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单词 Junk
1 The garage has got full of junk again.
2 The room is full of junk.
3 There were bits of junk lying around.
4 This china came from a junk shop.
5 There's nothing but junk on the TV.
6 The house was full of worthless junk.
7 I bought this old table in a junk shop.
8 I've cleared out all that old junk in the attic.
9 It is folly to buy such a junk at $100.
10 Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?
11 Don't waste your money on that junk!
12 Most junk food is high in sugar.
13 He made the boat out of junk materials.
14 He's an expert at making things out of junk.
15 We're going to junk these computers, they are obsolete.
16 Kids are all prone to eat junk food.
17 He lived on a diet of junk food.
18 There's cartloads of junk in the garage.
19 We get a lot of junk mail.
20 His writing is all junk.
21 This cupboard's full of junk.
22 His latest novel is junk.
23 He seems to live off junk food.
24 I throw junk mail straight in the bin without reading it.
25 She tried to fob all her junk off onto me.
26 The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors.
27 The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.
28 You can't reach for anything new, if your hands are still full of yesterdays junk.
29 What are you going to do with all that junk, Larry?
30 We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
1 The garage has got full of junk again.
2 The room is full of junk.
3 There were bits of junk lying around.
4 This china came from a junk shop.
5 There's nothing but junk on the TV.
6 The house was full of worthless junk.
7 I bought this old table in a junk shop.
8 I've cleared out all that old junk in the attic.
9 What are you going to do with all that junk, Larry?
10 It is folly to buy such a junk at $100.
11 Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?
12 We ought to clear out this cupboard - it's full of junk.
13 We're going to junk these computers, they are obsolete.
14 She tried to fob all her junk off onto me.
15 It can be extremely difficult to wean children off junk food.
16 They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.
31 He eats a lot of junk food and doesn't get enough exercise.
32 He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.
33 I wouldn't have time to scout the area for junk.
34 There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
35 I'm a terrible hoarder of junk. I hate throwing things away.
36 These days, we are bombarded with endless junk mail, fliers, and general bumf.
37 It can be extremely difficult to wean children off junk food.
38 As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.
39 Consumers will not have to junk their old cassettes to use the new format.
40 My son likes junk food such as crips, sweets an fizzy drinks.
41 Living on junk food day in day out is not good for you.
42 Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.
43 They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny beds.
44 They cleared out the junk room to make a tiny bedroom.
45 Cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food.
46 I can't stand watching the junk that's on TV these days.
47 You can make a fortune out of junk if you call it 'antiques'.
48 He was astonished by the amount of junk in the house.
49 When Milken trades junk bonds, he has inside information.
50 Tim eats way too much junk food.
51 When the rules changed, the junk market collapsed.
52 A lot of people got burned buying junk bonds.
53 None of your old wearing your-heart-on-your-sleeve junk for me.
54 This junk pile just happens to be our epic.
55 To them, this is just old junk.
56 I miss things like potato chips and junk food.
57 Eating all that junk food is really unhealthy.
58 I'd carried it back from a local junk shop.
59 The room was littered with junk food detritus.
60 Junk materials are sometimes used to make puppets.
61 She tossed the junk mail in the bin, unopened.
62 We were reared on junk food and B-movies.
63 Careful searching through old junk shops and around antique markets may well produce endless ideas and inspiration from which you can work.
64 They might confuse that hard work with personal growth, internal challenges, junk like that.
65 He eats a lot of junk food, and he doesn't get enough rest.
66 The house where Victor lives with Dolly is cluttered with years of accumulated junk.
67 The institutional investors that charged into junk bonds in the 1980s have now headed off at a gallop in the opposite direction.
68 And heaped up in one corner, almost touching the ceiling, was a huge pile of junk.
69 With no new junk deals sold yet this year, demand outweighed pressure from the sell-off in Treasurys, traders added.
70 I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.
71 Many of us find that even if we bin our junk mail, it continues to arrive.
72 My background is petty theft and liquor store holdups and the usual drug junk.
73 A lot of his films were unpretentious junk, but they made money and Nicholson and others came along in the slipstream.
