the candidates had excellent academic credentials.
4. I can testify to the credentials of the clientele.
5. First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.
31. For several weeks the applicants went before the committee, presented their credentials, were interviewed on their plans for reform.
32. But with those credentials, Safire could surely have been more imaginative.
33. Young people who meet the standards earn nationally recognized credentials that employers value.
34. Professional opportunities were scarce for young men, even those with impressive academic credentials.
35. The system has achieved this objective and in the process has established its anti-inflation credentials.
36. Reporters and television crews dribbled in to Austin over the last few days,[http:///credentials.html] with 275 requesting press credentials.
37. Without any widely recognised accreditation system, the consumer has been left to investigate the credentials of an operator themselves.
38. Professional societies bestow other forms of credentials on a voluntary basis.
39. Like tuition, teacher credentials and class size vary widely at private schools.
40. He promised to take duplicitous physicians before a medical ethics board and strip them of their credentials.
41. But Leeds' own tartan terror, Gordon Strachan, insists it does not make much difference to players with championship credentials.
42. They are hard-won credentials that show outstanding strengths in some of the most competitive business sectors in the world.
43. The Labour Court, a supposedly independent party, with national institution credentials, has delivered a knockout recommendation on Bank Assistants.
44. But you suggested I might have asked you outright for your - er - credentials.
45. They seemed perfect credentials for a man beyond suspicion, Perfect credentials.
46. Mr Fallon and Mr Milburn are both keener to stress local issues and their constituency credentials.
47. For nearly three years President Clinton has carefully burnished his crime-fighter credentials.
48. Ceausescu singled out this minority for especially severe treatment in order to emphasise his nationalist credentials.
49. Sutton's political credentials helped win the approval of the Founders.
50. They then knock at solicitors' doors, presenting their credentials and asking if there is a vacancy for an articled clerk.
51. As such, he has' Impeccable credentials as a commentator on the reasons underlying its success.
52. Digital certificates provide electronic credentials that enable authenticated and encrypted communications and transactions between sites and individuals over the Internet.
53. His benign middle-class credentials were supposed to attract a wide spectrum of supporters, but he was merely a figurehead.
54. The exercise went far to establish his credentials in the right quarters.
55. It is vital to check the credentials of any purported legal representative on the other side.
56. But his good loyalist credentials could not save him when he departed from the narrow path.
57. It has, however, yet to establish its credentials in understanding the views and conflicting perspectives of local communities.
58. A Newsweek reporter, press credentials pinned to his coat and not interfering with police, was coolly and systematically beaten.
59. Alan Gordon James Watt would seem to have the ideal credentials for an international lock.
60. Despite his phony credentials as a cleric, Guinness felt strongly that the reality of this trust was important.
61. Such appointments are customary for presidents, although most have broader academic credentials than Bulger.
62. Although known as a technocrat rather than an ideologue, Yeutter's conservative credentials were impeccable.
63. This scrutiny of medical credentials ensures that patients get properly trained doctors.
64. After looking at the credentials for miraculous claims, Hume came to the conclusion that the balance of probabilities counted against them.
65. The question that has to be asked is this: Who checks the moral credentials of the moralists?
66. The author's credentials as an advocate for the popularity as well as the excellence of publicly-sponsored theatre are beyond question.
66. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
67. He'd think nothing of checking up on a fellow's credentials.
68. Lee looked at his bloated face peering in above the set of credentials he held under his chin.
69. Jefferson came to Church youth work with very solid credentials.
70. No doubt it will sorely test the liberal and progressive credentials of certain members.
71. However, their vaunted credentials as representatives of the opposition were questioned by commentators.
72. After establishing my credentials and getting my outsized but very tastefully colored beige identification card, I begin my search.
73. Her credentials, if she could call them that, had somehow got about.
74. Wouldn't this be in line with the much-paraded environmental credentials of our major retailers?
75. The momentum of the Tyminski campaign faltered amid further allegations about his credentials and and background.
76. However, as the convention began Monday, the credentials that allowed AirTouch technicians to get to their equipment were taken away.
77. So I will provide insight later into my credentials and extensive background as a successful practitioner of Total Quality Management.
78. The legislative victory also burnished Putin's credentials as an economic reformer.
79. With rare exceptions, very few patients either understand or utilize the data on physician credentials that are available to them.
80. Here the normal justification thesis establishes the credentials of John and Ruth as authorities in their fields.
81. Mr George has a reputation as a hawk on inflation and his move yesterday will reinforce his credentials.
82. Are those empirical credentials sufficient, however, to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have?
83. He has touted his anti-crime credentials by ordering guidelines for local authorities that would oust from public housing residents who commit crimes.
