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单词 Prey
1 The lion stalked its prey through the long grass.
2 Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges.
3 The tiger rent its prey to pieces.
4 The clergy prey on bereaved families.
5 Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.
6 The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip.
7 The big bird carried its prey in its claws.
8 The lion was hunting for its prey.
9 The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals.
10 The animal seizes its prey by the throat and suffocates it to death.
11 Most snakes swallow their prey whole.
12 Small children are prey to all sorts of fears.
13 A tiger is a beast of prey.
14 These animals were the prey of hyenas.
15 Wolves prowled the forest in search of prey.
16 She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen.
17 She was prey to irrational fears.
18 Mice and other small creatures are the owl's prey.
19 Cats prey on birds and mice.
20 The zebra fell prey to the lion.
21 The baby fish are easy prey for birds.
22 Stronger animals prey on weaker ones.
23 The serpent fascinated its prey.
24 She fell an easy prey to his charm.
25 The insect anchored fast to its prey.
26 The eagle poised in mid-air ready to swoop on its prey.
27 The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.
28 A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey.
29 The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.
30 Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
1 Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges.
2 The clergy prey on bereaved families.
3 Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.
4 The big bird carried its prey in its claws.
5 The lion was hunting for its prey.
6 The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals.
7 The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.
8 A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey.
9 The animal seizes its prey by the throat and suffocates it to death.
10 The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.
11 Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
12 A tiger is a beast of prey.
13 Stronger animals prey on weaker ones.
14 The serpent fascinated its prey.
15 The insect anchored fast to its prey.
16 The leopard bounded on the prey.
17 It attacks its prey with great ferocity.
18 The crocodile killed its prey by keeping it under and drowning it.
19 Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.
31 He fell prey to her charms.
32 Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.
33 She looked like a lion baulked of its prey.
34 The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.
35 Cats rely on stealth to catch their prey.
36 Hawks prey on rodents and small birds.
37 The tiger devoured its prey.
38 Tourists are easy prey for thieves.
39 The leopard bounded on the prey.
40 Poachers in search of antlers prey on red deer.
41 Tourists have become easy prey.
42 They were balked of their prey.
43 Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.
44 The larvae prey upon small aphids.
45 Owls prey on small rodents.
46 Their prey can sometimes escape detection by remaining still.
47 It attacks its prey with great ferocity.
48 The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
49 The lion bounded on the prey.
50 The young deer are ideal prey for the leopard.
51 She was prey to all kinds of conflicting emotions.
52 I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey.
53 They are prey to nameless fears.
54 The animal quickly devoured its prey.
55 We watched a bird of prey swoop down on a mouse.
56 With a lash of its tail, the lion sprang at its prey.
57 Homeless young people are easy prey for drug-dealers and pimps.
58 The bear's sense of smell tells it where prey is hiding.
59 We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.
60 The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.
61 The snake lifted up its head before striking its prey.
62 Police fear that more pensioners could fall prey to the thieves.
63 The bird dug its claws in and held onto its prey.
63 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
64 The viper paralyses its prey by injecting it with venom.
65 Some snakes inject their prey with poison in order to immobilize it.
66 Like other birds of prey, it quickly moves in for the kill.
67 The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.
68 A hawk hovered in the air before swooping on its prey.
69 Since the attack, she had fallen prey to irrational fears.
70 The falcon seemed to hang in the air for a moment before diving onto its prey.
71 The crocodile killed its prey by keeping it under and drowning it.
72 She knew she must not fall prey to his charm.
73 Cats prey on mice.
74 Fish at the surface of the water are easy prey for eagles.
75 The owl is a predatory bird which kills its prey with its claws.
76 Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.
77 The newborn young are helpless creatures and easy prey for birds.
78 Birds of prey use warm air currents to lift them high in the sky.
79 Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.
