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单词 Victorian
1, We have a lovely old Victorian house.
2, Charles Dickens is one of the best-known Victorian novelists.
3, She collects first editions of Victorian novels.
4, He was behaving like a character in a Victorian melodrama.
5, Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
6, They were dressed up in Victorian clothes.
7, Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
8, The headmaster was a leftover from the Victorian era.
9, Victorian engineers combined practicality with beauty.
10, Average family size has decreased since the Victorian era.
11, The map is reproduced here from a Victorian original.
12, She bid £100 for a Victorian chair.
13, We lived in a Victorian terrace of red-brick houses.
14, He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
15, They decided not to modernise the Victorian decor.
16, The building was originally Victorian in design.
17, Her bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme.
18, It was built to replace the old Victorian jail.
19, The costumes were anachronistic for a Victorian play.
20, Lot 54 is a Victorian lamp.
21, A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.
22, Etiquette was considered very important in Victorian England.
23, The old Victorian house is in need of renovation.
24, She advocated a return to Victorian values .
25, Victorian postcards often featured bevies of bathing beauties.
26, Dickens painted a grim picture of Victorian life.
27, It is a seventeenth century farmhouse with some Victorian additions grafted on.
28, Victorian writers fired the popular imagination with their tales of adventure.
29, Victorian "muscular Christianity" was all about achieving self-control through strict mental and physical discipline.
30, Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves.
1, We have a lovely old Victorian house.
2, Charles Dickens is one of the best-known Victorian novelists.
3, She collects first editions of Victorian novels.
4, He was behaving like a character in a Victorian melodrama.
5, Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
6, Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
7, He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
8, They decided not to modernise the Victorian de & 1 & cor.
9, The Victorian Age is often boasted of as an age of progress.
31, Our house is in a long Victorian terrace in north London.
32, There are some delightful Victorian houses fronting onto the pavement.
33, Her journal is an important document of Victorian rural life.
34, They decided not to modernise the Victorian de & 1 & cor.
35, In her latest novel she paints a vivid picture of life in Victorian England.
36, The Victorian Age is often boasted of as an age of progress.
37, I love Victorian melodramas.
38, Modern furniture would be out of place in a Victorian house.
39, I love Victorian melodrama.
40, The book gives a vivid picture of life in Victorian England.
41, They've got a great big Victorian pile somewhere out in the country.
42, The play carries us back to a Victorian London of slums and gaslight.
43, Victorian schoolteachers regularly meted out physical punishment to their pupils.
44, The garden is a memorial to one of the finest Victorian gardeners.
45, The bridge is a remarkable tribute to the skill of the Victorian railway engineers.
46, The poor lived cheek by jowl in industrial mining towns in Victorian England.
47, This degree of inequality was by no means true of all Victorian marriages.
48, In Victorian times people were phobic about getting on trains. They weren't used to it.
49, She had brought a book(), a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.
50, Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market.
51, Heartsease makes a sweet Victorian posy.
52, It seemed a very old-fashioned and Victorian success story.
52, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
53, Victorian inlaid china-cabinet, £180; ruby oil lamp, £175.
54, Victorian damsels madly anticipate his imminent arrival.
55, Victorian propriety would have frowned upon such individual excesses.
56, I'm taking a class in Victorian fiction.
57, In Victorian times, factory owners were often also philanthropists.
58, His story is the apotheosis of the Victorian servant.
59, He was known to be interested in Victorian architecture.
60, My grandfather was very Victorian.
61, It's a Victorian mansion in the grand manner.
62, Devey has created a masterpiece of the Victorian Picturesque.
63, Victorian brass telescopic oil lamp stand, £340.
64, She appeared as a Victorian doll, curiously animated.
65, All the guests attended the party in Victorian costume.
66, The master bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme.
67, Victorian commentators were very concerned about public morality generally.
68, Victorian and Edwardian models fetch a very good price!
69, Victorian values are much misunderstood.
