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单词 Torch
1. The policeman played his torch over the men's faces.
2. She flashed the torch as a signal.
3. The torch flared in the wind.
4. The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.
5. She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.
6. The torch flares in the darkness.
7. Can you raise the torch so I can see?
8. He flashed a torch to guide me.
9. Patriotism: Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.
10. He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.
11. They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.
12. He played the beam of his torch over the wall of the cave.
13. Silkworm die silk[http://],() wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry.
14. The torch sends out a powerful beam of light.
15. The torch flickered and went out.
16. Shine the torch up into the rafters, please.
17. Shine your torch into the drawer.
18. She screamed and dropped the torch.
19. He switched the torch on.
20. Shine the torch in, please.
21. Shine the torch down here, please.
22. Shine that torch over here, will you?
23. He has always carried a torch for Barbara.
24. A powerful torch shone in their direction.
25. Shine the torch out, please.
26. Light the torch I can't see the path.
27. He directed the torch straight in her face.
28. The watchman shone his torch at us.
29. I shone my torch through the crack.
30. They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive.
1. The policeman played his torch over the men's faces.
2. The torch flared in the wind.
3. The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.
4. She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.
5. The torch flares in the darkness.
6. Can you raise the torch so I can see?
7. He flashed a torch to guide me.
8. He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.
9. They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.
10. He played the beam of his torch over the wall of the cave.
11. Shine the torch up into the rafters, please.
12. Shine the torch in, please.
13. Shine the torch down here, please.
14. Shine the torch out, please.
15. The watchman shone his torch at us.
16. Meg has been carrying a torch for Paul for almost two years.
17. Shine the torch on so that we can read the labels.
18. Suddenly the beam of an electric torch was flashed into his face.
31. Meg has been carrying a torch for Paul for almost two years.
32. Shine the torch on so that we can read the labels.
33. Shine the torch on the lock while I try to get the key in.
34. Leaders in the mountains carried the torch of Greek independence.Sentencedict
35. We must not let the burning torch of socialism go out.
36. Suddenly the beam of an electric torch was flashed into his face.
37. We struggled to read the map by the light of the torch.
38. Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not to notice.
39. The policeman walked along the street, shining a torch into every car.
40. Put that torch out!
41. He's been carrying a torch for your sister for years.
42. Pete's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.
43. You can run the torch off batteries or plug it into the mains.
44. One of the men shone a torch in his face.
45. This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died.
46. The lighting of the Olympic torch symbolizes peace and friendship among the nations of the world.
47. He opened the torch and removed the bulb.
48. The Olympic torch will be carried into the stadium.
49. She turned on his heavy-duty torch.
50. The 1996 Olympic Torch Relay offers such an opportunity.
51. Max reads by a torch under the sheets.
52. Alice set the torch down on the sacrificial slab.
53. I came out here with a sconce torch.
54. The spotlight was a torch, tied to a stanchion.
55. Collect the explosives, batteries and torch. 20.
56. Oh, and the hospital exploded, like an acetylene torch, in tongues of fire.
57. She holds her head erect, her red-gold curls like a torch burning in the grey, misty atmosphere.
58. She was held up as a living version of the Olympic torch, burning with the spirit of sportsmanship.
59. Seth has been carrying a torch for Liz ever since high school.
60. I could swear the Olympic torch carrier who came running past my street the other day was a dwarf.
61. As they waited, Maltravers silently took the torch from Sally Baker's hand, then they stiffened as the lychgate creaked.
62. Endill took his torch and screwdriver with him in case there was anything to unscrew.
63. Moving gingerly, she went over to it and lifted one corner of the cloth, shining her torch on the canvas.
64. Stella was in the prompt corner wielding her torch when O'Hara made his second exit.
65. Britain could carry the torch of freedom, truth, toleration and peace.
66. There were three more rooms and Henry crept through them, shining his torch carefully round.
67. Mill blaze: A welding torch yesterday started a fire at a North Yorkshire corn mill.
68. It leapt forward as Delaney cried out and struck it a glancing blow with the torch.
69. Look at the Morse code chart and, using a torch, try to spell out your name.
70. I shone a torch into the water hoping to attract a curious dorado to the light.
71. Then my torch showed up streaks of water running down the chimney stack.
72. Then he switched on the torch and splashed through the puddle in the concrete to the shed.
73. Bunny threatened to chainsaw the flat in Muswell Hill and torch the goldfish, although maybe it was the other way round.
74. He covered her over and ran the torch around the dirt, checking that he had not left any incriminating clues.
75. At Fobney the light has gone so we stop and fit the torch and then plough on once more.
76. Jack hastened to the front of the box shining his torch across the tracks.
77. I mended the tent-pole bag and listened to another sermon before switching off my torch.
78. Hencke shone the torch in the direction of the sound.
79. He ran forward, holding his torch out straight in front of him, like the very last runner in some crazy relay race.
80. For ten minutes he becomes a wandering minstrel, illuminated by the bass-player following him with a torch from the stage.
81. The torch is switched on by twisting the head and you can choose between either a narrow or wide beam.
82. The Sergeant's torch played on a single figure ten yards away.
83. It was incumbent upon us now to make a torch that would burn the living Hirohitlmus beyond resurrection.
84. With his poker and torch he sought out the noise.
85. Bert took this seriously, stopped wearing his goggles and suffered partial blindness caused by the glare from the welding torch.
