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单词 Deprivation
1 Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
2 Researchers found a strong correlation between urban deprivation and poor health.
3 Social deprivation is the unacceptable face of capitalism.
4 They used sleep deprivation as a form of torture.
5 Many of the people suffered terrible deprivation.
6 Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.
7 They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.
8 There is awful deprivation in the shanty towns.
9 Low birth weight is related to economic deprivation.
10 Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.
11 Poverty and deprivation are by no means confined to the north of the country.
12 Sleep deprivation can cause stress,[] loss of appetite and lethargy.
13 The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities.
14 Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.
15 He was merely perpetrating that deprivation.
16 Sleep deprivation causes memory loss, paranoia, and other problems.
17 The effects of sleep deprivation were therefore not simple.
18 Deprivation must not be an excuse for everything.
19 In some cases indicators of deprivation are getting worse.
20 Translated this means illiteracy, homelessness, hunger, deprivation and death.
21 It speaks of liberty and prohibits the deprivation of liberty without the due process of law.
22 He points out that sensory deprivation often leads to disturbances in perception and thinking.
23 Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
24 Those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
25 The inner-city has guns and crime and drugs and deprivation.
26 The accumulation of lactate in the blood results from any mechanism that produces oxygen deprivation of tissues and thereby anaerobic metabolism.
27 Table 9.6 shows several indicators used in the derivation of GRE elements which are related to deprivation.
28 The greatest burdens of the war - destruction, disruption of life and economic deprivation - have fallen on the rural population.
29 Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
30 In 1980 it showed the greatest tendency to revitalise and performed averagely on a decline in deprivation index.
1 Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.
2 Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
3 Researchers found a strong correlation between urban deprivation and poor health.
4 Sleep deprivation can cause stress, loss of appetite and lethargy.
5 The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities.
31 Various policy initiatives have addressed the question of how to reverse the decay, deprivation and industrial degeneration of a century.
32 Economic deprivation has increased both petty and violent crimes, turning some cities into murder capitals.
33 Conversely, in motivating individuals to leave or withdraw, relative deprivation of individual rewards is a major influence.
34 He avoids mentioning Home Office research that suggests that there is a relationship between deprivation and crime.
35 Her deprivation had been not having any dreams of her own at all.
36 There is therefore a sense of relative deprivation among Shetlanders.
37 No human being can do this for long; experiments in sensory deprivation have shown this clearly enough.
38 Do not the problems of the third world, which is still suffering economic deprivation, need to be addressed?
39 Suppose we think of individuals which are reared throughout their lives in a situation where there is sensory deprivation.
40 Grief, loneliness, poor health, financial worries,[ ] social deprivation all contribute to a feeling of acute depression.
41 Comparing themselves with that mythical family, everyone ends up with feelings of relative deprivation.
42 Through the development of community services and a decentralised, non-bureaucratic welfare state, we can lift people out of poverty and deprivation.
43 So the decline continued until parts of our cities were ghettos of deprivation, unemployment, poor housing and social exclusion.
44 Today's elderly experienced great hardship and deprivation during their formative years.
45 That is, where unskilled labour prevailed there was chronic want and deprivation.
46 They were officially internees, rather than prisoners, and life, although monotonous and full of deprivation, was not brutal.
47 There is therefore a clear relationship between deprivation and crime.
48 Racism is a tragedy beyond socioeconomic deprivation; it speaks of the total deprivation of the church today.
49 But it said that to get at the root of the problem the Government had to tackle the whole issue of deprivation.
50 The scale of deprivation and the constraints on mobility within these cores should not, however, be exaggerated.
51 It may lead to a considerable degree of social deprivation and a miserable existence for the families involved.
52 The rock-and-roll and sleep deprivation, the chair, even leaving me out in the corridor to hear the screams.
53 In short, unemployment must be considered as the primary agent causing and maintaining urban deprivation.
54 We have seen then two very different conceptions of poverty, that of subsistence and of deprivation.
55 The deprivation had been the loss of her father, the constant loss of friends and contacts.
56 New York has substantially worse infant and neonatal mortality than London or Paris and some signs of worse problems of social deprivation.
57 The effects of sleep deprivation appear to reduce mental and physical functioning.
58 The results provide a new perspective on the association between area deprivation indicators and population health.
59 Complex and difficult lives are simplified into iconic statements of social deprivation.
60 In chapter 7 Murphy shows that net of many other factors local authority tenants still experience added deprivation.
61 There is considerable debate over the most appropriate index of deprivation in particular situations.
62 Must people identity coldness with hostility and deprivation; warmth with friendliness, nourishment, closeness and intimacy.