74 It was a beautiful day, and the junk was absolutely full of all her old friends.
75 Ian MacDonald and he had stripped down the old wreck and searched junk yards for spare parts.
76 It's too easy to end up living off junk food.
77 The other is the onslaught on the mind by mass junk entertainment.
78 They have man-aged to combine the worst features of institutional food and junk food.
79 He'd been hoarding his junk for long enough anyway,(http://) and it was time to liquidize his assets.
80 Is its growth due to a lack of discipline, or to pollution, radiation, junk food, etc?
81 The tinker plainly knew what she was about, because there was not one single piece of junk to be seen.
82 Well, it may be hard to disguise junk as health food.
83 We dumped all the junk the Luftwaffe keeps stuffing into these poor beasts.
84 Reduce your intake of salt, sugar and junk foods - especially beneficial if you suffer from water retention.
85 Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.
86 As Crilly can not drive, I ply myself with junk food and coffee, preparing myself for the wheel.
87 They piled up scrap wood, boxes and other junk and made a big bonfire.
88 So when the company makes money, its junk soars, in anticipation of the windfall.
89 The locals still used the place as a tip, and piles of old tyres and other junk lay about.
90 He pulled the same junk with Star executive editor Darth Auslander.
91 Kroger, a client of Goldman Sachs, has become the country's second-largest grocery chain with the help of junk bonds.
92 I must clean out this cupboard - it's absolutely full of junk.
93 And you can cut down on waste by viewing your faxes on-screen first, and skipping over junk faxes and cover sheets.
94 But before you junk that 2-or 3-year-old computer, consider an important alternative: upgrading.
95 When you had those you could drop, junk and forget the rest, which were only a burden or excess baggage.
96 This was supposed to be a set of professional fence-building equipment, but actually looked like a hoard of junk.
97 Mind you, I do have a relative who has one tried and tested way of getting rid of his junk mail.
98 Demand for most junk bonds is still strong, because investors keep putting cash into high yield funds.
99 Others have gone free because their prosecutors relied on junk science, jailhouse snitches or bad cops.
100 Milken devised a way to transform the bonds of the most stable companies to junk: leveraged corporate take-overs.
101 You might be able to get a cart-wheel of your own from a local bygone auction or junk yard.
102 It was not the medium itself, but the poor timing and targeting, that rendered mail junk.
103 In 1984 our two-man junk bond department spoke at a Salomon Brothers seminar for several hundred savings and loan managers.
104 It is true that one can scan a whole evening's programmes and find only puerile junk on every channel.
105 The fortunes of Levi Strauss have been restored by junk bonds arranged by Salomon Brothers.
106 It was just one more item of junk mail,(http:///junk.html) and he wasn't paying for it.
107 Another group combs the refuse for tins, bottles and plastic containers to be sold on junk stalls.
108 Explore junk shops and markets for costume pearls and earrings to recreate this expensive look.
109 And a lot of them would just as soon not get this junk e-mail.
110 He needed to create junk bonds to satisfy the demand for them.
111 This moral hazard sent them lending billions to property developers and investing billions in junk bonds.
112 In addition to paintings and collages, he does junk sculptures, carved-wood creations, drawings.
113 Mortgages and junk made it easier to borrow money for people and companies previously thought unworthy of the funds.
114 But by far the worst consequence of an immediate auction would be to throw the broadcast industry on the junk pile.
115 He scrawled them on pieces of newspaper, scraps of the Congressional Record,() or junk mail that he picked up.
116 Probably because of a diet of junk food and a general reluctance as a nation to exercise.
117 Stef, Hugo pointed out, was dead set against junk food.
118 Large-muscle coordination comes from riding bikes and climbing trees, not from watching junk food commercials where other kids play and run.