86. Something scuttled out of the torch beam, hopping across the ceiling lathes into the shadows.
87. Quickly they built it into a pyramid over the torch.
88. He dropped the bag over and then climbed with the blanket and the torch.
89. Aaron Hammon is a recovering speed freak; he has carried a torch for the drug methamphetamine since childhood.
90. The khthons had untied them and left a torch before locking the dungeon door.
91. She eased herself into a sitting position and groped for the heavy torch she had placed on the shelf by her bunk.
92. Car headlights made it difficult to see, in the way that an usherette's torch can temporarily blind.
93. He'd never find it, in the dark and without a torch.
94. As her torch toured the room it alighted on an extraordinary sight.
95. He lunched with the police commissioner at a fish restaurant in Torch Bay.
96. John found a torch and shone it at the engine cowling.
97. They gazed into my torch beam like cons caught in razor wire.
98. At intervals I wandered round the camp[/torch.html], flashing my powerful torch into the darkness.
99. On convertibles, shine a torch down into the well that the hood folds into and check for rust.
100. Poke around any plumbing, lift any loose floorboards and inspect the joists, using your screwdriver and torch.
101. Chick was reading the Evening Telegraph by the light of a torch.
102. He swept the torch beam round the short passage and saw the two cell doors on his left were ajar.
103. I had six dozen smaller ones for the tape recorder and my torch.
104. My torch showed small bubbles in the murky water on the base of the pan.
105. Bernice ran forward into the darkness, her torch beam bobbing in front of her.
106. As a 10-year-old kid Pauline used a stolen acetylene torch to decapitate the globe of a gumball machine.
107. This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
108. Gaveston bustled about in the darkness, found a tinder, and a cresset torch flared into life.
109. His hand closed on the torch he kept there as a safeguard against the house's arbitrary lighting system.
110. Blagg had tried a brief smile when Maxim flashed the torch on himself for identification, but didn't speak.
111. Her eyebrow had received the blow from the torch and had begun to throb; she could feel a trickle of blood.
112. Then the river went dark, except the little of it running red by their island in the torch light.
113. He laid the telephone and torch back on the table then probed delicately with the end of a penknife.
114. I pulled on oilskins, clambered forward, and inspected the damage by the light of a hand torch.
115. Pulling a torch from this pocket he played the beam across her prostrate form.
116. It was a photo of a robed woman with a sharp star for a halo and a torch in her upraised hand.
117. Up in the bows, one of the bureaucrats flashed a torch twice, waited five seconds and repeated the signal.
118. I shine my pocket torch on to hundreds of crabs skittering into the sea.
119. But for the heavy torch in the older woman's hand she might have been tempted to make a dash for it.
120. Sun gives light; torch gives light, candle gives light; smiling gives light. Mehmet Murat ildan 
121. Joe noticed his absence in the night, shining a torch to avoid stepping on him but finding no sign of Fred.
122. Continuous sheet lightning made the use of a torch in the ten unnecessary.
123. He had no torch, but darkness did not impede his progress.
124. Was it possible poor old Harry was still carrying a torch for Pickles?
125. He flashed his torch up on to the walls and had another look at the barbed wire.
126. The Professor shone his torch in through the crack and nodded.
127. At the front of the painting is a nude figure carrying a torch.
128. One of them was using a much more powerful torch than Canon Oglethorpe's, without any attempt to conceal its light.
129. Suppose he were to emit a flash of light from a torch.
130. The mob in reaction burst in and set the torch to the structure.
131. He left behind a closetful of fine suits and white shirts, which Magnus also put to the torch.
132. But my purse contained torch, mosquito repellent, passport and all the papers needed to subdue bureaucrats from here to Delhi.
133. Each carried a whip and flaming torch with which to chivy both mortal offenders and recalcitrant gods.
134. Then my family; or at any rate the beam of a torch moving about in the kitchen.
135. Caught in the torch beam were a pair of eyes, glittering ebony pupils widening in shock.
136. If some one shines a small torch at one end, the light may be clearly seen to emerge from the other.
137. But all the time he himself was carrying his own torch for a lost love.
138. When the screaming subsided into low, tentative moans(), the commander gave orders to torch the remains of the hospital.
139. First he swam out shining his torch for the paddler to see.
140. He shone his torch ahead but all he could see was its bright reflection against the shiny damp wall.
141. Down below, he could see the single torch beam which illuminated Devlin, the girl and Gilbert.
142. Yes, Henry thought sourly, pushing a torch into his anorak pocket and looking round for his bobble hat.
143. He took a torch with him, left the car and entered the old building.
144. I refuse to allow you to inspect my cellars simply because you have seen my young sister carrying a torch.
145. Athelstan led Cranston round the church, stopped, and told the coroner to wait until he fetched a sconce torch.
146. She took a torch from the shelf and we crept into the night, children on a midnight dare.
147. The hammering of Jem and Eric followed him, as he rushed upstairs with the torch to Marius Steen's bedroom.
148. Inside there's a small hanging shelf that is handy for storing small items or for hanging a torch.
149. He ran the torch over the shelves cabinets table drawers but there were no more photographs and no obvious photo albums.
150. After a cursory check, Myeloski went off to talk to the guard at the gate and find a torch.
151. When the torch went out the man started swearing, then he fell over something and Henry heard a series of grunts.
152. Reaching out for the banister rail, he switched on the torch and slowly descended the stairs.
153. Kissing became the gesture of romantic love, and future actors took up the torch.
154. He grabbed a flaming torch and wielded it in front of him.
155. Ancient Greeks carried the torch of scientific study for many centuries.
156. Keep a torch handy or buy smoke detectors with lights.
157. To prepare for her jaunt with the 3 1 / 2-pound torch, she has been jogging with 3-pound weights.
158. He switched on his torch - there was, of course, no electrical power left.
159. His emblems are the spear and the burning torch.
159. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
160. A torch symbolizes the brightness ( of the future ).
161. Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy.
162. Torch - Born : A Pandoran Mockery of the Frankenstein Lineage.
163. 'Bring a torch, Dick,'said Silver , when my capture was thus assured.




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