63 But for most, everything changes, including the chemistry between the parents. Consider the simplest physical impact: sleep deprivation.
64 The result has been a substantial increase in homelessness and deprivation.
65 For generations the Sandovals, like millions of their fellow countrymen, had suffered from grinding poverty and deprivation.
66 Moreover, particular examples of the use or non-use of multiple points of view are not necessarily indicators of cognitive deprivation.
67 Scant weight is given to indices of economic deprivation, such as unemployment levels and proportions of children or families in receipt of Supplementary Benefit.
68 The excluded black and white citizens in the urban areas seem set to continue to suffer deprivation and disadvantage.
69 The effect is rather like being in a sensory deprivation tank, in that you can't move or react at all.
70 Poverty should then perhaps best be seen more realistically in terms of relative rather than absolute deprivation.
71 Indeed most people, however accomplished and apparently confident,[http:///deprivation.html] suffer from praise deprivation.
72 The deprivation of family and social ties seem most acute although loss of liberty is also acutely felt.
73 Paradoxically, it was the grain-surplus areas which were most at risk of severe deprivation and periodic famine.
74 Numerous research projects were set up to investigate patterns of transmitted deprivation where families appear to hand down problems from generation to generation.
75 One is supposed to feel a charitable surge at revelations of deprivation, but oh how satisfying not to do so.
76 Describes the areas in terms of income, employment, education, housing tenure, deprivation, ethnic composition and crime.
77 Many children who fail to thrive will have suffered neglect and deprivation both of food and emotional warmth.
78 Although poverty, deprivation and low intelligence tend to go together, it is hard to disentangle cause and effect.
79 The researchers questioned whether parents of premature infants suffered from deprivation due to their long physical separation from their hospitalized infants.
80 The inclusion of measures of social deprivation is also poorly thought out.
81 Needless to say, those who lived in the inner cities had a high index of deprivation.
82 North raised the possibility that Button went off course because of oxygen deprivation.
83 Given their workload, cuddling or talking to children is a luxury, and emotional deprivation an inevitable outcome.
84 Clearly without the deprivation payments some good inner city practices would have been bankrupted by the new contract.
85 Many cases of mild mental handicap are thus caused by social deprivation.
86 An old-fashioned paper book for Ben - one he had specifically asked for - on sensory deprivation.
87 They analysed data on requests to place pupils in particular schools together with census-based area deprivation indices and school-based characteristics.
88 Is he happy with the fact that one of the deprivation factors that he has used relates to car ownership?
89 An individual who has been deprived of sleep is more difficult to arouse because sleep that follows sleep deprivation is very deep.
90 Strategies to promote the nation's health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.
91 Yet deprivation alone does not explain the militancy and relatively strong political consciousness of the factory proletariat.
92 Deprivation indicator scores are high and it is reputed to be a seedy haven for criminals and outcasts.
93 After hallucinating from oxygen deprivation in the Himalayas, Haver vowed to ski the Seven Summits.
94 But that liberty is not guaranteed absolutely against deprivation, only against deprivation without due process of law.
95 In fact women are significantly less violent than men, suggesting that frustration with socio-economic deprivation is not a sufficient explanation.
96 During a period of sleep deprivation the effects of sleeplessness may become cumulative.
97 However, because deprivation is also associated with excess mortality some of this is already picked up by including standardised mortality ratio.
98 Despite many attempts to link drug use with social deprivation, the association is spurious.
99 A deprivation score was used to compare the relative deprivation or affluence of rural and urban areas.
100 Young and far from home, they suffer from emotional deprivation and severe isolation.
101 They suggest therefore that greater emphasis be given to housing tenure in evaluating relative deprivation.
102 He drew out of her and she groaned at her deprivation of him.
103 What needs to be explained is the origin of concentrations of wealth and security or of poverty and deprivation.
104 Some problems of aggregation remain for the relative deprivation perspective, but the examination of groups works well for the mobilization perspective.
105 At the extreme this engenders a sense of relative deprivation which it is now fashionable to take as the measure of poverty.
106 Produced by the Wiltshire Community Foundation, it warns the gulf between deprivation and affluence gives cause for concern.
107 This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
108 In each case the violation alleged by those attacking minimum wage regulation for women is deprivation of freedom of contract.