70, She read Victorian novels and studied textbooks of anatomy.
71, By 1904, the Victorian ideal had become clearly outmoded.
72, Like the Esperanza, a Victorian steam boat, complete with original oak timbers and teak deck.
73, As in the Victorian prisons and asylums, the retention of personal sanity required some deviant dodges.
74, As the Victorian age got under way, ever more ingenious technologies aided the steady advance of drainage.
75, The lovely south-facing Victorian conservatory with its wisteria and fig tree is ideal for quiet relaxation.
76, Victorian Nonconformity was altogether different in tone and scale from the Old Dissent of 1660-1760.
77, It conjures up images of Victorian family evenings round the piano.
78, Nobody can see the cataract today in all its splendor as the Victorian visitors in their top hats and bonnets saw it.
79, Dons were no longer the comic derelicts that flit through Victorian fiction or the novels of Evelyn Waugh.
80, David crossed to examine a Victorian print, smiling at Margaret as he did so.
81, The island gantry and the whole atmosphere is superbly Victorian.
82, Council houses started immediately behind Woolworth's. Victorian terraces butted up to the side of Marks and Spencer's.
83, You go on home now,[ ] and put those Victorian novels away.
84, Penhaligon's story has all the ingredients of a Victorian melodrama.
85, Their abandoned Victorian mansion has been bought by the local council to save it from ruin.
86, There was a vigorous life, both commercial and family, carried on in the basements of large Victorian terraces.
87, The mystery surrounding the identity of property owners can be partly explained by a typical Victorian reticence concerning financial matters.
88, Neither does Victorian Britain provide any comparative baseline of a tranquil, law-abiding society.
89, A large pine wardrobe made £300; an old Victorian sideboard, £340 and a three-piece suite, £325.
90, The window was designed by C.E. Kempe, a leading Victorian stained glass colourist and designer.
91, In daylight in winter through the bare trees you can see odd corners of the ornate Victorian glasshouses.
92, The Victorian period was one of tremendous economic and social change.
93, Meet the Corn Traders, who still gather in this Victorian showpiece.
94, Unwin and Parker reacted against a Victorian excess of ornament, which required endless dusting by an army of servants.
95, The newly-named Victoria Square will be a pleasant landscaped area with trees, shrubs, seats and Victorian railings.
96, Now, he wrote, it is in a little room in a nondescript Victorian terraced house in a side-street in South London.
97, Never stand over an open fire as Victorian fathers used to do.
98, Theirs was a correction of smug Victorian concepts, a crusade sprung from reactive energies.
99, Late Victorian spin doctors fretted about the contempt in which the throne was held.
100, The lofty Alps of Victorian blue with their Annecy lakes were remote from his countryside.
101, On the driveway up to the house, a Victorian mansion, two men are striding purposefully.
102, The Victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion.
103, At the beginning of the Victorian era, family property usually meant land.
104, The Victorian family was the first family form in history which was both long-lasting and intimate.
105, In later Victorian buildings, iron beams and columns replaces timber in this arrangement.
106, The large Palace library, Victorian in its solid mahogany trappings, was lightly clad with the Bishop's books.
107, A Victorian theme would attract many people and possibly put money back into council coffers.
108, The Victorian age was not simply one of progress, measured in terms of population growth and economic activity.
109, Roseburn Bar Good Victorian bar with interesting fittings, well known to rugger fans.
110, He thought the name singularly inappropriate: either side was lined with a wall of Victorian terrace villas.
111, This allows an assessment of the influence of property ownership on the development of the Victorian and Edwardian city.
112, Our Victorian legacy means that we have no access to the vocabulary of desire.
113, Are we perhaps being invited to see the simpering good taste of operetta as the flip-side of the Victorian stews?
114, Why should the whims of Victorian gynaecology be relevant within a book which discusses the impurity of women in religion?
115, The Castillane Restaurant, four bars, all of which recapture the splendour of the Victorian era.