80 He was easy prey for the two conmen who called at his house.
81 The new government has fallen prey to corruption and fraud.
82 Many small birds and rodents fall prey to the domestic cat.
83 The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off.
84 Predators make as much use of camouflage as their prey do.
85 It's particularly contemptible that these sort of people prey on the elderly.
86 The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey.
87 It is easy prey - I've caught them myself.
88 When one finds defenceless prey, others will soon come.
89 Had he marked her out as his prey?
90 Prey and hunter, hunter and prey.
91 The hunters stalked their prey.
92 Clown Loach might also prey on eggs or fry.
93 It began to prey on my mind so much that I went to the casualty department of Charing Cross Hospital.
93 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
94 The wild ancestors of our domestic cats liked to eat freshly killed prey - they were not scavengers.
95 It is said that they fill our emotional life and that we are their constant prey.
96 It appears that in this case, at least, the avoidance of the deadly prey is inborn.
97 The toothed whales have a set of teeth which they use to grasp large and quick-moving prey, mainly squid or fish.
98 The region is prey to drug and crime syndicates, and a cynical political class that accepts corruption as normal.
99 However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey.
100 This gives them overlapping fields of view and the true stereo vision that they need to capture their prey.
101 The venom of most spiders, though effective against their insect prey, is harmless to man.
102 They eat their prey at their roosts, littering the cave floor with the broken up remains of their meals.
103 As a result, his party may look battered, easy prey for the Democrats.
104 All kinds of birds and fish were also fair game, with parrots being particularly prized prey.
105 Several studies on digestion of bone by captive owls and diurnal birds of prey have been published.
106 A dropped tail continues to wriggle, keeping the attention of the predator focused on it while the prey makes its escape.
107 The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming.
108 And finally, the modifications of the bones of the prey.animals might also be predator-specific.
109 Like a hell hound, Capri launches into the crowd to grapple his unfortunate prey.
110 It is willing and able to feed on a variety of prey species, up to the size of antelopes.
111 Hutt crept silently into the kitchen, his hands sweating profusely as he closed in on his prey.
112 After a convincing win in game 1 Kasparov fell prey to overconfidence, losing games 4 and 5.
113 Some authors have suggested that the clicks are made to alert other cats to the presence of the prey.
114 In fact, the only bird of prey I ever saw hovering over the park was a kestrel.
115 Then they jump on to their prey, paralyse it and feed on it.
116 When whales eat contaminated prey, organochlorines go first to the digestive system, and are then deposited in fatty tissues.
117 Fig. 2.1 Comparison of mandibular lengths of four barn owl prey assemblages.
118 The gang prey on people whose cashpoint cards are stolen along with documents that reveal their home addresses.
119 It really seems as if some drivers fall prey to a death wish when freezing fog descends.
120 In early days the packs had concentrated on the caribou, but the semi-domestic, smaller animals were easier prey.
121 Meanwhile, the larger birds of prey were tucking into things like mice, rats, chicks and rabbits.
122 In the book, Godwin eloquently describes in words and photographs the ills our land is prey to.
123 Another favoured prey item is the giant squid, which can reach lengths of 12m.
123 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
124 With Thabet's death, even the political leaders of Fatah have become potential prey.
125 Waiting for his prey to rise from the hollow and dash across open ground.
126 The carnivorous digestive system would be useless without the means of catching prey.
127 Then, with a watchful eye, it can keep a lookout for potential prey without revealing its presence.
128 Echoes of the signal alert them to possible prey, at ranges up to 80-90 metres in shallow waters.
129 I have heard that swallows follow their insect prey and these feel happiest at a barometric pressure of about 1010 millibars.
