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单词 screech
释义  screech /skriːtʃ/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SCREAM to shout loudly in an unpleasant high voice because you are angry, afraid, or excited 〔因生气、害怕或兴奋而〕尖叫,尖声喊叫 SYN shriek, scream ‘Look out!’ she screeched. “当心!”她尖声叫道。 They screeched with laughter. 他们尖声大笑。screech at She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes. 她尖叫着要我脱掉沾满泥污的鞋子。2  [intransitive]SOUND if a vehicle screeches, its wheels make a high unpleasant noise as it moves along or stops 〔车辆开动或停下时〕发出尖锐刺耳的响声 A van screeched onto the road in front of me. 一辆小货车嘎吱一声从我前面开上了路。 The car screeched to a halt. 那辆汽车嘎的一声停了下来。► see thesaurus at sound —screech noun [countable] a screech of laughter 刺耳的笑声 the screech of tyres 轮胎发出的嘎吱声→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusscreech• Surface, and the sky is blue and seagulls screech.• Sue grabbed him, screeching, and started hitting him with her fists.• ""Get out!'' she screeched angrily. ""I hate you!''• Miss Defy screeched around a blind bend into the path of an oncoming sedan.• The train screeched as it pulled into the station.• The plane's tires screeched as it touched down on the runway.• The wheels of wagons delivering feed or wood screeched as though they hurt.• Maria suddenly started screeching at Bruno.• screeching brakes• They posed holding hands for photographers before turning back to the screeching fans and signing yet more autographs.• At intervals while we were negotiating with him, he screeched his battle songs and war cries.• I heard Heather screech, "Hit him, Jim!"• A gull screeched overhead breaking the dreamy silence, and Julie's eyes flicked open.• He jumped to his feet, screeching, when Delia Sutherland's shadow fell across him.screeched to a halt• Not ten minutes had elapsed when the first van arrived and not eleven when the second screeched to a halt.• The driver slammed on the brakes; the Jeep screeched to a halt.• The lights changed and the cars grudgingly screeched to a halt.• As the car screeched to a halt, Joe's body slid from the bonnet on to the road.• We sped from the car park undetected and screeched to a halt outside the flower shop, as instructed.• A few minutes later a police jeep screeched to a halt outside.• A police car emerged from the other alleyway and screeched to a halt ten yards in front of Whitlock, blocking his shot.Origin screech (1500-1600) scritch “to screech” ((13-20 centuries)), from the soundscreech verbChinese  shout an to in Corpus loudly unpleasant




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