119 Q: What should you avoid reading if you like to eat junk?
120 Texture and shape For young children the most exciting part of the play with junk is probably feeling and choosing.
121 He had to squander our precious money on a box of tin junk.
122 Salomon Brothers, slow to learn about take-overs and largely absent from the junk bond market, missed the bonanza.
123 Finally, out they came, plastic slipcover and all, into the stinky junk heap.
124 I might find a plank in the junk room, or some rope or cable to make a life-line.
125 Parents should try to control their kid's cravings for fat-laden junk food.
126 At the time fallen angels were the only junk bonds around.
127 Her secret, she said, is all the preservatives in the junk foods she eats.
128 He was blabbing so much about skiing and all that junk.
129 They expected that the orders to buy junk bonds would soon follow their road show.
130 Forty-four percent of the junk mail is never even opened.
131 Old deal or pine kitchen chairs can be picked up reasonably in junk shops and painted or stained.
132 Regulators are still trying to get tougher about the junk in financial institutions' portfolios.
133 Her cupboards were full of junk which she had accumulated over the years.
134 Don't fill yourself up with junk, dinner's in an hour.
135 I go somewhere else and eat junk food and drink junk wine.
136 Pascoe heard her scream and scrambled across junk and debris in the darkness.
137 The yield on junk bonds did not compensate for their risks, for two related reasons.
138 He materialised through the wood grain opposite a junk box in York Crown Court.
139 If we create coupon books, how do we get them to the on-line customer without flooding the network with junk mail.
140 In the secondary market, traders said prices of junk bonds and spreads on investment-grade debt were unchanged in extremely slow trading.
141 You shouldn't eat all that junk food, it's bad for you.
142 So Rita scoured junk shops for second-hand pieces to fill the rooms.
143 Junk bonds were used to finance leveraged buyouts and takeovers, with the aim of extracting value from existing bondholders and shareholders.
144 Anyone can buy be-cause anyone can borrow using junk bonds.
145 Demand for junk bonds has been strong because investors continue to pour cash into corporate bond funds.
146 Often, you have to get unwanted junk mail before you can block it-an unhappy chore at best.
147 This is just my kind of diet - no junk food, plenty of fruit which I love.
148 Yield spreads of junk bonds over Treasuries have narrowed a touch, though they remain wide.
149 This sets a bad example to teenagers, many of whom are overweight and eat too much junk food.
150 Still, demand for most junk bonds is still strong, because investors keep putting cash into high yield funds.
151 Doyle was just climbing out of the shattered window of the junk shop.
152 Recently I opened a cupboard in a junk shop and there, sure enough, was a skeleton, swinging.
153 But to tell the truth, the album makes a pretty good accompaniment for just sitting around and eating junk food.
154 Liverpool gets scruffier every day, with junk shops springing up all over.
155 His larger-than-life statue with its slightly oriental cast of features serves as a warning that you are approaching the junk food area.
156 It almost went out with the rest of the junk mail.
157 The culture of the country is increasingly enrolled in the junk cults of celebrity, sensationalism and gossip.
158 It only needed two men working in unison to raise and lower the junk sails to suit the wind strength.
159 By then junk bonds were 25 percent of the corporate bond market.
160 I just don't know how we've managed to accumulate so much junk!
161 These ventilation routes must be maintained and kept free of insulation material, birds' nests, junk and so on.
162 Spreads between corporate junk bonds and Treasury bonds have risen to their widest since the recession of 1990-91.
163 The interest rates on junk bonds are higher because they are considered more likely to default. 12.
164 He had invested heavily in risky assets like junk bonds.
165 This can only be because there is something about Twinkies that pushes buttons in us that other junk foods do not.
165 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
166 Junk shops and smaller museums became a more satisfactory hunting ground for her.
167 When I first left home at 17, I was a lot bigger because I used to eat loads of junk food.
168 Eating junk food all the time isn't good for you.
169 Chavez, at 33 and perhaps fighting for the last time, eats junk food, drinks beer and loves to party.
170 During the morning the accumulated household junk had been stacked in piles beside the steps.
171 All the heavy materials came from junk spinning somewhere around in the solar system.
172 I was an easy mark, a ready and willing consumer hungry for junk food entertainment.
173 Wally's dad had the contract to clear them out, sort out what could be sold off and junk the rest.
174 On several occasions though the program also brought back a quantity of junk graphics suggesting that its overlay technique wasn't foolproof.
