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单词 Lenin
1 The theory was advanced by the great Lenin.
2 He bears a striking resemblance to Lenin.
3 Lenin was the great orator of the Russian Revolution.
4 That night, Lenin travelled incognito to the party headquarters.
5 Lenin carried Marx's ideas a stage further by putting them into practice.
6 In 1980,[] strikes at the Lenin shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.
7 Statues of Lenin were torn down all across Eastern Europe.
8 Politics, Lenin thought, could be replaced by technocracy.
9 Police picture, Lenin, full face and profile.
10 Lenin described such a situation as revolutionary.
11 Power was the chief preoccupation of Lenin and Stalin.
12 Lenin got into the train without replying a word.
13 Statues of Lenin were torn down across Eastern Europe.
14 Meet Lenin Lopez, a garment worker who supports Unz.
15 His characterless Seventh Symphony won a Lenin prize.
16 The red pins bore the likeness of Lenin.
17 We visited the birthplace of Lenin in Ulyanovsk.
18 In 1909 Lenin succeeded in having Bogdanov expelled from the Bolshevik faction.
19 With the death of Lenin, the Leninists soon found themselves in a minority in the Bolshevik party they had created.
20 The Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was helpful toward that end and pledged monetary support.
21 To preserve the system, Lenin argued, concessions had to be granted to the proletariat at home.
22 We used to make a detour going down Lenin Avenue.
23 Several Bolshevik commissars favoured such a compromise, but Lenin and Trotsky were adamantly opposed and negotiations broke down.
24 Lenin and Stalin lay together in an orange glow at the bottom of a stone stairway.
25 Lenin was not a nationalist, and his central political aim was to preserve the Republic as a springboard for world revolution.
26 Althusser has a theoretical reason for adopting the views of Lenin and Mao.
27 It has been a radical rallying cry ever since Lenin laid it down as doctrine.
28 He expressed himself in favour of ideological purity, strictly in accordance with Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and for purging members who deviate.
29 This essentially political definition of imperialism is not shared by Lenin.
30 Not doing hard drugs anymore, and sleeping around with Lenin.
31 Hobson's work is mainly remembered because Lenin used it to construct his own, quite distinct, theory of imperialism.
32 What Lenin did not abandon in return was his fundamental antipathy to capitalism.
33 They were busy squabbling over the succession to Lenin, who had just died.
34 Lenin, Kerensky and the other leaders of the new order all met there.
35 Lenin declared in 1917, describing how the Bolsheviks planned to retain power.
36 The evidence would seem overwhelming that Lenin was not devious in defending Clause 9.
36 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37 The great revolutionary writer must retain the sophisticated literary qualities of Dostoievsky, whilst acceding to the clear-sighted political qualities of Lenin.
38 The other two works in the Volkogonov trilogy, on Lenin and Trotsky were later published by HarperCollins.
39 Tolstoy clearly had radically different ideas from Lenin on the very nature of mankind.
40 Following Marx and Engels, Lenin argued that capitalism was an objective system for the exploitation of the working class.
41 Lenin accepted that socialism would be a form of state, but with a different mode of organizing state functionaries.
42 Lenin took a personal interest in railway and electricity technology for another reason.
43 He grips a marble tablet listing the troika Marx, Engels, Lenin, and a fourth, struck out.
44 The simple truths according to Marx and Lenin are now crowded by doubts.
45 It never quite worked out as Lenin planned, but his strategy was inherited by Communists after him.
46 Lenin was one of the first theorists who examined the international growth of capitalism from a Marxist perspective.
47 In fact though, as Lenin said, populism had not a grain of socialism in it.
48 The Bolsheviks, on the insistent urging of Lenin, moved with caution in relation to nationalisation during this period.
49 It stood in contrast to the totalitarianism gathering pace under Lenin and Trotsky which accelerated out of control under Stalin.
50 Lenin used a number of different arguments to justify recognizing the right to secede, and it is worth summarizing them.
