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单词 Empirical
1. There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
2. The empirical sceptic appropriately responds: how do you know?
3. Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.
4. We now have empirical evidence that the moon is covered with dust.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications.
6. The empirical realities to learn from would be cases.
7. Empirical analysis is thus given an alternative explanatory methodology.
8. Much of the empirical research has examined student radicals.
9. His theory is inconsistent with the empirical evidence.
10. He claims some empirical support for these predictions.
11. A related issue concerns empirical methodology.
12. However, rigorous empirical studies have challenged such characterizations.
13. Therefore, I perform an empirical test on the relationship.
14. A hypothesis should have an empirical referent. 3.
15. It is therefore in many ways an ideal empirical test bed for assessing the validity of Pahl's classification in the 1980s.
16. If a hypothesis is falsified by the empirical evidence then it has to be changed to explain that evidence.
17. These empirical difficulties tell us something important about the nature of support structures between grandparent and grandchild.
18. Again, this seems an empirical question(), and it is raised again in chapter 7.
19. Little empirical data is available on the searching behaviour in B, the direct shelf approach.
20. How this study may contribute to theoretical and empirical work both on equal opportunities and the study of management and organisations.
21. But further empirical research has revealed considerable diversity in the roles of particular political structures.
22. This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
23. Identifying the specific concrete practice of an occupational group is, of course, a theoretical as well as an empirical task.
24. Both of these apparently contradictory statements are obviously true, but only at the level of empirical observation.
25. Within a short space of time, Labour's traditional approach based on careful empirical observation of issues was overwhelmed.
26. Many political analysts assume so, although there is very limited empirical validation of this assumption.
27. However, while the theoretical analyses yield precise predictions, these have not always been found in empirical analysis.
28. This process of elaborating a concept and moving toward empirical indicators is the crucial step in variable analysis.
29. The strength and unity of the transnational capitalist class are, therefore, always open to empirical questions.
30. Britain and the United States, by contrast, are seen as the exemplars of an empirical approach.
1. There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
2. The empirical sceptic appropriately responds: how do you know?
3. This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
4. We now have empirical evidence that the moon is covered with dust.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
31. Thus, a slightly different analysis / interpretation of the empirical data avoids the strong causal language of the other two studies.
32. This problem is of considerable empirical importance when testing the no-arbitrage condition.
33. They comment on, gloss, and interpret his writings, and spend too little time in empirical observation and investigation.
34. A company that manufactures photocopiers obviously holds to a descriptive core belief consistent with this empirical reality.
34. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
35. Like Allen, I would urge you to provide a systematic review of the empirical data supporting your proposal.
36. Recommended changes had to be substantiated by explicit statements of rationale, supported by the systematic review of relevant empirical data.
37. In comparison with the elaborate quantitative data sets on voting we have little empirical information on this group phenomenon.
38. Critics also worry that compassionate conservatism is a leap in the dark without any empirical evidence to back it up.
39. This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
40. Aggression becomes a category or phenomenon whose presence or absence is a matter for empirical investigation.
41. They have to be able to distinguish between the empirical and deductive modes.
42. The second reason for Bock's claim about relations between syntactic form and lexical accessibility in production is an empirical one.
43. We have no real theoretical framework, and our experiments are entirely empirical.
44. Allen also expressed concern about the empirical base for the category.
45. This empirical emphasis is only sensible when the factors which policy makers think merit funding can be measured accurately enough.
46. There is, furthermore, substantial empirical evidence of variations in local policy outputs.
47. I can speculate about how I know about reality, but no bracketing of current empirical certainties is required.
48. My answer to this point will be more philosophical than empirical.
49. Now that you have considered these empirical studies, you should be more capable of undertaking your own study.
50. The training promises to provide empirical evidence of incremental improvements in staff effectiveness.
51. The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos.
52. A more reasonable view is that the law of demand is just fine, and the CardKrueger empirical analysis needs repairs.
53. The repeated empirical verification of the relationship, however, leads to two conclusions in the comparative literature.
54. The particular blend of instrumentality and expressiveness for given individuals is a matter for empirical investigation.
55. What this means is that there is no way that any hypothesis drawn from Marxist theory can be disproved by empirical investigation.
56. The empirical grounds are that studies of post-merger performance are far from unanimous in identifying improved performance.
57. The value of empirical research ultimately depends on the quality of conceptual analysis that defines the objects of enquiry.
58. The issue is not the same as issues of consciousness, and fortunately is more amenable to clearly empirical considerations.
59. The failing of the more usual critique lies in its insufficient attention to empirical practice.
60. An empirical application of this theoretical framework is the work of Frobel etal. on the new international division of labour.