116, Victorian Bell Pulls were traditionally finished with brass end fittings.
117, A typical Victorian martinet, he wore a tall hat all his life.
118, Douglas, the capital, is a busy town by island standards with a long beach and traditional Victorian promenade.
119, Monotony was a cardinal sin for Victorian architects, just as it is the predominant defining characteristic of modern architecture.
120, But the scale of the poverty revealed by the Booth and Rowntree surveys shocked late Victorian sensibilities.
121, The train passes near Gate Manor, a fine Victorian mock Jacobean hall.
122, A Victorian mahogany single bed with walnut ends sold for £420; an Edwardian inlaid mahogany wardrobe and dressing table, £360.
123, An armchair, desk, a couple of straight chairs and other bedroom furniture were all Victorian.
124, Dear Maggie, I feel I owe you an apology for abandoning your esteemed Victorian values.
125, You can not, in a post-industrial nation, make more than fitful sense of an early Victorian doctrine of class-war.
126, Moreover, Charles Darwin's revelations about out bestial beginnings had dealt a severe to Victorian man's self-image.
127, She would be around forty but had the appearance of a heroine in a Victorian novel - tall, willowy, ethereal.
128, At that time North Shields had a set of Victorian shopping streets.
129, Although the old Victorian building with its spine of hutted wards was a vaguely familiar place, it was by no means home.
130, The little tern's numbers have been threatened since Victorian times when it was hunted for its snow-white plumage.
131, Mr Copley had in youth been a curate at Larksoken when the Victorian church was still standing.
132, Behind the Victorian front door frame was an earlier one, with mouldings and sockets for a carved headpiece.
133, Margaret had told me the doctor now lived in a Victorian mansion in Ayr.
134, The 8.16 from Darlington and the returning 10.38 behaved as impeccably as the reception class at a Victorian Sunday school.
135, In this tranquil setting stands the distinctive form of Holme Castle, an impressive Victorian stone house built in 1820.
136, A disused Victorian toilet block, with many of the original fixtures and fittings still in tact.
137, Victorian women wore severely restricting corsets to achieve an hourglass shape.
138, The later Victorian undertakers were arguably the most backward-looking tradesmen of their day.
139, The displays are shown in Victorian cases housed in a long, narrow gallery running parallel to the windows on to Chambers Street.
140, The man who is now so Victorian in his manners and morals was a rampant socialite.
141, The society is worried about traditional Victorian front doors being replaced with unsuitable off-the-peg doors.
142, Eccleshall also finds backing here from one of the recent histories of the late Victorian and Edwardian Conservative Party.
143, Consequently a world-wide effort is now being made to obtain and breed Victorian Cichlids to ensure their survival.
144, On either side of the Victorian fireplace with its flower-filled hearth stood an easy chair.
145, Embossed Anaglypta and Lincrusta wall coverings in 100 historical patterns from Victorian to modern.
146, His Victorian tomb looks out through a vista of pine trees on to the shimmering plains below.
147, A great deal of money has been spent conserving a block of less-than-distinguished Victorian slums and warehouses.
148, He was writing in the Origin for readers most of whom were steeped in Victorian optimism,[ ] religion and the romantic movement.
149, Even those involved in Victorian retail trade needed to be saved, perhaps as much as intellectuals and aristocrats.
150, She was a forceful personality who did not suffer fools gladly, but her sternness was accompanied by grace and Victorian courtesy.
151, Joseph Harker Monocles seemed to be popular in Victorian and Edwardian times.
152, The grand Victorian and Edwardian architecture of this period still gives the civic centre of Birmingham its character.
153, They pull into the driveway of an old, white Victorian house.
154, Now a Victorian church stands amid the barren Moor, a mute reminder of the lonely hamlet's more romantic past.
155, Victorian Gothic at its most tracery-like, pinnacles and lancets, deep in a dell.
156, The full horror of life in a Victorian industrial area is obvious here.
