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单词 Entertaining
1 Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining.
2 The job involves a lot of entertaining.
3 The others seemed to find my discomfort hugely entertaining.
4 Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends.
5 She gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech.
6 He tried to make his speech more entertaining.
7 He was an entertaining travelling companion.
8 The hotel is used for corporate entertaining .
9 It was highly entertaining for the people around them.
10 I found the talk both informative and entertaining.
11 She was always so funny and entertaining.
12 Do you get an allowance for entertaining clients ?
13 She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.
14 A little embroidery made the story quite entertaining.
15 They do most of their entertaining in restaurants.
16 This is a surprisingly entertaining film.
17 Toby was quick-witted and entertaining.
18 Two well-matched sides conjured up an entertaining game.
19 Entertaining in style needn't mean spending lavishly.
20 She found him entertaining enough to overlook his faults.
21 I've had my fill of entertaining for one week.
22 The front room was used mainly for entertaining visitors.
23 We're entertaining some colleagues of Ben's tonight.
24 He earned/established/gained/acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.
25 His books aren't particularly well-written, but they're always entertaining.
26 The talk was both informative and entertaining.
27 The movie wasn't half as entertaining as the book.
28 He loves entertaining his friends with ribald stories.
29 This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film.
30 We do a lot of entertaining.
1 Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining.
2 The job involves a lot of entertaining.
3 The others seemed to find my discomfort hugely entertaining.
4 Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends.
5 She gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech.
6 He tried to make his speech more entertaining.
7 He was an entertaining travelling companion.
8 He loves entertaining his friends with ribald stories.
9 The great disparity between the teams did not make for an entertaining game.
10 Entertaining people is the most natural thing in the world for her.
31 This is actually a very entertaining book putting over serious health messages.
32 It's fairly entertaining as films go, but I wouldn't describe it as unmissable.
33 I have an expense account and spend about £10,000 a year on entertaining.
34 The great disparity between the teams did not make for an entertaining game.
35 She gave a very entertaining talk entitled "My life and hard times".
36 I wish he'd desist from entertaining his friends at all hours of the day and night.
37 Thank you for a most entertaining magazine, which I read avidly each month.
38 As a whole the series was never less than watchable - hokum, perhaps, but entertaining.
39 To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.
40 'The Silence of the Lambs' is an entertaining but violent movie and is not for the squeamish.
41 The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.
42 Entertaining people is the most natural thing in the world for her.
43 It was an entertaining speech, but it lacked substance .
44 It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.
45 Her books are always entertaining and this one is no exception.
46 But I am not given to entertaining forebodings.
47 They were an entertaining and very motley gang.
48 Like a Mephistco office party, but even less entertaining.
49 I keep it for entertaining mostly.
50 It was a very entertaining, albeit fabricated(), film.
51 Such a call might have wonderfully entertaining aspects.
52 It was an entertaining speech, but without much substance.
53 I've rarely heard a more entertaining interview.
54 Nigel also resented the expense of entertaining.
55 They are recipes for disaster when you are entertaining.
56 Runciman had always found theology both fascinating and entertaining.
57 Entertaining, for sure, but an inexact science.
58 Entertaining, but the high finance can be skimmed.
59 Both enjoy cooking, appreciate good food and love entertaining.
60 Being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining.
61 As always, Costas is entertaining and well-spoken, and his monologues are undeniably passionate.
62 That was Renato, still entertaining the class with wild guesses.
63 Another plus for this style of entertaining is the cost.
64 It is quite entertaining to attempt to visualize what the intermediates may have looked like.
65 But it won't be all competitive spirit; the evening will also include practical advice and last-minute tips for Christmas entertaining.
66 Keith Haring was entertaining the masses with volunteer paintings on sidewalks and subway walls.
67 Voice over Douglas Cox is now safely back at home entertaining his friends with his tales of bravery.
68 A wry and entertaining tale, typical of this good writer.
69 Informal entertaining Though entertaining is not an essential part of the media relations programme it can often help to smooth the way.
70 The morals and ethics are obvious, the comedy more subtle and highly entertaining.
71 Just like Bob Monkhouse, Steg is slimy but highly entertaining!
72 The most entertaining moments of the debate took place during acerbic cross fires among the leading candidates.
73 Nevertheless, the entertaining A44 through the Cotswolds is fun and I eventually arrive at the famous factory.
74 Radio producers have to remind themselves each week that radio broadcasting isn't about selling records, but about entertaining an audience.
75 "Silverado" was an entertaining but unsuccessful attempt to resurrect the Western.
76 Sometimes the approach is very subjective, but the result is entertaining and informative, easy to read and full of insight.