84. In 1996, the nominees possess solid credentials for the presidency as well as the vice presidency.
85. He will be picked on, as always, but by quarterbacks with credentials roughly matching his own.
86. And the first, Donald Palma, arrived Monday with impressive credentials in the new music field.
87. Oblivious to the emotion riding on their backs, Aureole and Pinza came to Epsom with excellent credentials.
88. That too is a relevant question, so, following is a synopsis of my credentials in that respect.
89. Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
90. Logon to the host system with the applicable credentials.
91. We are a firm of consultants with empowerment credentials.
92. He has long credentials of diplomatic service.
93. His Republican credentials made him an asset.
94. Her academic credentials are impeccable.
95. Credentials MUST be awarded at an ICOI sponsored symposium.
96. Two new credentials must be created: Administrator and Moderator.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. Milan will start with excellent credentials, its a feared side and this will be the factor I will discuss first of all with the team.
98. The credentials for labour and social security inspection shall be printed under the supervision of the labour and social security administration department of the State Council.
99. The source bridgehead servers have changed. You must re - enter override credentials on the Remote Bridgehead page.
100. Please do not send in originals of proof of credentials and all nomination documents are non-returnable.
101. Fowler warned the recession had made cars'environmental credentials a low priority for consumers.
102. If it is on the phone, make sure you have the right number. If it is in an office, make sure you know the floor and if you need any type of security credentials like a photo ID.
103. In the Authentication Profile field, enter the authentication method to use to validate remote user credentials.
104. The database is currently busy with credential maintenance. Please try setting credentials later.
105. For example, several tests may have the identical steps in the application for entering customer address information or logon credentials.
106. The wand is better than the "remember password" option in Firefox, because it doesn't autofill the fields and allows you to enter details manually if you want to use different credentials.
107. The executive search firm is to plough the landscape for someone who has the relevant experience and credentials. Fresh graduates do not come into the picture given this backdrop.
108. I needed to be with people who admired my long hair and troubadour credentials, you see.
109. Nowadays, educational qualifications and professional competence credentials are the stepping-stone(passport) to get a good job .
110. While it's not for a journalist to nitpick a minister's theological credentials, that implication of belated seismic revenge on Haitian children seems defamatory of God.
111. The project is investigating how the content of a JEST response can be authenticated or controlled at a fine-grained data level based on the requesting client's credentials.
112. Buying green can establish the moral credentials that license subsequent bad behaviour: the rosier your view of yourself, the more likely you are to hoard your money and do down other people.
113. Mechanical engineer 1, male, the undergraduate course, has the credentials.
114. Some businesses manage the IRM features from their own servers, but for individuals or businesses that don't, Microsoft can manage IRM credentials and authentication for you.
115. Consequently, redundant information flows through the wire for the same user accessing the same server multiple times with similar credentials.
116. Its modest credentials include a 29-year-old debutant director, a budget of just $30m and a cast of unknowns.
117. So Teddy Roosevelt, better remembered by later generations of Americans as a unilateralist Rough Rider, had strong internationalist credentials.
118. Custodian of the brand values , credentials and maintain the'sanctity of the brand '.
119. These keys are stored in a cryptographically protected key store and upon successful login, and the user's keys are loaded into the kernel and associated with the process credentials.
120. Call it the Yao Ming Effect, a phenomenon where the towering Rockets' center and his deserving All-Star credentials pull along a freight train filled with his, uh, less-than-glittering teammates.
121. This is to prevent a new, unauthenticated client from reusing an old, authenticated connection to the remote component that is associated with a previous client's authentication credentials.
122. At present, there are still plenty of situations in our work to give tacit consent to all kinds of seamen's credentials.
123. If the user's credentials are valid (authenticate successfully), the originally requested protected resource is then accessed.
124. "He was using the art of the golden age in Spain to assert his avant-garde credentials, " said Richardson.
125. My legal training also helps me work with faculty—because of sharedexperience and also because some of them value my credentials (law school, clerkship, etc.).
126. Mr Saakashvili an impetuous nationalist who has lately tarnished his democratic credentials.
127. I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications[/credentials.html], including educational credentials and levels of certification.
128. Our flimsy journalists credentials rest on my few magzine pieces.
129. While learning professional knowledge well, make great efforts to be admitted to declarant 's qualification , and will obtain declarant 's credentials in February of 2007.
130. The credentials and brief biographies of the members of the resident office appointed by that enterprise.
131. So there are serious questions about the green credentials of plans to build Europe's largest onshore wind farm on 187 square kilometres of thick peat on the Shetland Islands.
132. This model extends the traditional RBAC model with user credentials, temporal constraints and XML document classification to enforce a content-based time-aware multi-granularity access control.