51 Or put them in jail with murderers and hooligans all in the name of Karl Marx and Lenin.
52 Immense carmine portraits of Marx, Engels and Lenin were hoisted as witnesses and validators of the pageant.
53 They waved red flags and shouted, "Lenin, yes".
54 Neither Marx nor Engels nor Lenin was like that.
55 Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory.
56 Lenin headed the struggle against opportunism.
57 This principle advanced by Lenin remains an incontrovertible truth.
58 Leningrad was named after Russian leader Vladimir Lenin.
59 V. I. Lenin of Hegel Science of Logic.
60 Lenin carried further the ideas of Marx and Engels.
61 That is, the thought of cooperativeness initiated by Lenin.
62 Thus, Lenin strongly resisted any attempt to distort Marxism.
63 Aug. 23, 1991: The statue of Lenin is dismantled in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius as the government banned the Communist Party.
64 In October, 1917, Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin organized an armed uprising to overthrow the Provisional Government.
65 The formation of our constructing a harmonious society is developed from Karl Marx and Lenin, and then sublimed with our socialist practice.
66 Through tempests the sun rays of freedom have cheered us on Like the new path created by Great Lenin To a righteous cause he raised the people Inspired them to labour and valorous deed!
67 Bolshevik Revolution, led by Lenin,[] overthrew Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky's government.
68 Lenin said that Chartism was "the first broad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement.
69 She ended off her speech with a quotation from Lenin.
70 All through the night Lenin was in the Smolny directing the insurrection.
71 Although Lenin was older, the Bolshevik shock troops were made up of young men, as were the Nazi storm troopers.
72 At the beginning of the 20th century, in connection with the formation of the Bolshevik party, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin argued in his influential What Is To Be Done?
73 In that way - and others - Obama reminds me of Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state.
74 We thank Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin for giving us a weapon.
75 1917 - Vladimir Lenin arrives at Petrograd Station in Russia from exile, marking the beginning of Bolshevik leadership in the Russian Revolution.
76 And again Lenin is in the middle and different happy workers of Soviet Russia surround him.
77 Their bad: "Whether Lenin was a genius or dullard would be decided by a foreigner!"
78 Because of premature death of Lenin, some contents of political talents thoughts haven't future perfect.
79 The Bolsheviks , led by Lenin, overthrew Alexander Kerensky ? ? s government in Petrograd.
80 Because no socialist has seriously thought through how their cockamamie system would work. Lenin used to say, oh whatever, just run the whole economy the same way the post office is run.
81 Bolsheviks in Lenin returned to Petrograd Menshevik support even before the adoption of the interim government's policy.
82 Lenin wrote that the overthrow of the autocracy is only the first stage of the revolution.
83 While in Samara, Lenin continued to study the works of Marx and Engels.
84 Could Lenin foresee that the Chinese revolutionaries would win by encircling the cities from the countryside?
85 Lenin quoted Clausewitz, " War is the continuation of politics by other means. "
86 Lenin, Stalin and Hitler all rose out of the wreckage of liberalism.
87 The Marx - Engles - Lenin cooperative economy thought is rich in content.
88 Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels.
89 Lenin briefly had been a criminal defense lawyer under the czarist government before opting for revolution.
90 Lev Davidovich Bronstein. Leader, with V. I. Lenin, of the Russian Revolution.
91 On Jan. 21, 1924, Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died at age 54.
92 Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin had cautioned that Stalin was rude and intolerant.
93 Lenin created the theory of instillment during the struggle to economism.
94 Lenin emphasizes the election of people and the right that unmake a cadre.
95 I was startled to find the deposed statue of Lenin ousted from the main square of Ulan Bator in 1993 stuck behind the building in one of its gardens.
96 The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable.
96 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
97 Man's primary nature of thought put forward by Lenin is the common emotional convey without reasonable analysis, class nature or cognitive content.