61. But on the Lazarsfeldian view theoretical debate without systematically provided empirical evidence is essentially sterile not to say unscientific.
62. These are not empirical questions to be resolved by the collection of data.
63. First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
64. Perhaps this marks the single biggest difference between Marxist Socialism, and Empirical Socialism as it is now practised.
64. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
65. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence is that these contribute little to individual ageing.
66. The Chicago School work, Castells argued, at best offered good empirical studies of a very specific set of historical circumstances.
67. By far the greatest amount of empirical research on democratic attitudes has been done in the United States.
68. Bourdieu's third challenge to structuralism concerns its empirical inadequacy in the investigation of traditional societies.
69. Furthermore these are claims that have actually been supported by empirical sociolinguistic research.
70. This book will offer many examples of generalizations and empirical findings about politics that are based on the scientific method.
71. Therefore, it is likely that subsequent empirical studies will confirm this negative relationship for index futures.
72. What empirical evidence is there that might persuade us to give credence to this sharp and absolute distinction?
73. Only if this character is recognised will society be understood in terms that are adequate to its empirical reality.
74. Although these types of theory are mutually incompatible, both regularly obtain empirical support in experiments by different researchers.
75. This led to the incorporation of statistical techniques of inference into empirical social science.
76. Note the lack of direct empirical support and the abstract character of the argument.
77. The empirical literature is carefully reviewed, with an emphasis on the evaluation of field methods, data analysis and experimental design.
78. One should be restrained by empirical data and learn from then.
79. How do themes emerge, develop, attract popular sociological interest and become acceptable topics of empirical research?
80. We know of no empirical evidence that it is important.
81. Each of them, however, raises certain basic requirements of a conceptual and empirical kind.
82. Initially this was scoffed at as farfetched conjecture, but gradually it has received grudging respect and empirical support.
83. Its triumph in everyday discourse is the demand for rational or empirical justification.
84. They eschewed grand schemes of schematic explanation, preferring empirical explorations of the particular, with close attention to analyzing function.
85. We believe that social anthropologists can contribute more to the debates, in both empirical and theoretical terms.
86. It is a myth that is clinically naive and will not stand up in the face of empirical evidence.
87. The extent to which ideas and values actually shape policy change requires careful empirical enquiry.
88. However, decentralization raises an important theme for the empirical processes to be outlined in the next three chapters.
89. It is in large part an empirical question, and issues and studies bearing on the topic are considered in chapter 7.
90. In terms of government legislation, empirical research has indicated that a consensual model is indeed more applicable.
91. Or maybe any conceivable account is translatable into cognitive theory, which then loses all empirical content.
92. While the former resists the comparison with an empirical reality the latter is epistemologically founded on such a comparison.
93. The available empirical evidence indicates that all three explanations have some validity.
94. Medical therapy of diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.
94. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
95. Such empirical studies of the sensitivity of results will no doubt be further developed.
96. The limited empirical work on the importance of uncertainty as a variable affecting investment decisions yields some support for this argument.
97. Some key conceptual and empirical questions that you might consider in assessing the validity of each approach are listed below.
98. There are perhaps two basic lines of attack: straight forward empirical analysis, and analysis-by-synthesis.
99. The important thing is that the empirical data and the theorizing are connected, not separate, things.
100. A second advantage of the approach is that it is largely confined to observable empirical phenomena.
101. His main thesis is that the empirical evidence does not validate the instrumental account.
102. If properly appreciated, and seen as instruction, the empirical can be used to assess theoretical and conceptual formulations.
103. In the deductive/empirical experiment, each child received either a questions task or a sentence completion task.
104. For classifications involve considerations of reason and policy over and above mere empirical data.
105. Some empirical data compare levels of participation across many countries.
106. The theoretical and empirical relationships between the constructed measures will be explored.
107. Poor delivery dates and servicing facilities are further factors to which empirical studies have attached major, even primary importance.
108. Five-year-olds did not show much understanding of the deductive/empirical distinction at all, even in the deductive marking experiment.
109. What if there were Protestants campaigning vigorously for the empirical sciences who nevertheless rejected the Copernican theory?
110. In the 124 articles we found that were related to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, we found 92 that included some empirical research.
111. Another is the difficulty of moving from the theoretical discussion to the specification and testing of an empirical model.
112. There are no well-established empirical guidelines for the intravenous treatment of moderate hypophosphatemia.
113. Articles by well-known political scientists discuss the central concepts and recent empirical research in many important subfields.
114. The effect is unexpected, and no theoretical basis is known to the author - hence the empirical treatment.
115. Direct empirical measurements are provided by national monitoring agencies including measurements of meteorological elements and of river discharge.