157, Inside look at the magnificent east window - a fine example of Victorian glass painting.
158, After that scene there is little else that needs to be said about the strictures on Victorian women.
159, Taking a risk, I ordered five each of six Victorian species, sight unseen.
160, Its old courthouse, streets lined with Victorian homes and town square scream heartland.
161, A massive, grey stone Victorian building, it housed over 1600 inmates, twice its allotted amount.
162, A Victorian stuff-over settee made £320; a mahogany hexagonal occasional table, £200 and a Sheffield plate tea urn, £170.
163, Marcus leaps out of bed and starts to play Victorian hymns on the little portable organ he has in his bedroom.
164, This it did by demanding a return to the family and Victorian values.
165, The design was a combination of Victorian and Tudor styles.
166, The book is about the life and manners of Victorian London.
167, They reacted against factory-produced Victorian furniture with its frilly fretwork, clawed feet and laminated woods.
168, After the two marry, Eugenia reveals a sexuality that is shocking by Victorian standards.
169, Those Victorian forces had apparently enrolled too many inadequate individuals, susceptible to the kaleidoscopic temptations of street life.
170, The antiques dealer guessed that the furniture was Victorian and solid mahogany.
171, The fresh air made a welcome change from the polluted Victorian London atmosphere.
172, What comes through is a totally idealized notion of the maternal, the maternal perhaps as envisaged by a Victorian.
173, Photography not only developed in the Victorian era but was also implicitly caught up in nineteenth-century interests and attitudes.
174, Victoria Gardens - traditional Victorian style gardens provide a haven for tired shoppers.
175, The confidential world of the city clerk persists in Eliot's poorest play which looks again to Victorian melodrama.
176, Closely packed terraces of Victorian houses were spread outwards as the population grew.
177, Victorian scholars were divided in their views of the precise nature and order of the stages of man's evolutionary progress.
178, The little Victorian station house stood there mellow in the sun, with tubs of flowers adding to the colourful scene.
179, Among these is a Victorian chaiselongue upholstered in rose red velvet in the main bedroom and a useful pine blanket box.
180, In the tightly-knit Victorian family, this prospect of permanent separation was more terrible than death itself.
181, One might with only slight exaggeration claim that firelight illuminates virtually every positive page in Victorian novels.
182, The artefacts he'd collected were everywhere and the cellar was full of old toys and Victorian prams.
183, It also brought Victorian attitudes dictating that dancing lessons in dance schools were more acceptable than dancing at large public Assemblies.
184, Social analysts and novelists alike seem determined to make these connections visible - hence the detective element in many Victorian novels.
185, The Victorian Society mounted a campaign to persuade us to take it on.
186, Grants and available technology shall be provided for the avoidance of the crazy Victorian idea of pumping raw sewage out to sea.
187, In Victorian times more than now boys were enjoined to be little men.
188, The flapper rebelled not only against Victorian manners and morality but against the body that went with it.
189, Kathy had fallen in love with an old blue Victorian across from Edgewood Park.
190, A Victorian hand painted pottery oil-lamp, without a shade, attracted some enthusiastic bidding at Bloomfields to sell at £510.
191, That Angus Wilson respected the baggy monsters of the Victorian era is unquestionable.
192, We now look at the gothic exaggeration and moody drama of Victorian landscapes and we learn of their romantic yearnings.
193, See the city's fine Victorian architecture, and visit its excellent museums.
194, The picture gave no clear impression of anyone in particular; it was generic Victorian lady, specific shy poetess.
195, I am convinced that Victorian prudery was much to blame for this, and modern treatment might have much ameliorated it.
196, Where I think the problem lies is that the Victorian age was one which stressed personal salvation and the individual soul.
197, This quite different context allowed some observers of the city to communicate a view about the squalor of the Victorian legacy.
198, Richly-decorated Saloon Bars more closely approximate to the modern idea of a Victorian pub.
