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单词 Delete
1 Highlight the section that you want to delete.
2 It will be clearer if you delete the last paragraph.
3 Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
4 I selected a file and pressed the Delete key.
5 I pressed control Alt Delete but nothing happened.
6 The delete key doesn't work.
7 Delete her name from the list of members.
8 Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Please delete as applicable.
9 Delete the word 'it' and insert 'them'.
10 We will be pleased to delete the charge from the original invoice.
11 Press control, alt, delete to log on to the computer.
12 You can elect to delete the message or save it.
13 We delete the data once it has served its purpose.
14 I think you should delete the second paragraph.
15 Delete any files that end in ".tmp".
16 But you can not insert or delete any text.
17 We would just delete the name from the index.
18 Which key do I press to delete it?
19 Can I delete these old files?
20 You can rename, delete,[] or copy files very easily.
21 If you make a keying error, just delete it and start over.
22 Whenever you delete highlighted text using the Del for Delete key, it disappears from the text editing window into the scrap.
23 You can also delete characters by the word, line, or page.
24 That means they have to delete something else to install the new software.
25 Take great care not to delete any semi-colons, vertical bars etc.
26 Position the cursor before the letter you want to delete.
27 Using touch-tone phone technology, you can fetch messages from remote phones, re-record your greetings, and keep or delete messages.
28 On occasion you may begin to open a file and find that you would prefer to rename the file or delete it.
29 It can be undone. Memory jogger Keyboard: tap the Del for Delete key smartly but with caution.
30 Delphi also defines a number of DataSet actions to edit, delete and navigate through records in a database.
1 Highlight the section that you want to delete.
2 It will be clearer if you delete the last paragraph.
3 Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
31 A keyboard combination that saved a file in one program might delete a word in another.
32 If you intend to pursue a very flat structure, I would delete the post of Depute Director for modelling purposes.
33 If you delete a character by mistake, move the cursor to where it was lost and type it in again.
34 As you download versions of programs, delete the old one.
35 The protected block will not be affected if you later add or delete lines within the block.
36 They also want to delete the characters ARfrom each of the stock numbers.
37 Some shareware programs are available to reject and delete cookies.
38 After inspecting an item of mail, each user can elect to delete the message or retain it for later examination.
39 The next job is to delete the characters ARfrom the table.
40 The extra keyboard facilities include both Delete and Edit keys and a numeric keypad but once again the Break function isn't labelled.
41 We are making arrangements to delete it from existing policies.
42 Medium security levels can enter and delete data and low security levels can only view data.
43 To delete from a given line to the end of the program, use 65535 as the last line number.
44 To delete a block of text, highlight it and then press Del.
45 To delete a tab stop, position the cursor in the blank space of the tab area, then press Del.
46 For example, some viruses display a text string or delete all files on the hard disk on a particular date.
47 These allow the user to delete and rename files or make a backup copy. New directories can also be created.
48 Move back to the Program Manager, highlight the Legato icon with a single mouse click, and press the Delete key.
49 A.. Your understanding is correct, and you can delete the files.
50 Their purpose is to let you delete text safely or to move it around one document or between several.
51 Delete any extra spaces between the number and the comma. 11.
52 But abortion-rights elements of the party hinted they may still try to amend or delete the abortion language.
53 You can keep parts or the entire original message, including the subject-or delete the lot.
54 Several factors probably went into the editorial decision to delete such an antiquated phrase.
55 Task 7 Objective To delete files Before deleting a file make sure that it is no longer required.
56 You don't want to have to reconstruct the site every time you add, delete or move a page.
57 If you then take the cursor up one line and press the delete key you will have deleted the tab.
58 To delete several characters to the right of the cursor, hold the Del key down.
59 It still appears in the directory as Read Only but I can't read it, copy or delete it.
60 You will first enter a new document, then learn how to delete unwanted characters and insert new ones.
61 These include several new ways to delete text, an improved display of codes, and an extended search option.
62 If you are happy that a hard copy exists then you may delete the module reported in the error.
63 You will see the directories on your disk, and can add and delete directories using the Add and Delete buttons.
64 You can delete and insert spaces created by pressing the spacebar in the same way that you delete and insert other characters.
65 When you delete a file, the contents of the file are still on the disk.
66 It passed only after it was amended to delete mention of charter schools.
67 She kindly said she would, but we both used a spiritual eraser to delete that particular phrase.
68 You can delete the files by dragging them into your "trash" folder.
69 You may later add or delete text that changes the page on which the citation appears.
70 But Freenet and Gnutella can not patrol the contents of their networks and delete copyrighted material.
71 These allow the user to delete and rename files or make a backup copy.
72 Make a shortcut to Wordpad, delete the original Wordpad files, and the shortcut no longer does anything useful./delete.html
73 Reboot your machine and delete the trojan horse.
74 Cancel Gantt chart creation and delete chart?
75 You may not delete your default data file.
76 Select "Delete all" from the drop-down list.
77 Add or delete character or object.
78 Delete backspace and erase one character or number entry.
79 Can I use NEW and DELETE in my kernel?
80 Delete record where the value of the ID column in our uigr_visuals table equals the value of the text Form Field "Form.productid".