109 In reality, sensory deprivation has made the horse bored silly.
110 It may be that that individual does not function normally as a consequence of the sensory deprivation.
111 When I hear about deprivation and injustice in the world, I get up and change the channel. 71.
112 If a standard dosage is given initially, then a diagnostic water deprivation test can also be carried out.
113 Clearly too many diets involve deprivation that is so severe that the dieter breaks away from them.
114 The all important relationship between material deprivation and ill health was not discussed in your speech.
115 The indicators used are often extremely remote surrogates for true risk, and multiple deprivation is rarely treated as interactive rather than additive.
116 Given the extent of economic deprivation, it was an impressive record.
117 Many of these have also been authorities with substantial areas of inner-urban deprivation within their boundaries.
118 Many of the men were suffering from shell-shock, sleep deprivation and cold, he added.
119 There's been long term sensory deprivation, so it's not surprising.
120 However, I am wary of placing excessive pressure on children and teachers where there are behavioural difficulties or deprivation.
121 This raises the question of why measures of deprivation are being put forward instead of morbidity measures.
122 Conversely, throughout this period Government Ministers strenuously denied that unemployment and social deprivation were significant causes of urban unrest.
123 All study practices were in relatively prosperous areas: none was in receipt of a deprivation allowance.
124 While the underlying cause of the riots was multi-faceted deprivation some of the incidents were sparked off by police action.
125 Social deprivation Known opioid use in Wirral was found to be heavily concentrated in the larger, socially deprived communities.
126 Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm 
127 Riches or deprivation are comparative.
128 neglected children suffering from social deprivation.
129 Actions of deprivation or abolition of eligibility or rights.
130 You've heard of sensory deprivation, right?http:///deprivation.html
131 Osteoporosis from androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer treatment.
132 Some of Groupon's most popular experiential deals include sky diving, sensory deprivation tanks, and winery tours, says Mossler.
133 Scientists looked for a genetic marker called Period 3 known to predict the effects of sleep deprivation.
134 Conclusion Minirin is equal to pituitrin in water deprivation test for the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus. Minirin replacing pituitrin in water deprivation is feasible.
135 A fast pulse and restlessness are early signs of oxygen deprivation.
136 MKULTRA involved the use of drugs, sensory deprivation, religious cults, microwaves , psychological conditioning, psychosurgery, brain implants, and other areas of research.
137 Many studies make it clear that sleep deprivation is dangerous.
138 Amblyopia is a common developmental disorder of spatial vision, which main associated risk factors are strabismus, anisometropia and visual deprivation before the age of 7 years.
139 After decades of deprivation and conformism, Chinese consumers regard expensive consumer goods as trophies of success. In public, they show off.
140 The essence of the theory is Nietzsche's inverted Platonism deeply rooted in the problematics of "real existence vs deprivation of real existence".
141 Conclusion:Melatonin can improve the memory dysmnesia induced by sleep deprivation. The possible mechanism is inhibition of rat's brain MDA and NO increasing.
142 Caffeine and other stimulants cannot overcome the effects of severe sleep deprivation.
143 The essence of "scissors difference" is the deprivation of the peasants' economy. In identity, citizenship is divided into two types of peasants and citizens.
144 That is a disadvantage in finding out the relationship between the different auditory-visual experiences deprivation, or auditory-visual modality obstacle and the temporal perception.
145 Military rank deprivation is the penalty of depriving criminal armyman of military rank, which was not regulated in 1997's criminal law.
146 The possibility exists that the LB1 specimen is a H. erectus individual with a pathological growth condition stemming from microcephaly or nutritional deprivation, she observes.
147 Relative deprivation is attributed to inequalities in the social system.
148 If there is any false declaration, I will accept the consequences as immediate cancellation of my admission; the deprivation of my status as a NTU registered student; or revocation of my diploma.
149 Mcl - 1 mediates cytokine deprivation induced apoptosis of human myeloma cell line XG - 7.
150 At that point Mason knew he was on to something: "Who would think this many people would be interested in a sensory deprivation chamber?"
151 Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD.
152 In fact, even very small amounts of sleep deprivation significantly undermine capacity for focus, analytic thinking and creativity.
153 He claims the lack of pornographic material subjects him to a "poor standard of living" and "both sexual and sensory deprivation."
154 For the first time in 40 years Horizon re - creates a controversial sensory deprivation experiment.
155 Hormon - dependent tumour may sometimes be controlled by the artificial administration or deprivation of hormons.
156 AIM: To observe the changes of the swimming velocity of rats after paradoxical sleep deprivation(PSD), so as to provide certain scientific methods for exercise training.