199, Television has had as profound an effect on contemporary sport as the railway or the popular press had on Victorian sport.
200, To the south lay a vast area of redevelopment, relieved only by the remains of a Victorian terrace.
201, Later, in Victorian times, birds of prey were persecuted by game keepers, by taxidermists and by egg collectors.
202, This is Amster Yard, a rare Victorian oasis in mid-Manhattan,[ ] approached by a covered passageway behind wrought-iron gates.
203, The newer dioceses which have been created since Victorian times normally use a local authority record office as their approved archive repository.
204, The silver, Victorian and heavy to the hand, gleamed on the cream linen cloth.
205, He was dressed in a Victorian morning suit, high starched collar, watered-silk cravat.
206, This fish is yet another jewel in the Victorian scene.
207, In this size there can be little double that this is Victorian parasol handle, despite its right-angled form.
208, Costing about £150,000, the exhibition traces the development of trams in towns and cities throughout Britain from the Victorian era.
209, It is in this context that we must read the definitions and practices that constituted Victorian sexuality.
210, The dinner will be held in a marquee in Friary Gardens, Richmond, with guests dressed in Victorian costume.
211, Still, everything seemed normal when I arrived at Lake City, a little Victorian village nestled in a remote valley.
212, Accounts as overt as Kingsley's are, as I have said, most unusual in Victorian novels.
213, Our more skeptical age is apt to greet a performance like this with a smirk, as just more fussy Victorian moralism.
214, It dates back to 1863, to a Victorian London of slums, of gaslight, of the powerless and the poor.
215, Downstream lies Freemantle, the seaport with restored colonial-style Victorian buildings.
216, One Victorian explorer reported that he could catch these cats and tether them near his food stores to keep the rats down.
217, Most travellers suffered appalling hardship and danger, none more so than the great Victorian explorers.
218, The importance of work and employment to those with mental disorder has, however, been recognized since Victorian times.
219, Norton House Hotel A Victorian mansion house set in 55 acres.
220, The fashion for black and white dates from the Victorian era.
221, The charming honeymoon suite has its own gallery and a large double Victorian brass bed.
222, Vienna double weight wall clock, £330 and a Victorian sewing table, £340.
223, It's enough to make you long for a pukka Victorian tale of bwana, bearers and the source of the Nile.
224, The house we were in was solid Victorian in style, both inside and out, except that it had a tin roof.
225, The Victorian asylum movement was successful largely because of a unanimity of views on the subject by most men of influence.
226, Rose had changed into the Victorian clothes in the van.
227, Rules was decorated like a Victorian library; it smelled of superior malt whiskies and very old leather.
228, Why is the lovely silver Royal Victorian Order insignia decorated with a rose, thistle, shamrock - and a sunflower?
229, That is over a metre beyond his previous best, also set in the Victorian capital.
230, The Victorian/Tudor style mansion is set in eight acres of mixed agricultural land, woodland and gardens.
231, She had supervised the renovation of a large Victorian home, working with the architect and numerous subcontractors.
232, Two marble top wash-stands made £235; a pair Victorian chimney pots, £110 and an oak and marble sideboard, £300.
233, This, it is suggested, is a hangover from Victorian and Colonial days.
234, It is a double row of fine, tall and expansive Victorian terraced villas and looks as if it is straight out of London.
235, Beyond it lay the Victorian Gothic church and some large houses of the same period, now mostly turned into flats.
236, Surely it is time that breweries understood the importance of their Victorian pubs, and turned to conservation rather than mutilation.
237, There is an eerily Victorian postscript to this unhappy tale, almost too melodramatic to be true.
238, They simply continue a tradition established by Arthur Liberty, the firm's Victorian founder.
239, Problem - the wonderful Victorian glasshouses were empty, no plants!
240, Roomy High Victorian pub, with big bay windows and glass partitions.
241, A disused Victorian toilet block has just gone up for sale.
