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单词 Devise
1. Scientists are working to devise a means of storing this type of power.
2. You can devise your own exercises to music.
3. White supremacists devise new methods to disenfranchise Negroes.
4. White supremacists devise new Methods: To disenfranchise Negroes.
5. Can you devise a means of overcoming the problem?
6. We need to devise some sort of system whereby people can liaise with each other.
7. Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.
8. Can we devise a system in which judges function independently of party politics?
9. Experts are trying to devise ways to clean up the huge slick.
10. He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.
11. They needed staff to devise marketing and media plans.
12. Should we devise a scheme on these lines?
13. Help student devise a verbal plan. 6.
14. The task at hand was to devise an immediate gathering of the vestry and to make it as splendid as humanly possible.
15. However, it is very difficult to devise a scale which summarizes dietary habits on a range from good to bad.
16. Now he had to devise a method by which workmen and supplies could shuttle back and forth across the gorge.
17. You must take time to devise a scheme that suits your own needs.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Will many schools decide to devise their own procedures for dealing with these?
19. U.N. accountants agreed to devise a creative payment scheme to stagger their bills.
20. It is almost impossible to devise a method of ensuring that all the firms involved obtain an equal share of the cake.
21. But when he and Slater came to devise the dramatic structure of the libretto, something different resulted.
22. Ingenious corporations may devise more skillful ways to give employment to nonreaders.
23. The problem is to devise a system that enhances financial accountability.
24. Working with the Sales and Marketing Departments to devise creative marketing strategies and campaigns; planning and supporting promotional initiatives and opportunities.
25. He would devise a secret name, find a cell in the buildings near the docks.
26. While they can devise initial drafts, as manager you should take a close interest in the contents.
27. It is against these projections and insinuations that Luzhin tries to devise a defence, the failure of which has tragic consequences.
28. It took many years for linguists and sociolinguists to devise ways of getting the best of both worlds.
29. The good news is that technical solutions are at hand, and the incentives to implement them are relatively easy to devise.
30. This, in fact, is what engineers do when they devise electronic control circuits to guide spaceships or steer robot arms.
1. Scientists are working to devise a means of storing this type of power.
2. White supremacists devise new Methods: To disenfranchise Negroes.
31. They take the initiative, come up with technological and organizational innovations, devise new solutions to old problems.
32. The problem is to devise tests that will demonstrate this.
33. If we are to go beyond nihilism we shall have to devise a strategy to examine this.
34. If they are holding it on their mainframe, they have to devise their own implementation of SASPAC91.
35. Would it be more useful to devise training regimes in which such attitudes could be systematically confronted?
36. They would eventually learn to recognize such syndromes in families, track down the faulty genes and devise interventions.
37. Once the observations are completed the parents can devise a hypothesis about what is maintaining the problem behaviour.
38. For instance, they could launch technically more advanced satellites and devise market-orientated ways of selling the data around the world.
39. He, in retaliation, has launched against them the most concentrated onslaughts that he has been able to devise.
40. All creatures that live in the plankton have to devise means of staying afloat.
41. Creative cooks can devise their own oxtail dishes following some basic guidelines.
42. Ask one of the residents to devise the questions on perhaps a different theme each week.
43. Uppermost among them will be how they begin to devise a strategy to defeat a man who is both boxer and puncher.
44. It is essential to devise strategies for working with rather than against resistance.
45. This would carry with it a responsibility on their part to help devise the tests, or at least to scrutinize their content.
46. The results are used to devise an exercise programme which the individual is encouraged to follow.
47. How, then, do we make the economy grow and devise an equitable allocation of its fruits?
47. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
48. So you devise a situation where an absolutely unimpeachable witness sees the murderer in black leaving the scene of the crime.
49. Communities must take stock of their assets, he said, and devise a strategy to develop tourism or industry.
50. Tulsa, however, has yet to devise a long-term solution to financing Career Partners Inc.
51. The House of Lords stated that the employer had to devise a safe system and operate it.
52. Devise a recipe incorporating potatoes which shows what a valuable role they play in a healthy eating regime.
53. You will find it most interesting to devise other test sets for experimental and instructional purposes.
54. It is not beyond the wit of man to devise a scholarship programme based mostly on need.
55. Threats, not pillars, will decide whether the members devise joint foreign or defence policies.
56. Don't devise questions just for the sake of having something on a worksheet.
57. Last ten days trying to devise way to stabilize frame, he wrote.
58. Engineers have a good helping of functional grey matter with which to devise theories.
59. Furthermore, there were no psychologists around to devise tests of mental faculties.
60. We were asked only to make the bomb, devise it and construct it as quickly as possible.
61. The next step was to devise a budget allocation procedure that reflected the health needs of different areas.
62. It may be possible to devise some kind of training programme for certain difficulties to achieve this effect.
63. He said Labour plans to devise a comprehensive scheme of transport improvements to suit Britain's needs.
64. As they devise the measures and control the measuring devices, only they understand the significance of what they do.