175 It involved Executive Life, a Californian insurance company that went bust when its large portfolio of junk bonds collapsed in value.
176 Airlines run tours, sell junk by direct mail, arrange hotel reservations, while computer companies hardly even handle computer hardware.
177 If the reality doesn't fulfil the promise of the ideals, do you junk the ideals?
178 They have so much junk in their yard. It makes the neighborhood look awful.
179 Maybe it should drop the bratwurst and strudel and serve junk food.
180 Now I thought that that garbage and junk was very nearly the only real artwork in the class.
181 Kym Marsh, 24, revealed yesterday she and the other four members lived on junk food.
182 It sorted itself naturally into three piles: junk mail, bills and Ya-Ya letters of condolence.
183 Despite losses in the Treasury market, junk bond prices maintained a 1 / 4-point gain, traders said.
184 Fortunately, Voyager managed to avoid the orbiting junk.
185 Shuffled the Bill under a pile of junk mail.
186 Don't buy cheap stocks. Avoid the junk pile.
187 Junk market is no longer popular.
188 Nowadays people get a lot of junk mail.
189 Generally, the inbox can always receive junk mail.
190 Rose finds her furniture in junk shops.
191 Junk mail fills your mailbox and makes it messy.
192 I'm fed up with that piece of junk.
193 No, too close to junk food.
194 He found an eletric motor in a junk pile.
195 Kids nowadays love to eat junk food every day.
196 You can litter junk into ash bin.
197 The fishing junk nearly keeled over in the crosswind.
198 New! Protect your Inbox from Junk Mail!
199 Junk food is not all good for our health.
200 What will you pay me for all this old junk?
201 To Guthrie Lonergan, however(Sentencedict), Web junk is the basis of his most popular online art.
202 We have two teams, Team Fruit and Team Junk Food.
203 Is that his big plan, to get black people to eat junk food?
204 These spots are located on what is sometimes referred to as junk DNA, areas of genetic material that do not contain instructions for building brain, bone and muscle.
205 Their mother enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup.
206 Sodas and junk food are sharply limited in the schools.
207 He is a paper boy, you knows he is cronk; he loves the girl to duck the junk.
208 More recently, there have also been some flows into junk bond funds.
209 Absolute Uninstaller can wipe off all the junk files clearly in seconds. It offers a more user-friendly way to remove unneeded applications and to improve your computer efficiency.
210 Xiong, a junk collector, killed 6 employees of his junkyard along with a 42-year-old woman and the woman's 2-year-old grandson on January 4. He was arrested a week later.
211 Thus, junk mail is blocked and you receive only messages from trusted sources.
212 The wide-eyed Tel met up with a crooked junk dealer who offered to sell him the equipment he needed to get started.
213 And postmen are now being forced to walk faster and deliver back-breaking quantities of junk mail.
214 The thrift's deteriorating health prompted Moody's Investors Service to say it may downgrade Washington Mutual to "junk" status. Shares of Washington Mutual fell in after-hours electronic trading.
215 The junk market has been unsettled for the past seven months.
216 He was standing outside the junk - shop where he had bought the diary.
217 Our system of appetite control is completely unpicked by the junk food diet.
218 In a junk shop, you must browse nibbleaa touch of the goods that lie about you.
219 Install Leech Killer 1.5 and kill junk messages with flings.
220 Just trying to do my little part to build the giant tower of Tweeted junk, wisdom, jokes, ephemera and poignancy.
221 Kelly: It's a choice between me and junk food Bobby.
222 In monkeys, the team discovered a piece of what could be "junk DNA" wedged in at the start of the gene.
223 The model used prior information on how microsatellites, aka "junk DNA, " can change, or drift, over time in a species.