77 I just wish they spied out something more entertaining than water and doctors.
78 The ship has some innovative ideas in entertaining as well.
79 It has been conducting intense, entertaining world championships nearly as long.
80 Franc's Diary, that entertaining miscellany which was written for years by a succession of different pens.
81 He had the entertaining idea of running a competition, and he advertised for experts in games theory to submit strategies.
82 A juggler was entertaining a theatre queue, turning an orange, a book and a saucepan in an incongruous circle.
83 We know Bob Hope from years of specials, from footage of him entertaining the troops.
84 Some of these programs play along with the musician to make practice easier and more entertaining.
85 My take on this particular part was that it was highly entertaining.
86 It is no longer acceptable to pretend to be entertaining clients while overtly pushing your business at them.
87 In a good position for watching the proceedings were the carriages of three or four noblemen who were entertaining their friends.
88 In the manner of revival meetings, the mood was alternately serious and entertaining, the outcome expectable.
89 About a fifth of their income is spent on entertaining clients.
90 They were evidently able to spend unlimited roubles on receiving and entertaining guests from the West.
91 The stupid sexist comments of the blokes with whom and for whom she worked merely provided an entertaining soap opera wallpaper.
92 Maximum public acceptance will require that interactive catalog services have a more entertaining visual appearance than traditional text-intensive catalogs have had.
93 Franker discussion about the nature and value of conventional entertaining could improve matters even more.
94 When they lived together Paul had explained the merits of plastic entertaining.
95 The plot unfolds engagingly, with some very entertaining video segments.
96 Ridicule is a decidedly more entertaining version of the genre with the grace to flash us some intelligence and self-consciousness.
97 An insightful,(http:///entertaining.html) entertaining documentary about how movies have portrayed homosexuality down through the decades.
98 The temptation to create a compelling, entertaining sports movie must be too strong to resist.
99 King Edward visited several times when shooting parties and other entertaining took place on a lavish scale.
100 The only times Gina brought food in were those when she was entertaining.
101 Cliff Paul and Barry Sheppard began taking in paying guests as an extension of their enthusiasm for entertaining friends.
102 If husband and wife are entertaining, then invite another couple.
103 The best reason for including a Giant in your army is that they are very entertaining!
104 Rosa made a little game out of answering, so pleased was she to be entertaining him with her talk.
105 News itself became more entertaining, and technologies enabling better graphics and presentation made features more attractive.
106 See our outdoor entertaining spread on pages 14 and 15 for the full menu.
107 We now look forward to entertaining you this Summer at the Grand.
108 It was very entertaining going forward, and extremely frustrating waiting for them to score Goal-Of-The-Century!
109 They are competitively priced children's books which are both entertaining and instructive and cater for all age groups.
110 He has worked full time as a magician and illusionist since 1998, entertaining primarily at corporate retreats and product launches.
111 Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors. Joseph Addison 
112 Talking over schemes like this was both entertaining and educative.
113 Almodovar is the happiest, most entertaining hedonist in the world today.
114 The long haul up to Blakey Rigg was actually quite entertaining.
115 When this is combined with film deadlines, the resulting anecdotes are often highly entertaining.
116 The Kings, meanwhile, have a synergy that translates into an entertaining and unique style of play.
117 You could always find something entertaining to do around Morrisonville. Climb a fence.
118 But if Mr Winchester's iconography is sometimes suspect, his opus is almost unfailingly entertaining.
119 Mike often gets home late when he's entertaining business clients.
120 What are you thinking of, entertaining guests here in your revolting lair?
121 Quiet-spoken and deeply read, he is an instructive and entertaining conversationalist with a sardonic sense of humour.
122 Whenever people want entertaining, they will automatically switch to E4.
123 But it can be an interesting team, an entertaining team when the parts fit together like Thursday night.
124 This is a easy but impressive dish if you are entertaining at home.
125 In Florida the young professionals were always entertaining their parents.
126 It was all highly entertaining and colourful, especially after a couple of days of shows that explored new boundaries of tedium.
127 The books are designed to be both entertaining and instructive.
128 Senior Officers and Flag Officers have considerable official entertaining responsibilities and stewards play a key role at such functions.
129 Corporate entertaining was considered the single most effective marketing technique by 14 percent of businesses.
130 Gift and Book Shop A packed souvenir shop full of interesting and unusual gifts and informative and entertaining books.
131 One is very charming, very entertaining, very everything other than responsible,() and has no money.
132 You could always find something entertaining to do around Morrisonville.
133 Many officials now spend most of their working hours entertaining visiting delegations, meeting donors, and preparing project documents.
134 She would still have a spare bedroom, quite enough for the modest entertaining she proposed to do in her widowed state.
