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单词 Lorry
(1) A lorry shed its load on the motorway.
(2) The car rammed against/into the lorry.
(3) The lorry chugged up the hill.
(4) They were pinioned against the wall by the lorry.
(5) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.
(6) His bicycle collided with a lorry.
(7) I had a near collision with a lorry.
(8) The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes.
(9) The driver disburdened the lorry.
(10) The lorry had shed its load .
(11) The lopsided load on the lorry looked dangerous.
(12) The lorry was loaded with crates of beer.
(13) The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
(14) A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.
(15) The lorry had been parked on the pavement, causing an obstruction.
(16) As the lorry went past, I got an eyeful of grit.
(17) A passing lorry covered us in mud from head to foot.
(18) Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
(19) The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
(20) The lorry veered out of control[], overturned and smashed into a wall.
(21) The lorry driver pulled into the side of the road and got out for a cup of tea.
(22) The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.
(23) The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.
(24) The lorry went into a skid and crashed into the barrier.
(25) The lorry had become hopelessly bogged down in the sand.
(26) A tanker driver died when his lorry veered off the motorway.
(27) He signalled left, and turned the lorry slowly.
(28) The lorry overtook me and then cut in .
(29) They tried to hush up the matter they hijacked a lorry driver.
(30) The broken - down car was taken in tow by a lorry.
(1) A lorry shed its load on the motorway.
(2) The lorry chugged up the hill.
(3) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.
(4) His bicycle collided with a lorry.
(5) I had a near collision with a lorry.
(6) The driver disburdened the lorry.
(7) The lorry had shed its load .
(8) The lopsided load on the lorry looked dangerous.
(9) The lorry was loaded with crates of beer.
(10) A tragedy was narrowly averted when a lorry crashed into a crowded restaurant.
(11) The lorry had been parked on the pavement, causing an obstruction.
(12) As the lorry went past, I got an eyeful of grit.
(13) A passing lorry covered us in mud from head to foot.
(14) Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.
(15) They tried to hush up the matter they hijacked a lorry driver.
(16) The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
(17) The lorry veered out of control, overturned and smashed into a wall.
(18) The lorry driver pulled into the side of the road and got out for a cup of tea.
(19) The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.
(20) The lorry went into a skid and crashed into the barrier.
(21) The lorry had become hopelessly bogged down in the sand.
(22) The broken - down car was taken in tow by a lorry.
(23) A tanker driver died when his lorry veered off the motorway.
(24) The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
(25) The lorry is very economical on fuel and yet has a good turn of speed when required.
(26) I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver.
(27) The old man was run down by a big lorry.
(28) That stupid lorry driver has gone and jammed our car in.
(31) The lorry shaved the barrier, scraping its side.
(32) What weight can this lorry safely carry?
(33) She stepped into the path of an oncoming lorry.
(34) He shouted to the lorry driver to stop.
(35) A lorry ran down the hill out of control.
(36) He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry.
(37) A lorry drove into a line of parked cars.
(38) The lorry ahead was belching out black smoke.
(39) My car buckled up when it struck the lorry.
(40) A lorry travelling south had a blow-out and crashed.
(41) The lorry turned and its load slipped.
(42) The strikers blacked his lorry.
(43) The lorry crawled noisily up the hill.
(44) The cyclist was run down by a lorry.
(45) The lorry was on tow.
(46) He was shouting insults at the lorry driver.
(47) He increased his speed to overtake the lorry.
(48) The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.
(49) A lorry pulled out from a side street.
(50) A lorry suddenly swerved into her path.
(51) Fresh supplies were shipped by lorry.
(52) The train's freight wagons can carry a fully-laden lorry.
(53) The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice.
(54) He carefully nosed his lorry into the small gap.
(55) A lorry smashed into the tree last night.
(56) The lorry was fully laden.
(57) The lorry ran down the hill out of control.
(58) The accident was clearly the lorry driver's fault.
(59) I supervised the workers loading the lorry.
(60) The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
(61) The lorry contained thousands of pounds worth of contraband.
(62) The lorry had concertinaed after crashing into the tree.
(63) She carefully reversed the lorry up the narrow driveway.
(64) The lorry was loaded with timber.
(65) He cleaned the lorry down last night.
(66) Emergency food supplies were brought in by lorry .
(67) They loaded the lorry up.
(68) There was a lorry blocking the way.
(69) The lorry hit the lamp-post with a crash.
(70) Police held 10 suspected illegal immigrants after a swoop on a German lorry.
(70) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(71) The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice.
(72) That was a near miss - we must have come within an inch of that lorry!
(73) The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
(74) The lorry is very economical on fuel and yet has a good turn of speed when required.
(75) The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane.
(76) Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
(77) The lorry careered off the road and hit a tree.
(78) She backed the car away, so that our lorry could get into the garage.