130 We were barely moving through the water, an easy prey.
131 The hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey.
132 The larger falcons are among the birds of prey most favoured for the sport of falconry.
133 It was up in an instant and capering after its prey like an aquatic grasshopper.
134 The people back then had been so absurdly vulnerable, prey to disease and deception.
135 If the prey obligingly offers itself as an immobilised piece of meat, what advantage does it gain?
136 More rarely, I watched them diving in the sea for sea urchins or other easy prey.
137 It can't afford to expend too much energy on a prey it's not certain of catching.
138 Does your spider feed on the prey at once or does it wrap it in sticky threads and feed on it later?
139 It is most likely to occur when the bird of prey is behaving in an odd way.
140 You have to assume that Mobs will occasionally fall prey to animosity come what may.
141 The dams also render the animals easy prey for hunters and trap them when the water is drained for irrigation.
142 Lydia, cooped up like a hen in her house, had branded herself victim, prey, alien and afraid.
143 Ammophila, the caterpillar-hunting wasp, has to keep a close guard over her paralysed prey.
144 Does she welcome the intruder and discuss how best they can cohabit the territory, sharing prey?
145 Three groups are easy prey to the underclass's recruiting sergeant.
146 Now, once again, the thin reed of refugee protection has fallen prey to the winds of political expediency.
147 Consequently, the larger creatures that prey on them, the raptors, are fleeing starvation too.
148 Puppies will herd hens in a farmyard, just as a pack of wolves will encircle an ailing prey.
149 Their true jaws are of obvious advantage for grasping prey.
150 They crush their victim in their pincers, but feed by injecting digestive juices and sucking the prey dry.
151 A battle of wills, no less, between pursuer and prey.
152 Bone modifications All predators modify the bones of their prey to a certain extent.
153 While we are the prey of negative emotions we merely exist.
154 In lakes, crustaceans, molluscs, leeches and mayflies dwindle, although predators remain more numerous,(http:///prey.html) feeding on alternative prey.
155 Carnivores can also adjust the size of the hunting party to the kind of prey being sought.
156 One other interesting example of feeding technology is the use of bait to catch prey.
157 Now direct experimental evidence has proved the assumption justified, at least when the prey are nauseous chicken eggs and the predators crows.
158 They improve the stock of their prey, such as deer, by killing the inferior or injured animals.
159 Its highly flexible neck enables it to keep watch over a wide area while it is both searching for and chasing prey.
160 Prey is immediately carried to the mouth and killed with a bite from the bird-like beak, tucked away among the tentacles.
161 They were significantly overrepresented in the underground economy, where they were prey to exploitation.
162 Indeed, even in the fast choppy water the practised eye can spot his prey a hundred yards away.
163 Also I didn't have much money, and barn owls are much cheaper than a lot of birds of prey.
164 With wild cats it ensures that the animals do not become totally dependent on one kind of prey.
165 Their long slender beak also assists in capturing their prey.
166 The other clawed into it, mercilessly pecking while its prey squawked with weakening jabs of its beak.
167 It is extraordinary that such a large animal can move through close cover without revealing itself to its prey.
168 The results of the analysis in Table 3.9 show that several species have consistent deficits of isolated teeth in their prey assemblages.
169 The king crabs have a nearly circular carapace, beneath which powerful legs helped the animal to swim and catch prey.
170 Would such a shy creature really prey on human offspring?
171 The truth is that real man-eaters, those tigers that deliberately and consistently hunt human prey, are extremely rare.
172 They hunt at night, and can not use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles.
173 He slipped gently behind a low bush, waiting, like a hunter for his prey.
174 The benefit of this feeding lifestyle is that it avoids the dangers of active killing of prey.
175 Yet aposematic coloration has not always evolved among kin-grouped prey and we need to identify the variables that are of evolutionary importance.
176 The insects that bats prey upon have a comparable battery of sophisticated electronic and acoustic gear.
177 Gregarious; large flocks make remarkable roaring sound on surface of water when disturbed by birds of prey.
178 Later, in Victorian times, birds of prey were persecuted by game keepers, by taxidermists and by egg collectors.
179 He says that dinosaur specimens from late Cretaceous rocks reveal low predator/prey ratios of from 3 to 5 percent.
180 And evidence of the oxygen-starvation to which denizens of that lofty aerie are prey.
181 Now there was new prey for the clashing gravitational fields.
182 Of 213 prey animals eaten, only 56 could be identified in the pellets, again examined under carefully controlled conditions.
183 But if the eye can remain open without being seen, then the prey has the best of both worlds.
184 The Harris's expressionless eyes would follow the invisible prey and then fix on its exit.
185 Co. is expected to prey on the misfortunes of other retailers to boost its stock price, analysts said.
186 Wolves - dogs, as they soon became - became more useful as they could chase and pull down wounded prey.
187 Other mechanisms for trapping prey have similarly descriptive names: snap, suction, lobster pot, flypaper, loop.
188 They were like a great flock of gulls swooping to tear and gobble at their prey.
189 They examine abandoned nests for prey remains, dissect pellets and talk frequently to local shepherds.
190 In addition, some prey behave in ways that enhance their conspicuousness once they have been spotted.
191 Prey Selection Throughout its geographical range, Nucella lapillus has a choice of prey species.
192 Monsters, stirred from the lightless ocean depths by the sinking of the lands, sometimes come ashore here in search of prey.