224 Boutiques sell organic yogurt and chic secondhand furniture next to seedy stores stocked with cut-price liquor and junk food.
225 Not surprisingly,(/junk.html) the subsidies have manufactured a price inequality that helps junk food undersell nutritious-but-unsubsidized foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.
226 Don't you know you're letting all the junk flood in?
227 People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than junk yard junkyard dog.
228 Don't believe that junk mail you get about you winning a prize draw - It's just a scam.
229 I read everything that comes in mail, even the junk mail.
230 But at Food & Think, we don't just report mildly alarmist news about junk - food shortages.
231 My sister usually grazes on junk food throughout the day.
232 We spent the day hauling off junk to the City dump.
233 Could it be that after I sold it to the junk dealer he crashed it.
234 This particular junk DNA indicates a common ancestry with other species on earth, so it is particularly interesting.
235 Meanwhile, Boston Scientific's credIt'standing with ratings agencies this month fell into junk bond territory.
236 If you don't receive the email shortly, check your junk mail folder.
237 Were they junk mail or evidence her husband an affair?
238 As a round-the-clock working telecom product(), it is more important to filter spams and discover the denial of service by recerving a mass of junk mails than common mail system.
239 A mill is usually used to remove junk in the hole or to grind away all or part of a casing string.
240 Airline passenger John Tyner's "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested", the remark to Transportation Security Administration worker at San Diego airport, stays Number three in the list.
241 Theres nothing sexy skin and Bone, Urgh, you gotta have some junk in the trunk.
242 Toss catalogs, junk mail, and book club notices in the trash.
243 A new report by the National Research Council warns that the problem of space junk in earth's orbit is on the verge of getting out of control.
244 We grown up kids box up all the junk from our childhoods—dusty ballet shoes, high school text books, rolled up posters of Adam Ant—and wonder where home went.
245 Now we are finally pinning down how much differences in non-coding DNA – stretches of the molecule that don't produce proteins and used to be considered "junk" – shape who we are.
246 Now NASA scientist James Mason led the research team, using a laser to push away from the track space junk.
247 At school he used to individually answer all his junk mail.
248 I followed him from the junk yard to the pawn shop to the race track.
249 The Sprocket is a funky musical vehicle of Noridan that features a 2nd story junk drum kit, trash marimba and thongaphone(), and various tuned percussive discoveries.
250 The jury is keen on justifying the judicial decision on juvenile delinquency in junk markets.
251 The truck had taken them as far as Rock Springs, Wyoming, but now there was nothing to do but sell it to a junk dealer for twentyfive dollars and hitch7 a ride to the bus station.
252 When you're at the doctor getting your junk sewn back on, notice that the doctor is a woman and say, "While you're down there..." and leer at her while you slowly pass out from the blood loss.
253 What mattered was that the room over the junk - shop should exist.
254 Choose sitting on that couch watching numbing, spirit - crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth.
255 But at the same time, other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping (http://), They call teleshopping " junk on the air".
256 I stumbled across this silver bracelet in the junk shop down the road.
257 Do not flood or spam, or post chain letters, pyramid schemes, junk mail, etc.
258 He found a toy electric motor in a junk heap.
259 I'm not surprised. You pig out on pizza, ice cream and other junk food, don't you?
260 If you eat too much junk food, you will get fat.
261 That night, Soliman came up with a name for his new business: College Hunks Hauling Junk.
262 Is that his big pIan, to get bIack peopIe to eat junk food?
263 Most make no difference to our bodies, because most of our DNA is useless junk anyway.




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