(79) A lorry shed its load of steel bars on the M25.
(80) I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver.
(81) He was badly hurt in an accident involving two cars and a lorry.
(82) Suddenly a lorry appeared in front of her - it seemed to materialize out of nowhere.
(83) The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.
(84) Their car was in a head-on smash with an articulated lorry.
(85) We got a lift part of the way in a lorry.
(86) A lorry has shed its load of wood on the motorway.
(87) The car pulled away from the lorry as soon as they started going uphill.
(88) The lorry cut in suddenly and I had to brake sharply.
(89) Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.
(90) The old man was run down by a big lorry.
(91) When I got back to my car, I found it had been boxed in by a lorry.
(92) Several pieces of heavy equipment had to be manhandled into the lorry.
(93) The lorry driver pulled in to the side of the road.
(94) He tried to overtake three cars on a blind corner and crashed head-on into a lorry.
(95) The lorry was coming along the road at great speed.
(96) The bridge gave way under the weight of the lorry.
(97) A heavy lorry has jack-knifed on the motorway, causing long delays.
(98) He was hit by a lorry as he pulled out into the main road.
(99) Two children were run over by a lorry and killed.
(100) He was hit by a lorry coming in the opposite direction.
(101) They had to fork out $ 100 to get the lorry repaired!
(102) A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load.
(103) That stupid lorry driver has gone and jammed our car in.
(104) I moved my car out of the way so that the heavy lorry could come by.
(105) The lorry had been blacked by strikers and could not be unloaded.
(106) The country's only supplies are those it can import by lorry from Vietnam.
(107) Poor John stopped a packet when his car was in collision with a lorry.
(108) I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note.
(109) How long will it take to load this sand onto the lorry?
(110) The lorry drivers' strike has put back our deliveries by over a month.
(111) Another big lorry went past the window.
(112) He got run over by an articulated lorry.
(113) The lorry travelled very slowly on the dusty roads.
(114) He now works as a lorry driver.
(115) The modern articulated lorry was born at Wolverton Works.
(116) On one side was a deserted lorry park.
(117) I'd seen his lorry in the lay-by.
(118) In heavy fog she collided with a lorry.
(119) The lorry quietly rolled forward.
(120) Faqir is chin-deep in water, horizontal below the chassis of his aged aid lorry.
(121) A lorry thundered by.
(122) Today, this lorry load of spent nuclear rods represents history in the making again.
(123) Charges of government mismanagement were compounded by reports of corruption among food wholesalers, lorry owners and trawlermen.
(124) In death, the pathologist would report, he resembled somebody who had been hit full-on by a heavy lorry.
(125) Two defendants were lorry drivers for a soft drinks company.
(126) Former lorry driver Leonard Marder finds it difficult to walk because of an infected leg caused by varicose veins.
(127) For six weeks a jury has heard the callousness with which the lorry driver treated his human cargo.
(128) Powys Transport delivered two lorry loads of materials to the show, which opens tomorrow.
(129) It had been hit by a passing lorry, and they joked that it would never fly again.
(130) Two full lorry loads of milk go into some of the bigger supermarkets every day.
(131) A lorry driver's wife: I do like cooking if I've got time to do it properly.
(132) The 40-strong group started loading bags of cockles, which can fetch up to £12 a time,[/lorry.html] on to a lorry.
(133) One of the biggest articulated vehicles on the road, the 44-foot long unit replaces an ageing, converted lorry trailer.
(134) The lorry was supposed to be carrying empty containers only.
(135) Behind his head the lights of the lorry were flashing as it bumped over the hard ridges of ice.
(136) There were a few lorry trailers parked there, a high wire fence along one side, nothing more.
(137) Another lorry had too much weight on the front axle.
(138) One lorry was burnt out and a fire officers car was also damaged.
(139) And lorry drivers are right behind them, adding their names to a petition.
(140) On the M-Four the westbound carriageway at junction thirteen had to be closed while police tried to recover a lorry.
(141) Read in studio A labourer has been crushed to death by a cement lorry.
(142) This happened to me on the Seven Mile Straight at recently, a lorry coming in the opposite direction in spite of road signs.
(143) Three weeks later she had. gone off with a long-distance lorry driver.
(144) His car was involved in in collision with an articulated lorry.
(145) Billy felt the wind rushing into the cab as the lorry trundled through the tunnel and he felt relieved.
(146) Evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries.
(147) The huge lorry is forced to mount the kerb to avoid a collision with the oncoming car.
(148) Any error and it could result in lorry loads of the wrong colour.
(149) You could have driven an articulated lorry up the leg.
(150) Ricky, in fact, hitched a lift with a lorry driver heading for Calais.
(151) Gullible hadn't been driving a great big lorry around the place and putting down rat poison.
(152) Another useful by-product of using a lorry engine was the air compressor that came with it.