193 The digestion of incisors from mammalian carnivore prey assemblages is more extreme than that of the molars.
194 Fig. 3.13 Percentage completeness of mandibles from recent owl prey assemblages.
195 What is overlooked is that predators also benefit from being concealed from their prey.
196 But - the third condition - prey families must not be too easily detected by predators.
197 This tips the balance much more in favour of the prey and sends most attackers lurching towards the wrong end of the body.
198 Males are usually most involved in attacking predators and may collaborate to kill snakes as dangerous prey.
199 Birds of prey must be attracted from miles away by the spectacular aerobatics.
200 His prey is the charred remnants of a campfire set along a trail in the heart of this tinder-dry wilderness area.
201 The primary function of snake venom is, of course, to quieten prey before swallowing them.
202 It may predate larger animals as well as small mammals, with records of prey as large as juvenile foxes and roe deer.
203 Sabine watched him go, prey to all kinds of conflicting emotions.
204 Tick advanced on his prey cowering constipated against the wall.
205 These include birds of prey flying demonstrations, morris dancing, archery tournaments and car rallies, to name but a few.
206 All these animals, and others, had fallen prey to the apprentice hunters.
207 Chimpanzee males combine to capture prey which is then torn up and shared.
208 Then, as the softies were driven extinct, Harrington followed them, having no easy prey left.
209 Each take-over required a minimum of two advisers: one for the raider and another for his prey.
210 It has binocular vision for locating its prey and now rests motionless, waiting for the potential victim to come closer.
211 Birds of prey are frequent in winter, with sparrowhawk and hen harrier likely.
212 Now, however, the great Latin cities fell prey to widespread depopulation, economic decline, and physical decay.
213 Just as the wolf will chase its prey, Fido chases his ball.http:///prey.html
214 The hunt starts with the lionesses hunting as a group for their prey.
215 Men prowled the motel like packs of wolves searching out easy prey.
216 Many birds of prey regurgitate pellets which contain the indigestible remains of their prey, including much of the bone.
217 The bird's problem then is to distinguish sickening from edible prey.
218 They become a prey to nameless and often unspoken fears.
219 No bird of prey hovered overhead, not even the dragonflies disturbed the oily surface of the pond.
220 These refugees fell prey to marauding gangs, even to troopers, or to one another.
221 A more extreme development of this pattern is seen in the kestrel, peregrine and buzzard prey assemblages.
222 Smaller birds that prey on insect pests also raid fruit crops, which must be netted.
223 Flight silent, and very agile, gliding and wheeling, with sudden darts after prey.
224 The prey then became the bait for a subsequent round of testing.
225 Sooner or later the predator will end up feeding preferentially on the most abundant of the available types of prey.
226 They can also catch kinds of prey that they could not catch by themselves, such as buffalo.
227 Most of its prey are ducks and seabirds, fish and carrion.
228 The behaviour of worm-lions, which also flick sand at their prey, is essentially the same as that of the ant-lion.
229 Like a wolf pack scenting easy prey, they dismounted and spread out.
230 The smaller the prey becomes, the more labour is needed to obtain adequate nutrition.
231 The eagle overhead was hungrily seeking a rock on which to drop its prey.
232 This way, Tucson can avoid falling prey to wildcat subdivisions on its fringes.
233 At rest, Arthur was an aged peregrine constantly scanning local air currents for unwary prey.
234 It works on the principle that the pursuer will not be able to change direction as efficiently as the prey.
235 But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem, which had begun to prey on his mind.
236 The tiger anchor ed fast to its prey.
237 This burglar thought old people are easy prey.
238 the relationship between predator and prey.
239 On the flight from Paris to Toulon, Mechiche fell prey to panic.
240 In the simulation, predator and prey follow randomly assigned life - cycle durations.
241 A three species predator prey chain periodic nonautonomous diffusive system is studied.
242 We investigate optimal policy for a predator - prey system with age - dependent.




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