133. In trust management, a specialized trust management language is meditated to describe the distributed policies and security credentials that depict trust relationships between software entities.
134. You don't need to write any specific code for security, even in a secure environment, because this plug-in runs within the WSRR application and inherits security credentials from WSRR.
135. LDAP provides a standards-based, hierarchical data structure that allows applications access without security credentials, or by supplying credentials stored in their own target records.
136. The local bridgehead servers have changed. You must re - enter Outbound Security credentials on the Advanced page.
137. Article 26. The Standing Committee shall establish a Deputies Credentials Committee.
138. Your proposal was well thought out and your credentials are very solid.
139. Underline, bold face, and use bullets to emphasize your credentials.
140. I thank you, Your Excellency, and I thank the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas for accepting my credentials as Ambassador.
141. If so, you'll need to go to each website where you're using your Windows Live login credentials and delete your accounts there prior to deleting the Live account itself.
142. If India wants to be taken seriously among the leading space players, it must first get the right credentials.
143. We apply this material to policy debates including minimum wage regulations, food stamp provision, trade protection, educational credentials, health insurance markets, and Internet shopping.
144. Right-click the tree view of the CMIS plug-in to display the Add Repository window (see figure 7) in which you can enter the URL of this service document and the credentials if the server is secured.
145. His appointment cements our regional strategy credentials, allowing us to offer a depth and breadth of analytic thinking that outstrips all our competitors.
146. The following season, he opted to boost his credentials with Saturn Moscow Oblast in Russia, before celebrating a triumphant return to Artmedia with the Slovakian league title a year after.
147. Young Miss Goodall had no scientific credentials when she began, not even an undergraduate degree.
148. The Wall Street Journal published a page-one article raising questions about Mr. Pang's credentials and about whether his firm might be swindling investors with a Ponzi scheme.
149. Occupation Credentials Regulation is an important part of nation's labour management system.
150. Cadre's on - the - job training is gradually undergoing a change from academic credentials education to all - round continuing education.
151. Each request contains all the necessary information including credentials for the Resource Request Handler to process the request.
152. The toolbar has to allow the user to configure the external system ( host name, credentials ).
153. The rest is a cakewalk for the hacker to log on to the banking Web site with the victim's credentials.
154. GSSAPI lacks a login interface for acquiring credentials; it merely queries the underlying security mechanism for credentials for the calling principal.
155. If it is in an office, make sure you know the floor and if you need any type of security credentials like a photo ID.
156. When another user requires access to the file, their security credentials are verified before being granted access to the data even though the file data is already in memory and in clear format.
157. Democrat Barack Obama hurled an acidic attack at his Republican White House rivals' reformist credentials, likening their promise of change to putting "lipstick on a pig."
158. Cannot set external domain. Please verify the domain name and logon credentials.
159. To validate credentials, the user password is hashed using the MD5 algorithm and compared to the stored value.
160. In short, driven by careerism, "the nation's colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials than in providing a quality education for their students."
161. Also, to authenticate a specific user, you use the pattern in Listing 2, where UNAME, VNAME, PNAME, and PWD are part of the Payflow gateway login credentials assigned to a merchant when signing up.
162. To validate credentials, the user password is hashed using the SHA1 algorithm and compared to the stored value.
163. This paper analyses the RT0 trust management language and its semantics, adds two kinds of credentials.
164. It can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as long as you know the last log-on password.
165. However, this is still bound to be a big time-saver, since it means you don't have to remember and re-enter two sets of credentials.
166. Later on, when the process needs to open an EFS protected file,[http://] these credentials are tested.
167. Whether opening campuses abroad or organising exchange programmes, universities are keen to burnish their multicultural credentials.
168. In opening an account of time deposit of small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, the depositor shall present his or her ID card or other valid credentials.
169. Baradar may have had better credentials as Mullah Omar’s brother-in-law and longtime confidant, but he was a consensus seeker, in the mold of a traditional tribal chieftain.
170. high-strength steel, aluminum, magnesium and other metals also are polishing up their lightweight credentials.
171. The president has been sensitive to accusations of dovishness, and he has been eager to prove his hawkish credentials.
172. Please note: Credentials MUST be awarded at an ICOI sponsored symposium. Awardees may attend an ICOI solely sponsored meeting at 50% off normal registration.
173. If the drift exceeds the window time, then the server starts rejecting client credentials and resynchronization is needed.
174. The incident, which ignited a heated public discussion, has alerted employers, who are now leaving no stone unturned to crosscheck their job applicants' credentials and credibility.
175. This file will provide the credentials for further invocations of the cvs login command.
176. Bailey says men often make up heroic war stories to impress women, to puff up their job credentials or because they think it will inspire youngsters such as Boy Scouts and military recruits.




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