98 Fanya Kaplan , an assassin , shoots and seriously injures Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
99 After Vladimir Lenin died in 1924, his brain was preserved in a formaldehyde solution.
100 Think Peter I, Catherine II, and Alexander III; Lenin, Stalin etc.
101 The database shows that Lenin himself adopted a rhetorical stance of aggressive unoriginality.
102 It sounded like a logical argument, but none-the-less it is strange to see the 'hammer and sickle' and the busts and statues of Lenin everywhere.
103 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin or also known as Nikolai Lenis was born on the 22nd of April 1870, in Simbirsk, Volga.
104 But the Wall began to crack back in 1980 when the Polish trade union Solidarity was created at the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk and it won the right to strike.
105 On this basis, this paper expounds the Lenin on economic and ethical relations analysis, and Lenin's "economic determinism."
106 The third is on the relationship between Bukharin's proletarian culture theory and Lenin & Trotski.
107 Why the mass murderer Lenin the author of the Red Terror, still venerated on Red Square?
108 More specifically, is there a profound gulf between the "mechanistic, " "passive, " and "fatalist" Marxism of Kautsky and the dialectical, activist, revolutionary Marxism of Lenin?
109 Might have been the other way around: Stalin acting as a Svengali on Lenin.
110 In Soviet Russia period(), lenin explored the way that rural socio economy transforms actively.
111 Washington responded as Lenin had done during the "war communism" period of Soviet history. The government sent troops to confiscate goods for distribution in kind to the population.
112 When our great leader, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a teen-aged boy, I was fortunate enough to be his playmate. For his mother and my mother were sisters.
113 In his 1923 dictating paper, On the Cooperative System, Lenin concluded that the cooperative association under conditions of capitalist countries is the collective capitalist organization.
114 German film-makers have discovered that if you make your film entertaining and surprising, as happened with "Good Bye Lenin!", you can succeed at the box office.
115 Lenin spoke so convincingly that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.
116 It seems that an spanish politician, Giner de los Rios, met V. I. Lenin during a train trip.
117 Have Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin given us any grounds?
118 On January 21, 1924, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known to the world as Lenin, died of complications from a series of strokes that had progressively debilitated him over the preceding year.
119 Marx initiated the theory of world history, but it was Lenin who had completed the development of Marxist theory of world history from uniline logic to double line logic.
120 Strikes occurred, but none as portentous as the strike in the Lenin shipyards in Gdansk that began on August 14, 1980.
121 Lenin emphasizedto consolidate the socialst regime and to run all kinds of national att - airs by law.
122 In those revolts, thinkers or ideologues — from Thomas Paine to Lenin to Mao to Vaclav Havel — helped provide a unifying vision or became symbols of a people's aspirations.
123 Assembly elections in the central leadership organs, the support of the people in the majority of Lenin, saying (meaning the majority), such as a small number of votes, said Menshevik .
124 Nikolai Lenin, who had first met him in 1905 in Finland, set him to work writing an article on the Marxist theory of governing minorities.
125 After the October Revolution, Lenin paid more and more attention to the problems of economy management as the Bolshevik party transferred her work center to the economy construction.
126 In 1980, strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.
127 Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin are honest, men of science are honest.
128 The few unfrequented bookshops left in China offered little else but the writings of Mao and Marx and Lenin.
129 In Khabarovsk his statue is back on the pedestal that Lenin usurped.
130 Svenska : Stalin,[http:///lenin.html] Lenin och Kalinin vid det Sovjetunionens kommunistiska partis? ttonde kongress i mars 1919.
131 Lenin said that Chartism was "the first broad, really ma , politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement."
132 The surviving members of these classes who are unreconciled will inevitably, as Lenin put it, throw themselves with a tenfold furious passion into the battle for the recovery of their lost paradise.
133 In the autumn of 1917, in Smolny Institute in Petrograd, Nikolai Lenin quietly said: We shall now proceed to construct the Socialist State.
134 Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al.
135 The democratie centralism, which was put forward by Lenin, is dialectical unity.
136 Lenin did a great deal of the preparatory work for this conference.




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