242, Below the green Victorian wallpaper decorating the small den were wood paneling and shelving loaded down with books and videotapes.
243, Fforde also establishes an important point by underlining the importance of land reform to late Victorian and Edwardian debates.
244, Many of them are of a Victorian standard and need considerable investment.
245, Recent commissions have included design influences from traditional Victorian to geometric Art Deco to Mackintosh in a wide variety of hardwoods.
246, Read in studio A Victorian mental hospital is up for sale ... and could fetch more than two million pounds.
247, The same story of crumbling Victorian buildings, tunnels, pipes and walls is being repeated in all Britain's major cities.
248, Victorian inlaid music cabinet, £220; miniature watercolour on porcelain, Lady Hamilton, £210.
249, We stayed in a fancy Victorian hotel in San Francisco.
250, The poignant music drifted into the coffee-house, and Meredith settled back on the Victorian chair to enjoy it and her surroundings.
251, On a winter's day the Lords has the dozy ambience of a modernized and centrally-heated Victorian stately home.
252, In May 1985, on the occasion of the centenary, hundreds of people thronged the platform, many in Victorian costume.
253, The other furniture was a couple of wing chairs a single-ended Victorian chaise-longue and a fruitwood dressing-table.
254, So were the great Victorian railway stations that we now profess to admire, almost uncritically.
255, It triumphed in a different way, as a display cabinet of curious animals for Victorian London.
256, Immediately below, beyond the police car park, was a street of substantial Victorian villas.
257, Turner's secret life sounds like the stuff of a Victorian sensation novel.
258, This is charmingly old-fashioned stuff, reminding you of the Victorian explorer who knocked out a boa constrictor with a straight right.
259, Opposite were the elegant backs of Victorian houses, their grey bricks swelling into bow-windows, the roof-tiles glistening like wet flint.
260, Grandiose Victorian pub with ornate plaster-work ceiling and a nice summer beer garden.
261, It was a mad mongrel of a building, a Victorian folly lampooning the worst taste of several architectural ages.
262, Their efforts to save the Victorian theater have met with little success.
263, Its Victorian replacement, with long drives and a portico of columns,[http://] has fallen into disuse.
264, For many years her life was almost a caricature of the daily round of the Victorian upper-class spinster.
265, It was a large Victorian family kitchen, and looked so when it was empty or when only Mrs Beavis was there.
266, The fancy taste for ornaments and trinkets displayed by these peculiar birds appealed to the Victorian dilettante.
267, Small and thin, Terri was dressed, as usual, in the manner of a deranged Victorian governess.
268, Skirt lengths rose again, but dropped quickly by the end of the 1800s in the Victorian era.
269, The Victorian era comes down to us today mired in images of distance and reserve.
270, Victorian values might include slavery, children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack, as well as gin parlours and asylums.
271, The house was a neat Victorian villa in a row with lime trees outside.
272, Dismantling revealed traces of Victorian wallpaper and a Midland Railway poster advertising excursions in 1875.
273, Read in studio An Oxford don says a return to Victorian manners would lead to a better, more considerate society.
274, Bullingdon's structure is based on a traditional Victorian tiered system which has proved most effective for observing inmates.
275, The main points of Mary Kingsley's remarkable story have appeared in compendiums on Victorian women travellers.
276, In the past I have lived in a large Victorian house and a 1930s semi-detached.
277, Harry Dodson demonstrates the skills of a Victorian head gardener.
278, The book is a gem of Victorian idiosyncrasy.
279, The most prominent poets of the Victorian period had all but faded from the scene.
280, When they were together the Jacobean and the Victorian ages were juxtaposed.
281, Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.
282, a day school at Leeds University on women in Victorian times.
283, The wall caved in to reveal a blocked-up Victorian fireplace.
284, a gripping Victorian melodrama.
285, My collection of Victorian literature turned out to be a rich and often hilarious source of information.
286, Outcomes for psychiatric disorders no better than in the Victorian period.




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