116. Understanding the actual forms and extents of state intervention thereby becomes a largely empirical matter.
117. Empirical social science has yet to provide clear answers to these questions about nature versus nurture and politics.
118. Logical coherence has been gained at the expense of empirical relevance.
119. This enables the data to be searched for patterns so placing theories within the constraints of empirical evidence.
120. Given the limited experience with actual personal expenditure taxation, empirical evidence is lacking.
121. In fact this is an empirical issue - are taxes paid out of private savings or current consumption?
122. Britain, by contrast, has a distinct orientation toward the empirical approach.
123. Whether leisure time increases or decreases as wage rates rise is an empirical question.
124. Let us look at the empirical approach in a concrete instance.
124. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
125. Two pairs of concepts have been elaborated in the light of empirical work conducted in actual curricular settings.
126. Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
127. Patient and painstaking empirical investigation would reveal the optimum measure of reform.
128. Sometimes they are to be found in close proximity; and there are certainly empirical connections between them.
129. A related fundamental problem for empirical work in the elite theory tradition is the difficulty of demonstrating that a power relationship exists.
130. The precepts of Centralism rest heavily on a base of ad hominem argumentation, not on empirical evidence of their effectiveness.
131. Pride of place in this endeavour was given to systematic and properly grounded empirical investigation.
132. That tentative conclusion probably is as far as one can go on the basis of empirical evidence.
133. I shall come back to them at the end of this chapter, having reviewed the empirical evidence.
134. Therefore, I will perform an empirical test on the relationship in the latter part of the section.
135. It is hoped that this work can contribute a better empirical basis to discussion about the adequacy of benefit levels.
136. Generative grammar rejects the empirical nature of structural linguistics and instead uses linguistic intuitions of native speakers.
137. However, there seems to have been little empirical work done on such courses.
138. An initial empirical analysis of national data series isolates and compares the cycles in different sectors.
139. But apart from these largely empirical objections, the argument is flawed theoretically.
140. The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
141. Liberals may appreciate that conclusion, but it has little basis in empirical fact.
142. This gives intentional explanations a forward-looking quality which contrasts with the backward-looking quality of empirical explanations.
143. In the absence of such empirical work, it is difficult to say much about it in sociological terms.
144. Good classification should have well-defined categories into which empirical evidence can be organized.
145. Anything like an adequate account of the method of empirical inquiry is out of the question here.
146. A recent empirical test of this hypothesis as applied to surgeons has provided support for it.
147. Explanations of both phenomena remain partial and insufficiently grounded in theory empirical data.
148. The equation between good methods and traditional empirical methods is stronger in feminist psychology which addresses subjects from less powerful social groups.
149. Empirical support for the prediction of future violence is very small.
150. The value of the hypothesis is that it leads to an empirical test.
151. Also, the approach has provided few concrete predictions or hypotheses that are subject to rigorous empirical measurement and testing.
152. In some extreme cases, theorising obliterates any need for empirical method.
153. The second kind has to do with the conceptual coherence of the theory that the empirical investigation is designed to support.
154. Some empirical evidence is available as regards the first of these; the present research seeks to assess what role syntactic input plays.sentence dictionary
155. While this reinforces the empirical nature of the question, there is a further empirically relevant problem raised by nonlinear budget constraints.
156. Moreover, the empirical evidence on the effect of egalitarianism on capital formation is uncertain.
157. All the empirical evidence in favour of accuracy order can now be shifted by sleight of hand in support of the notion of natural acquisition.
158. Often, however, theoretical arguments have been distanced from detailed empirical investigation of industrial change.
159. Why does theorizing seem to be so much more prestigious than empirical research?
160. The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
161. Ultimately, the effect of the introduction of index futures on the information content of share prices is an empirical matter.
162. Despite many protestations to the contrary, its arguments fail to offer solutions to the problems of empirical research.
163. The type of detailed empirical research reviewed above suggests that scepticism is to be strongly recommended.
164. It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide a comprehensive survey of the empirical work undertaken upon this topic.
165. She received an 11-day course of empirical antibiotic therapy and was discharged.
166. It belongs to no particular approach but is a means of linking theory with empirical analysis to the betterment of theory.
167. From empirical evidence it seems that species that interact freely with others do so with a great number of other species.
168. Empirical work will be carried out to develop and standardise a new research technique using visual imagery to probe beliefs about pain.
169. Importantly, this provided him with the working-class raw material for his early empirical studies of language.
170. The richer empirical studies, however, have indicated that there are different dimensions of political participation.
171. These are discovered in the empirical tests and economic interpretation and justification is supplied afterwards.
172. Although more oriented toward an empirical approach, the United States has exhibited some elements of the rationalist.