135 In fact, Holden has long been the most entertaining City Council Member.
136 She has gone through her entire childhood without entertaining another child in her home.
137 The Canlton Food Network's celebrity chefs will have their say on the site along with organic, wine and entertaining sections.
138 Regular entertaining of company personnel, as well as occasional friends at weekends, threatened to become a major preoccupation for Laura.
139 Traditional bridal wear combines with theatrical costume and effects to create an entertaining and thought-provoking visual statement.
140 When you are laying out a new workshop you can play a particularly entertaining board game.
141 Those who have ever given fencing a chance up-close, probably realize that it always has been an entertaining event.
142 If he was entertaining visitors, he might not be at all pleased to have her arriving uninvited on the doorstep.
143 It makes it less audacious and less entertaining than the Eye, of course, except for the literary and dramatic reviews.
144 Except when he was entertaining I doubt if he ever sat down to a three-course meal.
145 The idea behind the commercials is that reading is as cool and entertaining as their favorite bands.
146 In short, Dillie is witty, versatile, highly entertaining and very funny.
147 This is an entertaining book that explains the basics of buying stock with colorful illustrations and plain language.
148 Which, for those of us on the outside, is the 49ers at their most entertaining.
149 Murrayfield will provide a feast of entertaining rugby if the quality of the tournament at Catania was anything to go by.
150 I felt we had to find and develop talk personalities who could be entertaining as well as erudite.
151 It makes for an extraordinary mixture but an entertaining one, as eclectic as the individual pieces he describes.
152 Not nearly as crucial, but every bit as entertaining: Cultivate a talent.
153 Sometimes an Orc or Goblin will capture a few Snotlings and train them to perform entertaining tricks, or to perform simple tasks.
154 Here he was suffering this loss, and he was entertaining me.
155 This is a dazzlingly entertaining novel, spirited in all ways, and really, really mean.
156 Hamilton gave some entertaining examples of animals attempting to escape predation by clumping.
157 What am I doing( ), entertaining David Kent in my dressing-gown?
158 New faces were still pouring into the room as word spread that the Chief Whip was entertaining.
159 When entertaining friends, the garden can act as the fitting backdrop for a successful party.
160 This might be almost as entertaining as Godzilla Meets Bambi, at my local cinema.
161 But the myth was more entertaining when dull but inescapable facts were omitted.
162 It is an entertaining program helping children to add, subtract, multiply and divide quickly and accurately.
163 Besides his lavish entertaining, he wore expensive gabardine suits and handmade shoes.
164 She wrote like a privileged amateur, a rich person entertaining herself.
165 Health chiefs spent another £350,000 on air tickets, accommodation and lavish entertaining for the firm's executives and their wives.
166 However, infinitely more entertaining is a gentle stroking on the inside of the upper thigh.
167 All too often supposedly top officials turn highly entertaining games into a farce with over-the-top bookings.
168 You will want people to relax over their meal(), especially if you do a lot of entertaining.
169 He remembered the tall thin red ones Zoe used to put in the silver candelabra when she was entertaining.
170 On the other hand, if you attended the other concert, perhaps the evening was more entertaining.
171 Whatever the form of your home entertaining, always be conscious of the fact that you must control it.
172 On the other hand, intelligently entertaining and communicative works provide a background from which works of genius can emerge.
173 They had a hugely entertaining and morale-building win Sunday, but it was against the Bengals.
174 Hence, she may be prohibited from entertaining others in the home.
175 With six machines it is an entertaining and educational experience for singletons, pairs or knitting club groups.
176 The 1975 Hoosiers may have been a more entertaining team.
177 Maurice was always entertaining, but there was a touch of genius in the way he talked that night.
178 The author has presented a most readable account which is both educational and entertaining, and in places exciting.
179 For 12 years he aided Tony Hart in making children's television more entertaining.
180 This story is vastly more complex, diverse, and entertaining than its fictional counterparts.
181 On one level, it is vastly entertaining and a rattling good read.
182 Think about your future life-style together; will there be a lot of formal or informal entertaining?
183 It's fairly entertaining to watch but commits the cardinal sin of not identifying individual players.
184 Reluctantly, I let her lead me to a lodging database, then to a rather entertaining multiple-choice quiz.
185 There's a tendency in news reports to oversimplify complex issues to make the news more entertaining.
186 An important part of the job is entertaining business clients.
187 The chief reason for this appeared to be D'Amato's obnoxiously entertaining performances on the crystal bucket.
188 In this era of specialized travel, arguably the most entertaining new publications take a different approach.
189 They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 school-children for an afternoon.
190 He was a much more entertaining person, who used to have us all in fits.
191 Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.




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