65. It would no doubt be possible to devise a more scientific approach than this.
66. It is certain that we have to devise ways to move beyond antiracism as it is presently constituted.
67. What are the strategies participants devise to avoid negative and critical evaluation of their activity?
68. All other systems of social support should be for voluntary organizations of citizens to devise and subscribe to.
69. This became even more apparent to us when we tried to devise an intelligence test for horses.
70. She says the museum in good faith tried to devise plans to reassemble the stones.
71. Organisational house style - it is anticipated that each centre will devise a suitable house style which takes account of keyboarding conventions.
72. Experience in using the contract and familiarity with its provisions allowed surveyors and contractors alike to devise operating procedures which worked well.
73. But to achieve these advantages, derivatives exchanges have had to devise institutional arrangements to ensure the absence of default risk.
74. This project accordingly plans to formalise and devise a computational implementation of Fodor-Sperber-Wilson assumptions about language and language processing.
75. There may then be a break of a few days while participants work to devise a training session.
76. The issue facing the conscious planner is to devise a process which genuinely considers the interests of rural people.
77. Denis Healey was again in the forefront of the efforts to devise satisfactory guidelines for the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
77. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
78. A more eloquent statement of unrealism would be hard to devise, writes Edward Steen.
79. Academic libraries Meaningful standards for academic libraries are particularly difficult to devise, because of the wide disparity of existing libraries.
80. Perhaps the best approach is to devise methods by which patients conclude for themselves that smoking is harmful and undesirable.
81. Booth and Rowntree were more concerned with getting the measure of poverty than with trying to devise a general theory about it.
82. A.. Try this: Devise a cover for the fan itself at the ceiling.
83. Singh said that Pepper conspired with Young to devise the scheme to pass phony checks.
84. So Galileo set out to devise a method of considerable precision.
85. We need therefore to devise a screening procedure which singles out the problematic investigations.
86. On the third day I devise a foolproof method: stomp them to death.
87. And that was including the very worst possible scenario of disasters she could devise.
88. One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
89. The classroom teacher may devise new ways of teaching which make life easier contribute as much as possible to their culture.
90. Finally it is a good idea to devise a way of checking what use is made of a self-access video service.
91. Most will arrange a payment holiday, reduced payments for a specified period or devise a special scheme for you.
92. It was fairly simple to devise an educational jump-start for her.
93. Any manager who fails to devise adequate systems for job control is at best not in control and at worst out of control.
94. At Level Three students will independently devise, plan and undertake an investigation into a Contemporary Issue.
95. It is often amazing how the most insignificant contributor to a project can foresee the subtlest problem and devise a solution.
96. At Level Three students will identify personal development goals and devise and arrange enterprise activity to enable them to meet these goals.
97. Mathematical models are especially convenient to devise.
98. Freehold land given in a will is a devise.
99. Let's devise how to finish the work.
100. It is not easy to devise means.
101. We must devise a scheme for earning money during the vacation.
102. Astronomers had not previously needed to devise such a mechanism.
103. Plasmonic circuits would be even faster and more useful if researchers could devise a "plasmonster" switch—a three-terminal plasmonic device with transistor like properties.
104. With a view to eliminating such shortcomings, we have made an attempt to devise a matrix representation of the rule of similitude,() by means of the theory of linear algebra.
105. Therefore, how to build a suitable satellite test system and devise a reasonable test protocol, become akey factor in the success of a satellite project.
106. To do this, scientists have to devise Methods: Using radar and underwater television.
107. The vice-advisor directed the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.
108. Auto racing wonks know Gordon Murray as a designer of winning Formula One cars, who also happened to devise one of the fastest sports cars of the past 20 years -- the McLaren F1.
109. It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames.
110. Combining to devise radio telemetry receiver, the application of digital down converter and frequency demodulation in software radio is discussed and analysed.
111. You could devise a pathfinding scenario for a game like that.
112. Devise to implementes a number of commonly used image enhancement and fringe inspect algorithm.
113. Conclusion It may devise a new operation for repairing non-unions of the clavicular acromial end with partial clavicular bone flap pedicled with the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle.
114. The isolation and characterization of tumorigenic colon cancer cells may help to devise novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
115. You don't have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey.
116. We must now devise a mathematical way of expressing this postulate, and investigate its consequences.
117. The vice - adviser advised the reviser devise a device for getting rid of vice.
118. His latest project is trying to devise a way to send high-definition television signals over a comparatively slow network infrastructure.