173. New research also stresses empirical work, using controlled experiments to see how people behave in real bargaining situations.
174. Hannah was a thing to be explored, dissected through detailed empirical investigation.
175. The theoretical arguments receive empirical support from private systems elsewhere.
176. Castelino and Francis carried out an empirical study of the relationship between basis risk and maturity.
177. However plausible this suggestion, empirical investigation has lent it no support.
178. Its pattern-searching strategy resolves many theoretical issues by placing them within the constraint of empirical evidence.
179. It is an empirical fact that the higher the rate of inflation is, the more unpredictable it will be.
180. What always seem to redeem Hughes is his attention to empirical realities.
181. This diffuseness was paralleled by a marked degree of confusion over the appropriate research methods to use in empirical studies.
182. Hemler and Longstaff derived a number of empirical predictions of their general equilibrium model that differ from those of the no-arbitrage model.
183. The problems come when empirical evidence is turned into totalizing theory, tendential strategy into achieved fact.
184. They constitute no more than pointers towards an agenda for more detailed, empirical research.
184. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
185. There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
186. There is however a very large distance between these long-run theoretical considerations and empirical implementation.
187. Their empirical results largely supported the predictions of the general equilibrium model, rather than those of the no-arbitrage model.
188. Empirical research indicates that young people perceive non-drinkers lacking in these qualities.
189. At the empirical level culture and nature can not be discriminated in this way.
190. The theories which have been advanced so far have not been adequately tested in empirical research soas to gain credibility.
191. The research concentrates on consumer expenditure and in this context includes both theoretical and empirical elements.
192. However, empirical evidence on the information content of dividends is not consistent.
193. The empirical pattern alone should be reason enough to learn the principles.
194. The debate can only be resolved through empirical study of the new system in operation.
195. An empirical test of the relative decline of legislative power is especially difficult.
196. Either way, the prejudiced persons are attempting to justify their position by adopting either a theoretical or empirical perspective.
197. Empirical justification for this gloomy remark is all too evident in Chapters 2 and 3.
198. I will be considering the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of this particular mechanism in Chapter 9.
199. An important theme of empirical and theoretical work on contemporary social structure is that of social differentiation, and its spatial aspects.
200. Elsewhere in this book, empirical evidence for commodity futures has been used to supplement that for index futures.
201. The empirical formula shows the simplest ratio of the number of atoms or ions in a substance.
202. Are those empirical credentials sufficient, however, to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have?
203. The empirical investigations of Modigliani and Miller 2 were conducted on examples of oil and electric utility companies.
204. This is consistent with empirical evidence reported in some studies.
205. Not only sociology and cultural anthropology but even a field like literary criticism increasingly becomes infested with the jargon of empirical addiction.
206. For a decade until the late 1930s, people could do no better than to regard the electron as an empirical fact.
207. A number of empirical studies of the volatility-volume relationship based on studies of futures other than index futures is summarized in Table 8.3.
208. A large number of empirical studies have attempted to confirm this link.
209. One obvious development is for the empirical studies to incorporate behavioural relationships.
210. Secondly are direct empirical measurements, thirdly are experimental investigations; and fourthly there are historical techniques.
211. Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world.
212. There have been two important changes in the recent empirical studies of political participation.
213. But the original premise that all statements are either empirical or analytical is itself in neither of these categories.
214. Primarily a political tract, it can in no sense be regarded as an empirical analysis of society.
215. In doing so I will be making frequent reference to the empirical research findings of criminologists working mostly in the positivist tradition.
216. The answer, in brief, is the method of empirical inquiry, at its best the method of science.
217. The empirical relations are quite arbitrary and sometimes inadequate.
218. Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods.
219. Unboundedness has a greater empirical credibility.
220. Empirical equations are frequently used for column designing.
221. Empirical results are needed in the transonic Mach regime.
222. Choice of stabilizer in emulsion systems has always been rather empirical.
223. Later formulations, also empirical,[] are similar and conventional in one important respect.
224. Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial.
225. The description of atmospheric dispersion phenomena remains quasi - empirical and statistical.
226. It is the intent herein to indicate the accumulation of empirical data.
227. We will approach the op - amp from an empirical point of view.
228. Much of her work is speculative, based on psychoanalytic theory rather than empirical data.
229. He first matched the observed data with an empirical expression.
230. Sellars incorporated various empirical relations between ice cover and surface temperature.
231. In the last of this paper ,() empirical studies of S & P 500 index and Danish fire data are given.
232. Empirical observation says that it is rarely a problem for users.
233. The exclusion principle is a statement of this empirical finding.




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