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单词 querulous
释义  quer·u·lous /ˈkwerələs/ adjective formal  COMPLAINsomeone who is querulous complains about things in an annoying way 抱怨的,发牢骚的 ‘But why can’t I go?’ he said in a querulous voice. “可是为什么我不能去呢?”他抱怨道。 —querulously adverbExamples from the Corpusquerulous• To compensate, and, anxious to preserve his patriarchal status, he may become querulous and demanding instead.• They go in for querulous and disputatious argument.• That might seem to be precisely the sort of querulous argument which the Left has familiarly been scorned for posing.• Bech's querulous voice allows Updike to indulge in equal parts of satire and wish-fulfilment.• a querulous voice• The car screeched around the corner after him in a burst of fumes and querulous voices.• Mr. Lorrimer's voice, frail and querulous, was bleating at the other end.querulous voice• The car screeched around the corner after him in a burst of fumes and querulous voices.• Bech's querulous voice allows Updike to indulge in equal parts of satire and wish-fulfilment.Origin querulous (1400-1500) Latin querulosus, from queri; → QUARREL1quer·u·lous adjectiveChineseSyllable  about things who querulous complains is someone Corpus




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