119. This beautiful system is the only one possible and the best that human wisdom can devise.
120. The aim of this devise attempts to present a method of designing the graticule by textile technology, and develops a graticule shaping machine.
121. Revealing the biological processes that can build and reinforce alcohol addiction will most certainly help to better target existing treatments and devise new ones to break alcohol's hold.
122. The vice-agent proposed the reviser to devise a computer device for getting rid of vice.
123. After wearing and wasting her palpitating heart with every engine of regret that lonely inexperience could devise, common-sense had illumined her.
124. Devise a flexible BIOS structure to build "Longtuim S2" software validation platform with the help of the environment for the module level verification.
125. Eentually, engineers hope to design a devise similar a personal digital assistant to store the results.
126. The vice-mechsomeic prescribed the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.
127. It is provided with L and N double-break switch, supply indicator lamp and special snap-on devise.
128. For Ferguson to devise this team and his goalkeeper, Ben Amos, to go through the match without getting a scuff of mud on his kit demonstrates what a demoralising night it was for Leeds.
129. Aglimmer feeling let a person be full of vigor, these two combined kind of earring to choose overlay to devise a method, color restoring ancient ways is rich.
130. The government should gather together a team of global experts to devise irrigation and urban planning.
131. Author Steven Solomon says ending fresh water scarcities will require nations to work together, to devise new domestic and foreign policies that protect and share this critical resource.
132. Describes how to choose an appropriate encoding and how to devise a fallback strategy.
133. Instead, be active and devise a weight - loss program you can follow together.
134. The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise a de vice to getting rid of vice.
135. It had never reoccurred to him to devise a plan for getting half - crowns.
136. Analyze mass production test result and reliability test results, anticipate problems, and devise preventive measures.
137. The vice-mechanic suggested the reviser to devise a computer device forgetting rid of vice.
138. "No other artist would give me the opportunity to devise such original and way-out creations,(/devise.html)" Armani explains.
139. For erbium ion in light-emitting layer with light activated process and other chemical reaction, it is necessary to anneal the devise with high temperature in fabrication process.
140. The vice - adviser advised the reviser to devise a device for getting rid of vice.
141. The more important responsibility of this atomic energy agency would be to devise methods whereby this fissionable material would be allocated to serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind.
142. The best advice Brady said is to devise a plan B.
143. What kind of diabolical mind would devise such a diabolic scheme?
144. Puffed up in self-conceit, he may also devise evil and sow discord.
145. In order to devise air depurate instrument and anion generator, quantitative analysis of the corona of negative single electrode with column form is given.
146. Secondly, we must devise a price-framing process which can reflect the interest claim of every parties and which must be open, fair and just.
147. Two decades later Woodland went on to help devise the UPC system in universal use today.
148. Arrogantly the wicked hotly pursue the poor - May they be caught in the plots that they devise!
149. The pervasiveness of these self-selection issues has led researchers to devise experiments that allow them to ensure that participation in a programme is determined essentially by chance.
150. The third basic requirement is the ability to devise at least one type of logic gate between qubits.
151. We will devise a way of escaping from this prison.
152. The role of HR was to devise various schemes and policies so as to channelize the employees' behavior along a desired path.
153. Will every loop eventually terminate? Devise an informal proof or argument showing that each loop will terminate.
154. The author introduced microwave PCB design rule and require, and how to devise high precision circuit diagram by CAD/CAM.
155. But the army of Chiang far gone in dissolution to devise any methods of counteraction.
156. Do not devise evil against your neighbor, For he dwells by you for safety's sake.
157. They are also prodded to look ahead, explains Robert Morris, who helps devise the firm's research strategy.
158. The main work and achievements are as follows:1) To devise the pneumatic rotary actuator structure combines with magneto-rheological technology.
159. To do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television.
160. The integrated devise can be used as a photonic switch, a light amplifier, and also can be used in free space optical interconnection.
161. No, in your heart you devise injustice , and your hands mete out violence on the earth.
162. According to the actual condition of the current institution of higher learning, a method is proposed to devise and reform the power by intergrated circuit LM317T in this paper.
163. The former become effective after making the decisions and noticing the deprived shareholders, while the latter need lodge a complaint and devise adjudge.
164. Rather I have tried to devise a operative mode that is easy to understand.
165. This paper discussed how to devise the printing bookmark classified system.
166. The vice - adviser advised the reviser to devise advice for getting rid of vice.
167. It is provided withand N double - break switch (/devise.html), supply indicator lamp and special snap - on devise. 3.




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