157 Bishop of a mountain diocese, living so very close to nature, in rusticity and deprivation.
158 CONCLUSIONS Androgen - deprivation therapy for prostate cancer increases the risk of fracture.
159 That top - down, inhibitory connection is severed in the condition of sleep deprivation.
160 The higher education cost - sharing policy was criticized because of a feeling of social deprivation.sentencedict .com
161 What I didn’t expect was that after so long on this diet, the old animal product foods I used to eat just don’t seem like food anymore, so there’s no feeling of deprivation.
162 Material deprivation brings out the worst and the best in people.
163 "Excessive yawning appears to be symptomatic of conditions that increase brain and/or core temperature, such as central nervous system damage and sleep deprivation," Gallup said in the news release.
164 Some suggestions on the time of water deprivation test, the improvement of hypertonic saline solution test and diagnosis of partial nephrogenic diabetes insipidus were made in this paper.
165 In this study, the effect of oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) on the cellular production of NO was investigated in cultured hippocampal neurons.
166 D. and then confined to sensory deprivation chambers and later exposed to a harsh interrogation sessions by intelligence people.
167 She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch.
168 Squamous metaplasia inbeinto infarction, inflammation, therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy.
169 Today no such drastic deprivation exists as that ordered by Frederick.
170 Diagnosis of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus ( NDI ) was confirmed by water deprivation test.
171 After decades of deprivation and conformism, Chinese consumers regard expensive consumer goods as trophies(prize) of success.
172 They may then either be left bound in a state of effective sensory deprivation for a period of time, or sensually stimulated in their state of bondage, before being released from their wrappings.
173 The researchers suspect that stressful environments and cognitive impoverishment are to blame, since in animals, stress and environmental deprivation have been shown to affect the prefrontal cortex.
174 Marx pointed out that the origin of capital is its primitive accumulation, namely primitive deprivation.
175 The sandwiches at Katz's or the Carnegie Deli in New York, contain over a pound of assorted charcuterie and constitute an active rebuttal of years of oppression and deprivation.
176 For example, in times of war, it is not unusual for soldiers suffering from sleep deprivation and from combat fatigue to continue to march, despite the fact that their brains have halted.
177 They were invented in the 1950s by Dr. John Lily to test sensory deprivation.
178 One set of results, from the sensory deprivation tests, are especially striking.
179 "You have a cocktail of radicalization and a pervasive sense of deprivation and injustice, " said John Wilson, a senior fellow and terrorism expert at New Delhi's Observer Research Foundation.
180 Award-winning journalist Rosenberg shares how she lives a life of high style without the stress of high costs or deprivation.
181 The report, called "Child Poverty and Deprivation in the UK", makes for depressing reading.
182 When the society is full of the sentiment of relative deprivation and social conformity, legal culture is absent, and particularism is overwhelming, motivations for corruption are likely to grow.
183 Some of it appears in the literature on sensory deprivation.
184 So our solution to nature's deprivation is also to infuse her with so much dream that humans not only cease to destroy, but begin to replant and regenerate the land instead.
185 Objectives: To explore the value of sphenoidal electrodes with sleep deprivation EEG in diagnosing epilepsy.
186 Three weeks of chronic sleep deprivation was enough to accelerate the deposition of amyloid plaque in the brains of the mice.
187 Objective To observe the effects of epileptiform discharge and its influence on humpwave sleep spindles after sleep deprivation (SD) in children with epilepsy.
188 Objective To investigate the protective effects of hyperoxia solution(HS) on the oxygen and glucose deprivation(OGD) in cultured neuronal cells.
189 They entered the fragile world of sensory deprivation. Add in the emotional overload from a near-death experience and it makes sense that the miners lost all notion of time.
190 As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration, he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence, and to do something about it.
190 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
191 China's qualification penalty types of pertinency, simple and contents of deprivation of political rights.
192 Relaxed arousal, sensory deprivation and repetitive sounds and motions can bring about a trance - like state.
193 There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement of dreary deprivation.
194 Sleep deprivation and sleepiness have adverse effects on performance, response times, errors of commission, and attention or concentration.
195 If the inadequately registered capital leads to the deprivation of the corporate aggregate, the purchasing contract shall be null.
196 Changing this could have an enormous impact on deprivation around the world.
197 Sexual Deprivation: There are women who get involved in extramarital relationships purely for sex.
198 A fourth mental block is associating deprivation with a task.




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