(153) A man and woman in the car died as it was crushed under the lorry.
(154) Chris arranged for a lorry to load 12 tons of hickory wood billets in bundles at Gladstone Dock, starting at 8am.
(155) Just as the train pulled out of the station a lorry load of soldiers drove in like maniacs.
(156) After the attack another lorry driver saw a man of the same height scrambling away from the river bank.
(157) The driver of the lorry was treated in hospital for shock.
(158) On the upward curve over the first down the lorry was forced to a crawl.
(159) Half an hour after leaving camp, I saw the same lorry, pulled off the road beside a derelict shack.
(160) E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again.
(161) Those of some species grew as big as lorry wheels.
(162) He was working as a lorry driver but was no longer enjoying it.
(163) Jim Redding, my chief mechanical designer, and I followed the lorry all the way to make sure nothing went amiss.
(164) As they came round a bend they met a lorry overtaking a tractor.
(165) Motorist hurt: A driver was injured when his car was in collision with a lorry near Northallerton.
(166) July 4: 300 kilos of cannabis resin and herbal cannabis worth up to £3m seized from a Northern Ireland-registered lorry in Dover.
(167) Antipathy to the Sun-reading, self-employed lorry drivers runs deep in the Labour party.
(168) Case report A 7 year old boy was admitted as an emergency case after falling from the side of a lorry.
(169) The youngster was struck as the car overtook a lorry in Poolewe, Ross-shire, last July.
(170) Yet I can still detect the presence of a large lorry or bus out of the extreme corner of my eye.
(171) When they overtook me, they gave a cheer so loud that they drowned the noises of the wheelbarrow and lorry.
(172) The lorry smashed through a brick wall and plunged into the fast-flowing canal, landing on its side.
(173) Would you believe it? Just as the train pulled out of the station a lorry load of soldiers drove in like maniacs.
(174) At the back of a huge lorry, free samples of Bahlsen biscuits are being dispensed.
(175) Dalton was a lorry driver, Fox didn't even have a driving licence.
(176) Its passengers swing around like boxed chickens in the back of a livestock lorry on a mountain pass.
(177) The lorry, with its greater flexibility and convenience to farmers and country shippers, was about to take over.
(178) Polly the tea-lady was also going out - with Bri, the long-distance lorry driver, and their friends Len and Betty.
(179) Customs Offficers found the drugs hidden in a lorry load of pot plants at Sheerness Docks in January last year.
(180) They were telephone poles that had fallen from a lorry, blocking both westbound lanes of the motorway and smashing a car.
(181) This is, you will gather, a production that tends to deliver its messages by lorry.
(182) Perhaps this was rough justice for my having ridden that one mile on the workmen's lorry on the sixth day.
(183) Romford's lorry driver negligently reversed his company's vehicle into another employee, in fact, his father.
(184) And a man was killed when a Sierra collided with a lorry on the Hereford to Worcester road at Shucknell.
(185) The youngest child in the lorry started to cry as he saw a skinny boy crumple in the road.
(186) This lorry would quickly find himself with a police escort.
(187) Lorry owners will get an immediate rebate on vehicle excise duty worth £265m this year.
(188) The driver of the lorry involved in the fatal incident was charged on Aug. 29 with dangerous driving.
(189) The prosecution alleges this links them with the 3 lorry attacks.
(190) Final touches to the tractor included fitting the two original air intakes and filters from the lorry.
(191) Hurtling towards him in the swirling fog was a huge lorry powerless to stop on the icy carriageway.
(192) And lorry drivers don't sheet their loads, so the dust streams off the backs of the lorries.
(193) The driver of the lorry has been questioned and police have appealed for further witnesses.
(194) In other footage a lorry was dragging a body behind it.
(195) But there was further drama when the crane's brakes failed and it slid into the cab of the lorry.
(196) One afternoon I was bundled on to an open lorry where about 40 others were already shivering in the late autumn frost.
(196) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(197) A lorry similar to theirs was parked by the roadside and on the site there was feverish activity.
(198) Original air intakes and filters came from an old lorry.
(199) By 10am the organisers are at the start, where the sacks of coal are delivered by lorry.
(200) He was driving a lorry and accelerated away, escaping with minor injuries.
(201) Not long after the lorry driver left, the water became more and more acid and alarms went off.
(202) 'Really, then?'said Mr. Lorry, as an amendment.
(203) The blue - flies buzzed again, and Mr. Attorney - General called Mr. Jarvis Lorry.
(204) A lorry driver can legally work eighty-two hours a week.
(205) Rather wishing his modest adjective away, Mr. Lorry replied,'No, no, no.
(206) Much interested and agitated, Mr. Lorry said:'You come from Doctor Manette?'.
(207) A van was in collision with an articulated lorry on the M 1.
(208) The car was wrecked by its collision with a big lorry.




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