81 Delete Checked Comments - Clicking this button deletes all of the comments whose checkboxes have been checked. There is no undelete feature.
82 When the disk space limit is approached, the Oracle server can delete nonessential files to make room for new files, subject to the limitations of the RMAN retention policy.
83 Select one or more scalar properties and press DELETE key.
84 The structure of knowledge base is build by the database of relational data model. In order to add rules and delete reduplicate rules, knowledge base has the function of addition, deletion and so on.
85 To delete lines or characters from a program during text editing.
86 However, obliterate should never be used to delete actual work.
87 The two MX note will not infection email's incept and send out, before delete old mx note.
88 In order to avoid users misoperation, also in order to achieve version control. Ordinary users can browse previous documents and can not update and delete.
89 Search for the files created by this worm as mentioned above and delete them all.
90 Database of elements stored in the order of type integer linear table insert, delete and search operations.
91 Observe the DELETE statement that has replaced the DROP statement.
92 To delete instances of the Find with string, leave the Replace with text box blank.
93 You can delete the original (unzipped) core dump after running jextract.
94 The delete table is a shadow table associated with the replicated table.
95 Throwing away mail is easy enough , just delete it in the mail program.
96 If you are truly determined to do the deed there are two options: you can deactivate or delete.
97 Also, delete some areas over the face using a water stain brush. Finally, change the Blending Mode of these stains to Hard Light.
98 You can delete the original core dump because it is within the ZIP.
99 In this mode only DDL and select operations are allowed. No insert, update, or delete operations are allowed in alter mode.
100 For a delete activity , a constant magnetic field is block and the sector is simultaneously heated.
101 Next, note the use of insert and delete scores, rather than just a single space score.
102 Now you can add images to the Delete Row and Insert Row buttons to make them look more attractive.
102 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103 Can also be used to delete rows or columns, and alter the form of storage of some matrices matrix.
104 The DELETE statement is used to delete rows in a table.
105 The user manager module is for the system administrator to delete users.
106 When it is complete, the camera will delete the firmware file from internal memory.
107 In most cases, well-suited SQL statements are very simple SELECT statements that reference only a single table or are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE (UID) operations that are executed many times.
108 Similarly, enter the following commands to create an order event table and triggers to populate the event table for insert, update, and delete operations.
109 Right - click a complex type in the Model Browser and select Delete.
110 We discovered that there is a point where aggregate index costs—more-expensive INSERT and DELETE operations, for example—outweigh a new index's query speed-up benefit.
111 Use the CREATE TYPE statement to create a structured type, and use the DROP statement to delete a structured type.
112 This system has collected fault code, data flow analysis, inspection method of ignition system and so on, the user can add, delete, alter and inquire conveniently.
113 The accomplishment of stock split reform can't delete the conflicts between the major and minor stockholders.
114 Moderated online amend, delete, change information, such as the response function . 3.
115 Under the condition of unchanged classification and decision abilities, attribute reduction is to delete irrelative or unimportant attribute.
116 If there is any dissidence please contact us and we will delete it immediately.
117 This paper proposes DNA computing model and biochemical procedures of graph shortest directed path problem using high parallelism of sticker system and delete system.
118 This will delete all the verifier settings and exit this program. Do you want to continue?
119 Click Finish to delete all the existing verifier settings and exit this program.
120 For example, just using Listing 5 won't give you the result you want; you have to delete the spaces in the formatted output.
121 Management Interface part of the existing library management: delete, view.
122 This utility uses slicing to delete entries in the audit log table; that is, only the specified number of entries are deleted in a series of single transactions.
123 The calculator has a backspace function, that is, a mismatched forward delete.
124 Photo scalable, rotatable, draggable , there are set to wallpaper, delete files.
125 Delete up to the first embedded newline in the pattern space. Start next cycle, but skip reading from the input if there is still data in the pattern space.
126 Click Finish to exit this program or Back to create or delete verifier settings.
127 The SQL DELETE statement enables you to identify (or restrict) the rows you want to delete through a WHERE clause.
128 Delete the start and end node in the editor pane, because input and output criteria (data structures) will be defined explicitly for the process.
129 The OLD TABLE transition table holds the original state of the affected rows before they are processed by the UPDATE or DELETE statement.
130 delete(args) Deletes a directory entry for a specified DN, which is the only supported argument.
131 Please note for this article we do not cover Breakage. You have to, therefore delete the word "Breakage" from the insurance clause in the credit.
132 To remove an NI - DAQmx simulated device , right - click the device and click Delete from the pop - up menu.
132 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
133 Most computer programs introduce or delete the dependent variables in a stepwise manner.
134 Google also made a plugin for all the major browsers available that makes sure that Google will continue to respect your opt-out decision even after you delete the cookie.
135 The now - irate patrolman asked me why I wouldn't delete the picture.
136 JDBCOutboundInterface shown in Figure 19 contains two-way operations that allow you to create, update, retrieve, and delete rows from the database.
137 The Windows Calculator allows the Backspace and Delete keys, so you should try them.
138 Also grants read, edit, or delete access to each search rule that a user has read, edit, or delete access to.
139 We may use the SQL DELETE command to delete a record in a table a database.
140 Delete this help topic application support only one document type.
141 Ron Artest doesn't believe in the DELETE button because hes never wrong.
142 Also, for each object UUID specified in the input list, command to delete them from the endpoint is made.
143 When any of these properties are set to true, an Edit, Delete, or Select command button column is added to the grid, respectively.
144 Delete this help topic if your application support only one document type.
145 So, if you slice these things by a vertical plane, or actually even better, a vertical half plane, something to delete one half of the picture.
146 We had asked them to delete him from the communique and crop him from the picture.
147 On the part of the picture information source, we do not assume any responsibility, such as your copyright violations, after receiving the notice, we will be working 5 days to delete!
148 Use this command to remove or delete a file in your directory.
149 You can delete a subgoal from the logical Web services using the sideway of either approach.
150 The system will not let you just delete the payment, this is to ensure a complete transaction record is always kept.
151 The DELETE statement deletes all rows from the specified table that satisfy an optional WHERE clause.
152 Delete form: The delete form lists the set of appointments and provides the option to select one or more.
153 Procurement business processes used to achieve the storage of goods, merchandise sales, and other information by inventory changes, delete, change, and other functions.
154 Don't be afraid to delete code. Just because someone (possibly you) spent a long time writing it doesn't mean it's the right way to do the job.
155 We want you to delete the inset on the first ending.
156 For example, working on post it notes is useful in being able to re-order, add or delete screens until the flow is right.
157 Dear nets guest, given the disc storage space restrictions, the storage time of resources are 31 days, after which the delete files, please forgive me!
158 We may employ equilibrium considerations to delete the second expression in the bracket.
159 If you delete a file, Carbonite keeps it stored for 30 days in case you change your mind.
160 The shipper always asks the opening bank to delete this stipulation.
161 We have decided NOT to delete the erroneous tweet, because it serves as part of the narrative of this story.
162 Delete stubborn file directory force unlock, auxiliary crushing kill to remove viruses[/delete.html], Trojan files.
163 On the other hand, dead, unused code only clutters a program and makes it harder to read and understand, so delete it.
164 Digital monitoring system has password security, there is no authority on personnel will not be able to monitor system information, system settings, delete files, and other operations.
165 If you try to delete rows from such a table, the trigger rolls back the delete action.
166 Using the exact instructions in this post, Thunderbird will not delete your Gmail emails and will not mark them as read so it acts exactly as a backup, without interfering with your actual emails.
167 After describing real application, it presents the best location query, the priority of target object, the heuristic rule to delete data objects, and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm.
168 If you delete 50 words, we can put the whole story on one page.
169 Why did Blizzard Entertainment only delete some of the dupes, and not every dupe?
170 Record changed by another user. Re - query to see change, update, or delete.
171 Duplicate File Eraser is a small utility to search for and delete duplicate files.
172 It is not permitted to delete a master cross reference.
173 Sed opened the /etc/services file, read a line into its pattern buffer, performed our editing command ("delete line"), and then printed the pattern buffer (which was empty).
174 Delete the use of VFW and install updates automatically, using VFW is outdated.
175 If you delete a paragraph mark, the formatting in your document will change.
176 This option does not delete default settings, which will still be available the next the wizard.
177 If the data or file is in the non-returnable form or has been copied or re-recorded to other data or carrier, Party B shall deliver it to Party A to delete and ensures that no copy is retained.
178 Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation.
179 If set for a directory, it permits only the owning user or the superuser (root) to delete or unlink a file.
180 By following this practice, you can control which teams or developers can add, modify, or delete code in the different sections of the database.
181 If you delete several words, we can put the whole story on one page.
182 How to delete a over all blank space in a file?
183 To delete a user, type user accounts into the Start search bar and hit Enter.
184 Press the backspace button to delete your mistakes when typing.
185 Management of part of the background: Book Store Management: add, modify, delete, view.
186 The DELETE statement would need to mark every record as deleted and thus would require a substantial amount of I/O operations.
187 Once SQLProperties is prepared, we need to create an instance of XMLToSQL, which is used to insert, update, or delete rows in a database table using an XML document.
188 How to delete XP system of Microsoft pinyin input method?
189 In the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list.




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